Ways to Improve Appearance

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 POWERFUL Ways To Improve Your Appearance
Video: 10 POWERFUL Ways To Improve Your Appearance


Whether you're feeling bad or want to feel better about yourself, there are many ways you can improve your appearance. From exercise to a haircut, this article will guide you to make some of the changes you want and gain confidence in yourself.


Part 1 of 7: Look into the soul

  1. Wondering why you want to improve your appearance? Do you do it for yourself or for someone else? What do you hope to achieve by improving your appearance?
    • If you want to change your appearance to attract someone, remember to always be honest with yourself when performing the steps below. Only do things that suit yourself.

  2. Identify the things you like and dislike about your appearance. Most of us find it easier to identify what we dislike about ourselves, but finding our strengths is also important.
    • Once you've found what you like best about yourself, think about how you should emphasize it.

  3. Be realistic about what you can and cannot change. Maybe it's helpful to make a list of the things you like and dislike, and then see realistically what you can change about yourself.
    • For example, you can't make yourself taller, but if you want, you can make yourself look taller by wearing high heels (women) or padded shoes (men or women). Alternatively, you can change your outfit and hairstyle to create the illusion of your height (for example, if you are short, you should avoid getting your hair too long or wearing a pillow-length coat, for that). can make you look short).

  4. Learn to love your original points. You may hate your looks, but looks are not the only factor in judging your attractiveness. When doing the steps below, try to move at least one thing from your “dislike” to “like” list.
    • You may hate your thick hair, but with the right hairstyle, hair care and styling product, you can turn the tide and really love the things you can do with your hair.
  5. Be honest with yourself. Ideally improving your appearance is to let your essence shine. This is not about chasing socially attractive standards. Remember that when you improve your appearance.
    • You can feel yourself the most with natural hair and skin, and wear neutral clothes. You might feel that way when you get your hair dyed vividly, have your hair pierced and you put on a unique, self-made outfit. Don't let society impose on you what they think is best. You are your own expert.
  6. Be gentle with yourself. For some people, to feel better about their appearance, they only need a haircut; but for others, this can be a longer and more difficult process. Know that everyone struggles to gain confidence and maintain healthy habits. The key here is to be optimistic, and most importantly, to treat yourself with kindness.
    • If you define part of your self-improvement plan as exercising, be realistic about what you can do, so be gentle on yourself - for example, if you aren't. Exercise regularly, start two days a week and work hard gradually. Being gentle with yourself also means that when you miss a day of training or make a mistake, you don't get angry with yourself; you just acknowledge, forgive yourself and resolve to do it again tomorrow.
  7. Plan a realistic action. Having a clear awareness of your goals will help you stay focused and on the right track. When planning your action, be careful not to set too many goals at once. If you make too many changes at once, you will be easily overwhelmed and unable to pursue any changes.
    • If you decide you want to lose weight, improve your skin condition, and sleep better, you will likely need to apply these changes to your lifestyle in stages.
      • For example, you can start by exercising twice a week and washing your face twice a day with the right cleanser (i.e. suitable for your skin type - dry skin, normal skin, combination skin. skin blemishes) within the first one to two weeks.
  8. Record. When looking at your motivation and plan to improve your appearance, keep a note of your thoughts and feelings in a notebook. Take active notes while improving your appearance. Record your plan of action so you can review it as needed.
    • Continue taking notes as you develop new habits to improve your appearance. This will help you evaluate what is useful and what is not.
  9. Be realistic and patient. Unless you really have huge financial resources and are willing to go for plastic surgery, you won't see the immediate effect. To improve your long-term appearance, you'll need long-term lifestyle changes. Give yourself the time and space you need. You need to know that this will be different for everyone, depending on your personal goals and circumstances. advertisement

