Ways to Improve Fertility Through Eating

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Fertility Diet: 7 science based food tips for TTC
Video: Fertility Diet: 7 science based food tips for TTC


If you are trying to improve your fertility, you should consider making some lifestyle changes, such as stopping smoking, not drinking alcohol, and getting the right nutrition. Men trying to develop healthy sperm and women trying to conceive can increase their fertility through dietary modifications. However, dietary adjustments need to be combined with medical treatments to improve overall fertility.


Part 1 of 2: Understanding fertility-enhancing diet

  1. Be aware that having a healthy, balanced diet does not guarantee fertility. Many online resources and books have stated that switching to a healthier, balanced diet improves fertility. Although healthy eating will always be beneficial, it is no substitute for medical treatments. However, maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle will reduce the risk of ovulation erratic and can increase your chances of becoming pregnant.

  2. Remember that fertility diet is only effective for a small number of women. During the research into this matter, trials were conducted focusing on the specific state of infertility women: ovulation dysfunction, or irregular ovulation. Adjusting the diet can be very helpful for people with ovulation dysfunction when they want to conceive.
    • For example, the Nursing Health Study examined more than 18,000 women trying to get pregnant for 8 years. Only about 400 of them have been diagnosed with infertility related to ovulation erratic.So the study on the link between nutrition and fertility actually relied on only a small number of women in the experimental group, and may not be true for anyone who is not experiencing loss. erratic eggs.

  3. Consult your doctor about treatment options. Before trying a fertility diet, talk to your doctor about other options for treating problems with conception or infertility. There are many proven medical remedies that will help you get pregnant, as well as improve your chances of getting pregnant.
    • You can take fertility enhancement pills that help regulate ovulation. Your doctor may also recommend in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination, embryo testing, or reproductive immunity.

Part 2 of 2: Adjusting the diet

  1. Maintain a healthy weight. If you are overweight or underweight, the natural hormone levels in your body are imbalanced, and this can cause irregular ovulation or inhibition of ovulation. You should focus on maintaining a healthy weight based on your height and fitness.
    • If you have some health problems, such as a thyroid problem, you should consult your doctor about treatment. Try not to gain excess weight to avoid irregular ovulation.
    • If you are overweight, losing about 5% of your body weight - about 4.5 kg if you weigh 90 kg - will increase blood circulation to the reproductive organs and improve fertility.
  2. Take folic acid supplements if you experience irregular ovulation. Folic acid is an essential nutrient for pregnant women and it will help improve your chances of conceiving if you ovulate erratically. However, you should only use folic acid in accordance with the prescribed dosage and maintain a healthy weight for ovulation to be more normal and regular.
    • A large study of the effects of folic acid on women has shown that taking folic acid supplements increases fertility as well as twins.
    • Folic acid supplements are also beneficial for men as they help improve sperm quality.
  3. Keep your insulin levels low by eating a variety of heart-healthy foods. The amount of insulin in the body affects the sex hormone binding globulin. This will affect the amount of free adrogen in your body, if you are female. The Department of Free Adrogen is too high to inhibit ovulation. Based on this logic, a heart-healthy diet will help reduce insulin levels and improve fertility. Low insulin levels will also enhance fertility in men as it affects sperm quality. A heart-healthy diet consists of:
    • Eat little or no red meat. Women participating in the Nursing Health Study who consumed the most protein from animals, such as red meat, had a 39% greater risk of infertility associated with ovulation than those who consumed less animal protein. . Many nutrition experts have also stated that too much protein from animals affects sperm quality in men.
    • You should use plenty of beans, beans, legume (a variety of beans), and tempeh (soy sauce). Plant-based proteins like beans and other legumes, tempeh, and pea provide your body with loads of iron and folate. Both of these nutrients will help promote egg development and ovulation.
    • Use small amounts of whole milk products. In general, a heart-healthy diet will advise against consuming a lot of skim dairy products, however, use small amounts of whole-milk foods like yogurt and fresh milk. , or cheese can help improve fertility. Participants in the Nursing Health Study who took one to two servings of whole milk products were more likely to ovulate than consuming skim dairy foods. Some studies suggest that they alter the balance in sex hormones in women, and in turn, affect ovulation.
  4. Stay away from unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats found in packaged candies, fried foods, junk food, and some animal products can increase the body's ability to produce insulin. High insulin levels will disrupt the metabolism that affects ovulation.
  5. Consume more complex carbohydrates. Focus on consuming fiber-rich complex carbohydrates, such as fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains. Your body takes longer to digest these carbs, so they affect your blood sugar and insulin levels slowly. Many studies have shown that women with a complex carb-deficient diet like a lot of cookies, cakes, white bread and white rice have a 92% risk of fertility problems due to loss. eggs rather than consuming more complex carbs. advertisement