How to get rid of acne overnight

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Rid of Acne OVERNIGHT
Video: How to Get Rid of Acne OVERNIGHT


You must have woken up in the morning and watched yourself in the mirror, suddenly seeing a swollen, red, and burning blister on your face that wasn't there the night before when you went to bed. Yes you will choose to do nothing, leave them alone but yes you will want to deal with them yourself and try to eliminate them. If you want to fade pimples as quickly as possible when you're in a hurry, try the steps below.


Part 1 of 3: Dealing with acne

  1. Try sea salt. Mix one teaspoon of sea salt with two tablespoons of warm water. Then use a cotton swab to dab the salt water directly on the pimple. Do not rinse with water. Sea salt kills bacteria and dries out the pimple.

  2. Try benzoyl peroxide (hydrogen peroxide). Benzoyl peroxide can get rid of bacteria that cause acne.Benzoyl peroxide comes in many different concentrations, but benzoyl peroxide at 2.5% is just as effective as 5-10% benzoyl peroxide and less irritating .. Benzoyl peroxide also helps to flake off the skin layers. dies, leaving skin brighter and brighter.

  3. Use salicilic acid. Like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid kills bacteria that cause acne. It also causes skin cells to flake faster, promoting the growth of new skin. After washing your face, apply a small amount of salicylic acid to the acne.

  4. Use tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is an antibacterial essential oil that can kill the bacteria that nest in your pores. Put a little tea tree oil on a cotton swab, then dab on the pimple, be careful not to overdo it.
    • Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory properties, making acne smaller and less reddened.
  5. Crush aspirin. Crush an aspirin tablet and add just enough water to make a paste. Use a cotton swab to apply a thin layer of this mixture to the pimple. Apply all the pimples and let them dry. Aspirin is also used to fight inflammation, applying a mixture of aspirin to the skin to help fight inflammation and fade acne. Leave the aspirin mixture on overnight.
  6. Apply astringent to acne. An astringent causes the pores to shrink, making the skin smoother. Some pharmaceutical astringents contain antibacterial ingredients that will help prevent acne or reduce it. Here are some astringents to use:
    • Commercially available astringent. Commercially available astringents come in a variety of types and packages. Choose an astringent that contains benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Ask your pharmacist what types of emollients are soothing to your skin.
    • Natural astringents are also effective during folding. Natural astringents include:
      • Lemon juice. The citric acid in lemon juice kills acne-causing bacteria and helps tighten the skin. Lots of people do it this way. Cut a slice of lemon and gently rub it on the pimple. Then apply toner (a deep cleansing solution) to balance the pH of the skin. Lemons are strongly acidic and can alter the pH of the skin, which is why a toner is important.
      • Banana peel. Banana peels are effective at treating insect and mosquito bites, which can help make acne smaller. Gently rub the banana peel on the pimple.
      • Hazel. Witch hazel has been used as a useful astringent with a variety of uses. Use witch hazel extract that does not contain alcohol. Apply a small amount to the pimple and let it air dry.
      • Green tea. Green tea is an astringent that contains many antioxidants, which help slow the aging process by preventing free radicals. Dip the tea packet in hot water, stir well, and quickly place the tea packet on the pimple.
  7. Use egg oil. Egg oil is effective in removing acne and preventing scarring.
    • Wash your hands with soap or a cleaning device before using egg oil.
    • Using your fingertips, gently apply the egg oil to the skin twice a day until the scar disappears.
    • After an hour rinse with a soft face towel.

Part 2 of 3: Reducing redness

  1. Place ice on the pimple. This will reduce swelling, as ice will slow blood flow to the area. Ice can be placed directly on the pimple or wrapped in a thin layer of gauze or a washcloth.
  2. Use eye drops on acne. Eye drops reduce redness, so they are also effective at reducing redness and irritation. Put an appropriate amount of eye drops onto a cotton swab, then dab on the pimple.
    • Cold temperatures can also help reduce inflammation, so place a cotton swab in the refrigerator one hour before using it. A cold cotton swab will soothe acne as it reduces inflammation.
  3. Try a natural antihistamine. Antihistamines help reduce swelling in the body's skin tissue. Most of these medications come in pill form, but some can come in tea or topical form. They are used to reduce redness. Natural plant-derived antihistamines include:
    • Nettle. This sounds ridiculous because touching the wild nettle can cause a rash with tiny blisters. Even so, some doctors recommend that stinging nettle is dried and then chilled, it is known to reduce the amount of histamine the body produces.
    • Horsetail flower is also used as a natural antihistamine. In Europe, people have long used this plant to treat skin diseases. The leaves of the plant are crushed and made into a paste or pellets.
    • Basil is also effective as a natural antihistamine. Heat two basil leaves with heat and gently apply to the affected skin area. Basil helps to confirm that the rash is just a normal response of the body to the outside environment.

