Ways to Release negative emotional energy

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Release Negative Emotions
Video: How To Release Negative Emotions


In life, there are times when you feel overwhelmed by negative emotions. Events, people, relationships, disappointment, boredom and anxiety accumulated for a long time will make you "exhausted" from pessimism. However, there are many ways to use negative energy in activities that improve your mental performance, and the long-term changes will reduce your negativity in your life.


Method 1 of 2: Release Current Negative Energy

  1. Rested. Everyone has gone through times when things are not going as expected. Maybe you have to deal with stressful events in your life, relationships, jobs, or even just feel exhausted by the daily cycle of your life. Sometimes you should take time out. Take some time to appreciate your feelings and let go of your sadness, pain, disappointment, and negative emotions.
    • In some situations, the negative emotional energy created by argument makes it difficult to get up and leave without being rude. In this case, be polite and make another time to speak.

  2. Attract the right crowd. Look around. See what types of people influence your thoughts. Who do you usually go out with? Choose the right friends and accept their right thoughts.
  3. Practice abdominal breathing. You can practice belly breathing anywhere. Take a deep breath in your stomach and notice your body's reflex. Notice how each part of your body is stretched and feel relaxed.
    • Try closing your eyes and breathing slowly through your nose. Continue to fully breathe your lungs, widen your chest muscles and lower your abdomen. Finally, exhale slowly and naturally through your mouth or nose. Let your worries vanish with a sigh.
    • You can add a few small affirmations, like "Forget it." When you breathe in, say "forget" and when you breathe out say or think "let's go". Try not to think or analyze the negative energies you feel, simply forget about them.
    • Dragon breathing is another type of deep breathing that you may find effective. Use the same deep breathing technique but visualize your negative energy as a smoke of gray smoke each time you exhale. You can imagine yourself absorbing colorful energies, like green smoke every breath you inhale.

  4. Walk. You can walk anywhere, around the house, at work or take a brisk walk around the podium. Movement helps develop positive emotions and improves mood. Think about your feet touching the ground every time you walk and imagine the negative energy following your feet on the ground as well.
    • You can combine abdominal breathing and visualization to increase your release of negative energy.

  5. Laugh. Laughing is the simplest way to combat your body's stress response. Laughter aids in muscle relaxation and improves mood when you feel anxious and depressed. Take a few minutes to tell your favorite jokes, the best time you made fun of a friend, or just play a YouTube video that made you laugh.
  6. Relax. Take a hot bath. Light a candle in the shower and focus on creating a quiet space for yourself. Listen to melodious music, meditate or use visualization techniques to completely relax your body.
    • If possible, schedule a body massage. If you can't get a massage right away, this also gives you something to look forward to, helping to release negative energy.
  7. Empty the vote confided. Sometimes this helps to relieve the afflictions that have accumulated in you. Ask your friends if they have time to talk and listen. Be respectful and respectful of your friendships, but remember that helping you cope with the energies and afflictions in life is something friends should do.
    • Making sure you vent is a way to relieve the problem rather than overdo it. Releasing anger or hatred can increase feelings of disturbing emotions rather than make them go away. Remember that venting is not a problem-solving technique, it is simply a way to relieve before calmly and proactively approaching the source of your disturbing emotions.
  8. Dance. Play music that makes you feel like moving and dancing. Try not to think at all. Let music and body movements remove stress, defilements, and stress. If dancing alone makes you feel more comfortable, find a place where you can dance without being upset. Dancing can help the body release afflictions.
  9. Try stretching. You can do basic stretches in your comfort zone and ability. Raise your arms up and stretch your muscles from head to toe. You can do stretches while sitting, standing or lying down. Imagine that negative energy will be released through your feet each time you breathe. Stretching exercises or yoga help release negative energy related to stress, anxiety, depression, etc.
    • When doing stretches or yoga, always listen to your body and don't force yourself to do movements that cause pain. Practice rhythm, feel your body, and release yourself.
    • For more information when you start yoga, you can check out the articles on the internet.
  10. Do what you love. Discover activities that help you forget the negative energy that is depressing you. Choose carefully because you are being pressured by negative energy. Realize that you care about your moods by being kind, optimistic, and taking care of yourself.
    • Go to your favorite movie, plan what shows you want, have dinner at your favorite restaurant, buy gifts for yourself, and plan outings with friends that make you laugh and improve your spirits.
  11. Play with your pet. If you love animals, the warmth and innocence of animals will help relieve your troubles. A puppy or kitten will help you improve your mood and feel more positive.
    • If you don't have pets, but maybe your friend is an animal lover, you can visit your local humane society or animal aid center.
    • If you are not too close to animals, you can watch lovely videos of animals with birth on the internet.
  12. Follow preferences. If you have a hobby right now, do it. Take time for yourself and enjoy your hobbies, even if it only takes 5 minutes. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Long-Term Making Changes to Reduce Deficiency

