How to go to bed after watching a horror movie

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 13 May 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Go to Bed After Watching a Horror Movie
Video: Go to Bed After Watching a Horror Movie


There are times when we feel scared and cannot sleep after watching horror movies. If you are obsessed with the movie you just watched, you can bravely face it by admitting and talking about your fear. Think in a logical way and find ways to overcome it. You can also watch or read something interesting, doing an activity that requires concentration and composure to distract yourself from your fear. In addition, making yourself and your surroundings comfortable will also help you fall asleep.


Method 1 of 3: Face your fear

  1. Awareness of fear. After watching a horror movie, you can worry about ghosts, zombies, serial killers, vampires and countless other scary things. Think about the things that scare you and acknowledge them. Realizing what you're afraid of can help you deal with the phobia properly ... but it can also make you even more scared (this doesn't work for some).
    • For example, you may be afraid that you might be haunted or worried about strangers breaking into your home.

  2. Talk about fear. You should feel better after talking to someone about your obsession. Talk to siblings, parents, call or text a friend. Choose someone who can sympathize with and is willing to listen so that you can tell all of your insecurities.
    • Go to your room and say “I just watched a movie Saw blade 4, I'm afraid that someone will torture me. " They can reassure you and help you realize that you are not really in danger.

  3. Think more realistically about what you're afraid of. Remind yourself of how safe you felt before you watched the movie. Tell yourself it's just a movie, not real life, that the people are making this product to scare you. Hundreds of people have been working hard, billions of dong have been spent to prepare costumes, make up and add special effects to create a horror movie. Consider the possibility that your fear can come true and use reasonable thoughts to analyze it.
    • While the episodes in the movie seem plausible and very frightening, the reality is that zombies won't flood your neighborhood. Likewise, no man can come and arrest you.

  4. Overcome obsession. The best way to overcome your fear is to face it. If you find yourself in a situation that scares you, you should go ahead and have the courage to face it, but if you are not in that situation, try to imagine that you are actually going through it. No matter how scared you are, take a deep breath and tell yourself that you're okay.
    • If you are afraid of the dark, turn off all the lights in the room after watching a horror movie. Try sitting in the dark for a few minutes before turning the lights back on and realizing that nothing is hurting you.
    • Or, you might be scared of spiders after watching a horror movie about them. See pictures of spiders on the web. Remind yourself that even though they look scary, spiders cannot turn giant and dominate your neighborhood.
  5. See broken footage. Watch the film's broken footage or behind-the-scenes to reinforce the fact that it's all fiction. Watching scenes and characters in normal shape will help fight back your fear. Scenes that were canceled for errors, funny situations, or other problems can help you understand that you have nothing to fear.
    • You can also watch the extra scenes included in the movie such as interviewing the crew members, short clips of the filmmaking process, the costume preparation, and the makeup applied to the characters to they look scary.
    • If you don't have such a DVD included, you can find it on YouTube or similar sites.

Method 2 of 3: Distract yourself

  1. See something funny. After watching the horror movie, continue watching a comedy movie or an episode of your favorite fun show. Focusing on something other than a horror movie can help dispel your fears. Smiling can also change your mood, and you should feel better.
    • The exciting adventure of Ted and Bill, Napoleon Dynamite, Nice boy on the floor, Even Stevens and Mischievous sponge uncle are funny movies worth watching.
    • Watch funny videos about animals. Your fear will be suppressed after you watch cute animals do the fun.
  2. Surf the web. Turn off the movie and surf social media. You can also watch funny videos online or visit your favorite shopping sites. When you think about things other than horror movies, you calm down and the obsession will be blown away from your mind.
    • Say a spell.
    • Check out the video about "Grumpy Cat" on YouTube, this cat is very funny.
    • Reach out to a friend by checking their profile or photo online, and chatting online with them.
  3. Reading books. Choosing a book won't scare you - now's not the time to see the king of horror novels, Steven King. Choose something with positive, interesting, or relaxing content. In addition, you can also read magazines or comics.
    • The humorous books included Story of Lang Biang Country, Life Is Basically Funny, Coffee With Tony good Princess Diary.
  4. Listening to music. Select an album or artist you like and turn up the volume. While listening to music, you can sing by yourself, dance or clean the room. Music is a great way to change the mood and help us think about other things, because people often associate certain songs or artists.
    • For example, when you listen to Son Tung MTP's playlist, you will think about his performance that you and your best friend went to. When you focus on remembering how happy you were, you will forget the horror movie.
  5. Try a calm activity. Meditate, do yoga, count numbers, take a bath, relax your muscles or simply take deep breaths. These activities will slow your heart rate and help calm you down. When you focus entirely on quiet activity, you'll forget about the horror movie.
  6. Choose an activity that requires concentration. Make time for a crossword puzzle or sudoku puzzle. Do a project at school, rearrange DVDs or play games on your phone. Focusing your energy on other activities instead of fear will help you feel better. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Adjust the environment

  1. Ask someone to sleep in the same room as you. If you're really scared, you may feel more comfortable with someone sleeping in the same room. Call a friend, sibling or parent and ask if they can go to your bedroom, or if you can sleep with them. Sleeping with someone will make you feel safer and more secure, and will distract you from your fear.
    • If you have a dog, consider letting it sleep in your room (as long as that doesn't make it difficult for you to sleep).
  2. Open or close the door in the house. Some people feel safer when all the doors are closed, while others prefer leaving the inside door open. Close or open interior doors to make yourself feel most comfortable. Just make sure you don't forget to lock all doors and exterior windows.
  3. Leave the lights on. If you are afraid of the dark or worry about scary things invading your space, leaving the lights on can help you feel more secure. Turn on a light bulb, bathroom lamp, table lamp or night light in your room. You can also turn on the TV and mute the sound so that a little light can illuminate your surroundings.
  4. Be comfortable. When you are comfortable and relaxed, you will be more likely to fall asleep. You can wear loose pajamas, puff your pillows up, and snuggle under your sheets and blankets. Adjust the thermostat or turn on the fan / heater to keep your body in the most comfortable temperature.
    • If you have a favorite stuffed animal or blanket, bring them to bed.