How to Complete Homework Quickly

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Finish Homework FAST
Video: How to Finish Homework FAST


Doing homework can be both boring and time-consuming at the same time. Surely you want to do other things in your spare time, not just worry about doing your homework. When there are tons of exercises to do, you can be confused about how to work effectively. Do not worried! By maintaining your focus, organizing, planning, and motivating yourself, you can complete your homework on time for later enjoyment in the past. However, you should start by getting rid of distractions, such as unnecessary devices. They are often the culprits that distract you. You should also work in a quiet place so that you won't be tempted to leave. For example, you shouldn't sit around on your homework near the television, because you will just want to stop studying to watch TV.


Method 1 of 3: Maintain focus

  1. Work in a bright and comfortable place. Try sitting at your desk in a comfortable, comfortable cushion. Avoid sitting on the floor or in bed, as these places can easily make you sleepy and distracted. Not only that, but doing homework in bed can also make it difficult to sleep, and lack of sleep will impair your productivity. Besides, you also need to make sure the workplace must be bright enough to not strain your eyes while reading.

  2. Eliminate distractions by storing all your electronic devices and separating yourself. Turn off your phone, exit your account on your computer (unless you need your computer to do your homework), turn off the television and close the door. Let your family and friends know that you don't want to be disturbed at work so that they respect your private space.
    • Download web-blocking apps like Freedom or SelfControl to stay focused as you use your computer to do your homework. Some apps, like the Chrome extension's Strict Workflow, also include a feature that prevents time from being installed when launched.

  3. Set a timer. At the beginning of each assignment or course, set a timer according to how long you plan to complete that assignment. You can sometimes glance at the time to see how much time you've used up and how much time is left. This way, you will find yourself spending too much time on something and will quickly regain focus when your mind begins to distract.
    • If a subject or assignment is taking up too much time, you might want to ask a teacher or parent to help you with those areas.
    • Don't make excuses to be distracted and fidgety about moving on to something else (such as “I can't concentrate without doing this anyway”, or “This only takes a minute or two”) .

Method 2 of 3: Plan and organize

  1. Organize items in order. To avoid wasting time searching for things, organize your books, papers, pens and other items neatly and easily. Clean bags and folders weekly or monthly to stay organized.
    • Consider assembling multiple folders and notebooks from different subjects into one large folder with multiple compartments. This way, all your work will be concentrated in one place.
  2. Make a homework schedule for the evening. Instead of just messing around with a book in your bag and getting to work, plan ahead. You can take the steps below to make a plan:
    • Determine all the time that you plan to spend on your assignment.
    • List all the tasks to be completed.
    • Estimate the time to complete each task so that you can finish the assignment at the desired time.
    • Perform all tasks in the list and cross out completed items.
  3. Start doing homework as soon as you get home from school. If you wait until night to do your homework, you may have to study until late at night, and that's not good because your mind will have difficulty working quickly when you are sleepy. Likewise, if you wait until the next morning to work, you may rush through the speaker or fail.
  4. Prioritize the submission deadline and the importance of the submission. When planning your week's homework, make sure to mark an “A” next to high-priority tasks, a “C” next to low-priority items, and a “B” next to tasks. service in the middle. Assignments that must be completed the next day should of course take precedence over assignments due by the following Tuesday. You also need to prioritize tasks over small assignments.
    • A 10 page essay due for the week that you have not written yet should be marked with an "A" or a "B", and a 5-question short assignment 3 days later can be marked. letter "C".
    • Remember not to wait until the last minute to turn to work.

Method 3 of 3: Motivate yourself

  1. Breaks. If you focus continuously for many hours, your working speed will slow down. Every 25 minutes, take a 5 minute break to stretch and take a few steps to rest your mind and body.
  2. Snack and drink water. Drink plenty of fluids and sip healthy, light snacks while doing your homework to both enjoy delicious food while boosting memory while recharging your mind and body. Stay away from soft drinks, sugary “junk” foods, and energy drinks to make sure you don't get exhausted halfway through the exercise.
    • Try a few celery sticks and apple slices with peanut butter.
  3. Reward yourself with an enjoyable activity after completing the exercise. Make plans to go to a friend's house, play a game you love, practice shooting a basketball in front of the house, or ask your siblings out for a snack after completing your homework. Just remember that you are about to enjoy such pleasures and you'll be motivated to stay focused and productive. advertisement


  • Wear comfortable clothes while doing your homework.
  • Remember to submit your assignment on time.
  • Try to use a planner to keep track of tasks that need to be completed.
  • While doing the exercise, it is easy to distract your mind about other exercises to do. Instead, it's best to focus on the task at hand.
  • Try not to fall asleep. Set an alarm to ring every 5-10 minutes to remind yourself to do your homework if you have trouble staying awake.
  • Try improving your concentration by listening to classical music while doing the exercise.
  • Do the hardest exercises first and gradually work through the easiest exercises to make the task easier and easier.
  • Take advantage of homework at school when possible (such as during recess, lunch break, self-study time, free time in class) to reduce the amount of homework when you get home.
  • Remember to check again when you are finished to avoid having to correct mistakes later.
  • If you are too noisy at home, ask someone who has a quiet home if you can study together. After completing your homework, you can play together!


  • Do not rush. If you do a quick tangerine test without doing your best, you may end up getting poor marks.