Ways to Improve Critical Thinking Skills

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 tips to improve your critical thinking - Samantha Agoos
Video: 5 tips to improve your critical thinking - Samantha Agoos


Critical thinking is the art of applying reasoning to analyze ideas, dig deeper to the true potential of each person. Critical thinking is not thinking more or more carefully, but thinking better. Perfecting your critical thinking skills will maintain your curiosity throughout your life. However, there is no road full of roses. Critical thinking requires high discipline. This way of thinking is maintained based on the synthesis of stable development, motivation and the ability to see oneself in the most honest way - even when faced with the realities that are difficult to "swallow".


Method 1 of 3: Practice questioning skills

  1. Review your own judgment. We make comments on almost everything. That is how the brain processes specific information and helps us live every day. Judgment can be considered as the foundation of criticism. However, what if your statement is wrong, or at least not entirely true? You will need to rebuild this foundation from scratch.
    • What is a review? Einstein once questioned a statement: can Newton's laws of motion accurately describe this world? Einstein developed a completely new platform of criticism for seeing the world, by description again think about what happened, starting from scratch.
    • We can review claims in a similar way. Why do we feel the need to eat breakfast even when we are not hungry? Why do we admit that we will fail even without trying it out?
    • Do we still automatically believe in any statements that can be broken after being studied more carefully?

  2. Do not accept information from the authorities until you have checked it directly. Similar to the statements, it can also be useful to get information from the government. Instead of examining someone else's information, we often break it down into categories from trustworthy and unreliable origins. This method helps us not waste time and effort checking all the information we have access. However, it also prevents us from fully understanding information that we consider to be of reliable origin, even when it is not necessarily accurate. The information published in magazines or on television does not mean that they reflect the truth.
    • Develop a habit of using your instincts to find out suspicious information. Ask for clarification when someone's explanation is not satisfying. If you don't ask questions, you can read more or check the accuracy of the information yourself. Soon, you will become agile as you evaluate for yourself which information needs to be studied more closely and which is correct.

  3. Consider everything. Now that you've read about considering judgments and checking government agencies, now is the time to know you should consider everything. Asking questions is perhaps the quintessence of critical thinking. If you don't know what to ask or don't ask the question in the first place, you won't be able to get an answer. The smart way to find answers is critical thinking.
    • What is the mechanism of ball lightning?
    • How do fish fall from the sky into Australia?
    • What meaningful can we do to combat global poverty?
    • How can we end the production of nuclear weapons?

Method 2 of 3: Adjust your opinion

  1. Understand your own prejudices. Personal opinion can be subjective, weak, and full of hatred. A recent study found that parents had access to accurate information about the safety of vaccines. less likely give your child an injection or take a vaccine. Why? The premise is that these parents accept the information to be true, but that fact still affects their self-esteem - something that matters to most people. Understand your own prejudices and the circumstances in which they affect the way you process information.
  2. Many steps ahead. Don't just think 1-2 steps short, think further.Imagine you are a chess grandmaster, and you are playing against an opponent who is capable of thinking in advance of a few dozen moves with hundreds of chess positions. You have to fight this person. Imagine possibilities in the future when you solve a problem.
    • Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon.com, knows very well the benefits of having multiple steps ahead. He told Wired Magazine in 2011: "If everything you do looks like the next three years, you're going to have to compete with a lot of people. But if you're willing to invest in the seven-year scenario. next year, you only have to compete with a small part of them, because very few companies dare to invest like that. " The Kindle product line appeared in 2007 after more than 3 years of development and improvement, at a time when e-book readers were almost non-existent.
  3. Read classic books. Nothing can compare with the transformation of a great book. Whatever the book is Moby Dick or the work of Philip K. Dick, the classics that have the power to promote debate (in literature), enlightenment (non-fiction), or to evoke emotions (poetry). Reading is not just for "nerds". Elon Musk, the "giant" in the technology field, said that he mastered rocket science by "reading and asking questions."
  4. Put yourself in someone else's shoes. Empathy also helps you develop critical thinking skills. Whether it's improving negotiation tactics or getting better at poetic perception, putting yourself in the shoes of others will help you imagine their motives, aspirations, and worries. You can use this information to your advantage, improve your persuasion abilities, or simply become a kinder person. Empathy is not an emotionless act.
  5. Take at least 30 minutes a day to improve brain function. Set aside 30 minutes of hectic a day to keep your brain healthier and stronger. There are dozens of ways you can apply them, here are just a few ideas:
    • Solve one problem every day. Spend some time looking for the problems and try to solve them. This could be theoretical or personal.
    • Arrange a regular exercise time. 30 minutes of aerobic exercise - short as a walk around the neighborhood - can aid in improving brain function.
    • Eat the right foods. Avocado, blueberries, wild salmon, nuts, and brown rice are essential for brain health.

Method 3 of 3: Do all of the above

  1. Understand your choices. Since conventional theory can be outdated over a long period of time, understanding your choices can be helpful when you want to apply critical thinking skills to action. List all the options, later Consider each option.
  2. Stay with people smarter than you. You want to be a big fish in a small pond because that makes your ego satisfied. Drop that ego. If you really want to learn, become better, and develop critical thinking skills, hang out with people smarter than you. It is those people you are also getting acquainted with people who are smarter than them, and you can also be sure that their intelligence will spread to your perspective.
  3. Fail until you succeed. Don't be afraid in the face of failure. Failure is a way to realize something are not bring efficiency. Take advantage of failures by learning from yourself. It is a very common myth that successful people never fail; the fact is that they fail to succeed, and their success is the only thing that everyone sees. advertisement


  • Do not be arbitrary, nor be shy when criticizing. Avoid using absolute words "never" and only use them when you are absolutely sure. However, be assertive when criticizing. For example, saying "Slow but sure" will be less encouraging if it becomes "Slow but surely in some cases."
  • Be wise. Your goals are not the speakers, but the recommendations they make.
  • Ask others for their opinion. They are more likely to come up with a new perspective and be able to change your approach. Consider people from many age groups and professions.
  • Practice your criticism and you will improve. Recognize when others comment on your content.
  • Read people's reviews in newspapers and books, learn from their mistakes and strengths to develop your own style.
  • Distinguish between interpretive and inductive reasoning, namely knowing whether a debate is made in the direction of detail to generalization or vice versa.
  • Use the library and the Internet to find information on the topic you are writing about. An ignorant review is sometimes worse than a badly developed one.
  • You can be much more critical if the subject to be reviewed is within your expertise. For example, who can criticize a picture better than a painter? Who can analyze literature better than a writer?


  • You can take advantage of the sandwich method '': praise, propose, and praise. Criticism will be more receptive to your opponent through this approach. At the same time, say the listener's name, laugh honestly, and look them in the eye.
  • Pay attention to your criticism in a non-offensive way, as people can "ruff their hedgehogs" when something proud is attacked. Don't get aggressive with an abortion advocate by making harsh presentations against abortion. That will only make them insist on defending their beliefs, completely ignore your arguments and strengthen their resolve to support abortion. Starting your criticism with a compliment is often effective.