How to Blanch Carrots

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to blanch and freeze carrots - Episode 56
Video: How to blanch and freeze carrots - Episode 56


  • Peel the carrots. Use a vegetable peeler to peel the outer skin. This step will enhance the flavor and texture of the poached carrots, making the dish more appealing.
  • Cut carrots. Carrots cut into small pieces will blanch faster and have a better texture. Cutting them down will also help them cook evenly and will not blanch for too long. Cut off the roots and any bruises, then cut the carrots into small pieces.
    • Cut carrots into circles to decorate your salad.
    • Cut carrots into long sticks for a convenient snack.
    • Cut carrots into 4 parts if you want to freeze them.
    • Try to cut into even pieces so that the carrots are evenly cooked.
  • Part 2 of 2: Blanching Carrots

    1. Prepare a bowl of ice water. You will need ice to stop the ripening process of the carrots after blanching.
    2. Heat a pot of water. Prepare a pot large enough for the carrots to fill, and fill the pot full with water. Heat water over high heat on high flame. Add a pinch of salt to the water. Wait until the water is gurgling.
    3. Pour the carrots into the water and set the time for 2-5 minutes. Adjust the timing more if blanching large carrots, and less if blanching small or chopped carrots. Stand by and observe and turn off the stove as soon as the set time is up.

    4. Transfer the carrots to a bowl of ice cold water. Set the time for the carrots to cool equal to the blanching time. If the carrots are blanched for 3 minutes, let them cool for 3 minutes.
    5. Take them out of the water as soon as the time is up. Drain the carrots and pat dry with a paper towel. Enjoy right away if you want or set aside for another recipe.
    6. Finish. advertisement


    • Be careful when adding carrots and removing them from boiling water.

    What you need

    • Pot
    • Carrot
    • Colander
    • Tissue