Ways to Accept Your Shyness

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Stop Being Shy (Communicate with Confidence)
Video: How to Stop Being Shy (Communicate with Confidence)


Many shy people view this personality as a negative. The truth is, this personality is not that bad. There's obviously nothing wrong with being shy. While everyone shouted "Oh, why are you so timid?" and confusing you, there are many benefits to this personality. You have a chance to think before you act. You are not too close to someone who may be unreliable, and you can easily understand them because you are calm in social situations. Since this benefit is not enough to convince you to accept your shyness, you can try the following methods to love yourself for who you are.


Method 1 of 5: Find the Positive from Shyness in Life

  1. Think about the past. When you think about the past, you may not remember shyness that has helped you. Maybe you just remember this trait keeping you from reaching the guy or girl you love, or it prevented you from getting the dream job you were supposed to have if you just approached. Managing director. While thinking about the negative consequences of your shyness is your natural tendency, you can change your mind to find the positive that you used to remove from your shyness.

  2. Make the list. You can list the negative from being shy, but don't change the factors that come with it. Think about all the ways shyness has helped you.
    • Shyness sometimes makes you more likely to listen to others.
    • Shyness gives you time to take in information around you, such as body language.
    • Realize that even though you are shy, you already have a deep and rich inner life and dialogue.
    • Maybe you have grasped what the other person is really trying to convey when they are talking because you are listening more than you are talking.
    • You are more inclined to analyze situations, so you know what you are approaching before you act.
    • People may like it when you don't own the whole conversation, but don't let them talk about their own lives instead.
    • There is a chance for you to enjoy being alone because it makes you comfortable.

  3. Write diary. A journal will help you jot down situations where your shyness has helped you. This will come in handy as you are journaling and then rereading through the content sections. You can always review how you benefit from being shy, especially knowing when you feel as though this personality is interfering with your life.
    • You may want to document how your shyness has helped you in your career path.
    • Your shyness can also be of great help in your love life. Notice how your shyness helped and write it all down.
    • Don't forget how shyness helps you to focus your mind on yourself, so you can think of what you really want in life.
    • Write down challenges you've faced because of your shyness and how you overcame them. This can help you next time you face a similar challenge.

Method 2 of 5: Love Yourself

  1. Look in the mirror. Take a close look at yourself. That is you. You are unique and you have done great things in life. Smile at yourself in the mirror. Notice how you feel when you smile at yourself. Don't let yourself despise anything about your looks or personality. Only accept who you are in the present moment. This is how you can begin to accept and love yourself more. You are yourself and just that. Remind yourself of your great personality traits and say them aloud as you look in the mirror.
  2. Hug yourself. You can do this anywhere because you just need to wrap your arms and hug your body. Think about how you feel when someone hugs you. Is this really cool? In addition, hugging yourself can really help if you do it wholeheartedly. Hugging yourself can help reduce stress and boost your self-esteem. It can also help you show self-affection, which you may not have shown in a long time.
    • Hug yourself by placing your left arm in front of your chest and on your right arm. Or you can also place your right arm in front of your chest and on your left arm. You should give yourself a gentle squeeze. Hold this position for as long as you want.
    • Swipe lightly on the back. This action is not just a simple hug, but it also gives you a number of benefits. Just place your hand and arm on chest level and over the other shoulder. You can then touch your back for a gentle stroke.
  3. Eat, sleep, and walk. The better you are physically, the better you will feel about yourself. Think about the series of days when nothing unpleasant happens to yourself. Maybe you were in a much better mood than when you were suffering from a headache or an illness, right? So, this is exactly why taking good care of yourself is so important. Don't let yourself get tired and sick to find yourself depressed and feeling bad about shyness. It is important to feel comfortable, so you can compliment your shyness.
    • Make sure to get at least 7 hours of sleep a day. Some people need more sleep and others just need less sleep, but an average of about 7 hours. It's best to test different hours of sleep to see how much sleep you need to feel your best. Make sure to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. Including weekends, of course.
    • Eat and drink to nourish the body. The body is a source of strength. The body needs energy to function every day. When you don't give your body the energy it needs, it starts to slide and struggles to fight disease and get work done. This can make you feel miserable. Don't let yourself feel that way because you will feel bad about yourself, eat on a diet recommended by the US Department of Agriculture or USDA).
    • Do exercise. The body always wants to function. Muscles and internal organs need exercise, otherwise they will weaken and function effectively. This can cause fatigue, depression, and weakness. You certainly don't want to deal with this, so make sure to provide everything you need to stay healthy with aerobic and weight-gaining exercises. Experts recommend that each person should exercise at least 150 minutes a week for moderation, and 75 minutes for vigorous intensity.

