Ways to Deal With Abortion Problems

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Redirect: Why facts matter on both sides of abortion debate
Video: The Redirect: Why facts matter on both sides of abortion debate


Fortunately, and despite all popular belief, during the first three months, most people who have had to undergo a legal abortion to deal with an unwanted pregnancy show signs of recovery, and not suffer serious psychological consequences in the long term. You can deal healthily with an abortion by making informed decisions, being prepared for the procedures, facing the process, dealing with the consequences, and learning to forgive.


Method 1 of 5: Make a selection

  1. Analyze your choices. To be able to form the right decision, you first need to think about the many different options you have. Know that someone who chooses to have an abortion over another method will experience psychologically similar consequences.
    • Write down or think about your options. For example, you can choose to: raise a child, adopt a child (closed or open), give custody of your child to a relative or person close to you, or have an abortion. Consider your own situation with these options.
    • Write down the pros and cons for each solution, including your own practical and emotional issues.

  2. Consider personal beliefs and feelings. Some people can't stand the thought of abortion, others have mixed feelings, others believe this is a human right. You could fall into certain groups of people in this range. You should also consider your own feelings about being a mother. Your thoughts and feelings are very important.
    • Do you have a strong religious opinion about abortion?
    • How do you feel when someone else has an abortion?
    • Are you ready to be a mother?
    • If you did not have an abortion, would you like to see the baby's face?
    • Would you feel okay if other people knew about, and might judge you, about abortion?

  3. Consider practical issues. You should envision a variety of futures for yourself: first you will keep the baby and raise the baby, the second you will become pregnant but then put your baby in an orphanage for others to accept. feed, you will have an abortion, and so on
    • Are you eligible to raise children?
    • If you have children, what are your future and that of your family's?
    • Would you be willing to tell your parents or go to court if your residence asks for this?
    • Can you deal with the psychological state of an abortion? Could some help be able to help you handle it?
    • Can you overcome the psychology of the pregnancy?

  4. Talk to someone you trust. Help will help you review the option and prepare you for any choices you want to make. It will help you feel more confident in your ability to cope with the situation. Whether the source of support you have is a parent, a friend, a counselor, a clergy, or a counselor, you need to reach out to someone to comfort and help you.
    • Seek support from your partner, if you have one.
    • Get parental help, if possible.
    • Stay away from people who don't support you. Seeking help from negative people often hurts you more emotionally. (If you are over 18, you don't have to tell anyone about this.)
    • If your parent or partner is unable to provide you with support, look elsewhere. You can share with friends or siblings.
  5. See a doctor. If you find out that you are pregnant through home check, you should see your doctor to confirm. If you still don't know if you should have an abortion, you can consult with more information to help yourself make a decision.
    • Ask questions on the first day of your visit.
    • Every member of the Vietnam Family Planning Association has been trained to discuss your concerns.
  6. Understand the impact of the decision. People who are easy to make decisions, are satisfied with their choices, and people who discard an unwanted fetus, are more likely to cope with the abortion process.
    • Take some time to think about it. The hasty decision will make you regret it; Allow yourself to weigh all the options and choose the best one as you think.
  7. Pay attention to the risks. Abortion is a relatively safe method, only about 1% of abortion complications have complications. Most people do not experience the significant psychological consequences of an abortion, but for others it is not possible. The risk of psychological harm increases if any factors that cause stress or mental health are present.
    • Understand your mental health history. If you have a history of mental illness, it will be difficult for you to cope with an unwanted pregnancy or an abortion.
    • Identify other stressors in your life. If you can't afford it, you will have a harder time dealing with the effects following the abortion.
    • Know your support network. If you have experienced domestic or partner violence in the past, or do not have adequate support systems, you will find it even more difficult.
    • Personal personality also affects the psychological consequences of abortion. People who don't have healthy coping will suffer more.

