Ways to Not Have Self-Esteem, and Love Yourself

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Watch This If You’re Struggling With Your Self-Worth
Video: Watch This If You’re Struggling With Your Self-Worth


As you immerse yourself in social media and life becomes more like expensive bags, shiny cars and beautiful faces, sometimes loving yourself is something you cannot do. We have low self-esteem and the things we can contribute, we cannot see that we are no different from everyone else. However, low self-esteem can also be a necessary motivation for you to be better. Hold on to that feeling and don't let it go away; face it, accept it, and you'll be on the right path to accepting and loving yourself.


Method 1 of 3: Change your mindset

  1. Distinguish between what is real and what is imaginary. There are always two realities parallel to each person at all times: a reality outside the mind and a reality within the mind. Sometimes you just need to take a step back to find that the things you make up in your mind don't affect reality. Those are just the fears and worries that dominate you. When you feel anxious, remember: whether this is reality or is it just a reality created by you?
    • Let's say your lover replies to your text with "OK", just as you are doing a great deal of your wonderful anniversary the next day. Your mind starts to come to mind, "Oh my god. He doesn't care. He doesn't care. What are we doing? Is it time? We're going to break up, right?" Oh. Back up a bit. Does the word "OK" have any such meaning? Are not. That is your imagination only. It may mean that he is busy or in no mood, but it doesn't mean that everything is over.
    • People tend to focus only on the negative and see the worst in harmless situations. Noticing things that are only going on in your mind will help you gradually get rid of your inferiority complex, and your extravagant imagination will need to improve a lot.

  2. Realize that your self-esteem is invisible. Let's say you go to a party without knowing anyone and you're completely stressed out. You feel extremely inferior, you start thinking why you came, and you are sure that everyone is staring at you and seeing how self-confident you are. Wrong. They certainly find you stressed, but that's all. No one can see the person inside you. Don't let something completely invisible hold you back from being the person you want to be.
    • Most of us are too concerned with the assumption that everyone knows our feelings and can see that we have low self-esteem, and things seem to be getting worse. Fortunately, that assumption is not correct. No one judges your self-esteem because no one can know that.

  3. Believe nothing like it looks. Did you know a woman who pretends to travel around the world, even cheating on her best friends and family? On Facebook, she posted pictures of her wonderful trip, but in reality she just sits at home and pretends to do everything. In other words, people just show you what they want you to see - behind the stage curtain isn't that flashy. There is no such thing as what it looks like, there is no one who looks like them, and there is no reason to compare one's fate to that of others.
    • As Steve Furtick said, "The reason we struggle with our inferiority complex is because we always compare our behind-the-scenes scenes with other's top-notch movies." We'll cover the comparison here, but realize that you are observing people's top-notch video, not their actual product.

  4. Listen to and accept your feelings. One method of fighting low self-esteem is simply not admitting it. Besides holding you back until it explodes, your self-esteem also creates the message that your emotions are unfounded or bad. When you feel that your feelings are not good, you cannot accept yourself. And when you cannot accept yourself, you will feel inferior. So accept your little emotions and feel them. Then, those feelings will quickly pass away.
    • However, this doesn't mean it's right to accept your feelings. "I'm so fat and ugly" is something that you should let yourself feel, not believe. Acknowledge that you feel that way, then ask yourself why and do something with it.

Method 2 of 3: Improve Your Self-Image

  1. If you compare yourself to someone, compare yourself. Again - when you watch other people, you are watching their top notch movies. Don't do that. When you find yourself comparing, stop. Just stop. Remind yourself that you are watching the top movies, and that also is extremely short.
    • And if you need to fill in the gaps of comparison, compare yourself to yourself. How have you improved? What skills do you have that you did not have before? How better were you? What have you learned? After all, in this race of life, you are your own most formidable opponent.
  2. List all of your good points. Seriously. Take a piece of paper, a pen (or your phone) and write it all down. What do you like about yourself? Don't stop until you have at least five good points. Is it a talent? A physical beauty? An aspect of personality?
    • If you can't think of any point (you're not the only one), ask a few close friends or family members about your good values ​​in their eyes. There are dozens of studies that suggest that others understand us better than we do ourselves.
    • When you feel a flop, take this list to read or remember its content. Give yourself a grateful attitude and your insecurities will soon disappear. Find a list of your affirmations online that you can use when you can't think of any positive traits.
  3. Take care of your body, space and time. To love yourself, your mind must see proof that you love yourself. If someone treats you badly, you won't believe that they love you, the same applies to your actions to yourself. Remember the following:
    • Take care of your body. Exercise, eat healthy, get enough sleep, and keep your health at 100% regularly. This is the minimum requirement.
    • Take care of your space. If you lived in the middle of a mountain of potato chips, you would never be ready to face the world. Moreover, you also need to pay attention to your mental space. Practice meditation, yoga, or find a way to keep your mind out of tension.
    • Take care of your time. In other words, take time for A) to relax, and B) to do something you love. With just these two actions, happiness will be the inevitable consequence - this is the biggest obstacle to overcome in order to accept yourself.
  4. Determine your limitations. Hope that friend Be nice to yourself and you know how you should treat yourself, but what about others? Set your limits - in other words, what will and won't you accept? What violates your definition of "okay"? Why is this so important? Because you have rights and you deserve to be treated the way you want to be treated. You just need to know how you want to be treated.
    • A good example is the time you will wait for a friend to be late. You can make a rule that you will not wait more than 30 minutes. If they put off the alarm, you won't wait. After all, your time is worth it - you are valuable too. If they don't respect that, they are disrespecting who you are. And if they respect you, they'll be on time.
  5. When there is more doubt, pretend. "Pretend until you do" is not merely cliché advice. In fact, science proves that that statement actually works. Pretending to be confident will convince others that you're more confident and better than you really are, and at the same time you will get more opportunities and better results. So, if you need a little more confidence, rely on your acting skills. People won't realize that.
    • Don't know where to start? Examine your entire body and relax tense muscles. When stressed, our body stiffens. Relaxation is a signal to your mind and to those around you that you are calm and relaxed.

