How to hide a hickey

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get Rid Of Hickeys In Two EASY Steps! (no color correcting) | Brooklyn Anne
Video: How To Get Rid Of Hickeys In Two EASY Steps! (no color correcting) | Brooklyn Anne


Hickeys, or love bites, can be considered to mark your ex's love for you, but also very annoying. When you get marked as a kiss, you can indulge in it, but you will likely regret it the next day - or even the next. If you want to find a way to hide your hickey so that your friends, colleagues, parents, or anyone passing by you can't see, check out the article below.


Method 1 of 5: Cover your hickey

  1. Hide your hickey with a shirt. Wearing a shirt or sweater is probably the easiest way to hide your hickey. Whether you are male or female, there are several options available to you:
    • Turtleneck sweater.
    • Long-sleeved polo shirt.
    • A jacket or sweater with a collar that hides the neck. Make sure these are the clothes you wear normally, otherwise your friends will become more curious about your neck and recognize the hickey.
    • Don't wear turtlenecks in the midsummer. This will draw more attention to your neck. Girls can wear armpits with high collars since it still looks fashionable.
    • Wear a shirt style that draws attention away from the neck. Try on a shirt with a funny logo, plaid, or weird zipper. The more colorful your shirt is, the less people will notice the neck.

  2. Hide your hickey with accessories. Using the accessory correctly will help you hide your hickey if the t-shirt doesn't work. Here are a few accessories to try:
    • Shawls are the most popular accessory to hide a hickey. Just make sure you get it in the right season and even if you're indoors, it doesn't make you bizarre. You may not want to use this method if the scarf is something you have never used.
    • If you love the Preppy School Fashions, you can tie a t-shirt over your shoulders, but only use this if it's the style you used to wear.
    • If you run out of options, you can put a bandage on the hickey and make up a story. You could say that you were bitten by an insect, or if you are female, it is a hair curler, if you have a cat, it is a cat scratching. But remember that making up a story will make people pay more attention to you.
    • If you are female or male with long hair, hair is clearly an advantage for effective hiccups. Just make sure the hair is covered in place.
    • Avoid wearing jewelry that draws attention to the neck. Girls, instead of necklaces or earrings, can wear a cool ring or bracelet. Boys should not wear a dogtag, but a watch.

Method 2 of 5: Hide your hickey with makeup

  1. Preparing instruments. If you are a girl with a lot of make-up, or a guy who has to ask his friend or step out of his shame to buy it at the store, choosing the right item is always important to hide the hickey . Here are some of the basics:
    • Green neutralizing cream.
    • Yellow neutralizing cream.
    • Concealer.
    • Makeup brushes.
    • Foundation (optional).

  2. Use a yellow neutralizing cream to hit inside the hickey. The way is to use the opposite color in the color wheel to neutralize the hickey color. The center of the hickey will be purple and the outside will be redder, so you can use yellow to mark the center of the hickey.
    • Gently use a thin brush to blend the yellow between the hickey.
  3. Hit the green cream on the hickey rest. Be sure to wipe the brush clean before dabbing on the blue color and blending into the red part of the hickey.
  4. Apply concealer to the entire hickey. Find the right concealer for your skin tone and spread it evenly over the hickey with a brush. If you are not sure which tone works best, try spreading the cream on a different part of your neck to see if the cream will enter your skin.
    • After applying the cream with a brush, you can refill it with your fingers so the cream sinks into the skin.
    • Bring makeup with you whenever you go so you can refill if the concealer fades.
    • To make sure the makeup lasts longer, use an extra colorless powder on top to lock the cream (if the powder looks too exposed, spray on an extra layer of makeup fixation.
  5. Use foundation. If you want to cover the hickey one more layer to be sure, you can apply foundation.
    • Apply foundation with a brush and use a cotton pad to spread the color evenly.

Method 3 of 5: Cover hickey with a toothbrush

  1. Brush the hickey and the surrounding area with a bristle toothbrush. Do it gently and brush in a circle around the hickey. If you brush your hand hard, the hickey will look worse.
    • Remember to use a new brush.
  2. Wait about 15-20 minutes. The hickey spreads, but the redness and swelling should also decrease if you wait a bit.
  3. Apply ice to your hickey. Leave for another 15-20 minutes.
  4. Repeat the process if necessary. If you notice that the hickey is somewhat fading, try this method a few more times. If you accidentally make your kiss worse because of brushing, apply cold compresses and wait for it to subside. advertisement

Method 4 of 5: Reduce hickeys with ice

  1. Apply ice to your hickey. Applying ice or cold water to the hickey will help reduce swelling. Here are a few things you can use:
    • Cold pack.
    • Pull-out bag containing ice.
    • The cloth dipped in ice.
    • Spoon chilled. Wet a spoon and place in the refrigerator for about 5 minutes.
    • If necessary, take out a large chilled item from the refrigerator and place it on the hickey.
  2. Apply ice to the kiss area for 20 minutes. Keep a place, if it is cold or painful, take a break, then reapply.
    • Never apply ice directly to the hickey. Make sure to always wrap the ice in a cloth, tissue, or zipper bag.
    • If you are using a spoon, place it in the freezer for about 5 minutes, or chill several spoons for a quick replacement.

Method 5 of 5: Remove hickey with massage

  1. Apply heat to the hickey. Apply a warm washcloth or heating pad to the area of ​​the kiss. Leave it on until the skin feels warmer. Be careful not to burn. If you heat the pack in the microwave be sure to follow the instructions and let it cool down for a while use it.
    • Apply heat until your neck is warm enough.
    • Don't apply heat immediately to the hickey. You should only apply hot compresses for 48 hours after the bruise. When the hickey first appears, you can apply ice and massage the area.
  2. Massage the hickey inside and out. When your neck is warm enough, you can use your finger to rub the hickey in a circle from the inside out.
    • This method will help dissolve the blood clot and improve blood circulation in that area.
  3. Pressing creates pressure on the center of the hickey. Swipe your finger from the center area to the edge of the hickey.
    • Remember to do it gently. If you emphasize too much, the hickey will get worse.
  4. Repeat the process a few times a day. Take a break, then do it again after a few hours. advertisement


  • Don't wear clothes you wouldn't normally wear to conceal your hickey. This just draws more attention to the kiss spot.
  • If you use makeup, be sure not to wear clothes or jewelry that could fade the concealer.
  • Whatever method you want to use, applying ice immediately after the hickey appears will help reduce swelling.
  • Try applying an ice pack after the hickey appears, or massaging it to reduce swelling that is less noticeable.
  • Medications can help reduce hickey swelling, helping you to conceal it. Take aspirin or apply vitamin K, aloe vera to the wound.
  • Tell your mother that you were bitten by a spider and have an excuse to conceal your kiss with a bandage.
  • If using makeup, be sure to spray on an extra layer of fixative or powder to prevent concealer from drifting off.


  • Don't place a hickey on until 48 hours later.
  • Do not apply ice directly to the hickey.

What you need

Cloaking method

  • Turtleneck shirt or high collar shirt.

Makeup method

  • Green neutralizing cream
  • Yellow neutralizing cream
  • Concealer
  • Makeup brushes
  • Foundation (optional)

Brush method

  • A new brush sentence

Ice method

  • Ice, ice packs, spoons are chilled.

Massage method

  • A hot pack