How to recover from an ectopic pregnancy treatment

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 4 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Ectopic Pregnancy Treatment- How to Recover From an Ectopic Pregnancy Emotionally- Ectopic Pregnancy
Video: Ectopic Pregnancy Treatment- How to Recover From an Ectopic Pregnancy Emotionally- Ectopic Pregnancy


An ectopic pregnancy is when an embryo (a fertilized egg) implants outside the uterus, at a different location in the reproductive tract.Ectopic pregnancy occurs most commonly in the fallopian tubes, and in rare cases the embryo implants in the ovary or in the abdomen. All ectopic pregnancies have no chance of developing into a healthy fetus, and are dangerous to the mother's body. They need prompt treatment, and after the ectopic pregnancy has been treated, the patient sometimes has to go through a difficult recovery.


Method 1 of 2: Physical Recovery

  1. Learn about treatment options. You and your doctor will choose a treatment for ectopic pregnancy based on your medical condition, the location of the implantation and the extent of current damage to the reproductive organs.
    • In some cases, the woman's body can eliminate an ectopic pregnancy by itself. If the pregnancy is only recently formed and there are no negative symptoms, your doctor may recommend “active monitoring”. During this time you usually have to wait about a month, the doctor will closely monitor to see if your body can resolve the lost embryo without treatment. In general, this method is only effective when hCG (a hormone that occurs during pregnancy) is low and tends to decrease, and when you have no symptoms.
    • If an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed early and you have no internal bleeding, they may order an injection methotrexate. Methotrexate is a drug that inhibits cell division, including fetal tissue (so it is important to correctly diagnose if it is a misplaced pregnancy). You will need to have several injections for the pregnancy to be completely removed.
    • Endoscopic surgery to repair fallopian tubes It is a procedure that removes pregnancy tissue without removing any part of the fallopian tube. In general, this method is only suitable for early detection of a ectopic pregnancy and an unbroken fallopian tube. The surgical solution to the treatment of a misplaced pregnancy is mainly laparoscopic surgery, which is performed in a general coma and uses a small tube with a camera and lamp inserted through the small incision.
    • Fallopian tube surgery It is necessary if the fallopian tube is badly damaged, if you bleed a lot, or if your pregnancy is large. With this method, the fallopian tube containing the lost fetus is removed.
    • Surgery to open the abdomen Usually applies in an emergency when the fallopian tube is ruptured or bleeding heavily. Laparoscopy requires a longer incision and therefore requires a longer recovery time than laparoscopy.

  2. Ask your doctor about recovery. The recovery time is long or short depending on the surgical method used.
    • If it was laparoscopy, you should be able to go home that very day. The recovery time is quite fast, so most women can walk immediately. Usually it takes 7-14 days to be able to participate in routine activities. Complete recovery is about a month.
    • Surgery to open the abdomen requires the patient to be hospitalized for several days. The reason is that the cut is quite long so it affects the functioning of the intestine. You should only drink water in the morning after surgery and start to eat solid food within 24-36 hours. The surgical incision takes 6 weeks to heal.
    • Although misplaced pregnancies are found early and without surgery have a very short recovery time, your doctor must still monitor your health carefully to ensure that the pregnancy can self-destruct.

  3. Avoid vigorous exercise or physical activity. You may feel better after a few days, but don't exercise or do too much physical activity. You should also avoid any movements that stretch or stretch the wound.
    • Do not lift objects heavier than 9 kg during the first week.
    • Slow upstairs, pause after a few steps.
    • Move whenever possible. Don't try to run.

  4. The risk of constipation. Abdominal surgery often affects bowel function and thus causes constipation. Your doctor will teach you how to treat constipation, but there are a few things you can do on your own:
    • Eat fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
    • Drink a lot of water.
    • Use a laxative or stool softener (as recommended by your doctor).
  5. Be prepared to go to the hospital for periodic tests. If you need surgery to repair the fallopian tubes or be treated with methodtrexate, you will need to go to the hospital to have regular tests to check if your hCG level remains. If hCG persists, you must take additional treatment with methodtrexat.
  6. Prepare to take the pain. There are many reasons for your pain after ectopic pregnancy treatment. The incision takes time to heal and the scar tissue formed from there is also the cause of the pain. If the pain is persistent, severe or unbearable, you should contact your doctor.
    • The pain sometimes stems from the body's effort to recover its menstrual cycle. Menstrual cycles return to normal after treatment 4-6 weeks, or may take longer.
    • Some women report that they notice more obvious signs of ovulation after treatment for an ectopic pregnancy, when they feel a bit of pain.
  7. Recognize if you need medical intervention. Pain is often a sign your body tells you to rest. However, if you experience any of the following symptoms with pain, you should contact your doctor:
    • Fever (over 38 degrees C)
    • Vaginal white blood, especially if there is a "fishy" or "heavy" smell
    • Lumps around the wound or scar, red or hot to the touch
    • Drainage from the wound
    • Nausea and / or vomiting
    • Dizziness or fainting
  8. Discuss birth control with your doctor. After treating ectopic pregnancy there are several methods of contraception you cannot use. You should consult your doctor to find the method that works best for you.
    • Usually you should not use an IUD and a progesterone-only birth control pill after treating a ectopic pregnancy.
    • In addition, you also need your doctor to advise on the time to have sex again, this depends a lot on the previous treatment method.
  9. Wait a while before deciding to get pregnant again. If you are treating an ectopic pregnancy with methotrexate, your doctor will tell you how long to wait before your next pregnancy. Generally this takes between one and three months, depending on the amount of medicine you have given. Methotrexate causes some problems early in pregnancy because it reduces the amount of folic acid needed by the embryo, so you have to wait until it is completely cleared from your body. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Mental Recovery

