How to control excitement

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
“How do I control my excitement?” - Explains Sadhguru
Video: “How do I control my excitement?” - Explains Sadhguru


Are you feeling like you are getting too excited? Getting excited about something going on in your life is a pretty amazing experience, whether it's being invited to a big dance by someone you like, or being put in position. the job for which you have just applied. Regardless of what gets you excited, there are a few helpful techniques you can learn to keep your excitement under control.


Part 1 of 3: Distract yourself

  1. Enjoy a good time to stop thinking about excitement. Immerse yourself in a challenging video game. Throw the ball at your dog. Go for a walk with your sister. Watch funny videos on YouTube. Spend hours watching new shows on Netflix. You just need to do your old pleasures.
    • Turning your excitement into a positive and funny behavior can be quite effective at calming you down and stopping you from thinking about what is causing you to be excited.
    • According to the researchers, people who do not regularly have a good time are more likely to commit crimes, become obese, and lose their creativity. Even if you're not looking for a distraction, take your playtime as seriously as work hours.

  2. Being creative is a distraction. There are countless ways to distract you, both healthy and unhealthy. Using your excitement for creative ends is a productive and healthy way to spend your time.
    • The options for creativity are endless. You can take a pottery class. Write short stories, poems or music. Draw a picture. Take your camera and take interesting pictures of objects in the house.
    • Art allows you to release or redirect the energy of anxiety in your body. Some people have a hard time expressing their excitement in words, but doing something artistic gives you the means to reproduce your feelings in physical form. .

  3. Housework. Take advantage of the opportunity to temporarily let go of your excitement by doing chores. Go home and make a list of tasks to do or chores to be done, and start tackling them.
    • Sweep the leaves, mow the lawn, wash the car, do the laundry, dust the ceiling fans - just keep yourself busy so you don't dwell on the excitement.
    • There is no doubt that chores are not the top priority on your list of distractions you can try. They don't really bring you joy. However, humans have conducted many studies on the benefits of chores. Research has shown that teenagers who do chores tend to have greater sense of responsibility and self-esteem, and are better able to cope with disappointment.

  4. Spread your excitement through volunteering. When we're in a good mood, we also have the ability to improve the moods of everyone around us. You can use your excess energy to make a positive impact on other people's lives.
    • People have a tendency to unconsciously mimic other people's moods. So you can share your positive energy by reading or crafting with the elderly in nursing homes, with patients in hospitals, or with children in groups in need. They will benefit from your good mood, and you will have positive ways to release excitement.
  5. Give yourself a hint of what gets you excited. Sometimes the best way to get rid of excess energy is to do something that makes us excited. If you're excited about a new job or an upcoming vacation, you can't speed the time it takes to get the big day to come faster. But you can take a few actions.
    • For example, if you're excited about starting a new job, you can overcome this feeling by preparing for it. You can research your work online to learn more about it. You can also go shopping for clothes that are suitable for your new job.
    • If the upcoming holiday season is getting you excited, you can also prepare it in advance. Start a travel plan or write down different activities in your itinerary diary. You can search on Google for more information about the place. Or you can make a list of items that you need to bring with you before you depart.

Part 2 of 3: Practice self-soothing techniques

  1. Take deep breaths to help calm your emotions. Deep breathing is an effective way to focus and calm down. This exercise will help you trigger your body's natural relaxation response. You can do it while sitting, standing, or lying down.
    • Start by breathing as usual. Then, take a deep breath of air into your nose for 4 counts. Hold your breath for 2 beats. Then, exhale through your mouth for 4 beats. Repeat this exercise for a few minutes to promote calm.
    • You can also add a maxim to your breathing. Repeatedly tell yourself something like, "I'm a calm person" as you breathe.
  2. Meditate to control excitement. Mindfulness meditation will help you calm down and fight off your overly excited feelings. You may think that meditation sounds boring or that you will not be able to sit still with your eagerness. For starters, meditation can be a bit of a challenge, but it has lots of benefits. It will help reduce stress, increase your ability to pay attention, improve your attention to everyday activities, and reduce thoughts that prevent you from being helpful.
    • Sit comfortably in a chair or on a cushion. Take slow deep breaths. Focus on the present moment by focusing on the different feelings your surroundings give you.
    • As you breathe, pay attention to the sounds you hear, how your body feels in the chair, or focus on a certain spot on the wall in front of you. When you start to distract yourself, simply shift your focus to that point.
  3. Visualize yourself in a calm and relaxed state. The visualization method requires that you focus your attention on certain peaceful areas to calm yourself down. Similar to other techniques, visualization is not just about relaxation. It will also help you to improve your motivation, increase your performance, increase your confidence, and help your brain become ready for success. You can do it in the following way:
    • Sit comfortably in a quiet room. Deep breath. Close your eyes and think about a peaceful place. It could be a real or imaginative place like a beautiful beach, or a calm stream.
    • Use your senses to perceive the scents, flavors, sounds, and physical sensations associated with the place.
    • You can also listen to the voice of the instructor who guides you through the guided visualization exercises. You can easily search for these types of exercise on YouTube or download them from a website that specializes in health or stress management.

Part 3 of 3: Combating excess energy

  1. Exercise to burn your anxiety-provoking energy and help you calm down. Even happy excitement can bring mental and physical stress. Do something physical that requires a mix of mind and body while still being able to bring you calm afterward. If you get too excited, exercise will help you fight off excess excitement and help you relax.
    • Try to walk or jog for about 20 minutes. This may seem short-lived, but you don't have to exercise too much to reduce stress.
    • You can combat the thoughts that keep coming in your head by doing vigorous exercise like playing a sport, participating in a high intensity interval training exercise, or doing power yoga.
  2. Get out of the house and enjoy the fresh air to change your outlook on problems. Staying indoors can make it harder for you to stop thinking about what makes you excited. Take a break from what you are doing and step outside.
    • Spending time outdoors will actually make people happier. Science has shown that even a brief amount of time in nature helps to reduce feelings of depression, improve a outlook on life, increase the body's ability to fight disease, and increased concentration (something you will definitely need in this time).
    • You can go out alone or invite a friend to accompany you to increase your chances of distracting. You can both go for a walk in the park or have a ball game in your backyard.
  3. Listen to music and dance. You can listen to soothing music to calm your excitement while doing other tasks. Or you can play some cheerful music and dance. Jump high, clap, shout, or dance.
    • Moving your body through dance to music releases the euphoric endorphins you get from exercise.
    • In addition, this method will also help you fight excess excitement by making your body tired. Maybe after having a good time dancing, you'll just want to take a nap.


  • Don't drink any caffeinated beverages before bed.
  • Try to channel your energy into something productive that might benefit your family, friends, neighbors, school, and more.
  • Relax! You can soak in a hot tub and light candles. In addition, you should also pet your pet (if you have one).


  • Don't let the excitement go beyond your control that it negates or harms anything that gets you excited in the first place.