Ways to remove stretch marks

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Reduce Stretch Marks | DIY Home Remedies
Video: How To Reduce Stretch Marks | DIY Home Remedies


Stretch marks can occur when there is a sudden change in body size, for example during pregnancy, puberty or rapid weight gain. According to statistics, more than 90% of pregnant women experience stretch marks in the abdomen, hips, and thighs, and unfortunately this is hereditary, ie if your mother does stretch then you have the same ability.

However, you don't need to be scared have There are several ways to help prevent stretch marks as well as reduce the appearance of new and old stretch marks. Here are a few suggestions for you, listed from easiest to most difficult.


Part 1 of 6: Tested topical products

  1. Use a moisturizer. A study comparing herbal moisturizers found that using these products every day significantly improved the skin's appearance and elasticity. Think of it this way: if your skin has to stretch too much, providing enough moisture will help reduce tears and stretch marks.
    • Use a moisturizing lotion for new stretch marks or areas you are worried about stretching. Note that while lotion will still improve the appearance of old stretch marks, it will not be as effective as when applied to new ones.
    • If you are concerned about the chemicals in an over-the-counter moisturizer, prepare your own moisturizing mix from wheat germ oil, olive oil, and aloe vera. Also the above research has shown this blend to be the best homemade moisturizer ..

  2. Use Retin-A. A study from the University of Michigan (USA) found that users of Retin-A (or retinoic acid cream) on new stretch marks showed significant improvement. Researchers believe that Retin-A has the ability to stimulate collagen production, helping the skin to relax and prevent tearing.
    • Note should not take any product containing retinoic acid if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Retinoic acid can cause birth defects in the fetus in humans ..
    • Retin-A is ineffective on old stretch marks.
    • You may need a prescription from your doctor to buy products like Retin-A, Renova, Tazorac, and Differin (all of which contain retinoic acid).
    • Limit your skin's exposure to the sun while taking Retin-A because your skin is more prone to sunburn.

  3. Use glycolic acid. Glycolic acid used on stretch marks can help increase collagen production, which in turn makes skin more elastic. As an alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA), glycolic acid belongs to the same class as the compounds used in chemical peels.
    • Glycolic acid is safe to apply to the skin during pregnancy.
    • Be careful and avoid exposure to sunlight during treatment with glycolic acid.
    • You can buy glycolic acid over the counter. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, you can purchase a higher dose medication from a prescription from a licensed dermatologist.

  4. Combine glycolic acid with Retin-A. When used in combination, glycolic acid and Retin-A can significantly improve the appearance of stretch marks. If you choose to do this, you should "prepare" your skin for Retin-A exposure before taking glycolic acid.
    • Are not take Retin-A while pregnant or breast-feeding. Use can cause serious defects in the fetus ..
    • If you need to see your doctor for a Retin-A prescription, ask your doctor if he / she recommends combining with glycolic acid.
  5. Try vitamin E oil. Vitamin E oil is often thought to be a great remedy for stretch marks. However, one study found that vitamin E was most effective for women who had ever been pregnant and that it was not as effective when taken normally. Even so, taking vitamin E in moderation is not harmful.
    • Try mixing vitamin E oil with a carrier lotion, such as a regular unscented moisturizer, to apply it more effectively.
  6. Try egg oil. Using egg oil regularly during the first trimester can help prevent pregnancy-induced stretch marks. You just need to gently apply egg oil over the entire abdomen, including the sides and lower abdomen, up to the "bikini area", twice daily, starting from 8 weeks to 6 months postpartum. advertisement

Part 2 of 6: Unproven topical products

  1. Use essential oils. Although there are no peer-evaluated studies on how essential oils heal stretch marks, they are still used as home remedies today. You can apply the essential oils directly to the skin or use a carrier oil (like coconut oil or an unscented moisturizer) to make it easier to apply. Here are some common essential oils that work to remove stretch marks:
    • lavender
    • rose
    • Frankincense (frankincense)
    • Geranium
    • Chi Cuc immortal
    • Balsam

Part 3 of 6: Take supplements

  1. Fortified with vitamin C. Some dermatologists claim that taking 500 mg of vitamin C in oral supplements may help reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
    • For better results, you can use topical glycolic acid in combination with vitamin C.