Method 3 of 5: Being with another shy person

  1. Spend time with friends who are shy. Since shy people feel lonely when facing difficulties, it's kind to spend time with similarly feeling people. While it can be difficult to meet a lot of shy people because they don't like going out, if you can find at least one person, you will see the benefits of meeting.
  2. When participating in social events, pay attention to people who are alone. These people may be shy like you. If you are uncomfortable approaching them because you are also shy, make an effort to approach them. Great if you can start a conversation with them. But if you can't, get up close and personal with the person saying hello.
    • When you approach someone, it can be easier to say hello with a shy joke. For example, "Social events like this always make it difficult for me because I am quite shy". Saying that will help you to acknowledge your shyness.
    • Realize that the other person may not be what you think is shy, so don't say things like: "I see you're as timid as I am ..." Focus on talking about your shyness and if the person is also shy, they will say something about this personality too.
  3. Set up a support group. Ability to organize a support group in the community. Distribute leaflets at libraries, cafes, and other public places, then conduct a conversation at the time and place you mentioned in the leaflet.
    • This may seem out of your way, but stepping out of your comfort zone while remaining shy can help. Just know that all you have to do is say hello and ask how people feel about shyness. You just need to have a normal conversation with your friends ... who understand your shyness.

  4. Open one appointment for shy people on Meetup site. Meetup.com is a great way to find new people to spend time with in your community. You can create a profile and then create a meeting. Make sure to describe the team's goals when organizing this meeting. Everyone will want to know why they should join the meeting. Once you have a few people interested, you can plan to meet them in real life.
    • You don't have to start a private meeting yourself. Maybe someone has formed a group for shy people. Search for the group before creating a new one.

  5. Join online communities for shy people. These online communities often have discussions on how to feel about shyness, how to overcome shyness, and how to help the shy person. This is a great place to help you accept your shyness and meet someone you might talk about about a problem.
    • There are many websites and social media communities that are made for shy people. Join forums on the website and groups on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+.
    • You can create your own group if you can't find a group you like. This can be a better choice if you are not ready to set up a support group in the community or create a meeting.

Method 4 of 5: Study for the Benefits of Shyness

  1. Study the benefits of being shy online. Shyness has been a research focus for many years. This is how the benefits of being shy come about. Find research that supports your personality's good points and write down what influences you.
  2. Begin Sign up to receive email notifications about the latest information on Google News Alert to follow the latest research on shyness. When new research on shyness is made public, you will receive an email from Google News.
    • Just type in a search term on Google News Alerts. Some of the keywords you can use are: shy research, shy research, shyness benefits, and benefits of being shy.
    • Ask to get notified as soon as the study is public so you can get encouragement all day.
    • Adjusting keywords in Google News Alerts when you see many terms used in research should go with shy research. You can have as many keywords as you want, so type as many as you want to mention to make sure you don't miss any.
  3. Contact your local university that has research on shyness. You can join the study or simply know what they found from the study. Usually, universities will have professors and student assistants who are looking for volunteers to help gather relevant data or information. This is a great way to use your shyness in helping yourself and others. advertisement

Method 5 of 5: Seeking Expert Support

  1. Make an appointment with a counselor. Accepting yourself can be difficult. Usually it's because you've done something in the past. Talking about why you're not accepting your shyness can help. At times all this does is understand why you are against this personality. With a counselor, you will be able to tackle the root cause of your shyness, then work with the expert to find a way to change your perception of your personality so that you can eventually accept it. receive it.
    • Check with your insurance company to see if they include behavioral health services.
    • Find an online consultant with experience in helping shy people.
    • If possible, talk to a telephone counselor to ask how he or she can approach it to help people who are not confident about their shyness.
  2. Get help from your doctor. Not accepting your shyness can lead to depression. Depression can impair your quality of life and lead to feeling like you want to harm yourself or others. This is really serious. Call your doctor as soon as you get this feeling diagnosed for depression. Here's your hope to know how you feel. You can love yourself more.
  3. Consider working with a life coach. A life coach with experience helping shy people often has a program in place to guide you through your self-acceptance process. Many steps have been mentioned here, such as accepting your shyness, loving yourself, and then realizing the benefits of this personality. Sometimes, it is more effective to have someone with you to foster the self-acceptance process, which is how a skill coach can help you.
    • Search for a coach online. Many coaches have a website to promote their services so you can look for someone with experience in shyness and build confidence.
    • A coach does not need training or certification, but it is better to choose someone with training in the life coaching area. Search for your qualification or check with the International Coach Federation or the International Coach Federation to find a coach that meets the industry's requirements to make sure you have a trusted professional.
    • Coaching is a partnership between the coach and the client. You and your coach will find ways to help you accept your shyness. Each session will help you move towards your goal of accepting this personality, and you may have mid-session exercises to be more effective.


  • Accepting your shyness is a daily exercise. Review the benefits you experience with this personality every day.
  • Don't rush the process. Take time to accept what you used to dislike about yourself.
  • Remember that you are a good person. Shyness doesn't make you worse no matter what anyone or yourself says.


  • If within a few days, you start experiencing symptoms of depression, contact your doctor right away.