Method 2 of 5: Getting ready for abortion

  1. Study many different hospitals. If you do decide to remove the fetus, you will need to find out where this service is.
    • You can ask for a referral from your doctor.
    • Do more research on the reproductive health websites, local hospital websites, or the Vietnam Family Planning Association
  2. Understand everything. Make sure you are knowledgeable about everything that will happen.
    • Call ahead or talk to staff or doctor for more details.
    • Learn about the price, some services can be low-cost or free, while others can be quite expensive depending on where you choose.
    • Understand the rules for abortion in your area.
    • Learn about the many different types of abortion and choose the one that works best for you.
    • If you consult with your doctor, they will give you a brief summary before the abortion procedure and guide you through the process.
  3. Know the possible side effects. Tu Du Hospital's website will tell you more about what happens during and after each method of abortion. In addition, you should also look for complications to know what to do when experiencing this rare case.
    • You may experience mild to moderate bleeding, similar to your period. However, if the bleeding persists, you should seek medical attention.
    • Abdominal pain should come on and not last more than a day.
    • Be sure to know the 24-hour emergency phone number just in case.
  4. Understand your emotional change processes. Grieving feelings about abortion tend to intensify before the time you have abortion. There isn't any "wrong" feeling. Many people experience negative emotions like sadness, anger, and guilt. They can be mild or extreme. Others find it easier, and experience the same feeling as if they had to undergo any other medical treatment. You may feel anxious or scared, and this is fine.
    • Talk to a trusted person (a good listener) and explain your feelings.
    • Talk to someone who has experienced a similar situation.
    • Find a support group or online forum to discuss anxiety. Remember to look for forums that advocate for a choice in abortion matters.
  5. Get everything ready for the recovery process. After the abortion, you need to rest, so it's a good idea to spend a day or two relaxing at home.
    • Buy more thick tampons to use when you have bleeding after an abortion. (Your doctor may ask you to use a regular tampon instead of a tampon.)
    • Complete chores, like doing laundry and shopping. If you have abdominal pain, you should rest.
    • Have a few books, movies, and other relaxing activities on hand. You should plan to watch movies with your loved ones.
  6. Bring someone to the hospital for an abortion if possible. This person will provide you with emotional support. If you have to take sedatives during the entire procedure (for example, your doctor gives you medicine to relax you), you'll need someone to drive you home safely. advertisement

Method 3 of 5: Coping with the process

  1. Relax. Being able to use relaxation skills is a huge part of being able to cope. It will help you stay calm and minimize any of your anxiety or confusion about the process.
    • Before starting an abortion, you should focus on breathing and breathing deeply.
  2. Chat with like-minded people. Discussing your thoughts and feelings with someone who has been in a similar situation not only helps to reduce anxiety about the abortion process, but also about your decision to reject your baby. Seeking support can help you feel like you're not dealing with a problem alone.
    • Share with friends who share your beliefs, especially if they have had an abortion in the past.
    • Be careful with anti-abortion organizations. They may manipulate or give false information to force you to keep your baby.
  3. Stay away from bad coping methods. You should not deal with harmful substances such as alcohol or drugs. They can only help you in the short term, but if you are experiencing emotional hardship (depression, grief, loss), these substances will only prolong or exacerbate the pain. your god later.
    • You can exercise, journal, chat with a therapist, with friends, create art, or any activity that helps you get through this process or deal with negative emotions.
    • See your doctor or therapist if you are feeling confused, or if you are afraid that you will seek unhealthy coping strategies.

Method 4 of 5: Dealing with the consequences

  1. Listen to post-abortion care instructions. Your hospital will give you detailed instructions on what to do after the abortion process ends.
    • Take medication as directed. If you want, you can take an approved pain reliever.
    • Instructions may include using regular tampons or tampons during the bleeding phase.
    • Do not immerse, douche, or place medication in the vagina after an abortion. (You can take a shower whenever you want).
    • Many doctors will advise you not to put anything in your vagina or have sex for about a week after your abortion.
    • You will probably have to rest.
  2. Keep the care guide in a place you can easily refer to. Your doctor will give you information on how to take care of yourself, with a phone number in case you have any questions or concerns.
  3. Consider booking a follow-up visit. Your doctor will probably ask you to have a follow-up visit in 2 - 4 weeks.
  4. Rest all day. As for vacuum abortion, you can go back to normal activities the next day. Recovery from dilatation and pregnancy will take more time.
  5. Take a few days for yourself if needed. It is important that you take the time to recover physically and mentally from the stress of the abortion.
    • For example, you should spend at least an evening watching comedy, eating ice cream, and listening to your favorite music.
    • Don't do anything new that could be stressful if you can.
    • Try to engage in some creative activity, like drawing pictures, writing music, or writing. Many find that helpfulness can be effective; So, you should choose between relaxing and enjoyable missions.