Method 3 of 3: Action

  1. Begin to document your confidence. Using your phone or a small notebook, write down all the compliments you have. One by one. When it comes to self-motivating (or when you have a few minutes of free time) read what you've written. You will feel great at the end.
    • It's easy to focus on negative things, especially if you naturally have low self-esteem. When we lack confidence, the whole world is tinged with negativity and the praise is cast out of our ordinary thinking. Writing down compliments will help you remember them and help them exist at the same time. Loving yourself will come as a consequence.
  2. Be with people who make you feel great. Unfortunately, our feelings about ourselves or anything are, in fact, determined by the people around us. If we stay with negative people, we will become negative. If we are with happy people, we are more likely to be happier. So, be around people who make you happy and feel good about yourself. Why would you do it differently.
    • With that, let's eliminate others. Seriously. If you know people who don't make you love yourself, cut them out. You deserve more than that. Ending a toxic friendship is tough, but it's worth doing when you realize how much better your feelings are.
  3. Find a job you love. Work takes up too much time in our lives. If you're stuck in a career you hate and miserable with it, the subconscious message you're sending to yourself is that you can't do it and don't deserve something better. If this is your condition, try to get rid of it. We are moving towards your happiness.
    • What's more, your work may be holding you back from your true passion. Imagine that you have more time to do something that makes you feel good - how would that feel? It must be amazing. When you have a clear purpose, it can be easier to feel confident and love yourself.
  4. Dealing with hurdles and hurdles. Do you remember we talked about "feeling your feelings" earlier? When you feel them, you will be able to face them and find their source. What is it about you or your situation that prevents you from truly happy and loving yourself? Is it your weight? Your appearance? Something about your personality? Your position in life? How did someone treat you in the past?
    • Once you've identified the problem, you can begin to take action. If your weight is what bothers you, use it as your motivation to lose weight and make yourself feel prettier. If that is your social position, you can make changes to achieve more success. Whatever it is, Please use it to your advantage. That can be a necessary boost for you to improve. Who knows that self-esteem is also beneficial ?!
  5. Change the things you cannot accept. Others always say accept the things you cannot change, but the other side of that statement is to change the things you cannot accept. Can't accept her looks? Do something. Can't accept your career path? Navigation. Can't accept the way I'm being treated? End the relationship. You have incredibly powerful power - you just have to use it.
    • Yes, it will be difficult. Losing weight is not easy. Changing jobs is just as difficult. Kicking a bad lover's name out of life is also hateful. But it can all be done. It'll be hard at first, but in the long run, you'll be in a better place. A place of self-confidence and self-love.


  • Be yourself no matter what. Always remember to smile and say loving words to yourself.
  • Just because your friends are different from you doesn't mean you have to change to be like them.
  • Always keep your head up.
  • To get through the worst moments, you have to think about the best moments and visualize how you felt in that moment.
  • Smile! Smiling will make you more friendly and at the same time strengthen your confidence.
  • If you have something other people don't have, like two open front teeth, don't hide it by not smiling, take care of it! Learn to love your uniqueness.
  • Do something that makes you ashamed. The more comfortable you are in doing them, the more confident you will feel.
  • Take time to get to know yourself. This is an important but often frustrating step. You can do this by feeling comfortable alone.
  • Get more engaged with family and friends.
  • Exercise and become healthier, which will help your mood improve. This action not only affects the appearance but also the inside.