How to reduce the slippery of the sole

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
4 Ways To Make Your Footwear Less Slippery
Video: 4 Ways To Make Your Footwear Less Slippery


  • When you do this, it's best to use coarse sandpaper, but fine sandpaper is just as effective. If possible, use 50 sandpaper.
  • Note that this may not work on some soles, especially those with a "natural" foam-like texture (commonly used as sandals and flats).
  • Use a nail file. If you don't have sandpaper, a nail file or similar tool will work fine. Use a file the same way you would sandpaper - sharpen the smooth surface that usually touches the ground of the sole to create a grip.
    • A metal nail file is a very hard and convenient tool to do this, but using a sand file is also effective. Similar to sandpaper, an abrasive file with a rough surface works best.

  • Wear shoes to naturally wear the soles. Another way to reduce the soles of your shoes is to simply wear them multiple times. After a few days to a few weeks of use (depending on how many times you wear the shoe), walking will help reduce the soles slip.
    • If you use this method, be prepared to add another pair of shoes to wear in case you can slip (like dancing, walking in the rain, etc.). You don't want to trade an injury to wear the sole.
  • Method 2 of 3: Use a grip product

    1. Buy a non-slip shoe sole patch. If the slippery condition occurs due to the shoe already old, the reason is not that the sole is not worn enough, but because it is too worn. In this case, you will need a support product to increase grip on the sole. Perhaps the most "professional" approach is to use a special sole for the sole to create a grip.
      • This patch usually has a layer of glue attached to the sole. However, some users have complained that the glue can leave a "sticky" feeling on the sole when the sticker falls off.
      • Non-slip shoe insole stickers are available at online shopping sites for a fairly soft price - a set of stickers costs no more than 50,000 VND.

    2. Or you can use a non-slip sole spray. In addition to the patch, you can also find a spray product specifically for the sole to create grip. These products usually have the English name "traction sprays" or "grip sprays", with different qualities; Therefore, you should clearly ask the seller or read customer reviews before buying a product.
      • Anti-slippery spray for shoe soles is only available at foreign online shopping sites for quite a high price - about $ 10-20 (about 230,000 - 460,000 VND)
    3. Use hair sprays. What if you don't want to spend a lot of money to buy a non-slip spray for the sole? Try some of the products that you have at home because they can work just as well. HoweverIt is important to remember that these improvised solutions are not as effective as the specialized products listed above. One way to take advantage of the product at home is to use a hair-holding spray - simply spray a large amount of product onto the sole to increase "grip" (especially on flat sole). Wait about 30 seconds for the spray to air dry and get sticky before wearing shoes.
      • Note that this solution is temporary and you need to spray the product several times. Besides, the hair-holding spray will be washed away when it meets the water.
    4. Use puff paint. Paint "puff" (also known as "painting on canvas") is a paint commonly used in arts and crafts for children such as t-shirts. Paint puff when dry will be a bit rough, rough, very suitable for creating grip for the sole. Simply coat the sole of the shoe with a thin coat, let it dry for a few hours and check the effect!
      • Even though the puff stays on longer than the hairspray, you still have to reapply the polish fairly often for maximum effect.
      • If you have time, you can paint on the sole - this is a fun way to make your shoes unique and show your creativity.
    5. Use paper tape. The “last” simple solution to dealing with slipping is to stick some paper tape on the sole of the shoe. Simply stick two "X" strips of tape over the widest and flatest part of the sole for maximum effect.
      • Note that the adhesive tape will lose its grip on its own, so be careful to apply additional tape as needed.
    6. With great shoes, you can bring them to a shoemaker. If you have very expensive shoes or you love shoes and don't want to use the methods above, try bringing them to a professional shoemaker. Shoe repairers can fix slippery shoes by adjusting or replacing the sole.
      • However, be aware that shoe repair services are sometimes quite expensive. Depending on the quality of the shoe and how difficult it is to make it, the cost of fixing a shoe can be up to a million. So this solution should only be for expensive shoes.

    Method 3 of 3: What to avoid

    1. Check before putting on temporary non-slip shoes to work. Many jobs (especially at restaurants) require employees to wear standard non-slip shoes. If your employer has this rule, you don't Wear shoes that have been remedied by the above methods instead of standard non-slip shoes without regulatory approval. This may violate workplace regulations. Most importantly, however, you could get injured - that's why the slip-resistant shoes are required.
      • If you're worried, just buy a new pair of non-slip shoes. Note that most anti-slip shoes are graded by a coefficient of friction (CoF). For jobs that require slip-resistant shoes, you should choose shoes with a coefficient of 0.5-0.7 (talk to your manager for specific regulations at work).
    2. Do not wear shoes outside if they have not been tested for safety. If this is your first time trying a cling method, don't put yourself in the situation need Shoes must be worn before the inspection is complete. Take the time to do a simple activity like wearing walking shoes around the house or around the neighborhood to see the effectiveness of the method you are using.
    3. Do not use sprays or patches that are unsafe on your shoe material. When handling shoes from a special material such as leather, be sure to carefully read the instructions on the products you are going to use with them. While problems are infrequent, some products can cause the material to discolour or deteriorate and should not be used on shoes.
      • For example, the chemicals in the hair-holding spray can damage certain leather materials, so be careful when using this product to temporarily alleviate the slippery condition of leather shoes.
    4. Buy new shoes if the slippage is too severe. The methods in this article may be imperfect and ineffective for shoes very slippery. While it may feel nostalgic to throw away your old shoes with the soles losing all of their grip, if you still want to put on shoes and let them slip, things get worse. If there is no way to save your shoes, stop wearing them and choose to buy new shoes.
      • If the shoes are still quite new but too slippery for you to take to work or do your hobbies, you can donate them to charity. That way, maybe someone will be able to use shoes that you can't.
      • You can also try a heel sharpener and sharpen it on the sole.


    • If you feel inside shoes are too slippery to wear, which may be due to accumulated sweat. Sweating causes your feet to shift inside the shoe, creating friction and heat that leads to more perspiration and increased slippery.Synthetic socks are usually not sweat absorbent, you should switch to natural fiber socks like cotton.