How to Get rid of stretch marks Quickly

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
4 Tips to Get Rid of Stretch Marks - Dr Lucas Fustinoni Brazil
Video: 4 Tips to Get Rid of Stretch Marks - Dr Lucas Fustinoni Brazil


Stretch marks, or "fissures" in the skin, develop when your skin is suddenly stretched from its natural growth limit. The dermis of the skin is damaged in multiple locations, making the tissue beneath the skin visible. "New" stretch marks are usually red or purple, gradually turning an ivory white, however, their color will vary depending on your skin tone. Up to 90% of pregnant women experience stretch marks during pregnancy. Stretch marks can also form when you are growing into puberty, losing weight or gaining muscle too quickly. Almost all medical experts believe that time is the "best remedy" for stretch marks. They will fade and completely disappear. There are many different treatments you can use for new stretch marks, but keep in mind that their effectiveness may not be as high.


Method 1 of 3: Use home remedies

  1. Drink a lot of water. Water is the fastest and most effective way to minimize the appearance of stretch marks. Skin that is fully hydrated will be softer and smoother, making the skin appear firmer and eliminating the "undulating" condition of stretch marks. Drinking plenty of water can also help prevent the formation of new stretch marks.
    • Regulations on how much water you need will vary, but it is recommended that you drink about 10 glasses of water a day to moisturize your skin and minimize the appearance of stretch marks.

  2. Use aloe vera. Aloe vera may be the most effective home remedy for treating stretch marks. This plant is well known for its soothing and healing properties; Many people often use it to treat sunburns. Break off an aloe leaf and apply directly to the affected surface of the skin. After a few minutes, you can rinse your skin with warm water. Alternatively, you can also make your own mixture of aloe vera gel.
    • Mix 60 ml (1/4 cup) of aloe vera gel with the contents of oil inside 10 vitamin E capsules and 5 vitamin A capsules.
    • Apply this mixture to your skin every day, rubbing it into your skin until it is completely absorbed into the skin.

  3. Use egg whites. The amino acids and proteins found in egg whites will help to regenerate damaged skin. This method can be effective after only a few weeks.
    • Gently beat the whites of the two eggs with a spatula until a smooth mixture is formed.
    • Use a makeup brush or sponge to apply a thick layer of egg white to your skin and let dry completely.
    • Rinse skin with cold water.
    • After rinsing the egg whites from the skin, apply a thin layer of olive oil to the skin to maintain moisture.
  4. Exfoliate with sugar. Sugar is a natural exfoliating tool - it can remove dead cells from the skin to rejuvenate your skin. It is also considered as the best home remedy for stretch marks. To be able to make a sand sugar rubbing mixture, you need:
    • Combine 1 tablespoon of sugar with a few drops of almond oil and lemon juice, then stir well.
    • Directly apply the mixture to stretch marks, rub for 8 - 10 minutes.
    • Take a shower right after.
    • For best results, you can do this method every time you shower for about a month.
  5. Apply potato juice. Although we often think potatoes are not "succulent", when cutting potatoes, you can use the moisture found in fresh potatoes because they contain so many precious vitamins and minerals. These nutrients will promote the recovery and growth of skin cells.
    • Slice a potato faithfully into thick slices.
    • Gently rub a slice of potato several times over the stretched skin, covering the entire stretch with potato "water" secretion.
    • Let dry naturally.
    • Rinse skin with warm water.
  6. Soak in lemon juice. The amount of acid in lemon juice will help reduce blemishes on the skin. Split a lemon in half and gently rub the cut area of ​​the lemon over the stretch mark. Let the lemon juice sit on your skin for about 10 minutes before rinsing it off with water.
  7. Apply olive oil. Olive oil contains useful nutrients and antioxidants, and since it has natural moisturizing properties, you won't need to rinse your skin off after use. Just gently massage the oil on the stretched skin. You can warm the oil slightly to help improve blood circulation in the skin.
  8. Moisturize with cocoa butter. Cocoa butter is known for its ability to smooth wrinkled or damaged skin. Massage cocoa butter onto stretch marks twice daily for best results. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Treat stretch marks with pharmaceuticals

  1. Use skin concealer. Many drugstores sell over-the-counter concealers that can be used on small areas of skin affected by birthmarks or stretch marks. Many products are even waterproof, and will not float for 2-3 days.
  2. Apply tretinoin cream. Tretinoin products are commonly known as "retinoid" creams. They will help regenerate the skin's collagen. Although products containing tretinoin may not completely remove stretch marks, science has shown that they help fade stretch marks.
    • Keep in mind that these products can sometimes irritate sensitive skin.
    • Consult your doctor before using creams containing this active ingredient if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.
  3. Use topical creams that contain vitamin E, vitamin C, proline, copper-peptides, or ATP (adenosine triphosphate). These ingredients work similarly to tretinoin, stimulating new collagen growth for the skin.Note that they won't be able to completely get rid of the stretch, but will cause them to fade with time.
    • Only pink or purple stretch marks react with tretinoin. Silver or white stretch marks do not respond to this drug.
  4. Look for products that contain glycolic acid. This alpha hydroxy acid is extracted from the sugar cane plant. It can also help improve collagen production in the body. While you can easily find toners, cleansers, and moisturizers that contain glycolic acid at a cosmetic store, a dermatologist can provide you with a dose if needed. Similar to tretinoin, scientific evidence has shown that small amounts of glycolic acid can fade stretch marks.
    • Consider using a combination of glycolic acid and tretinoin; More evidence has shown that this method can yield stronger results.
    • You can also try chemical peels, the results will appear after 2-3 treatments.

Method 3 of 3: Understanding surgical options

  1. Consult your doctor about laser treatment. Laser treatments use powerful wavelengths of light to stimulate the production of collagen, elastin, or melanin in the skin. Your doctor will likely recommend different treatments depending on the shape and age of your stretch and the color of your skin.
    • The pulsed dye laser is painless and is often used on "newly formed" stretch marks. The laser's energy will destroy the blood vessels underneath the skin, causing the red or purple stretch marks to disappear completely or turn white.
  2. Consider using super abrasion method. Your therapist will use a hand-held device to blow the tiny crystals into your skin. They will abrasive, or "smooth" the surface of the skin. Then, a vacuum removes these crystals and dead cells from the skin. Removing the top layer of skin helps stimulate the formation of new, more resilient skin.
    • Remember that this is one of the few treatments that is effective in minimizing old stretch marks.
  3. Consult your doctor about plastic surgery as a last resort. Abdominal reduction surgery, or abdominal stretching, can remove the skin that is cracked due to stretch marks. However, keep in mind that plastic surgery can be expensive and dangerous. You should think carefully about whether stretch marks are worth doing this rather invasive method. Most doctors recommend the abdominal stretch method compared to the super abrasion method and the laser, because the results of the abdominal stretch method are more beautiful. advertisement