Ways to Discover Your Talent

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 Ways to Discover Your Hidden Natural Talent and Passion
Video: 3 Ways to Discover Your Hidden Natural Talent and Passion


Our perceptions of ourselves are very complex. Ironically, similar to how we cannot see our nose, we often fail to discern what we are good at. It can be difficult to identify our brightest talents, and they are often in the areas we least expect. We can even be good at doing what we feel we're not good at. There are many reasons why you want to explore your talent and it will take a little effort.


Part 1 of 2: Looking back at yourself

  1. Be open to all possibilities. Since you often do not realize your true talent, the first thing to do when evaluating talent is to be open to all possibilities. Remember that talent isn't just about playing the guitar or dancing like a pro. Talent comes in many different shapes and sizes and comes from many aspects of life.
    • For example, being able to understand emotions correctly is a talent that is very helpful.

  2. Retrospective. When examining yourself for talent, you should start by looking back at your past. Consider what you did, what you love, a time when you truly excel. Ask yourself something like "What am I most proud of?", Or "When did I feel so proud that I didn't care what other people thought?".
    • The pretty good thing to think about is your childhood. What did you do when you were a kid? What do you like? What are you famous for? Sometimes it will help reveal some of our deepest talents and will certainly tell us about hobbies we can explore more.You should think about your interests because your personality is built out of them, they'll be things you do regularly and your hidden talent is something you can do better than anyone else. Other, so focus on your interests and how to do them.
    • Another factor you can think about is the times you have had challenges in your life. Think about a difficult situation you have ever faced. Challenge times can often reveal your hidden skills. For example, when your dad had a heart attack, maybe you stayed calm and called 115. Staying alert and calm during an emergency is really a useful skill.

  3. Think about what you love. What makes you happy can also reveal your talent. Think about what you enjoy doing. Has someone else complimented you on it? Have they asked you for help with it? Maybe you don't see it as talent, but it certainly is.
    • Have you ever forgotten the concept of time? Have you started working on something and you are simply not aware that time is passing? This can be a sign of your talent. For example, perhaps you forgot everything while tuning into your favorite video game. It could be one of your talents.
    • Listen to how you talk. Have you ever found yourself chattering to family or close friends about a topic that means a lot to you? This will be a sign of talent that you possess.

  4. Evaluate what you are good at. At this point, there's a difference between what you like and what you're good at. You may see talent as something you enjoy doing, but you need to remember that our talents are often something we don't like or even think about. This is why you need to take a close look at what you are truly good at.
    • Think about what naturally comes to you. Something you don't have trouble with. Have you ever noticed yourself telling someone, "Nothing, easier if I do", or "Let me help you do it"? Have you come across yourself editing others? These behaviors are often a sign of what you are good at and knowledgeable about.
  5. Think about times when you were successful. Take a look at your life and think about the times when you were truly successful, when you felt proud of your success. It can indicate the talent you possess.
    • For example, perhaps you helped your boss reorganize and reorganize the office, and make things at work run smoothly. Being organized is a useful talent.
  6. Write down your life story. This method not only reveals a talent that you have, but also a talent you should consider developing. Write about yourself as a child, an activity you enjoyed before and after class, a subject you liked. Write about adulthood. Write about the present moment in your life. Now, write about your future. Write down where you want to go. Write about what you want others to say at your funeral.
    • This will help reveal your priorities and what you truly consider important to you.
    • It will also reveal what you want for your life, helping you focus on the talents you should cultivate if you want to achieve your dreams.
  7. Inquire around. You need to learn from the outside perspective, others can easily see what you are good at. Inquire and people will usually be happy to tell you your strengths in their eyes. Be sure to talk to people who know you well as well as people who don't. You will both see you differently, and the difference they see can tell you more about yourself. advertisement

