How to Walk the Right Way

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 4 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Physical Therapist Shows How to Walk Correctly
Video: Physical Therapist Shows How to Walk Correctly


Simply put, walking is very healthy. It is a gentle form of exercise that can help lift your mind and has been shown to improve depression. In addition, studies have shown that countries with a high rate of pedestrians have lower rates of obesity than countries where cars are the main means of transportation.In other words, walking can make you happier and healthier. This article will guide you on how to walk properly, after reading, turn off your computer, put on your shoes, get out and start walking!


Part 1 of 3: Walk in correct posture

  1. Stay upright when walking. Each person has a unique gait, but if you note a few common points, most everybody will have a more wonderful walking experience. The first thing to mention is the walking posture. When walking, you need to raise your head, chin and straighten your back. Maintaining this posture will help keep your spine straight, reducing the pressure on your diaphragm, so you will breathe more easily.
    • Try not to stoop when walking. Gradually, improper walking posture will cause back pain, stiff neck and even more serious problems.

  2. Use calves, hind thighs, and front thigh muscles for effective walking. For a good walk, you'll need to use not just one but all leg muscles. As you walk, imagine using your inner thighs and front thigh muscles to push one leg back, while bringing your body forward, putting pressure on the heels of the other leg. You will walk as you roll your foot forward, from heels to toes. This will cause the calf muscles to move to help the foot lift and give the ground a moderate angle when walking.

  3. Comfortably push your shoulders back. Although most of the muscles involved in walking are concentrated in the legs and spine, you still need to be mindful of the posture of your upper body. Loosening and pushing your shoulders back has many benefits. This pose helps maintain a steady, "upright" support force that stretches from your neck to your hips as you walk. Combined with keeping the back straight and lifting the chin, this posture also helps limit back muscle tension, preventing long-term injury. At the same time, pushing your shoulders back is also a good habit to support hunchbacks, so it will limit the tension and pain of the shoulders caused by hunchbacks.
    • Finally, when you push your shoulders back, you will look confident, strong, and more beautiful. This is small but important - why not choose to walk in great form and protect yourself from injury when possible?

  4. Walk while swinging. For most people this is also an instinct. As you walk, let your hands let go naturally along your body, your hands will begin to swing in a small arc - the faster you go, the bigger the arc will be. The act of swinging your arms while walking is completely natural and has been shown to increase stride performance; With the same amount of energy, you can go further with the swing of your hand compared to leaving your hand alone. Therefore, do not hesitate to swing your arms while walking. Don't worry - you don't look ridiculous.
    • If the weather permits, try to keep your hands out of your pocket or pocket to take advantage of the swing, you will be able to go faster and farther.
  5. Start to go slow to boot. For the first few minutes of your walk, walk in a comfortable, even rhythm to warm your body. Assuming 100% is the maximum speed you can go fast without running, go at 50-60%. In general, when you start up you need to go at a speed so that you can speak normally and talk without losing breath.
    • Although controversial, but in general warm-up will help you do exercises that increase your heart rate better.
  6. Speed ​​up to average after booting. When you feel comfortable, accelerate to about 70 - 80% of maximum walking speed and don't forget to maintain good posture. At this rate, you will begin to breathe hard but not rushed, still be able to maintain conversation even though it may not be as easy as before.
    • Try not to take long unnatural strides when accelerating. The increase in stride at this time will cause the leg muscles to stretch, the spine is unstable and gradually will make you uncomfortable.
    • To improve your heart health, warm up and maintain paced walking at least 5 times a week for 30 minutes each. Studies also show that dividing your 30-minute walk into smaller intervals throughout the day is just as effective, as long as you walk for the full 30 minutes.
  7. Air-conditioning near the end of training. After accelerating and maintaining the pace for about 30 minutes (or so), slow down to the same speed you did when you started up and keep going for 5 to 15 minutes. Conditioning after a high-speed walk will help your heart rate gradually (but not abruptly) return to your resting body's heart rate. Furthermore, you will also feel better.
    • This last thing is quite important, the more you feel great after the workout, the more eagerly you will be to walk regularly. Therefore, taking the time to air conditioning will help you reap the long-term benefits of walking.

