How to Get the Most Out of Magnesium

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 22 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Doctor’s tip: Reasons why most people need to take magnesium | Get The Gloss
Video: Doctor’s tip: Reasons why most people need to take magnesium | Get The Gloss


Magnesium provides numerous physical and mental health benefits. Even so, many people don't get enough magnesium to take advantage of those benefits. The best way to make sure your body gets the magnesium it needs is a diet high in magnesium-rich foods like vegetables, almonds, legumes, and whole grains. However, if your diet is deficient in magnesium, you need to take a daily supplement. To get the most out of a supplement, you need to make sure your body is absorbing magnesium.


Part 1 of 2: Determining Your Magnesium Needs

  1. Understand the importance of magnesium. Every part of the body needs magnesium to function properly. Magnesium supports several important functions, including:
    • Control of the function of muscles and nerves
    • Maintain proper blood pressure and blood sugar
    • Make proteins, bones and DNA
    • Control calcium content
    • Helps to sleep and relax

  2. Understand magnesium absorption. Although very important, sometimes it is difficult for our bodies to get enough magnesium. This is mainly due to the fact that many people do not include magnesium in their diet. However, there are other factors that limit absorption, such as:
    • Too much (or not enough) calcium
    • Health causes such as diabetes, Crohn's disease or alcoholism
    • Medications that limit absorption
    • Another reason that many people, especially Americans, are magnesium deficient, is magnesium depleted in the soil. This resulted in a significant decrease in yield in the following crop.

  3. Determine how much magnesium you need to tolerate. This varies depending on age, gender, and other factors. In general, adult men should not exceed 420 mg per day and women should not exceed 320 mg.
    • You should consult your doctor about how much magnesium you need to take, especially if you think you may be deficient.
    • Make sure to check for the magnesium in the multivitamins you take to make sure you're not taking too much magnesium. The same is true for calcium, as calcium is also often found in magnesium supplements.
    • Remember to take into account chronic medical conditions. Diseases such as gluten-sensitive bowel disease and Crohn's disease affect magnesium tolerance. They can also cause a magnesium deficiency due to diarrhea.
    • Notice the effects of age. The body's ability to absorb magnesium decreases as we get older. Magnesium excretion is also increased. Studies also show that as we age, our diet tends to be less magnesium. Older people should also take medications that react to magnesium more.
    • Always talk to your doctor before giving a magnesium supplement to a child.

  4. Look for signs that you are not getting enough magnesium. If you have a magnesium deficiency in the short term, you won't notice symptoms at all. However, if you are constantly intolerant of magnesium, you will begin to have the following symptoms:
    • Dizziness
    • Vomiting
    • Not delicious
    • Tired
    • Muscle spasms or cramps
    • If your magnesium deficiency is severe, you may experience tingling or numbness. Seizures, arrhythmias, and even personality changes can occur.
    • If you are constantly experiencing these problems, see your doctor.
  5. Try oral magnesium tolerance. Unless you're sick of magnesium, you'll get enough magnesium if you eat the right foods. You should consider controlling your diet before taking a supplement. Magnesium-rich foods include:
    • Almonds such as almonds and Brazil nuts
    • Nuts such as pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds
    • Soy products like tofu
    • Fish such as halibut and tuna
    • Dark green leafy plants like spinach, kale, and kale
    • Banana
    • Chocolate and cocoa powder
    • Various spices like coriander, cumin and sage
  6. Choose a magnesium supplement. If you do decide to take a supplement, choose one that contains magnesium that is easily absorbed. Such magnesium supplements include:
    • Magnesium tablet.This magnesium is combined (in association) with acetate acid. This is an amino acid commonly found in protein-rich foods that makes magnesium absorption easier.
    • Magnesium cement. Derived from the magnesium salt of acetic acid. The magnesium concentration is quite low, but it is easily absorbed. This type of magnesium has a mild laxative effect.
    • Magnesium lactate. This is a moderately concentrated form of magnesium commonly used to cure digestive ailments. People with kidney problems should not take this type of magnesium.
    • Magnesium chloride. It is another easily absorbed form of magnesium and also aids kidney function and metabolism.
  7. Watch for signs that you are using too much magnesium. While getting too much magnesium by mouth is highly unlikely, you may be able to absorb excess magnesium from supplements. This can lead to magnesium toxicity, causing the following symptoms:
    • Diarrhea
    • Dizziness
    • Unusual numbness
    • In the most severe cases, abnormal heart rhythms and / or cardiac arrest may occur

