How to Get Rid of Acne

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How To Get Rid of Acne | Best Spot Treatment | How To Use Benzoyl Peroxide | Prevent Acne (2018)
Video: How To Get Rid of Acne | Best Spot Treatment | How To Use Benzoyl Peroxide | Prevent Acne (2018)


Most people experience the occurrence of acne at some point in their life, whether due to hormones or stress. Contrary to popular belief, acne isn't necessarily caused by your skin being dirty or unclean - in fact, excessively clean skin can be more prone to irritation. Hormones, however, are completely out of your control, and making a few simple changes can help you curb acne flare-ups. You will be able to quickly have bright, healthy, and acne-free skin.


Part 1 of 3: Treating Acne with Lifestyle Changes

  1. Exercise regularly. Exercise will help you quite a lot in reducing acne. It releases endorphins that help reduce stress levels and thereby reduce the production of sebum on the skin, and in addition, exercise will make you sweat and thereby remove dead cells on the skin. . Aim to exercise every day for at least 30 minutes to minimize acne on your face, but also on your chest, shoulders, and back.

  2. Do not touch your face with your hands. This is a difficult thing to do because people often touch their face every day. Be careful not to scratch your face, put your hands on your face, and squeeze pimples. Never squeeze pustules or squeeze blackheads as this will only make your skin more infected and will make your acne worse.

  3. Take a shower regularly. While you may want to save on water costs, regular bathing will help limit the sebum production on your skin, kill bacteria, and remove dead cells. Use a gentle skin cleanser to shower and use shampoo to help reduce the amount of oil in your hair. Remember to take a shower after exercising to get rid of dead skin cells when you sweat.

  4. Healthy eating. Processed and greasy foods will significantly increase the amount of acne on your body. Providing adequate nutrients through eating a lot of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and protein will speed up the regeneration of the skin and limit the production of excess oil. excess on the skin. Whenever possible, avoid processed foods and foods high in sugar (such as junk food).
  5. Get at least 8 hours of sleep per night. Sleep has two benefits for you, it helps your body relax and also helps to detoxify the body. If you don't get enough sleep, your skin won't have enough time to regenerate its skin cells. Adjust your sleep schedule by going to bed at the same time each night and sleeping for at least 8 hours.
  6. Drink a lot of water. Although we often hear people recommend drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day, there really isn't a specific amount of water you should consume per day. Water helps purify the body and purify the skin, so make sure you stay hydrated.
  7. Relax your body and mind. High stress levels stimulate sebum production, so take some time to relax. Take a bath, read, meditate, or do yoga and watch the transformation of your skin.
  8. Wash items with cloth. Any fabric item that regularly comes into contact with your skin every day - clothes, towels, pillow covers, and bed sheets - needs to be washed at least once a week to remove oil and bacteria accumulate. Use cleansers made for sensitive skin to help with your acne problem.
  9. Use oil-free cosmetics. If you put on make-up, you can get stuck in the cycle of using cosmetics to cover blemishes while making your skin more prone to acne every time you try to cover it. Acne spots using cosmetics. Look for mineral products that help prevent acne and are oil-free to avoid making it worse. You can use foundation when applying makeup. Whenever possible, avoid makeup as it clog pores on your skin.
    • Rinse your makeup brush regularly to prevent bacteria from multiplying.
  10. Use sunscreen every day and shouldn't "tan" (tan). Ultraviolet Radiation is the main cause of premature aging of the skin. It can also cause Skin Cancer when used in high doses. Treat the sun as it is the ray of death. Failure to protect the skin under harmful UVA and UVB rays will damage the skin and prolong post inflammatory erythema (PIE) on the skin - a condition that leaves red marks on the skin caused by acne because of the sun stimulates the production of skin pigmentation cells.
    • Sunlight not only prolongs PIE, but also causes premature skin aging including pigmentation and wrinkles. UV damage will also damage your DNA. Sunscreen is an essential anti-aging skin product for all ages from old to young - it helps prevent skin cancer. Sunscreen is a source of youth contained in a jar. Prevention is better than cure. Sunlight is not the way to safely dye your skin brown as it only damages your skin.
    • Therefore, you should use a sunscreen with SPF 30 every day. A small note for you, if a sunscreen has an SPF of higher than 30, its UVB resistance will decrease. The% level of the SPF's UVB protection against UVB is shown as a straight chart and is stable at indicators higher than SPF 30. So SPF 40 and 50 don't Making a lot of difference in its ability to protect against the sun. Many countries prohibit the sale of sunscreens with an SPF 100 rating.
    • To protect your skin against UVA rays, you should use a sunscreen with a PA +++ rating or higher, PA ++++, especially if you want to use it to treat PIE (redness caused by acne on the skin). PPD is similar to SPF for UVA rays; use a sunscreen that has a PPD of at least 20. The PA + index rating system has a + sign that corresponds to PPD protection. A little suggestion for you, different countries often use different PA rating systems. Japan and Taiwan use the PA classification system with 4+ while Korea only uses the 3+ system.
    • When exposed to the sun for long periods of time, try to shield yourself from the shade as much as possible and wear a wide-brimmed hat and wear long-sleeved, cool clothing. Use sunglasses, especially those with less of the melanin (melanin) in their eyes. Consider bringing an umbrella to shade the sun. In Asian countries, umbrellas are a popular fashion accessory.
  11. Avoid applying toothpaste, lemons, and baking soda to the pimples. If used incorrectly, they can cause irritation or chemical burns on your face.
    • Toothpaste, lemon, baking soda, and salt are common treatments for acne or even skin tone, but they often damage the skin. Avoid using this method.
  12. Avoid using apricot scrubs containing microbead as these can cause microscopic tears in the skin and contribute to lip pollution. as well as increasing the bioaccumulation of the food chain.
    • Apricot exfoliating scrubs are used by many people, however, the walnut shells contained in this product are too sharp to exfoliate and will form microscopic tears on the skin. skin - contributes to premature aging of the skin.
    • Tiny plastic particles are in the process of being considered to ban in many areas because they pollute the water and make it easy for fish to eat.

