How to remove powdered nails

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
💅Fastest and Easiest Method to Remove Dip Powder Manicure in Only 5 Minutes 😱
Video: 💅Fastest and Easiest Method to Remove Dip Powder Manicure in Only 5 Minutes 😱


  • Don't soak a cotton ball with acetone, just in moderation to wet your nails.
  • Cover the nail with foil to keep the cotton in place. Once the cotton ball has been soaked with acetone, place a piece of cotton on each nail. Wrap an extra piece of foil over each nail, making sure the foil surrounds the nail and holds the cotton ball firmly.
    • Don't just wrap the foil on your nail, wrap it in part of your finger so that the foil doesn't fall off.

  • Remove foil and cotton balls from nails. When removing foil and cotton balls, gently press each nail so that the cotton ball can wipe off the powder. Remove all the foil and cotton ball and then file off any excess powder. advertisement
  • Method 2 of 2: Soak the nail in the acetone

    1. File the surface of each nail. Use a nail fileer to file the surface of the powder nail. File each nail thoroughly and evenly to help the acetone penetrate the powder layer effectively.
    2. Dip a tissue in the acetone and place in a small bowl. Fold a tissue in half or three and carefully soak it with 100% pure acetone. You don't need to wet the paper towel, you just need to use a moderation to wet your nails.

    3. Soak your nails in the bowl for 10-15 minutes. Place the nail in the acetone for 10-15 minutes to make sure the acetone is absorbed into the powder layer. If you decide to treat each hand individually, place one hand in the acetone for 10-15 minutes and do the same on the other.
      • To keep the acetone from developing, you should cover both hands and bowl with a towel. Also, keep windows open or fans open.
    4. Wipe off the powder from the nail with a paper towel. After about 10-15 minutes, remove your hands from the bowl and wipe off the pulp with a paper towel. If there is still powder, you can use a file to clean it. advertisement

    What you need

    • Nail file tools
    • Tissue
    • 100% pure acetone
    • Cotton ball (in the foil method)
    • Banknotes (in the foil method)
    • Big bowl (in the bowl method)
    • 1-2 small bowls (in the bowl method)