Part 2 of 7: Becoming healthier

  1. Drink enough water. Most of us don't drink enough water. Drinking enough water not only improves your skin but also helps you stay focused and energized. In addition, this can also help you lose weight.
    • There are various tips for getting enough water, but on average, you should drink 8 glasses of water a day (about 2 liters).
    • If you drink enough fluids, your urine color will be clear and pale. Dark urine indicates that you are severely dehydrated.
  2. Healthy eating. Healthy eating for each person has a different meaning, and it depends on the location of each person. In general, you will need to make sure you get enough protein (from lean meat or other foods, or nuts), good fats (virgin olive oil, avocado) and other nutrients from fruits and vegetables. You also need to avoid processed foods and sugars as much as possible.
    • If you are lactose intolerant, vegetarian, vegan, gluten intolerant or need a certain diet, you might want to see a registered dietitian to find out what is right.
    • Note that changing the diet is not the same as dieting. Unless you've talked to your doctor about losing weight, don't cut calories or cut back on healthy foods yourself. Diet is often ineffective. When you're starving and exhausted from dieting, you'll have less energy and willpower to sustain.
  3. Focus on your health and feeling instead of your weight. Instead of standing on the scale every morning, think about how your bones are doing, how your brain is doing, do you find yourself energetic. After a while, if you don't have to fight your illness, you'll see your condition improve with positive changes.
    • If you have an existing medical condition, make sure you talk to your doctor and get approval from them before making any lifestyle changes.
    • If you are 1m60 tall and heard that your idol weighs 43kg, think realistic. Being 1m60 tall and weighing 43kg is not at all a healthy body mark. You will only have skin and bones.
  4. Practice. Choose exercises that you enjoy and work well with your body. Then, slowly apply them to your life. If you already work out twice a week, find a way to get three sessions per week. Ideally you should combine exercises with cardio, strength and endurance.
    • It would be great if you try to exercise for 30 minutes a day with heavier and longer exercises 3-5 days a week.
    • When you get to choose the exercises you like, it becomes lighter and more like a reward. Take a dance class or a sports team.
    • If you have knee problems, don't choose to run. Swimming will be more suitable.
  5. Meditate. Meditation will help you connect better with your mind and body. Not only does it help you focus more on your goal, but it also feels calm and peaceful, so you will be more accepting of yourself, no matter where you are in your journey.
  6. Get enough sleep. When we don't get enough sleep, we won't be able to do our best. That shows up in our moods, body language (humpback, tired eyes) and skin (dark circles, with puffiness), and from there, we look less attractive. Try to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep a day and have a set bed time (for example, sleeping from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.
    • If you have sleep problems, then muscle tension therapy will help.
      • Lie on the bed before bed, close your eyes and take a deep breath, directing your attention to your body. Start with your head and move down to the rest of your body, tense your muscles, then relax. The logical order would be as follows: forehead, eyebrows, eyes, cheeks, nose, mouth, jaw, neck, shoulder, biceps, forearm, hands, fingers (hold hands), chest, upper abdomen, abdomen lower, pelvis, buttocks, thighs, calves, ankles, feet and toes. When you're done, tighten your muscles and hold for a while before relaxing.
    • For people who work from home, it can be very difficult to transition from working to sleeping, especially if your home has small space / or no separate office. If you are suffering from insomnia, set aside a separate space just to sleep. Don't bring work into this space. Make your bed a peaceful place to relax.
    • Oils and herbs can help you relax before bed. You can use a variety of essential oils such as lavender, neroli to herbs like valerian. If you take supplements, talk to your doctor or specialist to make sure they are safe when combined with what you are taking or with the illness you are treating.
  7. Pamper yourself. If you are planning to improve your appearance, you may be having trouble asserting your confidence. Even if it's not like that, you may still find improving your appearance is a hard journey. Make sure to take time to pamper yourself after hardships.
    • You can buy a nice outfit or treat yourself to a spa session, or buy a video game you like (as long as it doesn't take up your exercise time), or save / spend pay for the membership fee of the club / fitness class you still like.

