How to lose belly fat (for men)

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Lose Belly Fat For Men – The Ultimate 5 Step Guide
Video: How To Lose Belly Fat For Men – The Ultimate 5 Step Guide


Belly fat looks very unsightly and difficult to remove, but the problem is not simply the appearance. Being overweight in the abdomen is dangerous, especially in men. Large waist size increases your risk of many chronic diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea and even some cancers (like colon or rectal cancer). Making changes in your diet and lifestyle can help you both lose belly fat (and the risks involved), lose weight and lead a healthier lifestyle.


Part 1 of 3: Lifestyle changes to lose belly fat

  1. Talk to your doctor. Talk to your doctor before starting any new diet or exercise. Your doctor will decide if the new regimen is safe and right for you.
    • Usually, excess belly fat is linked to many chronic health problems such as diabetes or heart disease. Therefore, you need to talk to your doctor about a new diet and exercise to ensure your health is safe.

  2. Eat less carbohydrates. Research shows that foods rich in carbohydrates or carbs can increase belly fat and waist size. Reducing the consumption of these foods in your diet will help you lose weight and belly fat. The diet should be mostly lean protein, vegetables, fruits and low-fat dairy.
    • Limit your intake of "empty" carbohydrates, such as bread, rice, crackers, or pasta. These foods are not unhealthy (especially if made from whole grains) but are not considered nutrient-dense.
    • If you eat foods high in carbs, choose 100% whole grains. Whole grains are richer in fiber, more nutritious and relatively healthy.Besides, you need to pay attention to the serving size - a serving of pasta or rice is equal to 1/2 cup or 125 ml.
    • Whole grains include brown rice, 100% whole grain breads and pasta, barley and quinoa.

  3. Protein booster. Protein-rich foods can help men lose weight, lose belly fat and maintain lean muscle mass. Getting enough protein can also help you feel full for longer.
    • To lose weight, protein-rich foods should make up about 20-25% of your daily calories. For example, if you eat 1600 calories per day, you need 80-100 g of protein; If you eat 1,200 calories per day, you need 60-75 grams of protein.
    • Lean proteins include: lentils, skinless chicken, turkey, eggs, low-fat dairy, seafood, pork, lean beef and tofu. These foods provide the energy you need and help you feel full without having to take in too many calories.

  4. Reduce calorie intake. Reducing your daily calorie intake will help you lose weight. There are many ways to reduce calories. You can try cutting back on portion sizes, burning more calories through physical activity, and switching to a high-protein, low-fat, and low-carb diet.
    • Start by tracking your daily calorie consumption. Keep track of the calories in drinks, cooking oils, salad dressings and other sauces.
    • Keep a food journal to keep track of your calorie intake. Online food diaries or mobile apps are designed to help you see the calories in your food, track your calorie intake and even connect with others on a weight loss diet.
    • The amount of calories needed to lose weight depends on age, body size and activity level. To lose 0.5-1 kg in a week, you need to cut out about 500 calories per day. This rate of weight loss is safe and suitable for most men.
  5. Reduce sugar consumption. Research shows that consuming sugar can increase belly fat over time. Men who eat less sugar have a smaller waist size.
    • Limit or stop consuming foods like: soft drinks, candies, cookies, cakes and other sweets, foods made from white flour (such as white bread or white pasta).
    • If you have a craving for sweetness, try eating a piece of fruit or your favorite sweets but with a very small portion.
  6. Do not drink alcoholic beverages. This is the reason that male fat belly is called "beer belly". On the other hand, beer is not the only drink that increases belly fat. From research all Alcohol-based drinks all increase belly fat in men.
    • It is recommended that men drink no more than 2 servings of alcohol per day; however, if you want to lose belly fat, you should quit drinking alcohol.

