How to overcome shivering

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Stop Shaking When You’re Nervous
Video: How To Stop Shaking When You’re Nervous


Sometimes tremors cause a lot of trouble for us in everyday activities. Shivering is most evident in the arms and legs. There are many causes of tremors. Shaky body conditions can be caused by stress, hunger, excessive caffeine intake, hypoglycemia or illness. There are times when it is only necessary to make lifestyle changes to overcome the tremor, but there are also cases where you need medical treatment. Read on to learn how to treat this disease.


Method 1 of 2: Relaxation to overcome tremors

  1. Deep breath. Excessive levels of adrenaline in your body can make you shiver, most apparent in your arms and legs. If you find this is due to fear or anxiety, then the best thing to do is take a deep breath. Deep breathing stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is involved in sleep and relaxation. You can enter a more relaxed state by taking a few deep breaths.
    • Take a long, deep breath through your nose, hold it for a few seconds, and exhale through your mouth.
    • Take several deep breaths to calm yourself down. If you can, sit back or lie down for a few minutes to make deep breathing more effective.
    • You can try the 4-7-8 breathing method for relaxation here: demonstration /.

  2. Practice yoga or meditation. Stress and anxiety can cause tremors or worsen tremors. Relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation can help stop tremors by reducing stress and anxiety. Try taking a yoga or meditation class to fix this problem.
  3. Massage. Massage has been shown to reduce tremors in people with idiopathic tremors, a condition that causes tremors in the arms, legs, and head. Research shows that the intensity of tremors decreases as soon as the subject is massaged. Regardless of whether the cause of your tremors is stress and anxiety or your idiopathic tremors, you can ease it with regular massage. Try a massage to see if the shivering stops.

  4. Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can make hands and feet tremble or make it worse if you have idiopathic tremors. Make sure you get the recommended amount of sleep each night. Teenagers need 8.5-9.5 hours of sleep each night, and adults need 7-9 hours of sleep. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Lifestyle adjustment

  1. Consider your food intake. Low blood sugar levels can cause limb tremors, especially for people with diabetes. If you think your tremors could be caused by low blood sugar, you can eat or drink something with sugar as soon as possible. Hypoglycemia needs to be treated quickly to avoid more serious complications such as confusion, fainting, or seizures.
    • Eat a hard candy, drink some juice or chew a glucose tablet to increase blood sugar.
    • You should also eat a snack like a sandwich or a couple of crackers if it's 30 minutes or more before your meal.
  2. Check your caffeine intake. Drinking too much caffeinated beverages like coffee, cola, energy drinks and tea can make the body shiver. A caffeine level not exceeding 400 mg is considered safe for adults, and 100 mg in teenagers. Children should not drink caffeine. Everyone is different, so you can get shivering even with a very small amount of caffeine.
    • To stop caffeine shivering, limit or eliminate caffeine altogether if your body is sensitive to this substance.
    • Some ways to help limit caffeine intake include:
      • drink only decaffeinated coffee in the morning or make regular coffee with half decaffeinated coffee
      • drink caffeinated cola water
      • do not drink caffeinated beverages after noon
      • change coffee to tea
  3. Determine if the cause is nicotine. Nicotine is a stimulant, so you may experience shaking hands from smoking. If you smoke, this is probably the result of the habit. Smoking cessation can also cause tremors, so you may feel the same symptoms if you just quit smoking. Fortunately, smoking cessation symptoms usually peak after about 2 days and gradually lessen.
  4. Consider how much alcohol you regularly consume. Some people find that a glass of alcohol can help reduce tremors, but when the effects of the alcohol are gone, the tremor reappears. Regular consumption of alcohol can make tremors even worse. If you experience tremors easily, limit or avoid alcohol to stop this.
  5. Think about the recent changes in your lifestyle. Have you just stopped using alcohol or stopped using drugs? If so, tremors could be withdrawal symptoms. If you have been dependent on alcohol or drugs for a long time, you should seek treatment during the detoxification process. Some people experience seizures, fever, and hallucinations during detox. These complications can even lead to death.
    • Go to the emergency room if you experience tremors during detox while quitting alcohol or drugs.
  6. Ask your doctor about the side effects of any medications you are taking. Many medicines have undesirable side effects that cause tremors of hands, arms and / or head. This side effect is called drug-induced tremor. From cancer drugs, antidepressants to antibiotics and asthma inhalers can all cause this side effect. Talk to your doctor if you experience tremors and think that a medication's side effect may be the cause.
    • Your doctor may decide to give you other medications, adjust the dosage or add another medicine to control your tremors.
    • Do not stop taking the medication without first talking to your doctor.
  7. Ask your doctor for a test to determine the cause of your tremors. Many serious medical conditions can be the cause of tremors, which include conditions like Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, brain damage, and hyperthyroidism. If you have additional symptoms or don't explain the cause of the tremor, you need to see your doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor may conduct tests to determine the cause of your tremors and come up with the best treatment regimen. advertisement


  • Are you cold? Wear a warm coat or cover with a blanket to see if the tremor stops.
  • If you are shivering and there is no way to stop it, then you are probably sick.