How to make pizza with a barbecue

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to BBQ Perfect Pizza Neapolitan in The Grill / Full DOUGH Recipe
Video: How to BBQ Perfect Pizza Neapolitan in The Grill / Full DOUGH Recipe


  • If the stove does not have a lid, you can replace it with a baking tray placed upside down on the stove.
  • Try a stove with a flat, wide grill. A grooved grill will still cook pizza, but it will be more difficult to wash.
  • For a wood stove or outdoor stove, you will need a brick grill and a hot charcoal grill.
  • Cover the barbecue grill with an upside-down baking tray if your stove does not have a lid. Put bricks on two sides of the wall and one wall at the back of the kitchen. Each wall surface should be 2 bricks high. Leave the top and the front of the stove exposed. The distance between the two walls on the right side is small enough for the baking tray to be securely and safely placed on top.
    • Bake the pizza by placing it in the space inside the "walls" and cover the baking tray on top to let the heat down on the surface.
    • Take great care when using this method to avoid burns.
    • Take out the baking tray with the top lid to check after baking for a while. Remove the cake if it turns brown too quickly.

  • Place bricks around the stove to increase heat. If desired, you can place clean tiles around the barbecue grill before heating up to simulate a toaster. When using bricks, it takes extra time to preheat the stove, but the heat will be more even and suitable for baking a pizza.
    • Use clean bricks to avoid the risk of fire and pack them in tin foil to ensure safety.
  • Preheat the oven to about 300 degrees Celsius. Rinse the grill with dish soap before and after using it. Preheat the stove for at least 10 -15 minutes to burn any remaining debris. If the kitchen is not clean, the food will smell too much smoke and the taste of the pizza will be drowned out.
    • If your barbecue does not have a flat grill (only horizontal or slotted grill), you can bake pizza on a thick cast iron pan, pizza ice cube or a kitchen utensil with a flat, durable and resistant base. Fire.
  • Part 2 of 3: Roll the dough

    1. Place 450 g of pizza dough on a flat surface sprinkled with a thin layer of flour. Sprinkle some flour on a suitable surface such as a pizza shovel, baking tray or cutting board.
      • You can buy pizza dough from the store or make your own. If making your own, keep in mind that whole grain flour or fine cornstarch will be richer in protein and chewier, but will take longer to cook.
    2. Roll the dough from the inside out into a circle about 30 cm in diameter. Roll the rolling dough up and down along the dough. Thin pizza crests are usually about 0.3-0.6 cm thick. Be sure to rotate the dough and roll it flat in as many directions as possible so that the cake is evenly thick.
      • Try making a thin base - most pizza baked on the barbecue has a thinner base and less raw ingredients because it's baked from the bottom up.
      • A well-controlled heat barbecue grill can cook cakes of different thicknesses and textures; You will have to experiment to find out which is best suited for your kitchen.
      • You can pre-bake the cake and freeze it. The frozen crust is still delicious, so try baking once as you can.

    3. Cut the filling ingredients into equal thickness pieces. Only use up to 3 types of cake. Regular pizza filling consists of green bell peppers, onions, tomatoes and mushrooms. You can also use spinach, chocolate, and other less popular ingredients. Meat fillings usually include pork sausage, beef sausage and chicken.
      • If you want something simple, you can make a pizza by baking both sides like a pancake, then dab garlic oil on the cake and eat or sandwich with other foods.
    4. Cook raw meat before placing on pizza. This step is especially important when you are using seafood and chicken. You don't want the cake to be baked and the filling is still alive. It is best if you place the meat close to the edge of the pizza to cook faster.
      • Eat cooked meat as soon as possible. If you have leftovers, store them in a clean, tightly sealed container and place in the lower compartment of your refrigerator at 5 degrees C or lower. Keep cooked meats separate from processed foods and raw meats.
    5. Apply olive oil to the cake surface. Gently use a brush to sweep the olive oil over the cake. Continue sweeping until the entire surface of the powder is coated with a thin layer of oil.
    6. Place the olive oil face down, cover and bake for 1-2 minutes. Open the kitchen lid and gently place the dough on the grill. Bake for about 3 minutes without a lid, or 1-2 minutes if covered.
      • Use tongs to lift the dough every 30 seconds. The cake must be baked to the point that it is marked with the grill but not crispy.
    7. Use a shovel to turn the base of the cake. Move the shovel under the dough as far as possible and place the other hand on the uncooked surface. Gently turn the dough over on the grill.
      • The cake should be taken out easily without breaking. If it feels soft or looks fragile, continue to cook for another 30 seconds, then check again.
      • If the cake is golden on one side, use a tongs or a shovel to turn the cake 90 degrees and bake for another minute.
    8. Sweep olive oil on the cake and add a teaspoon of large sauce. Pour a little olive oil onto the oil brush and lightly brush the surface of the baked pizza, then scoop a teaspoon of sauce over the cake, using the back of the spoon to spread the sauce evenly over the surface.
      • You can use one or more large teaspoons of the sauce if you like to eat a lot of sauce, but this puts the cake at risk of getting wet.
    9. Add the cake and cheese filling to the cooked cake. Start by spreading the filling evenly over the top, then sprinkle the cheese on top, and if there's meat, place it on top of the cheese. Avoid filling it with filling, especially cheese and different sauces.
      • The cheese will yellow and flow very quickly, so if you add too much cheese, the filling will likely leak.
      • If you add too much cheese, the cake runs the risk of burning and burning.
    10. Close the vent for 2-3 minutes if you are using a charcoal grill. Be sure to close the vents on the lid for most of the baking process. After 2-3 minutes of baking or when the cheese starts to bubble and the bottom starts to scrape, remove it with a shovel and place it on a cutting board for 1-2 minutes before serving.
      • Remove the pizza when it feels melted.
    11. Cut the pizza into four parts. Gently hold the edge of the cake and cut a vertical line between the cake, then cut a horizontal line to divide the cake into four equal parts.
      • You can cut 1-2 more diagonal lines if you want to divide the cake into smaller pieces, but 4 pieces are best suited for each serving with this size pizza.
      • If you have a lot of people eating the cake, ask everyone to lend you a hand when baking so you can share your work and enjoy the cake when it's finished.


    • A barbecue pizza can take a lot of effort, practice and experimentation to be the perfect result. Making pizza in the conventional oven is much easier, but if you take care, the results are worth it.
    • Pay attention to your neighbors and make sure the wind is blowing away from your home (especially clothes drying lines). There are many restaurants now serving grilled pizzas, so it's best to go to those places instead of messing up with the neighbors because there is no suitable place for a BBQ.


    • Bake only in appropriate areas. Watch out for smoke and local government fire restrictions and potential tree fires.

    What you need

    • Grill stove (gas stove or charcoal)
    • Oil brush
    • Big spoon
    • Pizza pan
    • Baking tray (optional)
    • Kitchen gloves
    • Metal clamps
    • Metal cooking shovel