Part 4 of 6: Laser treatment

  1. For new stretch marks, you can use a pulsed dye laser (or vascular laser). The pulsed dye laser set at 585-nm was shown to reduce stretch marks in postpartum Korean women. This type of treatment can help reduce the initial redness and are most effective on new (not already silver) stretch marks.
    • Prepare financial resources for needing laser therapy. The treatment process usually consists of 3-6 sessions at a cost of about $ 450 per session.
    • Vascular laser treatment is not effective for women with dark skin. Similar to laser hair removal, stretch removal is most effective when there is a great contrast between the target (in this case, red stretch marks) and the pigmentation.
  2. For long-term stretch marks, you might want to try dissociation laser (or resurfacing laser) treatments. For stretch marks that are no longer discolored but are concave, you can resurfacing with a "split" laser focused on small areas of skin. The laser is directed at the corners of the stretch marks, helping to smooth the skin's surface ..
    • Usually about 3 separate laser treatments are needed; each treatment costs about 1000 dollars.
    • Potential side effects of split laser treatments are hyperpigmentation and scarring.

Part 5 of 6: Surgery

  1. Plastic surgery (or tummy tuck). You guessed it right! The only natural way to remove stretch marks is to remove them.If you have tried other methods that are not able to get rid of stretch marks on your skin, you may want to choose abdominal plastic surgery.
    • Prepare the cost. In the US, the cost of abdominal plastic surgery is usually between 4,000 and 20,000 dollars.
    • Risk awareness. Like any major surgery, plastic surgery has a risk of life-threatening complications.
    • Prepare for extended recovery time. You may need to take time off from work 2-4 weeks and takes approx 3-6 months for full recovery.
  2. Consider a solution to "change a new face for mothers" or a combination of methods. Some postpartum women often go for abdominal plastic surgery, breast augmentation and all-in-one liposuction. advertisement

Part 6 of 6: Identify which methods are not working

  1. Cocoa butter has not been shown to help reduce stretch marks. In a "double-blind" study, cocoa butter did not show any significant effect on stretch marks. Therefore, you should be wary of products advertised for this use.
  2. Products containing peptides have also not been shown to be effective. "Renewable" creams or serums containing peptides or proteins have not been shown to work to restore skin damage caused by stretch marks. advertisement


  • Drink enough water (2 liters per day) because the skin loses its elasticity when the body is dehydrated. Maintaining a healthy weight can also help.
  • Use moisturizing wax or Vaseline.
  • Ensure a nutritious diet. Skin needs to be replenished with nutrients to regenerate itself and stay healthy.
  • For long-term stretch marks, you should apply products with SPF 60 or higher for stretch marks. High SPF tanning products make stretch marks less visible and if you exercise, this helps a lot.
  • Do exercise.
  • Bio-oil oil is also helpful in blurring stretch marks.
  • Without surgery, it is almost impossible to completely remove stretch marks because stretch marks are actually tears / scars in the dermis (middle layer) and stretch marks are the result of tear / scar healing. .
  • Try losing weight to partially reduce stretch marks.
  • If you can't find a treatment, you just need to be aware of your own unique beauty, don't care about anything else.
  • Tight muscles make stretch marks look less.


  • Always read the ingredients list carefully in any new skin care product before using. This step is especially important for pregnant or lactating women. Ask your doctor if you are unsure if the product is safe to use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • Most treatments are only partially effective, under the best conditions. Since stretch marks are permanent by nature, expect real results.
  • Some treatments, for example creams, may not have anti-allergic properties and may therefore provoke an allergy.