Ways to Improve Mood

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
7 Uncommon Ways To Boost Your Mood Naturally
Video: 7 Uncommon Ways To Boost Your Mood Naturally


Did you just quarrel with your best friend? Are you having bad things at school or work? Or do you feel bad just because of the weather? Everyone goes through times when they don't enjoy what they are doing, so remember that you are not alone. Whatever the situation, you can take immediate or long-term action to help yourself feel better.


Method 1 of 2: Feeling Better Immediately

  1. Cry. Emotional tears signal your body to release endorphins, or hormones that make you feel better, to create emotional and behavioral balance. Not only does it help the body release hormones, after the "cry is beneficial", the body will return to a calmer state with a slower heart rate and breathing rate. Crying is beneficial when you cry and causes your body to release stress and bad emotions without affecting your daily activities.
    • If there is a situation where you cannot control when and how often you cry, or if your crying interferes with work or life, it could be a symptom of a more serious problem such as depression or anxiety. When you are in such a situation, consider seeing a counselor or therapist to show you ways to help manage negative crying.

  2. Take a few minutes to take a deep breath. Just one simple deep breath can help you feel better. Deep breathing increases the amount of oxygen delivered to all parts of the body, which in turn can help relax muscles and lower blood pressure when you feel bored or stressed.In addition, deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, thereby creating a calming effect. By focusing on your breathing rather than your current stressful situation, you can feel better.
    • People who practiced taking 20-30 minutes of deep breathing a day showed lower levels of stress and anxiety.

  3. Write diary. Recording your emotions gives you a place to hold what you are feeling, and also provides a way to consciously handle the situations behind each emotion you have. Journaling will be an obvious addition to mental pain relief. In fact, studies have shown that writing is beneficial for building a mentally healthy person and is a way to reduce emotional stress. In addition, journaling is also beneficial for the immune system.
    • If you are suffering from emotional pain and don't want to share it with others, journaling it will help you open your mind and not hurt you caused by people who don't understand it. .

  4. Do activities you enjoy. Creative activities have long ago and are always associated with emotions, which are cultures where music, dance and stories are used to express emotions to improve recovery. . Whether you're the creator or just a receptor for creative activities, exercising your hobby helps turn negative or painful emotions into something creative.
    • For example, research has shown that tachycardia is linked to reduced anxiety by decreasing nerve activity in the amygdala, which in turn makes you feel more calm. In addition, music also has an impact on creating feelings of better control of life as well as reducing pain for people with chronic diseases.
    • Visual arts such as drawing, creating cards or artwork or textile products have a positive impact on emotional pain and improve your thinking about self-worth.
    • Expression of emotions through movement, such as dancing, dancing or acting, has shown its impact on increasing self-awareness and also on self-image, problem solving and confidence.
  5. Rely on supportive people around. Studies have shown many benefits of having a supportive “system” like family and friends that you can rely on. Community support gives you a sense of being relied on, safe and not alone in the process of treating emotional pain, and support from those around you can also help you feel yourself. more helpful. Call a person you can trust or talk to a loved one to ease your pain and emotional turmoil.
  6. Reward yourself. It is when you have mixed feelings when you should treat yourself something special. It can be anything you enjoy like getting a massage, going to a park, buying new shoes, making your own favorite dessert, going to the movies, and more. Take some time to enjoy yourself.
    • It should be done responsibly. You don't want to spend too much on something to reward yourself and then feel worse because of your tight spending.
  7. Take a break and laugh comfortably. Laughing helps to relax muscles, and improves the body's response to stress. Laughing at the same time also helps you get in a better mood while you are worried and depressed. So, take the time to laugh by recalling funny situations, calling your friend who makes fun of the most, or finding some funny videos online. Make use of the time to rest and relax.
  8. Pause for a short time. Walking for 5 minutes or getting up to do some stretches can help you get rid of negative mental energy. Even if you're not a yogo enthusiast, a few stretches can help improve your positive emotions. Stretches always aid in releasing negative energy from stress, anxiety, sadness, etc.
  9. Limit alcohol or stimulant consumption. While stimulants and alcoholic beverages can provide instant peace of mind when you feel stress and fatigue, experts agree with the view that that momentary calm is not worth the risk. Potential muscle could occur. Pressure and other feelings of distress and discomfort are some of the potential factors that tend to lead to substance abuse. All the steps in this article will introduce you to ways you can overcome negative emotions, while alcohol and drugs merely create a vicious cycle that makes you dependent. on them and can eventually lead to addiction.
    • See a counselor if you find yourself regularly resorting to stimulants to overcome your negative emotions.

Method 2 of 2: Long Term Effort

  1. Distract yourself when you feel yourself chewing the sadness over and over again. Thinking about a sad story or a negative emotion in your mind will make it harder to "pay" them off. Thinking like this over and over is often ineffective and quite negative because they do not help you solve the problem or make you overcome the problem. Thinking like this can also distract you from problem solving. One of the best ways to limit this is by constantly "distracting" yourself.
    • Research also shows that people who repeat their situations often shun friends and family who should be their support.
    • Leaving your mind blank is the most common way to keep you thinking about the past. You can focus your attention on the environment, the surrounding sounds or the sensations your body is perceiving.
  2. See experiences differently. Negative experiences can often turn into a room where bad emotions or guilt are thrown around. It is to transform these experiences that will help you look at them from a different perspective. By transforming the meaning of those experiences, you can reinforce your problem solving feelings and confidence.
    • For example, after a situation that hurts you, to change your sad mood, you might think about what you learned from the situation, be it about yourself, or about the relationship.
    • If you are feeling uncomfortable from embarrassment, you can think of the funny side of the situation and learn to "laugh at yourself" to feel better and forget about it.
  3. Pay attention to what has negative effects on you. If you are journaling or talking to a close friend or someone about your influences, find out if there are certain things that can make you constantly upset about them. If so, what can you do to fix the root of the problem and stop talking about it on a regular basis?
    • You can also take time to take a straightforward, objective look at your relationships to determine if there are relationships that make you lose your joy and confidence. Bad relationships can be a source of anxiety, depression, pressure, and many other negative feelings.
    • If that constant reason comes from your work, what can you do? If you can't change your work environment to suit your mentality, you might consider changing jobs.
  4. Physical improvement. Gradually improve and maintain a healthy body, which will help you improve your mental health. Not only does it release endorphine for emotional enhancement, but physical training makes you set yourself up with viable goals to pursue. Going to the gym or joining a sports group can also help you expand the network of people who can support you mentally.
  5. Make time for what you are passionate about. When you feel good about your contribution, you may find your values ​​and confidence strengthened.Participate in volunteering, collecting food to support or any activity that you feel you want to take the time to do.
  6. Remind yourself of taking a stand. One of the most difficult and important aspects of staying ideologically positive is to remember that the problems you face are an inevitable part of life from which we can learn from and become. to be more resilient, and overcoming those challenges can make you proud of yourself. It is important to remember that it is most important that you can overcome all the emotional stress yourself and how you handle the situation and then get over the situation without affecting your life.
  7. Consider seeing a counselor or therapist. If you've done your best to help yourself feel better but still feel helpless by pressure, anxiety, or depression, consider seeing a counselor for professional help. An expert can help you learn more ways to face and cope with what's affecting you. In addition, they can also give you suggestions about treatment regimens or prescriptions, and support groups that you have never seen or thought of. advertisement


  • If you ever have thoughts about hurting yourself, immediately consult a professional.
  • If you find yourself needing to use alcohol or drugs to feel better, see a counselor about this to take action to stop right before you encounter a larger problem.