  1. Understand that emotions are natural. An ectopic pregnancy is a traumatic experience, both physically and mentally. There are many reasons why you might feel angry, worried or sad, but these feelings are natural and nothing "unusual" about you. There is no such thing as "right" or "wrong".
    • A disturbed hormone balance is a cause of depression symptoms. It also causes other symptoms such as palpitations, agitation and dizziness.
    • The truth is that all ectopic pregnancies are unable to keep the fetus, but knowing the abortion will make the pregnant woman extremely miserable.
    • Not only are you concerned about your current health, but also about your ability to continue your pregnancy in the future.
    • You feel like the person at fault, but it's not really your fault.
    • Besides, the surgery also puts more pressure on your spirit.
  2. Ask your doctor about counseling services. Many hospitals offer well-trained counselors to handle pregnancy problems. Abortion and having to undergo major surgery are experiences where you may need to use their counseling services.
    • It is also a good idea to have your husband or partner attend the counseling sessions. Actually, some people have difficulty expressing emotions, so if you can see a counselor together, this difficult time will pass more easily.
    • It is often thought that men are not upset when their wives or girlfriends miscarry, but research shows that is not true. Men express their pain in a different way, but they also experience depression and anger after their partner miscarries.
  3. Talk to friends or family. If you don't want to, you don't have to speak, but you should seek support from those around you. You can confide in a friend or relative who is willing to admit your loss and help you through this difficult time.
  4. Find a support group. One of the most important factors in spiritual recovery is avoiding loneliness. Support groups are a place where you can socialize with people who have had experiences like you, who help you cope with feelings of loneliness during this time.
    • If you are in the US, you can find support groups of the organization RESOLVE - National Association for Infertility. A list of these groups is available on their website.
    • SHARE - Support for Miscarriage and Child Loss also has a support group in the US. You can find a group close to where you live on their website.
    • In the UK they have the Ectopic Pregnancy Fund and the Miscarriage Association which provides resources and counseling services for women who have to have an abortion.
    • Many online support forums also provide space for you to talk about your feelings. The ectopic Pregnancy Foundation hosts a number of online forums hosted by medical experts where you can discuss your experiences and share your feelings.
  5. Pamper yourself. Some women find doing something special for themselves can help them get through the difficult days after treating an ectopic pregnancy. Going to the salon or going to a similar place is a way to pamper yourself and ease your sadness. More simply, you just sit and watch your favorite movie. In general, you should give yourself a chance to enjoy what you enjoy.
    • Don't feel guilty about treating yourself well. You really need time to recover because an ectopic pregnancy makes you physically and emotionally tired.
  6. Exercise when you feel good. Full recovery exercise is an effective way to relieve sadness and regain energy. Physical activity causes the body to produce endorphins, a hormone that promotes excitement and improves mood. Consult with your doctor about when you can start exercising again.
    • Do not engage in any activity that requires extreme exertion or shock before consulting your doctor.
  7. Let your doctor know before deciding to become pregnant again. They will tell you when your fitness is suitable for pregnancy, and advise on possible risks further leading to ectopic pregnancy. Some risk factors include smoking, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease and a history of ectopic pregnancy. People at risk will be closely monitored during their next pregnancy to detect and treat potential problems early.
    • Consider seeing a doctor of fertility endocrinology, an obstetrician and gynecologist with a minor specialization in infertility treatment. For example, if you need to be assessed for your fallopian tube condition this is the best doctor for that.


  • More than half of all women have ever had an ectopic pregnancy and can safely get a pregnancy. Some studies show that up to 85% of women wishing to become pregnant can get pregnant again within two years after treatment for ectopic pregnancy.
  • An ectopic pregnancy reduces the probability of a future pregnancy, and increases the risk of continuing an ectopic pregnancy next time.


  • This is a medical condition that can be life-threatening for a pregnant woman. The lost pregnancy cannot be retained and you have to be removed by treatment.
  • If you find that you are pregnant with abdominal pain, dizziness, fainting, diarrhea, pain when urinating or defecating, you should seek medical attention immediately.