How to be yourself

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be Yourself - Become Your Authentic Self Right Now
Video: How To Be Yourself - Become Your Authentic Self Right Now


"Be yourself" can be a common phrase in a series of individualist advice. Be yourself. It seems like a vague adage. And is this saying really as easy to understand as its literal sense? Please see the explanation in the steps below.


Part 1 of 4: Discovering Who You Are

  1. Find and define yourself within your ability your. Oscar Wilde has a witty saying: Be yourself; because others are already themselves. It sounds funny, but it is a brief truth. However, you cannot be yourself if you do not know, understand, and accept yourself first. The important goal is to clarify this issue.
    • Take the time to learn the things you value and see what sets you apart. Think about your life and your choices, for example. Try to think about what you want or don't want to do, and then act accordingly; Exploring the problem through trial and error may be more effective than you might think.
    • You can take the personality test, but be careful to refer only to the result you want so that the test doesn't determine your personality. Instead, make sure that every decision you make is based on your abilities and that you are absolutely satisfied with it. You may feel a little shy, but over time if you are around people who are right for you, they will accept who you are.

  2. While looking for your values, don't be surprised if some of them seem to be in conflict. This is an obvious result of absorbing vast value from a multitude of sources such as cultures, religions, experts, inspirators, educational sources, ... The point is that you must continue to consider. those contradictions to figure out what value is really for you.
    • Just because your values ​​are contradictory doesn't mean you have to deny them. See them as part of your motivation. You should not lock yourself in any boxes. You have your own values ​​in different aspects of your life, so obviously those values ​​will be different.

  3. Don't live in the past and let yourself grow. One of the most dangerous ways to be yourself is to decide who you are for a moment or a short period of time, and then spend the rest of your life trying to be that person. it is not that you are growing through time and stage. Give yourself the space to grow, mature, and speak more fluently.
    • Forgive your mistakes and have behaved you have been unhappy in the past. Try to accept your mistakes and your choices; they are over and now only in the past. You have your own reasons for making mistakes and decisions at the time can be sympathetic, so instead of attaching yourself to the past mistakes, let yourself learn from the lesson and move on. mature.
    • Look at the people around you who are proud to confirm that they are no different from when they were 16, 26, 36, or whatever the age. Are they flexible, pleasant, and happy people? Usually not because they insist that they haven't changed anything, which prevents them from accepting new ideas, learning from others, or improving themselves. Maturity in every stage of life is an essential part of being true to ourselves, with our mental health, and as a whole as we are.

  4. Never stop looking for your strengths. These strengths can change over time, and also change your definition of yourself, so you should regularly focus and pay attention to your strengths. They will help balance your weaknesses, and they will also help you not compare yourself to others.
    • Comparisons are frustrating. People who feel frustrated cannot focus on the important "being themselves" because they are engrossed in the desire to be someone else!
    • Comparisons can also lead to critical action. The life where you criticize people all the time is due to your low self-esteem and wanting to pull others out of the position you gave them to. This will damage your friendship and self-esteem, and make you never be yourself because you are jealous and spend too much time jealous of other people's personalities, not your self. take time for yourself.

  5. Relax. Don't think bad can happen, especially in social situations. So what if you fall on your face to the ground? Or have greens stuck in your teeth? Or accidentally rammed your boyfriend's head when you leaned over to kiss him on a date? Learn to laugh when and after these situations happen.
    • Turn the situation above into a funny story to share with others. This will help them understand that you are not perfect and will make you feel better. This is also quite a special personality because someone with this personality can laugh at herself and not take things too seriously!