  1. Start writing a diary. Keep it a secret so you can write honestly. Every night, journal about people, places, world events, life events or anything that forms negative energy. Feel free to write about why you are feeling down.
  2. Find common ground. Keep track of your journal to find common ground from your defilements. This will help you understand what you are sensitive to, what makes you stress or something out of control, or you write down that your best friend is capable of change.
    • For example, you might write about how much you hate your current job. Use your journal to guide your thoughts on how you should change your life to reduce your daily feelings of affliction at work.
  3. Look at your relationship honestly. Socializing with bad individuals can lead to stress, anxiety, depression, and many other negative emotions. Discuss with friends or family or anyone close to you. Question everything you feel about the person. Are they right for you? Could this relationship be the cause of grief and anxiety? Try to solve the problem by talking to the other person. Forget about this relationship if this is not what you are looking for. Also, review how you interact with the people in your life. Determine if your personality or your social life is the cause of your negative energy. This test is not about blaming someone but simply to find out the impact of the relationship. If you determine that it is the main cause of your distress, ask how you should change your relationship.
    • One of the most common signs of an unhealthy relationship is that the other person is contemptuous and criticized, avoided, and even when they are together, they feel overwhelmed.
  4. See yourself honestly. Are you absorbing negative energies that are not yours? Test how you absorb energy, such as taking responsibility for mistakes that are not yours, blaming yourself for things out of control, blaming yourself or seeing yourself negative direction.
    • Consider using your journal to develop a way of concentrating on self-awareness and negative thoughts. What are you repressing? What cannot you forgive? What grudges are you holding in your heart? What are you angry about? What do you need to forget?
  5. Practice mindfulness meditation. Practicing daily meditation makes it easy to release negative energy as well as develop an awareness of yourself and a resilient attitude against negative energy.You can meditate for 10 minutes a day.
    • Even if you don't focus on your breathing, don't get discouraged. Try to remember that just sitting is the practice. Imagine your thoughts are like a car on a highway, when you breathe, you observe your thoughts.
  6. Keep a list of achievements. Start making a list of everyday things that make you proud. Take this list as the motivation for the next day. You can discover the things you do and form less negative energy. Explore your actions and reactions and begin to feel confident in your ability to make a decision that releases negative energy.
    • For example, you might get angry in traffic and feel a lot of negative energy while driving. Do you let yourself get angry or do you practice belly breathing to calm yourself down?
  7. Hold your point. Remember that it's natural to feel afflictive. Accept that life is difficult and full of challenges, and that these problems appear to be an important step in developing a resilient attitude. Feeling pessimistic is completely normal. Hold a stance on how to deal with related emotions no matter what. Keep in mind no matter what happens, you are equipped to deal with any problem.
    • For example, if you lose your job, you can convert your anger and anger into a basic sense of life, you will recognize new opportunities and everything will be successful. You never know what's going to happen and sometimes the worst things we experience are all for the best.
  8. Combine spiritual feelings. Spirituality helps you to understand the meaning of tragedy, feel comforted, and bring light and meaning to your journey. Spirituality will take on whatever meaning you need. Developing a sense of connecting the world in a healthy way helps you feel your outside life as your biggest goal. Discover what resonates with you and vice versa. When exploring your spiritual path, always listen to what feels right for you.
    • If you are not interested in faith, Buddhism is a religion that offers a profound spiritual path to connect with the world without any belief system.
    • In some cases if the negative emotional energy is formed through an argument and you are unable to stay calm, try to be polite, take a long break, and think twice before speaking. At the same time pay attention to the tone of voice.


  • If your negative emotional energies are too great to control, try reaching out to a professional, especially if you have thoughts of harming yourself.