How to Find an adoptive father

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Tips For Adoptive Parents From An Adoptee
Video: 5 Tips For Adoptive Parents From An Adoptee


Finding a foster father is a great way to have fun, experience and a little expense making life easier and more enjoyable. Once you are determined to find your adoptive father, you can be successful if you know how to approach the right place and memorize what attracts a foster father and provides him with what he needs to benefit from his possessions. ruffled. If you want to understand the "secret" to finding a foster father in the short term, follow the steps below.


Method 1 of 4: Search for the right place

  1. Know what you are looking for. Before you start looking for a foster father, you should know what you're looking for. This will help you narrow your search down and clearly define your need from the start. Make a list of the qualities you would like your adoptive father to possess and another of everything you would want to get from him. There's nothing to be ashamed of - after all, he's a rich adoptive father.
    • Determine what kind of adoptive parent you're looking for. Do you want someone under forty or over fifty? Is he divorced and wants to date many people, or is he married? Do you want someone to spend a lot of time with you, or just a man to pick you up on the weekends?
    • Determine what you need from your adoptive father. Some women only need a flat fee - like $ 1,000 or $ 2,000 a week in exchange for their companionship, moments of fun and often sex relief. Or do you want to enjoy luxurious dinners, sumptuous vacations and to attend luxurious and special events?

  2. Check out the foster search websites. Don't be shy - if you're looking for a foster parent, you should check out a website that specializes in foster foster care. These websites allow you to clearly define your wishes and easily find gentlemen looking for similar things.
    • Clearly define your wishes. Let them know what kind of relationship you're looking for.
    • Post sexy, but not too erotic, pictures. Let the gentleman think about your sexy looks while still being serious about you.
    • Talk about what you will bring. Don't just focus on what you need but let the gentlemen know that you are happy, interesting, mysterious or that you just enjoy enjoying good moments.

  3. Check out regular online dating sites. If you feel shy or embarrassed about visiting traditional foster foster sites, or you don't want to state your privacy preferences, you can look at regular dating sites like OkCupid .com or and try to find a "foster father" who will give you as much money as well as lavish gifts as expected.
    • You can use the filters to find the right person, such as a glance at his income or career frame.
    • You can also scour a man's profile to see if he fits your criteria - if he lists his interests in luxuries like boating or vacationing. In Europe, dressed in classy clothes and liking expensive things, he could be the foster father you need.
    • You should also find out what he's looking for - whether he likes a woman on his par, or if he wants to have a good time with that woman in order to be with her.

  4. Consult your friends. Don't be afraid to ask your friends about matchmaking for a foster father. You can put this in a different way if you find it inconvenient to ask in person. During work or through out-of-the-line relationships, it's likely that at least one of your friends will know a rich man who is also looking for someone to take care of. If you poll with your friends, surely someone will understand the ideal type of man for you.
    • Ask your friends to schedule you an appointment and tell them your criteria directly. You won't want to associate with a gentleman looking for a mate if all you need is a foster father.
  5. Go to places where you can find rich gentlemen. If you are afraid to watch online dating scenes or are afraid to ask your friends about foster matchmaking, you can go out and try looking for him on your own. Go with friends to a bar or restaurant in the rich neighborhoods where you live and attract the attention of an elderly man with a chic look.
    • You can even go out by yourself to a place where there are many rich people. You can even go to the Hamptons or places where the rich gentlemen are enjoying their holiday, and see if anyone attracts you.
    • In the process of looking for gentlemen, dress splendidly but not too erotic. Make them respectful and don't think of you in a one-night fashion. Your relationship with your adoptive father should go on much longer than that - at least long enough for you to get what you want.
    • Check out cultural sites frequented by rich gentlemen, such as museums, opera houses or art galleries. If an art gallery or museum takes place a special event, such as a cocktail party, be sure to attend with a shining look.
  6. Be persistent in looking. Finding a foster father takes time. Don't get discouraged if you don't find the right person. To succeed in finding your dream foster father, you can try a combination of online search, friend exploration, and go to special places. If you know what you want and confidently seek it, your adoptive father will appear in your life.
    • The beauty of finding a foster father is that you can date many people at the same time. Remember to expand your choices throughout the search.