Part 2 of 4: Responding to Others

  1. Be honest and open your heart. What have you been hiding? We are all imperfect, maturing, and aware of people. If you feel ashamed or insecure about something in yourself, and you think you have to hide it, then whether the problem you are facing is physical or mental, you have to accept. recognize and learn to adapt your flaws into a special personality or simply truly admit your shortcomings.
    • Try admitting your own shortcomings in an argument with someone else.You will find that suddenly you can eliminate the reasons why you insist on your position in an argument, usually because you are trying to save face or admit you're wrong. Sometimes you need to say, "Oh, you see, I get angry easily when the room is this mess. I realized that I shouldn't pile my clothes on the floor, but I do so because sometimes I'm quite lazy, and I'm actually trying to fix this habit. I'm very sorry. I know I can do better, and I will try ”, being honest in a debate will help ease the tension.
  2. Don't compare yourself to others. If you are always trying to be someone other than you, you will never be happy. This happens when you compare yourself to others and find yourself wanting to be them somehow. This is a slide in which your thoughts become more and more negative.
    • You can only see the look that others want to make publicly, but not what is going on behind the look in that perfect world. If you compare yourself to others, you can make their external image strongly influence you and diminish your inner self-worth just because of an illusion. This is really not useful at all, but also has a bad effect on yourself.
    • Instead, value who you are, love your personality, and accept your flaws; we all have flaws, and it's better to be honest early than to deny them.
  3. Don't care how many people understand you. Some of them will love you, but some will not. Each of their attitudes may or may not be true. You won't be yourself when you ask yourself, “Do they think I'm interesting? Does she think I'm too fat? Do they think they are silly? Am I good enough / skillful / attractive enough to be a member of their group? ” Be yourself, you should let go of those worries, and behave naturally, just allowing yourself to think of others like filters - yes are not to think their affect you.
    • If you change yourself for someone or a group of people, they may not like you, and you may find yourself in a vicious cycle trying to please people without trying to hone your talents and strengths. Dear.
  4. Don't become someone who is always trying to please everyone. Always want love and respect from everyone Is nonsense that will ultimately negatively affect your self-confidence and self-improvement. Who cares what others say? Eleanor Roosevelt once said that, No one can make you feel inferior without your consent And the most important thing is to listen to your confidence, if lost, you need to start rebuilding that belief!
    • Does this mean that anyone's opinion in life makes no sense to you either? It's not like that. You will be hurt if you are rejected. If you are forced into a situation where you have to spend most or all of your time with someone who dislikes you for their own reasons, it can be very dangerous because you may receive negative opinions from them. about who you are. What you can do is practice choosing the opinion of the person you value more. It is better to consider who truly means to you and who agrees with the decisions you make in your life.
  5. Surround yourself with positive people. Don't trivialize what you are going through if you are faced with negative social pressure and threats. It will be easier to cope if you realize this and build a barrier to protect yourself. Building a group of trusted friends who can share your views and beliefs in life is the perfect way to reduce the influence of your haters. You can tell yourself that their opinion is not important to you, and they shouldn't, but it would be better if others agree and are on your side.
    • Compare your loved one with any bully; suddenly you realize that their opinion of you, your family or your lifestyle, becomes meaningless. We are naturally only interested in the opinions of people we respect and admire. This is also true in the opposite case; If someone doesn't respect you, what they say about you is just clichéd words of the complete stranger.
  6. Recognize the difference between scary, sarcastic, or sinister comment and one that tends to be constructive. It's a comment that focuses on the real mistake you don't know about, and what you can do about it. In the latter case, people like parents, experts, teachers, coaches, etc. can tell you what you need to reflect on through your own pace of progress, and what improvements you need to improve. . The difference is that their criticism of you tends to help you improve.
    • These people really care about you, expect you to be human, as well as worry about how much you will respect others. Learn to recognize this difference and you can live a good life, eliminate meaningless negative comments, and welcome constructive contributions for you.

Part 3 of 4: Nurturing the Soul

  1. Treat yourself like best friends. You value your friends and they are close to you; So who is closer to you than yourself? Treat yourself like that, with care and respect like you do with the people you care about. If you had to date yourself one day, what kind of person would you be funny / interesting / happy / calm / contented while still yourself? Where is your real version?
    • Take responsibility for yourself and with your self-esteem. If other people say bad things about you, don't let it affect you. Instead, say that yourself is special, wonderful, and important. When you believe these good things are for you, other people will recognize your confidence and soon confirm your worth!

