How to use perfume

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 17 June 2024
How & Where to Apply Fragrance
Video: How & Where to Apply Fragrance


Perfume can help complete your outfit, even if it's just jeans, t-shirt.With a little perfume, you can stir the atmosphere of a dating night and seduce your great lover. However, there are some misconceptions about how to use perfume, where to wear perfume, and what perfume to buy. There is a significant difference between the right and the wrong way to use perfumes, and this can make your evening happen. Fortunately, the steps to properly applying perfume are simple and easy.


Part 1 of 4: Preparing to use perfume

  1. Find the right perfume for you. Don't use a perfume just because it's brand name. Remember that you have to really love the top and bottom notes of your perfume.
    • The top scent is the scent you notice when you open the perfume bottle. Popular scents are citrus, fruit and herb notes. The top notes usually fade very quickly, so it's important to check the base notes as well.
    • The base layer is usually wooden and natural. To find out if you like the bottom scent or not, spray a little perfume on the outside of your wrist, wait 20 minutes, and sniff again.
    • You can also choose a perfume by going to the department store or shopping mall and ask them for advice.

  2. Choose a fragrance during the day or night. If you are just walking the city, going to work or the beach, use scents for daytime fragrances. If you're preparing for a date or going out for dinner, you might want to try perfume at night.
    • See the label on the packaging of the perfume bottle. A "day" or "night" fragrance is usually listed on the label, but you can also guess the color of your perfume bottle if you can't find this information. Typically, bright yellow and orange hints suggest springtime and are also daytime fragrances. Dark blue, red and purple colors often refer to night perfumes.
    • Night perfumes are usually sprayed on the neck or near the neck area. This is because the nighttime fragrance doesn't last long, and you want to have an immediate impact. In this case, apply a little more moisturizer to the area where you want to apply the perfume to keep the fragrance longer.
    • Daytime perfumes are usually sprayed on the hips or knees. This is because the fragrance of day fragrances is fragrant all day long and is more chewy. Use a little more moisturizer near the place where you are going to apply the perfume to make the scent last longer.

  3. Take a shower. Warm, clean skin receives better perfumes. Make sure to take a hot shower to allow the pores to expand.
    • Use shower gel or soap that has no odor or has a very mild fragrance. You don't want the scent of your perfume to "conflict" with the soapy scent.
    • This is also the right time to moisturize your skin. Use a moisturizer or cream to help your skin absorb the perfume.
    • Shampooing also helps if you're planning on applying perfume to your hair. Be sure to use conditioner to soften your hair and make it easier for the perfume to stay in.

  4. Dry the skin. After a hot shower, make sure to dry your skin. Skin that is still damp will make it difficult for perfume to adhere. Pay special attention to hard-to-reach areas such as knees, necks, and hair. These regions are called the "pulse points", where perfumes are most effective.
  5. Moisturizes the skin. If you don't moisturize in the shower, you will need to do this after drying your skin. Fragrances will last better with soft, smooth skin instead of dry.
    • Oils or body lotions will work best. Dispense a small amount onto palms and rub hands together, then smooth over skin.
    • Another good option is Vaseline ice cream. The perfume will stick to the oil-wax molecules instead of the pores, so the scent will last longer. Dab some cream and rub it on your skin.
    • The trick here is to touch "circuit points." Some of the "pulse points" can be mentioned are the feet, knees, elbows, blue straps, and neck. These are the most effective perfumery places.
  6. Apply perfume before dressing. Perfume sprayed directly on clothes can leave ugly water streaks behind, especially when you're preparing for a romantic date night. Fragrances will emit scent on "pulse points" better than on clothes, since odor molecules are effective when in direct contact with the skin. advertisement

Part 2 of 4: Anointing perfume

  1. Hold the perfume bottle away from your body. You should hold the perfume bottle at least 12 cm - 15 cm away from your chest / body and point the nozzle towards you. If the perfume is getting wet, you are spraying too close.
  2. Spray "vein points" with perfume."These are the areas where blood vessels are located near the skin's surface. These spots are warmer than elsewhere, and because the heat is soaring, the aroma will spread more. These vascular points are usually the blue mumps, knees. and neck.
  3. Spray the right position. Instead of misting perfume and stepping into it, precisely spray the "pulse points." This will increase the efficiency and reduce perfume waste.
  4. Dab perfume on your skin. With a non-spray perfume bottle, you can always apply perfume to the "pulse point." All you need to do is apply a little perfume on your palms, rub your hands together, then dab on your skin and gently rub with a small circle.
  5. Wait for the "circuit point" to dry naturally without rubbing it. Do not cover the vascular points without drying them. Try to wait at least 10 minutes. Heat and natural oils can change the scent of perfume, so don't rub it on perfumed skin.
    • Many people have a habit of rubbing their wrists together after applying perfume. However, when you rub your wrists together, the perfume molecules break down and the fragrance fades away.
  6. Don't spray the perfume too much. Just a small amount of perfume is already fragrant. Better to spray too little than too much. You can put the perfume bottle in your bag and reapply it later if it doesn't feel good enough. advertisement

