How to stimulate hair follicles

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Hair follicle stimulation is one way to stimulate hair growth. In addition to some changes in diet and supplements, stimulating hair follicles can help hair grow a little faster than average. The results of all these methods have been proven, and most natural methods of stimulating hair follicles can be done at home.


Method 1 of 4: Scalp massage

  1. Considering if you plan to use the oil when massaging your scalp, many experts recommend massaging the oil into your scalp. This not only stimulates hair follicles, but also nourishes the scalp and hairline. If the oil is not used, the hair may feel jerky or tangled. Recommended oils include:
    • Coconut oil
    • Jojoba oil
    • Olive oil
    • Almond oil
    • Egg oil (Eyova)
    • Avocado oil
    • Castor oil

  2. Determine when to massage your scalp. Here you have several options, mainly based on whether or not you use the oil in the massage.
    • When standing in the shower, wash your hair with shampoo (no oil needed)
    • Before showering
    • Before go to bed

  3. Warm a small amount of selected oil in a small bowl. If you prefer to massage your scalp with oil, warm up a little. You can soak the bowl of oil in hot water or heat it in a saucepan over low heat.
    • Do not use more than 1 tablespoon of oil.

  4. Place your fingertips on your scalp and begin massaging in small, circular motions. The fingertips massage and stimulate blood flow to the scalp.
    • If using oil, dip your fingertips in the warmed oil before touching your scalp, then massage the oil into your scalp using small circular motions. Use only the minimum amount of oil to avoid greasiness.
  5. Massage over scalp for up to 5 minutes. You can divide your hair into sections and massage each part for about 1 minute, or simply massage slowly over your head.
    • Use a variety of motions. Try tapping, massaging, swiping and rubbing the scalp.
    • Some methods recommend pulling your hair back down during massage to stimulate blood flow to your scalp. This is not a proven method, so you should be careful when trying it out, especially if you are experiencing health problems such as pregnancy or dizziness.
  6. Cover your hair with an old t-shirt, light towel or shower cap. The hair covering is for the oil to have time to penetrate the hair follicles and hair shaft, increasing the effectiveness of hair nourishment. You should wrap your hair for up to 2 hours to let the oil seep into your hair.
    • Heavy towels often break hair, so use an old t-shirt or a light microfiber towel to cover your hair.
    • This step is not necessary if you are not using the oil when massaging your scalp.
  7. Wash your hair thoroughly if you use the oil for a massage. Hair of any type can be greasy if there is too much oil in it. This is especially true if you have fine-grained hair, as the oil is often too heavy for this type of hair.
    • Wash your hair and use conditioner as usual. You may need to wash it with shampoo twice to rinse the oil out of your hair.
  8. Use a scalp massage machine if you don't like to use oil. You can find them at beauty stores. This tool will help you to massage your scalp without oil. Some scalp massages run on batteries.
  9. Repeat this therapy 2 or 3 times a week. You should not massage your scalp every day, as washing your hair every day to get rid of the oil can dry out your hair. Instead, limit the frequency of massaging your scalp to only 2-3 times a week. You can either dry or massage while shampooing and using conditioner in the shower. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Add essential oils when massaging the scalp

  1. Buy rosemary and peppermint essential oils. You can buy these essential oils at natural product stores, health care stores and online.
    • Rosemary and peppermint oils have been shown to stimulate hair growth when used to massage oily skin.
  2. Add 3-4 drops of essential oil to the carrier oil. Whatever oil you use to massage your scalp can be used as a base oil. When using the oil to massage your scalp, add a few drops of rosemary and peppermint essential oils to the base oil.
    • You can also look for shampoo and / or conditioner products that contain these essential oils.
    • Do not use essential oils without base oil to avoid scalp irritation.
  3. Massage the mixture into the scalp. Use the movement of small circles with fingertips, not using nails. Slowly massage over scalp for about 5 minutes.
    • You can divide your hair into smaller sections if you like, or make sure to massage the entire scalp.
  4. Leave the oil on your hair for hair conditioning purposes. After massaging your scalp, consider leaving the oil in your hair for up to 2 hours. Use an old t-shirt or light towel to wrap your hair or put a shower cap over your hair.
  5. Wash your hair thoroughly. To completely remove the oil from your hair, you may need to use shampoo twice and then conditioner as usual. advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Use a hair brush to stimulate hair follicles

  1. Buy a hair brush with brush bristles made of natural materials. To most effectively stimulate hair follicles and help the scalp produce natural oils, the most recommended method is to use a hairbrush with a natural bristles brush.
  2. Comb your hair to untangle your hair. Start brushing from the ends of your hair, gradually brushing it over the roots. You can apply conditioner before brushing to prevent tangled hair when combing.
  3. Bend over to shake hair down. You will need to temporarily hold your head down to brush the inside of the hair on the back of your neck.
  4. Brush your hair in long, gentle movements from the back of your neck. Comb your hair forward over the top of your head and down the ends facing the floor.
    • Move the brush along the nape of the neck and up the ears. You can also split sections of hair to brush hard to reach parts.
    • Comb your hair for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Slowly return to an upright position. Prevent dizziness by slowly returning to a normal upright position to give your body time to adjust.
  6. Repeat the process of brushing your hair as you did before, starting with the roots of your hair brushing the ends. This time you will also brush for 3-5 minutes, moving all over the top of the head.
    • Brush in slow, gentle movements to avoid hair breakage and to irritate the scalp.
    • Divide hair into sections if needed.
  7. Repeat this method 3 times a day. You can brush your hair with a natural bristle brush up to 3 times a day, but it is recommended to brush at least once a day. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Apply onion juice to the scalp

  1. Buy some onions. While it's best to make onion juice in small batches to keep it from spoiling, it's also good to have more onions on hand, just in case you need to do another batch.
  2. Peel off the onion. Peel the onion with your finger, or you can cut the onion into pieces to make it easier to peel.
  3. Determine how much juice an onion can provide. You have three options for this, depending on the type of cookware available:
    • Juicer: Cut onions into small pieces and place them in the juicer.
    • Blender and food blender: Cut the onions into 4 pieces and place in a blender or food blender. Strain the mixture through a metal sieve or cheesecloth covered in a bowl to extract onion juice.
    • Scraper table: Cut onions in half and grind them in half on a curette table. Brush the corpse over the cheesecloth over the bowl to get the onion juice.
  4. Apply onion juice to a small, hidden spot on the skin to test for allergies. Raw fresh onion juice is very strong and can cause allergies.
    • Do not continue to apply the following steps if you have allergies.
  5. Apply onion juice to your scalp and massage. Carefully pour the onion juice onto your scalp, then massage your scalp with your fingertips. Massage will help increase the effectiveness of the hair follicle stimulation process.
  6. Leave the onion juice on your scalp for at least 30 minutes to up to 1 hour. For best results, you need to leave the onion juice on your scalp for at least half an hour.
  7. Wash your hair as usual. When the waiting time is up, you can wash your hair and conditioner as usual to dispel the scent of the onion.
  8. Repeat this therapy 3 times a week. It is recommended that you consume onion juice three times a week for about two months for best results. advertisement


  • Always use your fingertips when massaging your scalp to keep your nails from scratching your scalp.
  • Clean natural bristles by brushing with a thin brush. Place the comb down so that it is perpendicular to the bristles of the brush and gently push to remove any lashes from the brush. Then, use washing water and place the brush on the towel, place the bristles down to dry.


  • Try all new treatments on a small portion of your scalp before applying it to the entire scalp to test your skin's response to that product.