Method 2 of 4: Attract an adoptive father

  1. Clarify your needs. The adoptive father will appreciate it if you set the terms of the relationship early to avoid misunderstanding. If you want a weekly payment or want some expenses like rent, tell him exactly what you need from the start. If you only want to see your foster father once or twice a week, say this so he doesn't expect much.
    • The needs clarification will also help you to establish the terms of the relationship. This ensures that you both have the same search intent.
    • If you want the freedom to meet other people during your dating, you can also make this clear from the start.
    • Don't be afraid to tell him what you want - he will appreciate your honesty and may even find it interesting.
  2. Pay attention to your appearance. To attract a adoptive father, you don't have to be a hot twenties girl with massive breasts. They are the ones looking for women of all ages, shapes and sizes, so don't feel inferior if you are over forty or whose figure doesn't look like a Barbie doll. It is important to take the time to maintain your original look by bathing daily, getting your hair done, and wearing attractive and sleek clothes.
    • Take the time to style your hair and make up. You can find your adoptive father at any time, so you must always be in your best shape.
    • You don't have to look like a porn star to attract an adoptive father. Many adoptive fathers just like natural looks.
  3. Be confident. If you want to attract an adoptive father, you should have confidence and confidence in yourself, and be ready to take control of the situation. He may be intimidated by becoming a foster father or unsure of what to do next, and he will appreciate it if you know what you're doing and don't be afraid to ask for what you need. . Keep your head up, smile, and introduce yourself confidently.
    • There is a difference between confidence and pride. Let your adoptive father tell you what he thinks, what he needs, and how you can help. Don't try to be so confident that you completely ignore all of his needs.
  4. Be independent. His foster father wouldn't be looking for a mate or a woman who would do things like do the laundry and buy her belongings - he had a housekeeper after all. His adoptive father will find a woman who is happy and enjoyable, but has his own life, hobbies, friends, and plans when he is not around. If it seems that you are clingy, obsessed with his schedule, or always wanting to hang around, he will quickly withdraw.
    • Don't see your foster father more than two or three times a week - if you try to do it many times, he will think you're holding it back.
    • Avoid sleeping too much overnight if possible. If you regularly spend the night at your foster father's house, this may seem like you want to move in and live with him.
    • Be open about your plans. If you are planning on going out with your girlfriend at night, let him know. He will be more interested in you when a little jealous. If you are in an open relationship and are both clear about this, tell him when you are going out with someone else. You will become more independent in the eyes of your adoptive father.
  5. Be sexy. The adoptive father has always liked sexy women who will fulfill their needs. If you really want to find a foster father, then your looks and actions should look as sexy as possible. Be sexy with sexy outfits, smoky eye makeup and sexy lingerie in your bedroom. You can use sexy gestures like licking your lips, touching your adoptive father just enough to excite him, and sending provocative texts or even talking obscene on the phone with your adoptive father.
    • If you really want a foster father, you should have some sexual experience on hand. Fathers often prefer the type of woman comfortably in the bedroom. You should know what you are doing and be ready to respond to what he needs.
    • You don't have to wear sexy clothes to be sexy - just dress up and get your adoptive father more interested in you.

