How to Contact Yahoo

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Contact Yahoo Customer Service | Facing issue with Yahoo Mail? Visit Yahoo Help Center
Video: How to Contact Yahoo Customer Service | Facing issue with Yahoo Mail? Visit Yahoo Help Center


This wikiHow teaches you how to contact Yahoo. You can use an online tool to report spam or harassment; If you need to solve simple account problems, try using the Help Center. There is no phone number or email address to contact Yahoo employees, so if you find a phone number claiming to be Yahoo support don't call. Note: you can change or reset the password without having to contact Yahoo.


Method 1 of 2: Report spam or harassment

  1. Open the page Email a Specialist (Email expert) by Yahoo. You can report problems with your Yahoo account on this page. This is the only place where you can contact Yahoo services directly.

  2. Enter your Yahoo email address. In the "Yahoo ID" text box near the top of the page, enter your Yahoo account email address.
  3. Add an email address. In the "Email address that you have access to" text box, enter your current email address. This is the Yahoo account you use often, or you can use a separate account (such as Gmail).

  4. Re-enter the email address in the "Re-enter the email address" text box...’.
  5. Add a detailed description. In the "Detailed description of issue" section, explain what's going on, the steps you've tried to prevent the problem, and any other information you think is needed. let Yahoo come to the correct conclusion.

  6. Enter the offending Yahoo email address. Enter the email address of the spammer or harasser in the "Yahoo ID of the person you are reporting" box.
    • Be sure to enter the correct email address, as a false report could cause someone else's account to be banned or flagged.
  7. Check the box "I'm not a robot" (I'm not a robot). This option is near the bottom of the page.
  8. Click the button Create Request (Create request) in blue at the bottom of the page to send an email.
  9. Wait for the email to respond. The Yahoo expert will send an email to the email address you provided, so you can talk to them if needed.
    • If the problem is extremely simple, maybe the expert will take care of it for you and no further discussion.

Method 2 of 2: Use the Help Center

  1. Open Yahoo's Help Center page. Go to in a web browser. While we cannot contact Yahoo using the Help Center, we can find solutions to common Yahoo problems.
  2. Click the card See More (See more) on the top right of the page. A drop-down menu will appear.
  3. Select the product. In the drop-down menu, click the product for which you need help. The product's support page will open.
    • For example, if you want to support your account then click Account (Account) here.
  4. Select categories. Under the "BROWSE BY TOPIC" heading on the left side of the page, click on a topic related to the product of your choice. A list of resource articles will appear in the middle of the page.
  5. Select resources. Click on one of the resources in the middle of the page. The resource page will open.
  6. See the page that appears. The content that appears will depend on the resources you choose; for most resources, you will see a list of tutorials, tips or information about the selected category.
    • For example, if you choose the product Account, Categories Account security (Account Security) and resources Secure your Yahoo account (Protect your Yahoo account), a page with different sets of instructions on how to protect your account will appear.
  7. Follow the respective instructions. Again, this step will vary depending on your goals. After completing Help Center tasks, you can return to the main Help Center page to take additional steps (if any).
    • Some resources will have links fill out this form (fill out this form) or contact us (contact us) for you to click, enter information and submit forms.


  • If you are unable to solve a specific Yahoo problem through an expert tool or Help Center, try to find a solution on Google. It is very likely that another user or user group is experiencing the same problem.
  • You can email Yahoo at: 701 1st Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94089


  • Never call or email any phone number or email address claiming to be Yahoo support because they don't have a direct line of contact.