Part 2 of 2: Helping The Body Absorb Magnesium

  1. Talk to your doctor about the medication you are taking. Magnesium supplementation can interfere with medications. Certain drugs also affect the ability to absorb magnesium supplements. These drugs include:
    • Diuretic
    • Antibiotic
    • Bisphosphonates, such as prescription medications for osteoporosis
    • Medicines used to treat acid reflux disease
  2. Consider taking extra vitamin D. Some studies suggest that increasing vitamin D may help your body absorb magnesium.
    • You can eat foods rich in vitamin D like tuna, eggs, and fortified cereals.
    • You can also get vitamin D from sun exposure.
  3. Maintain mineral balance. Certain minerals will make it harder for your body to tolerate magnesium. You should avoid taking mineral supplements at the same time as magnesium supplements.
    • Specifically, excess or lack of calcium in the body can make it harder to absorb magnesium. Avoid excess calcium while taking magnesium supplements. At the same time, don't abstain from calcium entirely as that can limit your ability to absorb magnesium.
    • Studies show that magnesium and potassium content seem to have a relationship. The nature of this relationship has not been clearly verified. Therefore, you should not over-increase or abstain from potassium if you want to increase your magnesium content.
  4. Reduce alcohol consumption. Alcohol increases the urinary excretion of magnesium. Studies show that alcoholics are low in magnesium.
    • Alcohol causes a dramatic increase in urinary excretion of magnesium and other electrolytes. This means that even moderate intake can decrease your magnesium content.
    • Magnesium levels are the lowest in people who are in the process of quitting alcohol.
  5. Be especially cautious with the magnesium content if you have diabetes. If the disease is not well controlled through diet, lifestyle, and drug treatment, a magnesium deficiency can occur.
    • Diabetes causes magnesium to be excreted a lot in the urine. As a result, magnesium content can drop rapidly if not strictly controlled.
  6. Drink magnesium during the day. Instead of dosing, take small amounts of magnesium throughout the day after eating with a full glass of water. That way it will be easier for your body to absorb magnesium.
    • Some experts suggest taking magnesium supplements on an empty stomach if you have problems with tolerance. Sometimes the minerals in food in your stomach can affect your ability to absorb magnesium. However, this sometimes causes an upset stomach.
    • In fact, as recommended by the Mayo Clinic (a US hospital and medical research organization), magnesium should be taken only after eating. Taking magnesium on an empty stomach can lead to diarrhea.
    • Long-acting and controlled medications can assist with magnesium absorption.
  7. Take control of what you eat. Like minerals, there are foods that easily limit magnesium intake. Avoid the following foods around the time you take magnesium supplements:
    • Foods that contain too much fiber and non-trace acids include: bran or whole grain products such as brown rice, barley or whole grain bread.
    • Foods high in polyunsaturated acids (salads) include: coffee, tea, chocolate, green leafy vegetables and nuts. Steaming or boiling foods high in salads may help reduce these substances somewhat. Try to eat cooked spinach instead of salad. Soaking beans and certain grains before cooking also helps.


  • For most people, making dietary changes to increase magnesium intake is sufficient. However, if you take the supplement in the recommended dosage, it's not harmful.
  • Sometimes people feel better when taking a magnesium supplement even if their blood test has "same parameters" with a reasonable magnesium content. That helps more people feel healthier, improves skin and thyroid function.


  • A lack of magnesium can lead to fatigue, a weakened immune system, and muscle contractions. In the most severe cases, psychosis, anxiety, panic attacks, weight gain, premature aging, and dry, wrinkled skin may occur.
  • People with exceptionally low magnesium levels must receive magnesium intravenously regularly.