How to Make the Person You Love More Exciting With Sex

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Ways to Make Sex More Exciting
Video: 10 Ways to Make Sex More Exciting


Whether you are in an intimate relationship and want to warm up your sex life, or you are preparing to get physically close to your partner for the first time, the process can be quite challenging. with both. There are many ways your partner can become more interested in sex, and open communication is key to this.


Part 1 of 3: Talk about your desires

  1. Try not to take it personally. There are quite a few couples who have different sexual desires. Just because the person you love isn't as interested in sex as you are doesn't mean you're not attractive. In fact, there are many reasons that your ex doesn't want as much as you do, such as:
    • hormone deficiency
    • feeling sick
    • poor self-awareness
    • exhausted
    • stress
    • unhappy or depressed mood

  2. Improve communication with the person every day. Building a good relationship will improve your sex life. You can start by taking the time to chat with the person you love as if they were your friends. Take care of the person's happiness and health. Some good ways to improve communication include:
    • Ask about the events of the person's day. Make time to sit down and talk to your partner at least once a day, like during dinner or while drinking coffee in the morning. You could say something like “How was your job?”, Or “Was it fun to hang out with friends?”, Or “Have a plan today? What?"
    • Call or text the day. Keeping in touch with the person during the day will also help improve communication between the two of you. You should either send the person you love a small note or call him or her just to say hi. You can also text the person like “I'm thinking about you. What are you doing? " Or call and say, "Me / me, how are you doing today?".
    • Listen. Use effective listening while your partner is speaking to let him or her know that you are interested and paying attention. For example, you can face your loved one, look into his or her eyes, nod, and say phrases that show you are paying attention like "Yes", "Oh yeah" and "You say continue".

  3. Talk about your feelings. You need to let your partner know that you want to increase the frequency of having sex with him or her and talk about any issues you are worrying about in your sex life. Let your partner know about these things, making it easier for you both to find a solution to the problem.
    • For example, you could start a sexual discussion by saying, "I feel closer to you when we have sex more often, but lately it seems like Not as before. Is everything okay? ".
    • Remember that your partner may have had a bad sexual experience in the past with someone who doesn't care and don't understand them. Be considerate and let the person know that they can share everything with you and that you will not judge them (if this is the truth).

  4. Please be patient. Don't allow your physical desires to control your thoughts and actions. It may take a while for you to build a foundation for physical love. Consider taking a break to give your partner time to get ready for sex when they want.
    • There are plenty of opportunities to get close to the person you love while you're both in a relationship, so when all things are taken into consideration, the less frequent relationship you want won't be a problem. Too big.

Part 2 of 3: Using tools and assistive techniques

  1. Plan a “hot period”. Having a plan for some hot, intimate time with your significant other can help improve your sex life. Take 30 minutes a day to do something interesting with the person you love without expecting to have sex. It might just be the time for you to relax and get closer.
    • For example, you could shower together after exercising, light a few candles and enjoy a glass of wine, massage each other, or simply lie in bed and chat for a while.
    • Don't urge your partner to have sex with you during this process. Just enjoy the intimacy with the person you love and relax. Just keep in mind that just because one night your partner isn't in the mood for sex doesn't mean the same thing will happen the next night.
  2. Discuss using “a sex aid”. Talk to your loved one about using a sex toy or device in sex. They can be quite effective at boosting arousal and arousal before and during sex. For example, you can try:
    • scented lubricants
    • vibrator
    • supportive pillows, e.g. wedges
    • sex swing
    • edible underwear (made of candy)
    • beads for anal use
    • tool to tickle
    • arresting tools, such as fur handcuffs or other "violent" sex tools (bondage gear)
  3. Work with your partner for orgasm. You shouldn't pressure your loved one about having an orgasm, but you can ask what you can do to make it easier for him or her to feel it. You can also learn more about a variety of techniques to increase your partner's chances of delivering peak stimulation.
    • Remember that many women need direct stimulation to the clitoris in order to have an orgasm, so using your tongue, touching your hands, stroking, or using a vibrator on this area will increase your chances of delivering an orgasm. back to the feeling of orgasm. If the person you love is a man, consult his interest in this matter. This method will help alleviate his anxiety in the process of "showing off his brains" and can also provide stimulation for him.
    • Relentlessly touch your partner and kiss them in different parts of your body, not just the lips (but don't forget to kiss their lips).
    • Use lubricants to prevent pain and scratches during sex.
    • Change, whether it's changing to a different position or a different room, don't stay in the same position during sex.
    • You can also look for topical products like Zestra (available in Vietnam), which will help increase blood circulation for women facing an arousal or libido disorder.
    • Let the person you love know that you find their body attractive. People sometimes feel anxious about their looks, and this can cause them to lose interest in sex. Reassuring the person that they are attractive will make it easier for them to relax and get more excited about the process.
  4. Role playing. Dressing up or even stepping into some fantasy world can be a way to make sex more enjoyable. Talk to the person you love about adding role-playing games to your sex life.
    • For example, you could dress up as something you know well that your spouse finds him attractive, like a celebrity, an expert in something, or a character in the novel.
    • Another option is to pretend you are both just falling in love (or secretly in love) and meeting at a hotel at a specific time. You can also wear sunglasses, dark clothing, and even use a wig for added drama.