Part 2 of 3: Home Treatment

  1. Wash your face twice daily with a pH-balanced skin cleanser. The first step in getting acne-free skin is to form a strict cleansing routine to restore the acidic layer on the skin and thereby prevent the development of blemishes. Force yourself to wash your face with a pH 5.5 cleanser in the morning when you wake up and in the evening before going to bed. No matter how busy or tired you are, taking a few minutes to cleanse your skin will thoroughly reduce acne.
    • If blemishes form on other parts of your body such as your shoulders, back, and chest, scrub these areas twice daily.
    • If you wear makeup, never go to bed without makeup. Going to bed while makeup is still on your face will increase the number of acne you have and make the process of getting rid of acne more difficult. Use an oil-free makeup remover before washing your face with your usual cleanser to completely remove any trace of makeup on your skin.
  2. Use oil to wash your face. This is Oil Cleansing Method (OCM), which is quite popular in Asian countries and is becoming a famous beauty trend. OCM is a gentle cleansing method for the skin, and is ideal for sensitive skin.
    • Look for oils such as olive oil, egg oil, grape seed oil, castor oil, and ostrich oil.
  3. Exfoliate the face. Exfoliants are gentle products that peel off (to remove) dead cells that build up on the skin and cause acne. You can use chemical or natural exfoliation.
    • For gentle exfoliation, use chemical exfoliants, such as those with AHA or BHA ingredients and a pH of about 3 or 4 to remove dead skin. . Chemical exfoliants strip dead cells from the skin.
    • BHA-based products usually include salicylic acid, and the pH must be at 3 or 4 for this to be effective. BHA will slough off (to remove) dead cells from the skin and stimulate the growth of new skin layers. As a result, you may experience dry or flaky skin around the acne-prone area, but it will gradually disappear once your skin begins to regenerate more quickly. Apply a BHA-based skin cleanser or acne treatment to acne-prone skin every day.
    • The aspirin pill, which contains salicylic acid, is a BHA that can be crushed and mixed with water and then applied to the pimple to reduce redness and swelling.
    • Apply a thin layer of honey to your skin and let it sit for 30 minutes. Rinse skin with warm water. Honey has a pH ranging from 3 to 6, but at a pH of 3 or 4, honey contains AHA ingredients that can be used to exfoliate.
    • For natural exfoliation, you can purchase konjac sponge. This sponge is quite gentle on the skin of the face.
    • For natural exfoliation, consider oatmeal. Mix the oats and honey together and rub them on your face for 2-3 minutes, then gently rinse your skin with warm water to remove any leftover residue.
  4. Apply essential oils to new pimples. Neem and tea tree oil are believed to have antibacterial properties that may help kill the bacteria that cause acne. Apply a drop of diluted tea tree or neem oil to the pimple, or wet a cotton ball and wipe it on the affected area.
    • Tea tree oil is an antibacterial agent that can help clear the bacteria that clog pores. Avoid pure tea oil - it will burn your skin and make acne worse. Carefully read the warning printed on the oil tank's label.
  5. Use products containing benzoyl peroxide. You can use products with benzoyl peroxide made in the form of a soap or lotion on acne-prone skin. This product helps to remove dead skin cells and helps promote skin regeneration which can take place more quickly. Look for products that contain 3% benzoyl peroxide or less to avoid irritating the skin.
  6. Use a clay mask that contains sulfur. Although we don't yet understand why sulfur is such a great acne removal agent, we all know that it does. Look for sulfur-containing products to get rid of acne, maybe sulfur's anti-acne effect is through its ability to reduce oil production on the skin.
  7. Use toner after cleansing skin. After cleansing, exfoliating, masking, apply balancing water over entire face. Balancing water will help tighten pores so dirt and sebum can't stick to your pores. Look for a water balance at your local cosmetics store, or you can soak witch hazel or apple cider vinegar into a cotton ball and apply it to your skin. You don't need to wash your face after applying toner - just leave it on.
  8. Always use moisturizers. Oily skin causes breakouts, and if your skin is too dry, your body produces sebum to make up for the lost oil. To prevent this, use a mild moisturizer every morning and night after washing your face. Apply moisturizer after applying toner.
  9. Use retinoids. Retinoid is a drug that needs to be prescribed in order to be used, so learn the side effects of the drug carefully before using it. Retinoid skin cleansing products contain high levels of vitamin A that help clear congested pores and remove dirt. You can ask your doctor to prescribe medicine for you. Commercial over-the-counter products advertised that contain retinoids are ineffective.
  10. Look for products that contain azelaic acid. Azelaic acid is an antibacterial agent that reduces redness and inflammation and can often be found in wheat and barley. If acne leaves on your skin, try using products containing azelaic acid to clear pores and minimize blemishes caused by acne.
  11. Use a face mask. Face masks often contain compounds that help soothe your skin and help kill bacteria. Apply the mask 2-3 times per week for 15-20 minutes to dry out your skin and clear your pores. You can find face masks at a cosmetics store or pharmacy, or you can make your own at home.
    • Make a mixture of cucumber and oatmeal. Cucumber helps reduce redness and treat bruises while oatmeal helps to soften the skin and soothe irritated skin. Use a food blender to grind cucumber and oatmeal until it forms a thick paste, then apply this mixture to your skin and let it sit for 15-20 minutes before rinsing skin with water. warm.

