Ways to Reduce Hair Loss

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Tips on How To Stop Hair Loss And Regrow Hair Naturally? - Dr. Rasya Dixit | Doctors’ Circle
Video: 5 Tips on How To Stop Hair Loss And Regrow Hair Naturally? - Dr. Rasya Dixit | Doctors’ Circle


It is normal to lose 50 to 100 hairs a day. However, if you lose more than that, you may be experiencing hair loss. Excessive hair loss, or more dangerous baldness, usually occurs when the hair growth and hair loss cycle is disrupted or when the hair follicle is destroyed and replaced with scar tissue. Hair loss can affect the scalp or the entire body. There are many reasons why your hair is falling out, such as due to genetics, hormonal changes, some underlying medical condition, or medications. Men, women and children are all at risk for hair loss. However, you can completely eliminate this condition by taking the right medication and making changes in your daily lifestyle.


Method 1 of 4: Prevent More Hair Loss

  1. Reduce stress. Excess stress can lead to hair loss. Therefore, you should try to relax wherever you are. Try meditation, walking, or yoga practice. Considering journaling can help relieve daily stress. Hair loss caused by stress is usually not permanent. If you know how to relieve the stress, your hair is likely to grow back. Here are a few types of hair that are often lost due to excessive stress:
    • If you suffer from telogen effluvium hair loss, stress is caused by a large number of resting follicles. In just a few months, affected hair can suddenly fall out a lot when you brush or wash your hair.
    • In relation to trichotillomania, this is considered manic hair-pulling syndrome. This means that you will feel the urge to pull your hair, eyebrows, or hair / hair in some other area of ​​your body. You can experience this when you are extremely stressed, lonely, tired, or depressed.
    • Stress also causes patchy hair loss. In this case, the immune system attacks the hair follicles, leading to hair loss.

  2. Grooming your hair. Avoid tight hair ties, such as braids, buns, or ponytails. You should also not twist, rub, or tug your hair violently. Try to be gentle when washing your hair with warm water (do not use water that is too hot). Say no to too strong brushing. Wide tooth combs can help prevent hair pulling to untangle. Minimize applying heat styling methods, such as using a hair dryer, curling iron, steaming hot oil, and styling that will keep your hair long.

  3. Drink a lot of water. The hair body usually contains 25% water. Therefore, you should drink at least 8 8 oz glasses a day. This routine will help keep your body from getting dehydrated and support hair growth.
  4. Incorporate more herbs into your daily dish. Sage is said to help increase hair thickness, while rosemary has a stimulating effect on hair growth. You can use these two herbs for cooking. Try to take them weekly and make sure to choose fresh herbs over dried rosemary if possible. Enjoying a well-balanced meal can also help prevent hair loss.
    • You can also mix rosemary with almond oil. Apply this mixture directly to the bald areas of the scalp.

Method 2 of 4: Apply Natural Hair Care Therapy

  1. Use pure onion juice. Onion juice, when applied to the scalp, has been shown to be effective in treating patches of hair loss. The sulfur in onions can boost collagen production while helping hair grow more naturally. Researchers believe that the presence of flavonoids in onions may exert anti-inflammatory effects. Although you can buy onion juice at the store, if you want to make and apply onion juice on your own, follow the steps below:
    • Chopped onions.
    • Use your hands or a press to squeeze them into juice.
    • Apply this juice to your scalp for 15 minutes.
    • Gently wash your hair again.
    • Repeat this process about 2 to 3 times a week.
  2. Make a mixture of garlic and coconut oil. Similar to onions, garlic is said to be rich in sulfur that can help regrow hair. Meanwhile, coconut oil contains many essential fats, minerals, and protein; And they all help reduce hair loss. The iron and potassium in garlic also play an important role in making hair healthier. To make a garlic ointment, follow these instructions:
    • Take more cloves of garlic and coconut oil.
    • Crush garlic with a garlic blender.
    • Mix the crushed garlic portion with one teaspoon of coconut oil.
    • Boil this mixture for a few minutes. Then, gently stir.
    • Once the mixture cools, apply it to the scalp by gently massaging it. Repeat this process 2 to 3 times per week.
  3. Consider taking a capsaicin supplement. A study in Growth Hormone & IGF Research has shown that capsaicin - the spicy substance in chili peppers - can stimulate growth factors involved in hair growth. You should experiment with a capsaicin supplement of about 6 mg daily for 5 months. Ask your doctor about incorporating dietary supplements.
  4. Massage the scalp with jojoba essential oil. Rub jojoba essential oil gently on scalp and hair. Specially focus on the area of ​​hair loss. Jojoba essential oil contains anti-inflammatory, and that is why it is so effective for some types of hair loss. You can find this essential oil at health and grocery chains. advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Treating Hair Loss with Professional Treatments