Part 3 of 3: General rules

  1. Wash your face twice a day. Try to wash your face twice a day. Wash gently and do not use a dirty washcloth or anything dirty: bacteria in a dirty washcloth cause breakouts.
    • Use a facial cleanser once a week to help exfoliate dead skin. Exfoliation causes the epidermis, the most dead skin layer is removed. Doing this once a week is good for the skin.
    • Moisturize after every face wash. The skin is also a part of the body. Like kidney, it needs water to stay healthy. Moisturize your skin after each wash.
  2. Do not touch your face. Try not to touch your face either accidentally or on purpose. Dirty hands are carriers of bacteria. The less you touch your face, the fresher and healthier your face will be.
  3. Do exercise. Exercise is a useful way to get rid of acne. When you exercise, you release stress. Stress is thought to cause acne to grow quickly, although doctors are still not sure how it affects.
    • Find a healthy exercise to relieve stress and anxiety. Join a sports team, go to the gym, or force yourself to stick to a daily exercise regimen. All of these activities will make your skin brighter.
    • Take a shower after exercise. When you do exercise, you sweat (if you exercise really, you will sweat). Dirt, salt and dead skin cells will accumulate after heavy exercise.
  4. Cut back on sweets. Minimize the use of sugar to keep the skin healthy. Sugar can worsen inflammation and cause more breakouts, or worsen flare-ups. Sweets, chocolate, and sugary drinks are all things to cut back.
  5. Do not drink alcohol. Alcohol has a negative effect on acne. So drinking alcohol can make acne worse. Alcohol dehydrates the body, leading to the loss of water it needs. Alcohol also contains a lot of sugar that makes acne breakout faster. To reduce the harmful effects of alcohol, drink less alcohol and you will see results. Instead of drinking a lot of alcohol, drink plenty of water.
  6. Doesn't work on acne. Do not squeeze, hook, poke, rub, scratch, or touch the pimple unless you are on medication or treatment. Doing so will only make the pimple more prone to redness and inflammation. Easy to say but difficult to implement. If you don't work on the pimple, the chance of getting scarred will be lower and eventually get rid of it faster. advertisement


  • Just patting, rubbing vigorously will make the skin red.
  • Do not touch the pimple with your hands. Your hands are rich in oils and germs. Touching the pimple can cause it to become infected.
  • Have a habit of drinking lots of water.
  • Sugar and chocolate are thought to cause acne, which is not true, so you don't need to abstain from sugar and chocolate. A poor diet and eating foods that you are allergic to often cause acne. Some people can completely eat chocolate, but a little cheese will fill their face with acne the very next day. A healthy and nutritious diet is important, keep in mind, otherwise food could be the cause of acne.
  • Do not shower immediately after exercising, as this will damage your skin and clog pores. Wait at least 30 minutes before showering.
  • Apply apple cider vinegar overnight. It has an unpleasant smell but is very effective.
  • Sweat can clear pores, but too long to perspire can clog pores, so take a shower after exercise but avoid bathing immediately as it is very harmful to the body, it causes heat. the body temperature changes suddenly, leading to shock.
  • Mix baking soda (a white powder chemically named sodium hydrocarbonate or sodium bicabonate) and toothpaste to create a paste, which will cause less skin irritation, leave the mixture overnight, then apply. skin and leave overnight.
  • Use an aloe extract: take a portion of the stem and cut it out. Take the entire intestine and apply it to your skin morning and evening. Leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Lemon juice is more effective than toothpaste but is more likely to cause more skin irritation if you have sensitive skin.
  • Products such as Aloe Vera gel (an aloe vera gel) and charcoal based soap (a graphite soap) can cleanse the skin and reduce oily skin. Regular use can help prevent blemishes and blemishes.


  • The toothpaste will make you feel a little sore after you apply it, but if you still feel pain after that, stop using it because doing so will further damage your skin. If you have sensitive skin or skin conditions, don't use toothpaste.