Ways to deal with many problems in life

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
If You Have Too Many Life Problems - WATCH THIS And Bury Them For Good! (Motivational Video)
Video: If You Have Too Many Life Problems - WATCH THIS And Bury Them For Good! (Motivational Video)


What is money, relationship, family, health, school, and work. Problems can arise in all areas of life. The longer you live, the more obstacles you have to overcome. Learning how to effectively handle life problems is an essential skill that can have a powerful effect on health and well-being. Building problem-solving strategies and skills to deal with them can help you get through when life is tough.


Method 1 of 4: Develop problem solving skills

  1. Identify the problem. Occasionally, when we are facing some problem in our life, it can be quite difficult to separate the problem from the symptoms it causes. You need to identify and clearly identify the problem in order to find a possible solution.
    • For example, you are short on bill payment. Find the source of the problem. Why are you short of money this month? Maybe you need to find a better paying job to pay for the increased spending, work overtime, or stop spending unnecessarily on entertainment.

  2. Determine the target. The goal is the ideal outcome that you want to see happen in order to solve the problem.
    • For example, if you are short of money, your goal is to make more money or increase your income somehow.

  3. Narrow the problem. If you really have a serious problem that requires a really big goal to deal with, break this goal down into a few smaller parts. Doing so makes it easier and also more manageable to plan and solve problems.
    • In the US, for example, if you hope to increase household sales, you can reduce this target to save up to $ 100 (more than 2.2 million VND). Then the goal might be to double this amount and more. This is more feasible than setting an immediate savings goal of $ 500 (more than 11 million VND).

  4. Check out all changes. Think about the potential change you have available. Identify steps you can take to meet your selected goal. Do research on each option to understand each change.
    • Some of the changes to increase sales could be working longer hours, finding a good-paying job, or lowering other costs to bring in more income.
  5. Implement the solution that best meets the target. With the information you have gathered for each option, decide which is the most viable option to help you achieve the results you want.
    • Perhaps, you cannot find a new job or increase work hours immediately. Therefore, the only option you should make is to find a way to cut some other costs.
  6. Check the result. After implementing the solutions, reassess after a while to see if they have met your goals. If not, consider adjusting, and try to see if there is a better change to help you achieve your goals. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Increase storage for tool dealing with the problem

  1. Understand the flip side of chronic stress. Dealing with some long-term stressors without a healthy coping mechanism can jeopardize your health and well-being. Stress can cause many health problems or worsen an existing medical condition. You need to see a doctor if you suspect this is happening. Here are some physical signs of stress:
    • Headache
    • Weight gain or loss
    • Depression
    • Worry
    • Insomnia
    • Shortness of breath
    • Difficulty sleeping
    • Change the taste
  2. Call your friends. When you feel stressed, participating in the social support system can be a great way to combat it. A social support channel gives you a sense of comfort, an enhanced confidence, and a security. Calling a friend or relative to talk about or simply alleviate problems in your life is also a great way.
  3. Do what you enjoy often. You might think that having a hobby is just to make time pass. In fact, some hobbies help us recharge, reduce stress, learn new things, connect with others, and gain new perspectives.
    • Hobbies can be anything you like. Try reading, writing, playing sports, rock climbing, boating, skiing, painting, gardening, or more. The ability to find your hobby and do it regularly is limitless.
  4. Relax every night. You may have heard about the importance of getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep (getting more sleep if you were a teen or a child). But, get good quality sleep and rely heavily on feeling comfortable and peaceful before going to bed. When you're struggling with some life issues, it can be difficult to sleep. Follow a bedtime routine to make it easier to fall asleep.
    • Do something relaxing like stretching, listening to soothing music, a long, warm bath, or a massage.
  5. Do exercise. Dealing with a difficult problem can urge you to go to bed from fatigue and sleep for a week. You should not do it. Physical activity can actually make you feel better about life. Exercise to boost the comfort neurotransmitters in your brain are called endorphins. This chemical boosts your mood and gives you a sense of elation that has a lot to do with "refreshing after exercise".
  6. Deliberate relaxation. When life makes you depressed, you need some tools you need to help you fight stress and bring you a sense of peace. Relaxation can be done almost anywhere and anytime.
    • Practice deep breathing by taking a deep breath through your nose and hold for 4 count hours. Hold this breath for a while, then exhale for another 4 count. You should feel your lower abdomen stretch as you inhale and go back down when you exhale.
    • Try stretching your muscles by sitting still and comfortably in a chair or mattress. Move slowly each muscle group in your body, tense and release different muscles. Start with the toe. Tense them for 5 seconds and notice how this feels. Next, release the tension and simply stay relaxed for about 30 seconds before moving on to another muscle group.

