How to say hello to someone

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Ways to say Hello in English
Video: 10 Ways to say Hello in English


Whether at school, with friends, or in a business environment, greeting is the rule of day, and is an important skill to practice well. Here are some steps to say hello to sincerely and openly when you meet someone.


Method 1 of 3: In Common Circumstances When Saying To Someone You Don't Know

  1. Go to that person. You need to step back confidently and smile. Sneaking is an expression of fear, and can have the opposite effect.

  2. Make eye contact before greeting. As you make eye contact, go ahead and say something simple, like "Hello, how are you?".
    • Say hello simply. Don't try to ask about too personal things like past relationships, deceased loved ones, or emotional topics.
  3. When they say "hello" back to you, smile and introduce yourself.
    • You can talk about why you got to know them, or they may already know you. For example, “Hi, my name is Thanh Phong. We were in the same filmmaking class before. ” It will help you avoid an embarrassing situation or a weird silence when they don't remember who you are.

  4. Start chatting. Take it as if you want to get to know the person you're talking to. If the two of you have something in common, talk about that topic. You can say, "You still admire My Tam", or "I want to talk to you more, let's get out of this noise!"
  5. Follow their responses. If they look surprised at you and avoid them, don't chase after them. Not only is this an act of fear, it can also get you in trouble. If they smile and start talking to you, congratulations, you successfully greeted them and made new friends! advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Introduction in Formal Cases

  1. Pay attention to how you behave. You already know how to say hello politely when you meet someone by saying “Hi, I'm Lan Anh. Nice to meet you".
    • Invite them to shake hands, if they accept, hold their hands tightly but not too hard.
    • Ask them "How are you?" It makes you more comfortable and gives them a chance to greet you again. Remember, always, when asked if others are well, they will answer "fine" no matter what they really are. Be prepared to move on to the next topic. Pay attention to them, see what they wear or if the landlord has introduced them to do something, talk about it.
  2. Should start with simple talking topics. Keep talking, you can also talk about the weather, your family, where you went, good lunch locations, and other topics of general interest. Don't try to impress. Simply courteous, graceful and approachable. Let's talk simple things.
  3. Be alert. If the other person constantly turns their head, or looks at their clock, that is a clear signal they are not interested in your conversation. Please politely apologize, and go get yourself some drinks. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Introduction in a Formal Business Environment

  1. Be confident. Greet each other in a friendly and professional manner.
  2. Recognize hierarchy. If you are greeting a colleague or person in the same position, you can be more informal. “Hi Ky, nice to meet you. I've heard a lot of people praise you and look forward to working with you ”.
    • If you are meeting someone with a higher rank or an honored and respected figure in society, use their title as well. Say “Hello Mr. Thanh Cuong.Pleased to meet you "will be more professional and will leave a lasting impression than greeting with the style" Hi Thanh Cuong. How are you these days? "
    • Also, you should consider greeting when greeting someone in a position below you. "Hello, Mr. Ngoc Minh. Nice to meet you ”will express the opponent's desire for professionalism when greeting you back.
  3. Briefly talk about your work and switch topics. No one likes to be ignored in conversation that they can't get out of, especially in business settings. You won't want to have a bad reputation with an unfamiliar person that you are too quiet! advertisement


  • Always smile and speak clearly. The most important thing is to make eye contact with the other person. That will help them feel like you care about them.
  • If you don't know the person's name, say “nice to meet you” or “look forward to seeing you”.
  • If you greet an adult, smile politely and say hello.
  • Or you can politely ask them by saying, "Nice to meet you again, but I forgot your name." This may be a bit rude, but it's still better to call them the wrong name.


  • If the person asks you questions first, politely reply and ask them again.
  • Don't act overconfident because it's impolite
  • Don't approach someone when they don't want to be disturbed (observe their body language with you).
  • Remember that greetings vary from culture to culture. In Western social situations, handshakes are common and not misleading, but you need to be careful about the slight differences. For example, Asians will make a clear distinction between making eye contact and staring at others.