Ways to Deal With People with Anti-Social Personality Disorders

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
At war with the world: Antisocial personality disorder
Video: At war with the world: Antisocial personality disorder


Sociopaths often seem very charming and graceful, but once you get to know them, their true personality is revealed. If you know someone who is manipulative and does not feel compassion for others, you need to know how to deal with them so that your emotions are not drained. Arguing with someone with an antisocial personality disorder is not going to help. It's better to show them that you are smart enough not to be drawn on by them.


Part 1 of 3: Understanding a person with antisocial personality disorder

  1. Recognize the signs of a person with an antisocial personality disorder. This is a mental disorder that prevents the person from reaching empathy for others. Although they seem very friendly and likable, they often use their charm to get others to do what they want. A person with this personality disorder often has the following characteristic traits:
    • Extremely charismatic; Everyone seems to love them.
    • Don't repent; they don't feel guilty about making a mistake.
    • There's no empathy; they don't care when someone gets hurt.
    • Tend to lie; they often lie like that which is a small thing.
    • Don't know how to love; the people closest to them often find that something is missing.
    • See yourself as the center; they feel elated to be the center of attention.
    • Power illusion; they consider themselves better than others.

  2. Understand the motivations of people with this disease. The sick have no need to make the world a better place, to help others, or to be trusted in their closest relationships. "Doing the right thing" is not their motive; instead, they want the power to dominate others and use it to get what they want: more power, money, sex ...
    • Even if an antisocial person does something good, they often have a secret reason behind them.
    • These people often deceive their partners because they don't feel guilty about doing so.

  3. People with antisocial personality disorders are often specialists in manipulating others. They are very dangerous because they have the ability to make others do what they want. They often use a variety of strategies to get others to work for them. They often divide people to get what they want, or make someone lie on their behalf to cover the truth.
    • These people often have a love triangle or are the perpetrators of someone else's family happiness.
    • At work, they can smear their colleagues to make themselves even better in front of their boss.
    • With friends, they will cause problems and split the group of friends, and they will have complete control of the situation.

  4. Don't expect an antisocial person to care about your feelings. They don't care if someone is being taken advantage of or being hurt, because they don't feel a lot about using your kindness. Their most distinctive trait is: they don't understand that other people are feeling or can be hurt by their actions.
    • A person with antisocial personality disorder cannot change to become compassionate. No frank talk or any chance can make them a better person.
    • If you can stay away from the person enough to realize that it is not your problem, you will have the courage to stand up against the person with the personality disorder.
  5. To be able to deal with someone with this, think like them. When you realize that someone you know has this disease, you will see their motivations and weaknesses. If you treat them like someone with a normal mindset, you will just fall into a state of confusion or be dragged into tragedy.
    • When communicating with someone who is sick, stay alert and avoid trying to talk to change that person.
    • Remember that their driving force is not love, but power. You should therefore show that you will not let them control you.

Part 2 of 3: Effective communication

  1. Consider avoiding the person altogether. It is very difficult for people with antisocial disorders to communicate, so it is best if you stay away from that person. The relationship with that person will never improve. If you are dating someone who seems to have Sociopath, or if it is your friend, you should strongly terminate the relationship.
    • This can be very helpful if you are sensitive or sensitive. Sociopath is very clingy to people with such personality, so run away as soon as you have time.
    • In some cases, you may not be able to end the relationship. Maybe the sick person is your boss, or worse, your parents or children or brothers. If so, you need to learn to communicate effectively while with them.
  2. Always be defensive. Don't let yourself become vulnerable around someone with such a personality disorder. When you show your true feelings, it's easy to become their target, because they will find that you are easily manipulated. When dealing with someone with this personality disorder, always show self-control.
    • Always make a happy face when the person is present. Even if you don't feel really happy, you should never show your true feelings to the other person.
    • It is also important to show that you don't fall down or get hurt easily. If you're feeling really unhappy that day, avoid the person.
  3. Be careful with everything the person tells. Remember that they are extremely good at making others express their emotions. If you can predict this, you will avoid the person's manipulation. Always be calm and natural, no matter what the person says ..
    • For example, if you were having a great morning at work, suddenly, the colleague came up and said that your boss was getting mad at your report. Don't believe it until your boss says it.
    • Maybe a friend in the group has this disease and often tells you about a party you weren't invited to. Don't react until you hear this story from another person.
  4. Let's talk calmly. Instead of letting the person speak, speak up and steer the conversation in the direction you want. This way, you can both keep yourself safe while not giving the other person a chance to provoke you. Agree and praise the person whenever possible.
    • Talk about anything that has a safety and general topic, like politics, weather, news, sports ...
    • Change the subject often (especially if the person is saying something that offends you) and don't let the silence last too long.
  5. Never share personal information. Don't talk about family, friends, work, finances, dreams, goals… Those people want to take advantage of you, your loved ones, your finances and other relationships. To prevent them from getting what they want, you have to show that you don't have what they need.
    • If the person wants your money, don't let them find out that you have money. They may look up your account statements without your permission. So keep your account information safe. Give the impression that you don't have a lot of money, neither do your friends and family, so you won't become their target.
    • If they want power, show that you don't have a great relationship.
    • If they want to take advantage of you, show yourself there's nothing for them to take advantage of.