  2. Develop and show your personality. Regardless of whether the performance is due to your style or way of speaking, be proud if you have the habit of deviating from trends and producing positive results. This is personality, not style.
    • Learn to communicate well - the better you present yourself, the easier it is for the people who like you to reach you and the people who don't like you won't be around.

  3. Avoid being unfair to yourself. Sometimes an apple-pear comparison will make a comparison. We want to be the top Hollywood film producer but we are just ordinary and aspiring screenwriters. Take a look at the top filmmaker's lifestyle and find yourself wanting just a lame comparison - someone with years of experience and influence behind them, when you're just getting started. As a toddler, practicing writing skills, at most one day this skill is only proven to be special.
    • Be realistic in the comparison, just see others as inspiration and as a source of motivation, not because of them, but devaluing themselves.

  4. In his own style. It's common for many people to copy the entire action of others because it seems like a good way to adapt, but should you really stand out? It's hard to make yourself stand out, but you need to avoid assuming other people's points of view are yours, even if you don't often do this; This is all about how to be yourself.
    • Whoever you are, please accept that. The difference is really great and that will draw people to you. Don't let people change you!
  5. Please agree that tomorrow will be better. People can worry you and even laugh at you when you feel like you are, but shrug your shoulders and say, "Hey, that's me", and leave, everyone will eventually respect. respect you for this, and you will respect yourself. Most people fight to be themselves; If you can do it, they will admire you.
    • Sometimes it hurts to be teased. Since being yourself is difficult, and easier said than done, do your best to let go of the hurt. In the end, you will become a more mature and wonderful person, know who you are, and be able to survive any challenges on your way to the future.

Part 4 of 4: Confidence and Courage

  1. Stand up for yourself. When someone bullies you, why would you let them do it? They have no right to bully you! If you have a problem, there are good and understanding people available to help you.
  2. Stand up for someone else. When you turn the victim's face on, it is a very good instinct in who you are to stop them. No matter how you do it, you have the right to make them stop. Please believe in yourself.
  3. Stand up for those you oppose. Just because you have to defend yourself doesn't mean those people don't have hearts! advertisement


  • If someone says they don't like something about you, it doesn't mean the point is bad and that you need to change. Really have to see what that is the problem; Usually this is just a matter of preference.
  • Don't think that you need to do something special or unusual to define yourself; All you need to do is show who YOU ​​are.
  • Don't try to change anything about yourself. Be yourself and be honest with yourself!
  • Change is always happening. So over time, automatically changing yourself is inevitable, it is better if you grasp the situation, catch up with the world around you, and let yourself develop as a top priority in life. your.
  • Even if your friends are different from you, don't stop. Remain yourself and if they don't accept you then they are not really your friends.
  • Don't say you can do what you can't just to please others! This doesn't help, and the person just finds it easy for you.
  • No matter what others say or do, you must be honest with yourself at all times.
  • Learning to know yourself is like understanding a newcomer in your school.
  • Don't let anyone decide for you.
  • While choosing what to wear, look in the mirror. Choose beautiful ones instead of ones that make you worse. This will make you more confident.


  • Respecting others is like respecting yourself. Being yourself means expressing yourself, your views, your dreams, and your interests, but being sure to be yourself doesn't mean forcing others to admit it! Everyone has worthy needs, dreams and desires, and it is up to each of us to acknowledge the other's worth as ourselves. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid being rude, thoughtless, and selfish all the way to being yourself.
  • Not caring about how other people feel about yourself does not mean that you neglect to dress up and behave yourself. Respect for oneself and others is fundamentally from etiquette and making sure everyone in society can live together in harmony, and also the expectation that everyone can communicate politely. .