Part 3 of 7: Skin improvement

  1. Buy a facial cleanser that's right for your skin type. Most brands indicate on the packaging / packaging that this product is suitable for the skin type.
    • Usually you will see four types: normal skin (sometimes pimples but areas with no problem), combination skin (usually a combination of dry cheeks, oily skin on the forehead, nose, and chin), oily / acne skin, and dry / sensitive skin (chapped skin, often sensitive to flavored cleansers).
  2. Wash your face twice daily. When washing your face, be gentle. Avoid rubbing vigorously as this will irritate the skin and turn red, or make them worse.
  3. Use a firming solution after washing your face. After washing your face, gently massage the firming solution onto your face with cotton. This solution will help balance the pH of your skin and make your skin look fresher. Avoid alcoholic solutions as this will dry out and irritate the skin.
  4. Use a moisturizer after cleansing and rubbing the skin tightening solution. Just like face cleansers, most brands will state what skin type their product fits on the packaging.
  5. Exfoliate your skin. This will remove dead skin cells and brighten the skin. If you have severe acne, you should probably avoid exfoliating, as rubbing will irritate the skin and spread bacteria from the pimple to other areas of the skin.
  6. Buy an acne cream. You can buy tea tree oil or a cream containing salicylic acid in case of acne breakouts. Don't squeeze a pimple as that will make it worse.
  7. Treat severe acne. If you have severe acne and have trouble managing them, see your doctor and / or dermatologist. A therapist can help you identify your acne condition and come up with an action plan to limit and cure them.
    • You will see your doctor / dermatologist suggesting medications, topical creams, or a combination of the two.
    • If you are a man and shave a lot, shave down the direction of your facial hair growth to avoid breakouts due to irritated skin.
  8. Use sunscreen. Many face creams have an SPF of 15 to 30. Look for the words “SPF 15” or “SPF30” on the label. When buying a sunscreen, especially for your face, take care to make sure it doesn't clog pores (the term is non-comedogenic). Avoid sunscreens that contain oils.
  9. Use a concealer on the face. If you feel confident about your facial skin condition, consider using a concealer. This product is available for men and women. Buy pore-free types that are appropriate for your skin type (normal skin, combination skin, oily / acne skin, dry / sensitive skin).
    • To conceal a pimple or any irritation on the face, use a blue concealer before applying concealer that matches your skin tone.
    • Note that makeup can aggravate acne, although some brands claim their products cure it.
  10. Has a bright eyes. Bring out your beautiful skin with bright eyes. Reduce eye swelling and dark circles with concealer creams or products. Reduce red eyes with eye drops.
    • If you have eye problems, see your doctor before using the eye drops.