Part 2 of 3: Increase the intensity of the walking exercise

  1. Choose the right walking shoes. If you are going to start your exercise regimen with a daily walk, consider buying a comfortable pair of walking shoes if you don't already have one. A good pair of shoes has a lot of benefits, and you'll be able to walk better and be more comfortable at the same time. Opt for sturdy shoes that keep your feet straight, have heel pads and ankle support to prevent walking injury. You can consult the staff at the sports shoe stores for advice on choosing the right shoes.
    • You don't have to put off an exercise walk just because you don't have specialized walking sneakers. While specialized sneakers are for maximum benefit, you can walk in any shoe, as long as you can comfortably walk for a long time without pain or swelling in your legs.
  2. Wear appropriate clothing. When walking, you should keep some basic and practical clothing selection principles in mind. Be prepared to sweat, so wearing a simple cotton t-shirt that absorbs sweat will be quite comfortable. You should also choose pants that are most comfortable to walk, some types of pants such as sweatshirts, shorts, sports pants or jeans are all suitable options. Finally, the clothes you wear should be suitable for the weather outdoors so that walking won't be affected by wind, rain or the feeling of heat. If it is cold, you can bring a jacket or windbreaker, while it is hot you should wear shorts, etc.
    • Just like sports shoes, you don't have to wear sportswear from head to toe to be able to go out for a walk. If not really Sportswear clothing doesn't do much of a use if you take a serious walk. You absolutely can use the clothes you already have without buying new.
  3. Select the path with the desired difficulty.Topographic also affects the benefits of walking as much as speed you go fast or slow. In the beginning, you should choose to go in flat places, when you have more confidence, you can challenge yourself by choosing the harder and longer roads.
    • Going uphill and downhill is a great way to exercise, but will put more strain on the muscles and joints, especially the ankles, as you have to move large angles to support your legs step by step. . Work out on steep slopes like when exercising with heavy weights in the gym - slowly approach aim instead of being quick and hasty.
  4. Take some time to practice muscle relaxants before walking. Although walking is not an intense sport like running, lifting weights, climbing mountains or other exercise, you still have risk have an injury. To reduce the risk of walking injury and increase flexibility, practice stretching before and / or after walking. Taking about 5 - 10 minutes to stretch your front legs and arms will help you feel more comfortable and in a better body.
    • Note that the benefits of stretching (and the consequences of not stretching) will increase with certain chronic illnesses like back pain or arthritis.
    • Since the muscles in the legs are mainly involved in walking, you need to prioritize stretching your lower body muscles; There are also many benefits to stretching your spine and upper body, especially in areas where you are prone to pain. You can consider some of the following types of muscle relaxation:
      • Stretch your thigh muscles
      • Stretch your hind thigh muscles, such as in an inverted V-pose
      • Stretch your calf muscles
      • Stretch back muscles, such as cat and crocodile yoga poses
      • Stretch your shoulder muscles
  5. Aim to gradually increase your walking speed and distance. If you haven't exercised before, you'll soon realize the benefits of walking - a better mood, more energetic body, and possibly more weight loss (provided you don't eat more to compensate for the amount of energy spent walking). In order for these benefits to increase, get better in your mood, have more energy in your body and lose more weight, you will need to increase your walking distance, increase your walking speed or better, both. . Think of walking like any other exercise regimen, by gradually increasing your intensity and one day you will be amazed at how your appearance and mood change. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Walk more in everyday life