  1. Go to doctor. If you are concerned about hair loss, consult your doctor for treatment options. There are many options for you, such as medication, laser therapy, and surgery. Which method you choose depends largely on your budget, intensity of hair loss, and length of time available.
    • In some cases, hair loss can be caused by a lack of estrogen (a female hormone) or a thyroid problem. Identifying and treating these potential problems can help minimize or stop excessive hair loss.
  2. Use medicine. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved two drugs to help fight hair loss. The first is called Minoxidil (Rogaine). This is an over-the-counter liquid or foam medicine. They work for both men and women. For women, this is considered the only approved drug that cures hair loss. You should apply the drug directly to the scalp, about 2 times a day. This product is also great in stimulating new hair growth and / or preventing further hair loss. Finasteride (Propecia) is a prescription drug that can only be used by men. Each person usually takes one Finasteride capsule daily. Many people who take this medicine often experience less hair loss and some even experience new hair growth. With both of these drugs, you should use it continuously to see a noticeable effect.
    • Some of the side effects of Minoxidil include scalp itch, increased hair growth on the skin of your face and hands, and a faster heartbeat.
    • For the drug Finasteride, side effects include decreased interest in sex, decreased sexual function, and an increased risk of prostate cancer. Pregnant women should not take medications that have been damaged.
  3. Consider surgery. For frequent hair loss, hair transplantation or surgery is the right choice.If you decide to pursue this treatment, your surgeon will remove the healthy hair follicle from your scalp, which contains a lot of hair. Then, transplant this hair onto thinning or bald areas.
    • Your doctor may also recommend taking anti-hair loss medications before and after surgery to improve results.
    • Baldness surgery can be very costly and can cause severe pain. After the process is over, you may be at risk of getting an infection or scarring.
  4. Use laser therapy. Both men and women can treat baldness with a hair growth stimulator with a laser like the HairMax Laser comb. This is an FDA approved product for baldness treatment and hair growth. To use the product at home, simply move the hair growth stimulator from front to back, and then move it sideways to the center of the top of the head. A "beep" sound will be heard every 4 seconds to remind you when to move the machine. Recent scientific research has demonstrated that this laser stimulator actually improves hair growth if used regularly 3 times a week.
    • Each course should last about 10-15 minutes. You should apply the product about 3 times per week.

Method 4 of 4: Understanding Your Hair Loss

  1. Find out how your hair is falling out. Usually, you may notice that the hair on the top of your head is thinning or revealing bald areas in patches or circular spots. Are you usually hair loss? Check if only your hair is falling out, or is hair all over your body falling out? Does your scalp appear scaly? Knowing the above symptoms will help you figure out why your hair is falling out.
  2. Understand the root cause of hair loss. Hair loss can happen at any time in a person's life for many different reasons. Hormonal changes, illness, overheating of heat equipment, and psychological damage all run the risk of hair loss. Furthermore, if someone in the family has a history of alopecia, or baldness due to a variation of endogenous hormones in the body, these reasons are also considered to make the condition worse. However, hair loss is often unrelated to poor scalp blood circulation, vitamin deficiency, dandruff, or excessive wearing of a hat. Furthermore, there is an additional misconception that genetic factors from a grandfather can also cause hair loss.
    • Hormonal hair loss has negative effects on both men and women. For men, the hair will begin to thin out from the forehead area into a line that is almost like an M-shape. For women, the bangs will not lose much, but the hair on the sides will fade.
    • Heavy hair loss causing the head to become smooth and bald into coin-sized spots on the scalp may be a sign that the person is experiencing patchy hair loss.
    • If you are experiencing major hormonal changes, such as when a woman is going through menopause, you are likely to experience hair loss. At this point, consult your doctor about treating this condition with hormonal balance.
    • Physical or emotional shock is also the cause of hair loss. Your hair may fall out in clumps when you brush or wash it. Over time, the hair will look thinner. This is not the same as hair loss in patches.
    • Hypothyroidism, also known as hypothyroidism, can also cause hair loss. Therefore, treating the hypothyroidism can help stop hair loss.
    • In the case of hair / body hair loss, the condition may be related to the use of chemicals to treat the disease, for example chemotherapy to treat cancer. Usually, your hair can regrow over time after treatment.
    • Fungal skin disease is also considered to be another cause of hair loss. Patches of psoriasis can spread all over your scalp. Some symptoms may accompany, such as broken hair, a red, oozing scalp.
  3. Be aware of the risk factors for hair loss. If the hair loss is more plaque than the normal hair loss caused by illness or psychological damage, it is better to look at a few of the risk factors that come with it. Men with this condition often experience coronary heart disease, prostate cancer, diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. Women with plaque hair loss are more likely to develop polycystic ovaries (PCOS). advertisement


  • You might consider wearing a wig or a scarf to cover any hair loss. If your hair loss is caused by a medical condition, the insurer may pay for your wig. Your doctor should prescribe a prescription for this wig.


  • If you've tried all of the home remedies and still don't see any improvement, see your doctor promptly. You should also consult your doctor if your child is experiencing unexplained hair loss. In some cases, hair loss can be a sign of something serious.