Part 3 of 3: Treatment at Dermatology Clinic or Spa

  1. Use a facial treatment. Most spas offer this, and facials will include using a variety of skin cleansers, face masks, and various pimple tools to minimize acne. caviar on your face. If you do not feel comfortable doing these procedures on your face by a beauty therapist, visit a dermatology clinic so you can use a more specialized facial treatment. .
  2. Facial skin. Exfoliation uses a specialized gel containing acids to remove dead skin and bacterial cells. Along with your regular skin care regimen, using a facial exfoliation can help minimize skin acne.
  3. Use superconducting (super abrasive) abrasion therapy. This is a treatment process in which your skin is "smoothed" to stimulate the formation of a new skin layer. Using super abrasion therapy once a week for a few months is the most effective way you can use it because each treatment can only affect your outer layer.
  4. Get laser treatment. That's right - use lasers to get rid of acne.Many dermatologists are currently offering new treatments in which they use lasers to shoot powerful rays of light that destroy the excess oil-producing glands underneath your skin. This can be painful, but it has been shown to reduce acne breakouts by 50%.
  5. Use light treatments. Unlike a laser that causes pain, phototherapy uses softer pulses of light emitted by a special machine to help kill bacteria on your skin. Specific colors of light (including red, green, and blue) have been shown to be effective in acne elimination. Consult a dermatologist to determine if a light treatment is the right option for you.
  6. Use prescription drugs. A dermatologist can prescribe a few medications for you to help you treat severe acne, but you need to be careful when using them. Just like with other medicines, some people may experience unwanted side effects of the medication.
    • Taking birth control pills (for women) can help regulate the amount of hormones in the body that can cause acne. Consult with a dermatologist to determine if this is the right acne treatment for you.
    • In some severe cases of acne, your doctor may prescribe a special remedy known as accutane for you to take. This is an incredibly powerful retinoid treatment that has been shown to virtually eliminate traces of acne. However, this is the drug with the most serious side effects of all acne medications, and you need to use it with extreme caution.


  • Do not use too many acne remedies at once; For if one of these measures works, you will not be able to identify it. Instead, use each treatment product one at a time and try different methods until you find the right one.
  • Please be patient. Although it may seem that acne appears overnight, the effectiveness of the remedies you use will persist for a long time. With perseverance, you will be able to have acne-free skin.
  • Find out carefully about products that contain ingredients advertised as natural extracts before use: You won't want to apply mercury or toxic ivy to your skin, so be careful when using using products advertised or trademarked as "natural" products, home remedies. Natural treatments are not meant to be safe for the skin! However, you should use ingredients that have been scientifically proven to be suitable for the skin.


  • Apply sunscreen if you use a topical cream to treat acne such as salicylic acid. This chemical can help treat acne but will also make your skin more sensitive to the sun.
  • If you are pregnant (and pregnant women often experience acne), consult your doctor before use. any a product without a prescription.