Part 2 of 3: Physical activity to reduce belly fat

  1. Start exercising. Exercise with a low calorie diet will aid and speed up weight loss by burning calories and boosting metabolism. The combination of regular cardio will help you lose weight and lose belly fat.
    • Jogging, hiking, cycling and swimming are all cardio exercises that help burn calories. You should do exercise that promotes heart-lung health for at least 30 minutes, 5 times per week for best results.
    • If you don't want to exercise every day, you need to find ways to increase activity in your daily routine. For example, practice the habit of taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking your car away from your destination, using a standing desk.
    • Exercise is even more important for those who work on desks and are sedentary.
  2. Increase resistance training exercises. The older you get, the harder it will be to lose belly fat. This is partly due to the natural loss of lean muscle mass as you get older, but it could also be that your body begins to store more fat around the abdomen. Maintaining lean muscle mass can help prevent this phenomenon.
    • Do resistance training exercises for at least 2 days a week for 20-30 minutes a day.
    • Resistance training exercises include: lifting weights, lifting weights or doing yoga.
  3. Increase body exercises. "Abdominal-focused exercises" such as abdominal crunches or plank help strengthen the abdominal muscles but not reduce belly fat. Strength training and tightening exercises will help build lean muscle but will not reduce your belly.
    • Focus on losing body weight. Adjust your diet and exercise cardio to the right level. Next, start incorporating abdominal exercises to help tone your abs.
  4. Find a partner. You will feel more comfortable when you practice with you. Research has shown that having a partner makes it easier for you to stick to a given workout schedule and exercise more often.
    • If you're a competitive person, you may find it fun to race with your partner to see who hits your weight loss goal first.

Part 3 of 3: Track your progress and stay motivated

  1. Body weight weight. To lose or get rid of belly fat, you need to lose body weight. Regular weight will help you keep track of how much weight you've lost.
    • Ideally, you should weigh about 1-2 times per week. Besides, you also remember to weigh on the same day of the week, at the same time and wear the same clothes.
    • Keep a weight log. You will be motivated to be more persistent when you see the weight loss progress. A journal can also help you find out if you are gaining weight.
  2. Measure waist circumference. Tracking your waist circumference is also one of the ways to evaluate belly fat loss. This is the measurement around the smallest part of the waist. When you lose belly fat, your waist size will also decrease
    • Use a tape measure to measure your waist circumference. Find the top part of the hipbone and the lowest part of the rib, then wrap the tape measure around between these two points. Continue to measure to monitor the progress of losing belly fat.
    • A waist size greater than 94 cm indicates that you have more belly fat and a risk of chronic disease.
    • Remember that muscles are heavier than fat so if you are losing weight while gaining muscle, weighting may be inaccurate. The best way to track belly fat loss is to measure your waist circumference with weight loss.
  3. Make a list of things to do instead of eating. Diet can be a bit difficult, especially if you keep thinking about food or eating to relieve boredom. The best way to reduce cravings is to keep yourself occupied and participate in activities you enjoy.
    • Make a list of other fun activities that can help you avoid snacking or eating from boredom. Take this list with you in case you experience cravings.
    • Suggestions for you include: walking, reading, cleaning the trash, chatting with family or friends, doing chores.
    • If you feel hungry and it is almost time to eat, you can start the meal and then move on to other activities. Do not continue eating (meals and snacks).
  4. Stress management. When you are under chronic stress, the body releases the hormone cortisol, which causes more fat to be stored in the abdomen. In addition, long-term elevated cortisol levels can increase hunger.
    • Try to get rid of and control the things / situations / people that are stressing you out. Learn how to better control the stressful things in your life that you can't change (work, for example). You can see a lifestyle counselor or therapist for advice on how to manage stress.
    • Remember, while you cannot control the situation, you can control how you respond to the situation yourself. Mind and body exercises like yoga and meditation will help you learn to relax your mind so you can more easily cope with stress, anxiety and depression.


  • Drinking plenty of fluids can help you feel full in between meals, thus assisting in weight loss. If it is difficult to control your portion sizes, try drinking 2 full glasses of water before meals.
  • If you go to school or work, you should make your own and bring your lunch instead. This way not only saves money but also helps you control portion sizes more easily.
  • Cook dinner at home instead of eating out whenever possible, as most restaurants use lots of butter, oil and salt in their dishes, even the "healthiest" dishes (like salad) can also be high in calories. If you order food out, you should order a side dish like salad dressing / dipping sauce to cut calories.
  • Always talk to your doctor before trying to lose weight or change exercise regimen.