Part 4 of 7: Radiating the fragrance

  1. Take a shower every day. Unless your skin is extremely dry or otherwise ill, or your life circumstances do not allow it, you should shower every day. Pay attention to rinse the whole body, especially areas that sweat a lot (such as armpits and genitals).
    • When choosing soap, you may be attracted to products with a strong fragrance, but those products can irritate your skin. It is better to choose a soap that is odorless or suitable for your skin type (for example, if you have oily skin and have acne on your back, you should look for soap specifically for oily and acne skin).
  2. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. If you already have strong teeth and no worn enamel, you can use a whitening toothpaste. If your teeth look a bit dull, you should use toothpaste for sensitive teeth and restore enamel.
  3. Floss at least once a day. This will remove food and plaque from your teeth, keep them healthy and give you good breath.
  4. Use a body deodorant. There are many body deodorants on the market for many different purposes. If you take your health seriously, you may want to avoid antiperspirants that contain aluminum. Many studies show that they can cause cancer.
  5. Wash your clothes often. Make sure your clothes are clean and, if possible, flat (for shirts and pants).
    • There is a golden rule you can use: wash your underwear and exercise clothes after each wear (except for bras, which you can wash after a few wear); wash clothes after one to two wears, depending on the amount of body sweat, wash pants after five to six wears; and wash the jacket after one to two months.
    • Regular washing of your pajamas (after three to four wears) can also help you avoid blemishes if your pajamas come into contact with many parts of your face.
  6. Use perfume. Find your own unique scent. Each group of scents will be suitable for different locations: you should go to the cosmetics counter or mall to try it until you find the right scent. Make sure to let the scent stay on your body for at least an hour as it will change over time.
    • Scents are often classified into several groups: fragrant aroma (herb-herb scent), Cypriot flavor (moss, patchouli, bergamot), citrus flavor (mild sour smell like grapefruit or tangerine), floral (floral freshly picked - note that floral and fruit scents are mutually exclusive), leather (slightly warm and mellow, often associated with floral or sour scents), oriental (musk, vanilla, rosin, wood is associated with floral and herb scents), and woody (sandalwood, cedar, warm and mellow, often combined with rich and citrus notes).
    • Note, do not use too much perfume. Using too much perfume will have the opposite effect. If you don't know how much you should use, start with a few drops / sprays. You can spray perfume into the space in front of you and walk through it.
  7. Makes fresh breath. If you're going to meet someone and are concerned about your breathing, use a peppermint candy or a mouth spray. If you choose chewing gum, make sure you spit it out before entering an important meeting, as many people think chewing gum is impolite and / or annoying - some find it even. very lack of level. advertisement

Part 5 of 7: Dress well

  1. Define your style. You probably already know who you are and how you want to express yourself. If you don't already know, you might want to use a style journal or make an online directory to keep the styles you like. When defining your style, pay attention to the clothes and hairstyles (and makeup if any) that best represent YOU.
    • Are you shrewd or meek? Are you an extrovert and love to be noticed? Or do you want to be noticed but like to wear neutral clothes and surprise others with your personality?
    • Sometimes, you need to accept that finding the right style for you is not possible, whether it is for financial or business reasons. For example, if you are a nurse, you are required to wear a uniform, but you can express your personality through patterns / accessories on that outfit.
  2. Determine your body shape. Knowing your body shape will help you determine the right type of outfit, and which body part you should emphasize. Men and women will have many different body shapes.
    • In general, women have four body shapes: apple-shaped (large upper body, large chest and small legs), rectangular shape (nearly equal hips and chest, "manly"), pear-shaped (large bottom large and hips significantly larger than chest), hourglass shape (chest with equal hips and small waist).
    • In general, men also have four body shapes: normal shape (shoulders broad and tapering toward the waist), inverted triangle shape (athletic shape, high to moderate muscle mass), rectangular (slender or small, with equal waist and shoulders), or triangular shape (relatively large middle section and narrow shoulders).
  3. Dress suitable for the body shape. Choose clothes that highlight the points you like about your body. For women, it will usually be diaper, chest, back or legs; For a man, it will usually be broad shoulders, strong breasts or a good back.
    • If you're a woman and an apple-shaped body, wear clothes that flatter your slim legs and draw attention away from your large shoulders or rough upper body.
    • If you are a man and your body is triangular, try out clothes that make the shoulders appear wider and the midsection smaller; simple shirts and standing pose will suit you best.
  4. Wear colors skin tone. There are many colors between "warm" and "cool" skin tones, but identifying your skin tone is a very good starting point.
    • If you have warm skin tones, your background skin will be yellow. Warm skin shades usually have green blood vessels. People with warm skin will match shades of earth such as burnt orange, cream, bright yellow, brown, dark green, reddish-brown.
    • If you have cool skin tones, your background skin will be pink. Cool skin shades usually have blue blood vessels. Those with cool skin will suit cold colors such as black, blue, purple, gray.
  5. Clean the closet. Once you have determined the style and type of clothing that suits you, review the wardrobe and remove any inappropriate items. This includes exercise clothes and sleepwear, if you can afford it.
    • Improving your appearance is largely related to your confidence, so make sure you feel good about how you look - even in your pajamas.
    • If you don't know what to give away and what to keep, invite a few friends over to give you advice. You can make this an enjoyable evening by inviting them to dinner in exchange for their help.
  6. Only buy clothes, shoes and accessories that make you feel good about yourself. Discounts are great, but you can save money by buying only the right items.
  7. Help me. Ask a few friends to come along when shopping for new clothes. If you're having trouble figuring out what's right for you and if you can afford it, you can hire a style consultant.
  8. Don't forget the small details. Combine with a watch, sunglasses, tie, necklace ... You need to keep your nails clean / tidy, and if you like, you can paint them to match your outfit. Those little details can flatter your style.
    • For example, maybe you always wear black, but accessories should stand out. For women, that might be a big, bright necklace. For men, it might be a brightly colored tie with vintage buttons.