Method 3 of 4: Make your adoptive father fall in love with you

  1. Maintain mystery. If you want your adoptive father to continue to be infatuated with you, maintain a mysterious look. If you go somewhere, don't always tell him. If one day you don't answer his phone, don't rush to explain what you've done - you're just busy with your own life. Don't talk about every little thing in your mind and don't get too detailed about your most hidden needs and wants. You can gradually reveal a little more about yourself, but always let him want to discover more about you.
    • Don't come up with a plan with your schedule details for the adoptive father. Let him wonder about all the things you do when you're not together.
  2. Be positive and have fun. Foster fathers often look for a type of woman who is always happy around. They don't spend money on the same negative woman or are complaining and complaining. If you tend to have negative thoughts, try to keep them to a minimum with your adoptive father and share them with your best friends. Keep things light and positive by regularly smiling and talking about the things that make you happy and excited instead of the things that let you down.
    • Whenever you find yourself saying a negative, counter it by making three positive arguments.
    • Try to smile as much as you can. The adoptive father often likes women who are always happy.
    • If you have a very emotional day or feel like crying, don't put all your feelings on your adoptive father. Instead, call your best friend to talk.
  3. Keep everything interesting. If you want to keep your adoptive father, you should keep it fresh by being ready for him. Don't do the same things every weekend, even if you go to an expensive restaurant. Instead, switch to asking your adoptive father to take you on a yacht, teach you tennis, or enjoy expensive vacations.
    • If you do the same things often, your adoptive father may start to feel bored with you. Make sure you do something new together at least once or twice a week.
    • Maintain excitement in the bedroom. Use your time with your foster father as an opportunity to experiment with some new tricks.
  4. Avoid housework. The fastest way to end a relationship with your adoptive father is to make him feel like you are ready to live together and sign a marriage certificate. Your foster father is with you because of your cheerful, adventurous, and enjoyable personality - not because you like to cook at home or (iron) his shirt. If possible, avoid sleeping overnight, spend too much time with your foster father or do housework, or you'll get a warning right away and he'll want to end the relationship quickly. fast.
    • When you find out he doesn't feel comfortable when you get too intimate, step back.
    • Don't call him your boyfriend, and don't make fun of your wedding.
    • Don't introduce your adoptive father to your friends or family unless he really wants it, or you will take things too seriously for him.
    • Avoid talking about the distant future, unless you are just planning your next vacation.
  5. Shouldn't cling. If you really just want to benefit from a foster father's wealth, don't be too clingy on him. He's not your long-term boyfriend or material resource - he's someone who gives you moments of joy, provides you with financial benefits, makes your life easy and enjoyable. than. Don't plan your wedding, name your kids or plan your life around his busy schedule. Be yourself, keep pursuing your own interests and you won't get hurt.
    • Don't keep calling him when you're not together. Just plan to meet once or twice a week and let him know when you are on your way.
    • Don't waste time wondering what your foster father is up to or when you'll see him again.
    • Don't ask about the women in his life or get jealous if he mentions another woman's name.
  6. Know when to stop. If you have been with your foster father for a long time, you may wonder if it is time to end the relationship. There are a few good reasons for doing this: you might find your foster father clinging to you, or worry that you depend too much on him, or that both of you are bored. Another reason for "someone's way" is that you or your adoptive father have found an "object" that really likes, or even loves, and wants to pursue a relationship with that person.
    • Once it's over, let it end. You should be wise and calm when ending a relationship and try to end things smoothly. If all you want is an adoptive father, soon you'll be able to find another.
    • If your adoptive father refuses you, don't be sad. It can always happen - foster fathers tend to both get bored quickly and withdraw, and it has nothing to do with you.

Method 4 of 4: Should there be an adoptive father or not?

  1. It is normal to receive money in exchange for a relationship. You get paid to like someone and act like their partner.There's nothing wrong with this, but you need to be honest with yourself about what you are doing.
    • Feel free to have a candid conversation with your gentleman. If you are too passive, or just take money without asking questions, you can be taken advantage of.
  2. Be aware of the risks of financial dependence. There will always be restrictions on that amount. In return, you'll also have to do something for your adoptive father, or the money will quickly run out.
    • To some extent, you will depend on your adoptive father to sustain your life.
    • If you have your own income, and only use your adoptive father for a comfortable and lavish life, you will live more independently.
  3. You are allowed to "seduce" the adoptive father. Of course, you should be honest with your adoptive father from the start. However, even if you are honest, you will still have to seduce him. You need to act sexy and mysterious to make money for yourself. Regardless of what the "secret" is, the adoptive father will probably have more interest. You will have to cultivate this when you realize that he will not "provide" much for you.
  4. Please maintain your emotional distance. Many foster fathers know very well what they are doing to you. They started giving gifts and money, but the end goal wasn't always agreed upon. When you give someone so much power, you have to trust them. In the end, though, the adoptive father is not the most reliable person. Be very careful. At the same time, you started this relationship for money, so don't think you don't have any authority there.
    • Actually, this is a form of commercial transaction. Keep it this way.
    • If you're looking for deep or meaningful relationships, don't look for a foster parent. Any relationship built with money is unlikely to lead to a sincere and deep relationship.
    • It sounds nonsense, but foster relationships are very rarely like the plot of the movie "The Beautiful Woman." (Original name: Pretty Woman) Don't let the dream of "free" money blind you to the reality of pre-love relationships.