How to make people think you're hacking

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Maybe you are famous for your talent in computers, or you want people to think about you that way. Infiltrating (or hacking) a computer requires an understanding of the computer system, network security and code, so if everyone sees what you do and thought hack, they will quickly be overwhelmed. You don't have to do anything illegal to prove you're hacking; you just need to use the basic terminal commands, or create the .bat file to launch the Matrix-esque browser with a series of characters to impress your viewers.


Method 1 of 3: Using Command Prompt

  1. Open the "Run" feature on the computer. You can click on the Start menu and look for the "Run" feature, or do a regular search on your computer with the keyword "Run" and open it this way.
    • Windows users can use the following key combination to quickly open the Run feature: ⊞ Win+R

  2. Open a Command Prompt window. Type "Cmd" into the search bar in the Run window. Command Prompt (or Command Line) will appear, this program is a way for users to interact with the computer through the text input method.
    • Apple users you can open the terminal command line - the Mac version of Command Prompt - using Spotlight or do a regular desktop search with the keyword "terminal".

  3. Use Command Prompt or Terminal to pretend hacking. There are many commands that you can use on Windows Command Prompt and Apple Terminal to execute tasks or query information. The commands below look pretty impressive, are harmless to the software, and are completely legitimate.
    • Windows users can try entering the following commands, don't forget to press ↵ Enter quickly follow each command in succession to make the process look more complicated:
      • color a
        • This command will change the text on the Command window to green with a black background. You can replace the part after "color" with numbers 0-9 or letters A - F to change the font color Command Prompt.
      • dir
      • ipconfig
      • tree
      • ping
        • The Ping command will check if a device can communicate with another device over the network (it's simple, but not everyone knows). You can use any website, just replace Google in the above example.
    • With Apple computersYou can use the following safe commands to fill the screen with a series of characters like a professional hack. Enter the following commands in the Terminal window to achieve the desired effect:
      • top
      • ps -fea
      • ls -ltra

  4. Switch between commands and windows. You can open several Command Prompt or Terminal windows, use different commands to look like you are doing a lot of incredibly complex and unrelated processes at the same time. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Create .bat file on Windows

  1. Open Notepad. To create a .bat file, you need to compose plain text with the editor and save it for the computer to read as an executable command. Notepad or any other basic text editor can be used to write .bat file.
  2. Compose process for .bat file in Notepad. The following text will open in a green font window titled "Hack Window". To change the title, you can change the text after the word "title" in the note file. The "@echo off" section will hide the command prompt, while "tree" will show the directory tree to make the hacking process more realistic. The bottom line of the text will ping the Google server, which is not illegal, but only increases complexity in the eyes of amateurs.Enter the following in a blank note document:
    • color a
      title HACK WINDOW
      @echo off
      ping -t
  3. Save the document as a .bat file. When saving the file, you'll need to select "Save as". In the dialog box that appears, give the file a name with the ".bat" extension. The text document is saved as a batch file that tells the operating system to execute the command string.
    • Maybe this method doesn't work on Windows Vista.
    • A dialog box will appear warning that if you save the file with the .bat extension all formatting will be lost. Please click "Yes" to finish creating the .bat file.
  4. Launch the .bat file. Double-click the .bat file located in the folder you saved, a window will open and launch some complicated computer processes that hackers (also known as hackers) usually do, come alive as real. . advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Use an online website

  1. Open a web browser. Some websites have the ability to mimic complex computer features. These websites are created for movie / video effect or for users like you.
  2. Check out This website produces the same text that hackers usually do at a speed that is sure to wow viewers. One problem that you may face when using this website to trick your friends is that the hacker-esque code is generated. too fast and more likely to spoil the effect.
  3. Open a separate browser window and visit the online website. Leave this web page open and display common hacker images such as data streams, rapidly changing parameters, and high frequency sine waves. With these images running in the background, you could say:
    • "I'm just compiling some data from my friend's server to see if there's any error in the code. This should take a few hours."
    • "I'm running some analytics in the background to see real-time how the processor copes with the rising temperatures from overclocking."
  4. Interface with different themed hak emulator by This site uses a hack emulator that looks the most realistic. After visiting the homepage of the website, you can choose a theme instead of entering text to look like a hack. Users can even click on folders to launch complex fake processes.
    • Switches between keystrokes created with hacker text and a fake process that you can activate by clicking on folders that will appear in the browser window after selecting a topic.
  5. Open these various web pages in a separate window. Each website produces different types of hacker / pseudo-code text and feels different. You can quickly switch between open windows using a key combination Alt+Tab ↹ to cycle between options. Enter several key combinations in each window before pressing Alt+Tab ↹ to switch to a new fake hack browser window to increase the feeling. If the tabs are open on the same window, you can press Ctrl+Tab ↹.
    • Try arranging open windows differently, or leaving some open windows open in the background for a more realistic look.


  • If you can document batch files, you can take this process to the next level.
  • You can apply this article to impress your friends.


  • Those who are familiar with computer systems and code will quickly find out whether you are hacking for real or just pretending. Choose the right audience.
  • Some older people may think you're real hacking, so be careful not to get into trouble.
  • Use caution when using Command Prompt. You may accidentally enter an executable command that causes your computer's important files to become corrupted, lose data, or even worse.