Part 6 of 7: Have a nice hairstyle

  1. Buy the right hair care products hair type your. Is your hair thick or thin? Dry or oil, or the other half? Is your hair colored? Is it curly? Is it straight? Those details will influence the type of product you need to buy, and fortunately brands (whether it's cosmetics or specialty products) will have a hair type that matches their product on the packaging. .
  2. Wash your hair as little as possible. Determine how many times you need to wash your hair to keep it clean (hair needs to be washed when it's oily, lumpy, and frayed), and stick to that week - don't exceed the lint will dry.
  3. Determine the shape of your face. The face shape consists of square or round (length equals width, if the face is square, then there will be a square chin), oval (length greater than width), heart shape (pointed chin, hairline on forehead will be run to look at the letter V).
  4. Choose some hairstyles that match the shape of your face. Search online or buy a hair salon magazine to find hairstyles you like and match your face.
    • Square faces will suit sharp, angular hairstyles such as chin-length bob. Soft layered hair will also go well.
    • The oval face looks more balanced with the layered hairstyle, it doesn't matter how long it is. The bangs will also help the oval face look more balanced.
    • A heart-shaped face usually has beautiful high cheekbones. Emphasize that beauty with short trimmed hair or long bangs.
  5. Be realistic. If you have thin and straight hair, and you want a haircut for thick and curly hair, think again. A professional barber is not a magician. They cannot alter the quality of your hair.
  6. Owning a beautiful hairstyle. Ask about and / or search online for reputable hairdressers in your area. Bring a photo of the hairstyle of your choice so the hairdresser knows exactly what you want. Tell them what you are up to and make sure you both understand what is going on.
  7. Consider dyeing your hair. In general, your natural hair color is inherently well-suited to your skin tone, but dyeing your hair can also be a great way to highlight your hair and make your appearance more interesting. Just like the color of your outfit, you should choose your hair color based on your skin tone (warm or cool).
    • If your skin is cool, choose dark and “cool” shades like black or blue - if you dare.
    • If you have warm skin tones, choose shades of earth like red, sepia or warm brown.
    • If you have enough money, dye your hair at a professional. This way, you can talk to a professional about which hair color they think suits you best, in addition, the quality of the product there will be better and your hair will be less damaged.
  8. Trim mustache / eyebrows. If you are female, you may want to trim your eyebrows and remove hair from other areas of your face (for example, hair growing from moles, mustache, chin beard). If you're a man, this will be even more elaborate, including trimming your eyebrows, shaving and trimming mustaches and beards.
    • For men, face shape will be more decisive. For example, people with a heart-shaped face will look better with a goatee or a beard because they add a more balanced face.
  9. Treat other body hair if desired. Some women and men shave their legs and armpits, and at least trim their genitals. If you don't feel comfortable and / or don't want to do so, that's okay. You are working hard to improve your appearance, and if you like your hairy legs there is no need to change it. advertisement