  1. Take walking as the primary means of transportation. It's a great idea to walk for exercise and not for anything else, but you can greatly increase the amount of time you walk each day by choosing to walk when you need to move. In addition, because it works to help you feel better, you should choose to walk so that you can get to where you need to be energetic, alert and ready to work with optimal capacity. If you've walked enough during the day, you won't even need to spend more time walking to exercise! You can choose to walk when:
    • Go to work every day. This is quite important, if you can walk from home to work and vice versa (or walk to a public bus stop) instead of driving, you will not only be active and less bored, but also contribute to be active in protecting the environment.
    • Go shopping. A lot of people have the habit of going to the supermarket or department to shop a few times a week. If you take this opportunity to walk, you'll get some exercise on your way to the store and has been mobilized more when carrying goods on the way home ..
    • Visit a friend's house. Finally, if you plan to visit someone, you can choose to walk instead of driving, so when you arrive you will be sure to be happy and energetic.
  2. Walk for entertainment. As mentioned above, walking to where you need to go is a smart choice, but you can also choose to walk just because want to walk. Walking is not only a way to exercise but also a pleasant activity (provided the weather is good). It would be great to be able to go outdoors, breathe the fresh air and see the world around you. Instead of spending a little time indoors all day, taking a little free time to walk and relax, over time you will find this much more rewarding than watching TV.
    • You can both take a relaxing walk discover. Venture to taking paths other than the usual path to work or school every day, you will find miracles, convenient shortcuts and places where you didn't even know them before. exist.
  3. Walk to connect. If you stay indoors all day, you won't be able to meet new people, so take advantage of walking outside. Walking in public places like shopping malls, fairs and busy streets is one way to meet people and increase your chances of building new relationships. At the same time, you can also get more involved in community activities while you are there. We often forget the simple joy of seeing others and being seen by others. If we don't go out often, get up and go out more!
    • Walking is a great way to gently start "stepping out of your skin" if you're shy. There are more effective ways to meet new people, but walking is also a good option for those who have been at home for a long time and want to reintegrate into the community. Plus, when you talk to someone new while walking, you will naturally become more flexible and alert as walking helps to boost your spirits.
  4. Walk to improve your appearance. Correct walking posture has many positive effects on your appearance. For starters, walking has a remarkable effect on improving your physique. Like other types of exercise, walking can make you lean, slim, and more attractive. In addition to the basic benefits above, walking in good posture will gradually help you get a better gait. You will be much more beautiful when standing upright than when you hunchback
    • For men, maintaining good posture while walking by keeping your upper body straight and pushing your shoulders back can also stretch your chest and abdominal muscles, making you look a little more muscular. For women, there will be benefits as above.
    • Don't think it's useless to invest time, thought and energy in your appearance. Good looks are a real and direct factor in a person's dating potential and should not be ignored.
  5. Be patient. No matter how you choose to incorporate walking into your life, it is important to you persistence. Walking is only beneficial when done regularly. If you only go long distance a few times and do not go again for a whole month, you will not reap many benefits in terms of health, mood or appearance. However, if you walk about 5 times a week for 45 minutes at a time will be effective. Get into a habit of walking, be patient, and try to walk as much as possible.
    • With time to work, study and / or family, it will be difficult to have time to walk every day. If you are unable to regularly walk on a fixed schedule, you can take the opportunity to take short walks during the day. You can walk at certain times such as:
      • During lunch breaks or breaks
      • After school or work
      • Early in the morning before going to school or work
      • After dinner


  • Don't wear shoes that are uncomfortable, especially when hiking, or your feet will be at risk of blistering and tightness. Worse yet, the pain in your legs will make you lose interest and motivation to continue walking to exercise.
  • If you absolutely want to wear uncomfortable but beautiful shoes, you can use them, but try to limit or consider adding another pair in your bag or backpack.
  • Do not carry backpacks or heavy bags. Heavy backpacks can cause back and shoulder pain. Wearing a heavy bag on one shoulder will keep one shoulder low and one shoulder high and affect your posture.


  • Please walk in safe places. You need to be alert to your surroundings and try to avoid dangerous situations. If necessary, bring some basic personal self-defense equipment.
    • If your place is unsafe, move to a safer place to walk. On the plus side, you'll also be able to choose from more places to walk.