Ways to Test Your IQ

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 3 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Test Your IQ
Video: How to Test Your IQ


The IQ test can be a powerful tool to gauge your intelligence and problem solving ability. The following ways will help you determine your IQ, as long as you make sure that you are comfortable no matter the results.


Method 1 of 2: Get started

  1. Determine if you've ever taken an IQ test. You may have had multiple IQ tests. Except that may not be able to deliver results in special cases such as peripheral neurology research, you can get IQ test results in the following cases:
    • If you enlisted, they will usually test your IQ to see what you are capable of doing and handling. Then contact your supervisor to get the results.
    • If you have ever had depression or other psychological problems, you may have been examined by a psychiatrist, especially if medication is needed during treatment.
    • If you were "gifted" when you were a child at school, you probably already have an IQ test. However, when you grow up, you should do it again because the IQ test for children and adults is different.

  2. Take advantage of IQ test resources. If you've never taken an IQ test, search for all the available tests. Free or paid IQ test is your choice. However, please note that the free online tests will not be accurate.
    • Your local counseling center can test your IQ. Use the directory or go to the yellow pages to find a hub where you live.
    • A psychologist can help you with your IQ test. This option is better because it is both accurate and saves money. If you take the test for medical reasons, your insurance will pay for it.
    • There are many online tests available online. However, this is not a legal IQ test, mainly just a test for fun.

  3. Take a test. In fact, the results can fluctuate because you will probably want to get expert advice or through research to determine which test works best for you. Each test will give slightly different results because of the standard deviation.
    • Popular choices for adults are Raven's Progressive Matrices test, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (Wechsler), Stanford-Binet, and Ability Test. Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities. The assessment for adults starting at 17 is possible because the IQ score at this age will not change much over time. It measures potential rather than actual educational attainment.
    • All tests will measure your spatial, math, vocabulary, analytical ability, problem solving and short-term memory. This is the intellectual judgment "in general".
      • These tests have a high statistical confidence. That means your actual IQ will be 3 points higher or lower than the score you get due to the acceptable deviation. Clinical psychologists often consider these tests to be of statistical value for clinical purposes.

Method 2 of 2: Results

  1. Understand what the results mean. The average IQ is 100. In most tests, a score between 85 and 115 with average deviation means average intelligence. Although people have proven that every decade, the IQ has increased by 3 points, but the measure is still set at an average of 100. However, this is not a reference point but also must consider the coefficients. trust.
    • The standard deviation is usually 15 points. 95% of the population is within 2 standard deviations, meaning that the majority of the population has an IQ between 70 and 130, always giving a standard deviation of 15. IQ of 98% of the population is lower than 131.
    • IQ measurement is more than just a number. IQ 50 is not half of IQ 100. These numbers represent cognitive ability, but cognitive ability is not linear.
    • Parents' IQ scores are often 10 points different from their children's and there are other factors such as status and social environment.
  2. Take another test if you took the online test. If you've taken the professional test twice, your IQ is probably between these two results. If you have to take the test in poor health, such as tired or depressed, you should do it again.
    • IQ will vary depending on when and type of test but only + -1 standard deviation (15 points). Every test you take will give you the same results, just as you would if you weighed your body weight. While your weight may be slightly different when tested on many different scales, the results will give you a general assessment (especially if the results are corroborated by a team of scientists).


  • You will probably have to pay to take the professional IQ test, but that's okay, as these tests are more accurate.
  • Don't obsess over IQ because it is only a measure of your ability. How you do with your life matters.


  • Do not rely too much on unofficial IQ tests online, especially on Facebook and other social networking sites, as the results shown are inaccurate and possibly misleading.