Method 5 of 5: Coping with negative emotions

The effects after an abortion differ from person to person, depending on the circumstances in which they became pregnant and their personal views about the abortion.

  1. Plan a recovery journey if you are dealing with feelings of grief or other difficult feelings. For many people, abortion is a significant life event, and coping with it can be difficult.
    • Identify any ritual, tradition, or ritual you want to perform.
    • Know the triggers and how to deal with them when they appear. For example, if you see another pregnant woman making you think negatively about the abortion process, identify positive ways to cope, such as taking deep breaths and telling yourself. “Everyone has the right to choose. Another decided to become pregnant. Someday I'll want to do the same thing. ”
  2. Pay attention to your own feelings. If you feel lost, acknowledge it. Feelings of regret, sadness, and guilt can arise after an abortion. Avoiding negative emotions is not a positive way to cope.
    • If you feel like you are losing yourself, make a list of the things you love about as well as the ones that make you unique.
    • If this is the feeling of losing your baby, you can communicate with the lost child.
    • Many people think that doing a memorial activity can be quite helpful.
    • Realize that there are no small feelings. You should acknowledge all of your feelings. You don't have to feel the single happiness of having a baby and the sadness of having an abortion.
  3. Admit resentment or blame. It is natural to blame someone who has a share of responsibility for getting you pregnant or forcing you to make this decision.
    • Use guided visualization and visualization. Close your eyes and imagine a bright spot in the middle of a forest. Call them one by one and ask them how you feel. If you feel pain, gratitude, or being betrayed, let them know. If you are heartbroken or sad, ask them to pay you back for the lost. Feel them fill a part of you, then thank them and forget them.
  4. Write diary. Tracking your feelings over time will help you gain a more objective view of how you are feeling and why you made such a decision.
    • Write down your thoughts about abortion. Are you afraid or worried?
    • Write about your feelings about abortions and how to deal with them.
  5. Seek person-to-person support. Help is important at every stage of the abortion process. Many abortion centers will also offer you post-abortion counseling, or refer you to a good counselor.
    • You can consult a few websites for help.
    • Or go to online forums like webtretho.
    • If you have a problem, there are many female communities who have experienced the same problem and can help, enlighten, and guide you on your path to recovery in a nonjudgmental and loving way. love.
    • If you need to chat with someone, whether your feelings are good or bad, you can visit the website http://www.tamsubantre.org, as this is a source of non-judgmental support. friend.
  6. Forgive. Forgiveness is a very important part of going forward and finding peace. Forgive yourself and others, whether they are a spirit you trust, your spouse, or your family. Forgiveness is not easy, but it is possible.
    • Seek tolerance on the part of others if this helps you.
    • Remind yourself that you can forgive yourself because you are just human.
    • Know that you are able to show forgiveness towards your family because they probably feel that they helped you make the wisest decision.
    • Forgive the person who made you pregnant, if possible.


  • Many people find the ideology in favor of abortion option quite helpful in helping them make decisions, and move on. You should read a little more about it (even if you consider yourself an anti-abortionist).


  • Stay away from disguise centers that offer you the "pre-abortion counseling process". They will only try to stop you from dismissing your idea of ​​an abortion.
  • Be careful when searching for information about abortion online. Many websites are designed to discourage you from having an abortion through manipulation and dishonesty. Advertising in the form of "Pregnancy and fear" is often by the same organization that opposes abortion.