Part 3 of 4: Choosing the right location

  1. Comb the perfume on your hair. The scent attaches to the fibers, so the hair is a great place to retain the fragrance for a long time. The perfume also latches onto hair care products like shampoos and conditioners, causing the scent to fade longer.
    • Just spray the perfume into the hair comb / brush. You can also use your hands or a towel to dab the perfume on the comb and gently brush your hair. Be sure to brush all your hair, rather than just a few spots.
    • Make sure not to use too much perfume on your hair, as the alcohol in the perfume will dry out your hair.
  2. Dab a little perfume behind the ear. This "venous point" has veins located very close to the skin's surface. Take a small amount of perfume on your fingertips and dab it behind your ears. A little fragrance behind the ear creates an immediate effect and works best with night perfumes.
  3. Apply a little perfume near the collarbone. The neck / collarbone area has sunken areas due to the structure of the bone, so the perfume has many places to deposit and interact with the skin. You can dab the perfume with your fingertips or spray the perfume on your skin from a distance of 12-15 cm.
  4. Spray perfume on your back. The back is not a place where perfume is often worn. However, this area is completely covered by clothing so it keeps the fragrance for longer and is not too ostentatious. Simply reach behind and spray a few times, or ask someone to help if you can't reach back.
  5. Rub perfume on your knees. The knee is constantly moving, so it also radiates a lot of heat. This is a favorable condition for the perfume to be effective, and the fragrance will gradually rise upwards. Simply dab a little perfume on your knees or spray perfume from a distance of 12-15 cm.
  6. Rub perfume on the inside of your elbows. Like the knee, the elbow is the "pulse point" that moves around the clock and radiates heat. Use your fingertips to dab the perfume on the inside of your elbow or spray the perfume at a distance of 12-15 cm.
  7. Apply perfume to your navel. This fragrance point may sound odd, but it's a great place for the perfume to lodge and interact with the "pulse point." This position is also covered by the shirt, so the scent does not radiate too "stuffy". Apply a bit of perfume to the tips of your fingers, rubbing it around and inside your navel. advertisement

Part 4 of 4: Using perfumes

  1. Get used to perfume. Skin reacts differently to different fragrances. Notice if you still notice the scent of the perfume a few hours after applying it. You need to check to make sure your skin is not reacting badly to a certain perfume.
  2. Replenish perfume every four hours. Even the best perfumes do not retain the fragrance all day long. Ask a friend or relative if they see you need extra perfumes. Sometimes you can get used to the scent of perfume, so you may not know you are still very fragrant.
  3. Use a wet tissue containing alcohol and hand sanitizer. If you feel your perfume seems too much, just use a wet tissue containing alcohol and hand sanitizer to wash it off, then dry and reapply the perfume. Make sure not to spray or overdo the perfume this time.
  4. Store perfume in a cool place, away from sunlight. Heat and light can alter chemicals in perfumes. The fragrance will then change the scent and won't be great for your date night anymore. The best place to store perfumes is in the refrigerator.
  5. Check the expiration date on the perfume bottle. Like every other product, the perfume also has an expiration date. If you notice a sharp odor when opening the bottle, your perfume is too old. advertisement


  • Do not expose the perfume to direct sunlight, as this will cause the fragrance to fade faster.
  • If you don't like fragrances but still want a mild scent, try scented shower gels and lotions with the same scent.
  • Try new scents from time to time. Using the same perfume all the time is boring, and you may not smell good once you get used to the scent of that perfume.
  • Change for another perfume on special occasions like Valentine's Day or Christmas.
  • If you don't like perfumes, you can try a body spray.
  • Try men's perfumes. While it may sound odd, there are many men's fragrances on the market that are also great for women.
  • Do not use a deodorant with a different odor, or you will give off a strong scent.
  • Keep the perfume in the refrigerator, and you will keep it for longer than two to three weeks.


  • Do not apply perfume too hard to make people around you uncomfortable.
  • Avoid spray soaked in perfume. You just need to spray a few times to be fragrant enough.
  • Do not spray perfume on clothes. Perfumes can stain clothes and will only stick to them and not stay on your body.
  • Each of them has a "scent ring" in radius equal to about arm's length. Your perfume should only be enough for the person entering your "ring" to notice. The perfume must be one of the most delicate and personal messages you send to the person you communicate with.
  • Never rub your wrists together (or rub one wrist to apply perfume to the other). This action does not break down the scent molecules or lose the fragrance, but can generate heat and cause the scent layers to react differently as the perfume evaporates faster.
  • Many liquid perfumes are made from petroleum or oil. Wax perfumes rarely have these ingredients.