Part 3 of 3: Exploring the surrounding problems

  1. Ask the person you love if everything is okay. If this is your new relationship, your partner may be experiencing some kind of shameful health problem, such as an STD (a sexually transmitted infection). Be open, tender, and considerate to encourage the person to talk about your feelings. Usually, you can help the person you love simply by showing your supportive attitude.
    • Be prepared to react negatively to what the person says. However, if you are not ready to have sex with someone with an STD, you need to be upfront about this. If you find that your partner has an STD and you want to end the relationship, you need to talk about the problem in a way that is your problem, not that person's problem.
  2. Find a way to heal the relationship. If the two do not build emotional intimacy first, the process of physical intimacy is unlikely to happen.
    • If you have been very close to each other in the past, but the person you love is not as excited as before, think about the problem in every non-sexual aspect you are having. Do the two often argue with each other? Do you both spend enough time together? Does the person you love feel loved through your daily interactions? If anything is missing from your relationship, address them before you can persuade the person you love to have sex with you.
    • If you have never had sex before, make sure that the person is comfortable with you and trusts you. Pay attention to your partner's needs in a non-sexual way, for example, make sure your partner enjoys the activity you choose for your date, and express your feelings. take care of the person's daily life.Celebrate the success of your loved one and support them when they are having problems at school, at work, at home, in their health, or just simply having a bad day.
  3. Discuss the use of pornography and books. Perhaps the person you love is quite dependent on the unhealthy type of movies and books, and as a result, the person has little or no desire for real sex. Or, maybe he or she wants to have different kinds of experiences while being with you. For example, your partner may want to watch an "adult" movie with you before or while you are both sexually active.
    • The nonjudgmental conversations you could discuss about adding pornography to your sex lives will at least show you trying to talk about intimate topics, Hard to say, and this will make you both feel closer and increase your partner's libido.
  4. Change your usual behavior. It is likely that you and the person you love have developed classical roles in relation to sex. Perhaps you are the one who actively demands sex and the person you love is often the one who refuses. This behavior will continue to yield similarly disappointing results. To change this, you can:
    • Stop being the one initiating sex for a while and see what happens. Perhaps the person you love feels less pressured and will take the initiative in this matter.
    • Focus on your other needs. When the person you love refuses to be close, you may focus on the issue so much that you forget about other important aspects of your life. Start doing things that matter to you like pursuing hobbies, spending time with friends, and doing things that you care about.
  5. Repeat the action for the results. Take a look at the times you and the person you love had the best moments together and think about every factor that happened during that time. It is possible that your partner feels more excited in a certain atmosphere, so if you can recreate this element, he or she will be more interested in having sex. For example:
    • Do you feel great after you both did something interesting together?
    • Do you feel great after you both become more emotionally open to each other, and after you both have expressed weakness?
  6. See a therapist. Let your loved one know that it is important to see a qualified therapist to talk about your sex life.
    • If you're a woman and the person you love is a man and he doesn't have a lot of libido, then he probably has low testosterone, and / or is experiencing impotence or anxiety in performance. You should let him know that you love him no matter what, but he will feel better if you both go to a qualified professional and can help you and that person.
    • If you're a man and the person you love is a woman and she doesn't have a lot of libido, a sex therapist can help determine ways to balance your sexuality, or help both. learn to compromise and become happier.


  • Do not allow the amount of sensitive information on the internet to make you believe that sex "must be". They are purely fictitious, and trying to recreate them in your present life will only seriously hurt the person you love physically and emotionally. If you don't understand the difference between porn and real life, it's easy to distrust you.