Part 7 of 7: Radiating confidence

  1. Practice self-motivation in a positive way. Many of us often have a negative inner voice, saying we're not good enough, we're stupid or unattractive. Don't let them discourage you. Note them up and confront them with positive motivations.
    • Maybe one morning, you suddenly feel your clothes are a bit tight and you think, “I'm too fat. I'm ugly. I can't believe I gained weight again. I'm useless. " Think to yourself, “I have negative thoughts about this cramped garment. Yes, they are a bit cramped, but that's not the end of the world. I did not become ugly because of that. I'm not silly. I'm not useless. My clothes are just a little tight. Just like that". After that, use the words of encouragement "At yesterday's meeting, I did a great job" or "I'm proud of the efforts I'm putting in to improve my appearance".
  2. Make sure you have standard posture. Standard posture means you can stand up straight (but not extend) with your chin pointed slightly. You can practice standard posture by sitting upright at the desk, avoiding hunchback.
  3. Use positive body language. When you are talking to others, here are things you can do to show that you are open to talking to them and actively listening:
    • Smile. Do not laugh too wryly, just smile gently, relaxed enough to show your pleasure when chatting with them.
    • Look at them with their chin facing down instead of puffing up, so you won't seem "underestimating" them.
    • Avoid standing directly with them; instead, stand slightly sideways to avoid overwhelming.
    • Avoid closed or crouched gestures - palms open, eyes wide, eyebrows raised, lips open (not tight).
  4. Eye contact. Don't overdo it that you look glaring at them, just make eye contact with them and / or when they talk to you. Remember to blink!
  5. Communicate intelligently. Smart communication means being confident (but not complacent), interesting, optimistic, and listening.
    • In a conversation, intelligent communication means telling good stories, having a sense of humor, and above all, being able to focus on the other person. Ask them for advice, and ask guiding questions as they tell the story. Take their opinions and don't criticize them.
  6. Speak in a strong voice. Studies show that high and weak tones are often associated with a timid temper, while low tones are associated with superior aura. Ideally, speaking from the diaphragm in a strong and confident manner.
    • There are different levels of voice, and each level will affect different listeners: nasal voice (high and low waist), oral voice (sounding but not strong, easily ignored), chest voice (used by many men and women, easy to hear, able to remain interesting and natural).
    • To help you learn to speak from the diaphragm, practice breathing deeply (imagine you are breathing in a full stomach) instead of shallow breathing (breathing in only in the chest). This not only helps you to have a better voice, but also makes you feel more relaxed and focused.
    • If you really have trouble building confidence due to your voice, you can invest in hiring a vocal trainer or at least watch some music videos online.
  7. Have a nice smile. When you smile, people will feel friendly and approachable. The key to a beautiful smile is honesty, which means smiling with your eyes.
    • The way you smile will depend on the situation - for example, you could crack your teeth open when taking pictures or chatting with people at a party, but smile while grabbing the attention of someone on the other side. room.
  8. Know who you are and stay the same. Be comfortable with yourself and don't change. Confident people often feel comfortable being themselves, and there is an attraction in them that is unmatched by grooming or body balance.
    • When people know you are strong and what you will deliver, they will want to be with you more. If they know you are bittersweet, they'll be somewhat restless when they approach you.
    • As you work to improve your appearance, you may find yourself moving toward the role model or logo you want to be. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as long as you don't constantly compare yourself to them and / or try to be like them. You are striving to be the best version of yourself, not the role model of others.


  • Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Kindness and compassion are among a person's most treasured qualities.
  • Visit dentist at least every 6 months.
  • Make sure you dress in clothes and do the things that make you happy. As long as you are happy and confident in being yourself, your beauty will shine through.
  • Don't use a lot of cosmetics and other beauty products. Take care of your skin with natural ingredients.In cosmetics can contain chemicals that are harmful to you or the environment.
  • Try natural products instead of chemicals. You can learn about homemade and homemade methods.
  • If you feel sad, try something simple like helping others. That can help you feel better and more productive about yourself.
  • Don't try to be like someone. You have your own beauty.


  • Taking care of your appearance is important and can increase your self-esteem, but frantic attempts and excessive attention to "being better" can make you unhappy, and in the long run, you will be less attractive.