  6. Avoid talking about the things that make you happy or sad. If the person knows what you love or what you hate, they will use that information as a weapon against you.
    • Avoid complaining to them, because everything related to your weaknesses, things that make you hurt, upset, confused or hurt, can be used to terrorize you.
    • Don't let them know when you are sad. They may redo the action to make you hurt again.

Part 3 of 3: Protect yourself

  1. Full security plan. If an antisocial person knows your plans in advance, he or she will use that information to humiliate, belittle, discourage, or offend you. If you are going to do something, don't tell the other person in advance. Let them know until you are done.
    • For example, if you plan to change jobs, just take an exam, interview, take a new job, or quit your old job before sharing information with someone with this mental illness. When everything is in, that person will have no way to make you fail.
    • If you live in the same house or work in the same space as the person with this personality disorder, use those moments when the person goes out to shop, change or complete his or her job.

  2. Show the person you know their motivations. If you want the person to disappear from your life forever, he must realize that you are not an easy subject to manipulate. The person will give up and move on to a more manipulative subject.
    • Don't react if the person offends you.
    • Calmly offer to explain when the person is blatantly lying.
    • Show that you are not easily manipulated.
  3. Don't owe Sociopath anything. They often manipulate others by creating situations that put them in positions of power. Don't do anything that will give the person the opportunity to use it to manipulate you later. For example:
    • Don't borrow money from them.
    • Do not accept gifts of any kind. If the person wants to compliment you with your boss, politely decline.
    • Refuse to accept help.
    • Don't do anything that makes yourself feel sorry for them.
  4. Keep a record of their insulting behavior. If you feel that the person is trying to damage your reputation, gather evidence of this. These people are often quite famous, so no one will probably believe what you say unless you have evidence to prove otherwise. Please save e-mail and other forms of evidence so that you can share with stakeholders in case needed.
    • When collecting evidence, act with caution. Recording another person's words without telling them may be illegal in some localities. If you are offended and need to gather evidence, you can talk to your lawyer to find the best course of action.
  5. Seek professional help. If you are emotionally dependent on that person, and the person has a negative impact on your life, you can talk to a third person that is unrelated to you. Find a therapist to get over your troubles and find out the best way to deal with the other person. advertisement


  • Learn to say no. There is nothing that turns a Sociopath toward an accessible goal more than you appear "in short supply" to them (money or help).
  • They need to know where the limit is. Don't be interested in what they say, because they are very good at manipulating others, and make others think that everything they put up is the best. Always be careful and always wary of them.
  • Never tell them they were wrong. Those people always assume they are right and always find ways to win. If you say they were wrong or try to disprove them, there's a good chance a fight or brawl.
  • Seeking help is important. Especially if the person has isolated you from a relationship and you can't reach out to friends, co-workers or family. Experts say: when you think the person is showing you a psychosis, and you're completely "normal", it will give you a lot more confidence.
  • Always be steady, don't show your emotions, don't raise your voice, and don't cry. Always tell yourself this if the person is trying to get you to change your mind. Don't give up. Say things like, “No, it didn't work for me, thanks. I don't like that. I will review, thanks ”. Continue to answer vague answers or say other inspirational statements. Don't let them catch you.
  • Sociopath is also human. They are not as dangerous as what the media says about them. In fact, 4% of CEOs are reported to have an antisocial personality disorder. They simply lack certain qualities, so others often label them "dangerous". Due to a lack of compassion, confidence, and charm, they both become talented CEOs as well as other powerful companies.
  • Find out what they say. People with this disease often lie about everything, even if it is of no use.
  • The best defense is "avoiding elephants without any bad side". Find another job and stay away from the person! Do not share personal information and private matters. Be wary when your mood is bad and your defense is weak.
  • If it is a family member, do not tell the family the truth about that person. They won't believe you, and as a result you will turn into a bad person. Instead, tell a friend or a person who has no relationship with the person with the other psychosis.


  • Avoiding is the best response. If you can't completely avoid them, build strong relationships with people who can protect you, and regularly bring them up in front of the person with the psychosis. Let's say you always tell those people. People with Sociopath do not feel comfortable around the police or the psychiatrist.