Method 3 of 4: Dealing with some interpersonal problems

  1. Try to be more empathetic. Usually, we experience conflict with others because we don't have time to fully understand their point of view. Developing empathy for everyone can help you do this. There are many ways to build empathy. Here are some suggestions:
    • Try to listen rather than react. You can certainly spend most of your time listening to what you want to say next. Take the time to really listen to what others are saying in everyday interactions. This reduces the perils.
    • Take the trouble to do something on purpose to break prejudice. Do you have an opinion about a person or group that is not supported? Make an effort to meet, chat and get to know these individuals and see if your opinion changes.
    • Learn more about the world by reading books, watching movies or documentaries, and visiting museums to learn about the many characters from different places.
  2. Use sentences that begin with "I". One of the most important obstacles to healthy communication is using language that makes the listener defensive. Formulating speech in a way that allows you to express your emotions without blaming others can reduce personal conflict.
    • Sentences that begin with "I" show sympathy, explain the reasons behind the emotions, and suggest practical solutions. The "I" sentence could be: "I don't feel appreciated when you give me the task at the last minute. If next time you can let me know in advance, it will be great."
  3. Stop trying to change someone else. Think about how it feels when someone close to you makes an effort to change some aspects of your nature. Maybe your mom wants you to get dressed again or she doesn't like the way you dress. You feel that is bad, right? Now, think about someone who accepts you no matter who you are. That feels much better, doesn't it?
    • Constantly judging, scolding or embarrassing others for their mistakes by stressing their righteousness as bad for anyone. Remember, "a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still". Trying to change others only frustrates you (and them).
    • Focus on changing your shortcomings instead of spending too much energy on others.
  4. Find out when and how to apologize. If your words or actions have hurt or hurt someone else, make corrections to prevent the relationship from straining or breaking down completely. Apologize to show goodwill to admit your mistakes and heal your relationship.
    • Apologize to eat, accept responsibility, make amends and strive to prevent similar mistakes from happening in the future.
    • An example of an apology might be "I apologize for not respecting your free time. I'll do my own thing at this point, and next time I'll be sure to ask first to see if you have a free time. are not".

Method 4 of 4: Have a healthy perspective

  1. Begin to see the problem as an opportunity. Change the language of the problems you face in your life, and you can dramatically change how you handle them. Every problem has a number of ways to reassess, discover some new options, and improve existing methods. So, rather than ascribe them as problems, think of them as opportunities for improvement.
  2. Focus on your strengths. If you feel like you've been able to effectively handle life problems, you might not be too overwhelmed by them. By identifying and starting to use your strengths, you can become more confident in your life problem solving.
    • Use one sheet of paper to list all the positive achievements, values, and qualities of yourself that you can think of. Also, call a close friend or family member who knows you well. Ask the person to help you identify your strengths.
    • If you have trouble finding your strengths, try an online review like the VIA Charater Strengths Assessement (VIA).
    • Once you've identified your strengths, learn how to apply them effectively in your life. Examine each of your strengths and find some solutions that you have applied them in your life. Then, think about how supplements will benefit you.
  3. Cultivate gratitude. Having appreciation for the good in life, or a past problem you are capable of overcoming, can help you cope with current problems. To practice gratitude:
    • Start a gratitude journal by writing down a few good things that happened each day.
    • Say "thank you" more.
    • Write letters of gratitude to family, friends, and acquaintances that have helped to some extent.
    • Change the language to use these words more than "gift", "luck", "blessing", and "fulfillment".