How to put your dog to sleep

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 13 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
15 HOURS of Deep Sleep Relaxing Dog Music! NEW Helped 10 Million Dogs!
Video: 15 HOURS of Deep Sleep Relaxing Dog Music! NEW Helped 10 Million Dogs!


Your puppy or adult dog refuses to go to bed and keeps whining all night? Before you get ready to put your dog to bed, make sure to establish a proper sleeping routine and environment for your dog. Also, be aware of any changes or illnesses your dog is suffering from. If you keep this in mind, you can help you sleep well throughout the night.


Part 1 of 2: Changing your dog's environment and sleeping habits

  1. Create an ideal sleeping environment. If your puppy refuses to sleep, give him a warm blanket. Set the tick timer to the beat of the dog's side. You can also turn on the radio low or use a white noise machine to help the puppy sleep well. In addition, you might consider placing a heating pad under the half of the dog's crib to warm a corner when the dog is curled up.
    • Since the heating pad is outside and below the crib, you don't have to be afraid that your puppy will be in danger from chewing on the heating pad or belt.

  2. Train your dog to sleep in a crate. If you want your dog to sleep in a crate, it will take a while for the dog to get used to using the crate. Learn about and prepare to teach your dog that the crate is the perfect place to sleep. Put some special snacks in the back of the crate to encourage the dog. Use the happiest voice when saying "crib" or "barrel" in front of your dog so that the dog knows the crate is a place to sleep, not a punishment.
    • If you use the crate as punishment, the dog will never adapt and will not view the crate as a quiet and comfortable place.

  3. Take your dog to exercise. Your dog will not rest at night if it is not doing enough during the day. Depending on your dog's breed, age and activity level, you can take your dog to exercise for 30 minutes or 3 hours (or more if possible). You can train your dog at any time of the day, depending on your schedule. However, avoid allowing your dog to be active 1 or 2 hours before bed so that he can rest and sleep more easily.
    • Consider having your dog play some new sports or activity like NoseWork, Rally, Agility Challenge, Trace Tracking or Flyball. These new activities can train new skills for both humans and dogs. In addition, these are also activities with high mental and physical stimulation, helping both people and dogs to be more active, less boring and establish a closer relationship.

  4. Establish an evening routine. Put your dog to the toilet before going to bed. Give your dog dinner at least a few hours before going to bed to give him time to digest and excrete. Keeping your dog comfortable and calm before bed will help him fall asleep more easily.
    • If your dog is too nervous, try Adaptil - a product that helps to regenerate a nursing mother dog's Pheromone and makes it easier for the puppies to reduce anxiety and comfort her.
  5. Give your dog time to adapt. Any change in sleep habits will take some time to adapt. You should give your dog a lot of activity to make him tired enough and to sleep more easily. Consult your veterinarian about using antihistamines such as Benadryl to calm your dog for a few nights while changing his sleep habits. advertisement

Part 2 of 2: Consider issues affecting your dog's sleep

  1. Note the cause of your sleep disruption. In fact, there are many other problems that make dogs uncomfortable sleeping. Do you pack for a trip or move? Do you have a guest in your house? Do you have a new neighbor? Sound too noisy? Remember that it is very difficult for dogs to get used to changes. A small change you make (such as moving things around) will often be a serious problem for your dog.
    • Some dogs are more anxious than others, so be patient and understanding of the dog's mind in order to make a reasonable change.
  2. Determine if your dog is sick. If the dog is not as quiet and obedient as before, determine if the dog has a problem. Talk to your veterinarian about confusing changes in your dog's behavior, such as changes in his attitude to food, lack of energy or excitement, or dysfunction.
    • Pain or the need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night can also cause your dog to whine and feel restless.
  3. Help your new puppy adjust to your home. It can take your dog a few days (nights) to adjust to a new home and new habits. You should train your dog to practice good habits from the very beginning so that he will understand all the rules at the end of the day and sleep in a new home. Let the puppies eat dinner at the same time and then take the dog to the toilet after 15-20 minutes.
    • Put the puppy in the crate next to the bed so it can be closer to you. This way, your dog can warn you of the need to poop at night.


  • If you notice that your dog does not want to go to the toilet and still groans in the crate, do not take him outside to avoid bad habits. But if the quiet dog suddenly groans, you can tie the leash around the dog's neck and take him out to the bathroom. It is likely that the dog has gone to the toilet before waking up. Your dog wants to notify you of his need to go to the bathroom to avoid contaminating the crib.
  • When you release the puppy to the crate, the dog may whine a little. Just leave it alone and the dog will stop whining and lie down to sleep after a few minutes.
  • Make sure your bedroom is dark and quiet.
  • If you are training your dog to sleep in a crate, you can always feed it in the crate so that the dog can think more positively about the crate. You can let your dog play Kong Toys while eating to stimulate the brain. Stuffing food in Kong Toys also helps to prolong eating time.
  • Try letting your dog chew to relax him. Use a toy bone like Nylabone or Kong.
  • You should take it out in the morning, afternoon, and night when there aren't any outside threats.
  • Putting your dog on your bed (or where you don't mind getting the dog's fur) and petting your dog's favorite spots will help him relax more.
  • If your dog or puppy is sleeping on a bed or couch, lie next to the dog.
  • You can use pillows that sound like a heartbeat like Conair Sound Therapy from Bed Bath and Beyond to help the puppy feel like someone is around. This pillow is very effective for 3-month-old puppies. However, you should consult your doctor before using an acoustic pillow for your puppy.
  • Lullaby for the dog to sleep. Dogs will get used to special sounds.