Part 2 of 2: Life experiences

  1. Make time for something new. Life takes space for you to explore your talents! If you spend all day in the armchair after school or work, or spend all your weekend partying, you won't have much time to explore. Your talents are often hidden in activities that you have never tried before, and if you do not spend time on them, you will never be able to grow beyond who you are.
    • Think about how you spend your time in the present moment. Consider your priorities and then look for something you can cut back to allow more time for the new experience.
  2. Make time for "yourself". While others can help you find talent, you should also make time to yourself. Self-discovery requires self-reflection, and if you're spending all of your time watching movies with friends, you won't have enough time to truly understand yourself. Take a few days for yourself to do something new.
  3. Develop existing skills. Maybe you have some basic skills. Any skill you have can turn into real talent, but you need to take time to develop it and really try to experience every different activity that helps that talent. Perhaps you are only experiencing a small aspect of talent that you may have and you need to experience more if you want to nurture it.
    • For example, you are quite good at interior design. Surely you have made your room quite cute. You should strive to develop this skill into a holistic talent. Learn more about interior design, dabble in interior design on a computer, and nurture a great Pinterest account. By investing in this skill and exploring it more, you can turn your little skill into talent.
  4. Try out things you've never tried before. Sometimes we tell ourselves we can't do certain things. Perhaps we think we're not good enough or smart enough. Usually, we consider ourselves "not that kind of person". But the problem is that you don't know that you are until you start to be that person. You need to give life a chance to surprise you. You are capable and more interesting than you think. You should take risks and try something completely different than anything else you've ever tried.
    • For example, try rock climbing, diving, writing books, starting a business. These activities require effort but for many people, this is their true nature.
    • Add something that you know you do well. For example, you know that you enjoy playing with children. This may indicate that you have a cheerful, sociable nature. That means you will excel at working with animals, as this is the same activity and requires some of the same underlying characteristics.
  5. Take a class on a topic you're interested in. If a subject interests you and you think you want to develop it into talent, you should consider taking a class. Finding more information and identifying experiences will let you know if you are truly talented in something. It will also help you get the basic skills needed to start developing talent if you decide that it's what you want to do.
    • You can take free online classes from many websites if you cannot access the educational resources. However, if you have the time and money to dedicate to a particular classroom, you should check out your local community and technical college, as well as regional centers.
  6. Travel to enhance the experience. Traveling is one of the most productive experiences you can have. It will challenge you and teach you more about yourself than you think. However, you can't just take the easy route and go on a yacht or join a guided tour. You should explore it yourself. Go to a different place from anywhere you've been. Immerse yourself in the experience. Try something new. You will find yourself struggling in some areas, but you will also find that there are other activities that you can easily do or make you truly happy.
    • Travel can seem expensive, but it depends on where you go, when and what activities you do. There is no need to spend a lot of money to experience. You can also go somewhere close to home and get some benefits.For example, if you live in the US, you can go to the countryside in Canada or backpack to Mexico.
  7. Accept the challenge. When we struggle, when we are pulled out of our usual comfortable environment, when we learn the most about ourselves. When we curtail ourselves to the challenge by embracing a peaceful life and never leaving home, even stepping back when things get tough or running away from our problems, we are getting better. deny the chance to shine. Let the challenges play out, try to solve the problems, step out and enjoy life a little more so that you have a chance to conquer the challenges you face.
    • For example, your grandmother is sick and needs help. Please try to help her. You may find that you are good at connecting and helping older people.
  8. Volunteering to help you change your mindset. When you only know your own life and world, it is easy to shrink yourself from the possibilities: your personal and the possibilities of who you can be. When you provide significant and helpful help to others, you will be able to see yourself in new ways. Your preferences will change. You'll even have a chance to shine with talent you don't think you own, or build new talent through work you do.
    • For example, park departments often need help removing intrusive trees or in constructing new structures such as playgrounds. You can volunteer to help and you'll find that you are very good at identifying plants, woodworking, reading construction plans, or organizing, motivating others.


  • And above all, be yourself; don't care what others think of you.
  • Be confident in yourself and don't worry about what others think of you. You should show your talent to everyone!
  • You are you and this is everything you need to be, if you want talent, don't act like other professionals do with your talent.
  • Talk to your friends and ask them what they love about you.
  • Help friends find their talents. This process can help you discover your talents!


  • Whatever you do, don't harm others.