How to have a slim body

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Want to lose weight but don't want to have muscle like a bodybuilder? If you want to be slimmer and firmer, you need to focus on losing fat and building lean muscles. To get thinner, you need to lose a little weight, lose body fat and tone the muscles. A combination of dietary and exercise modifications can help you achieve your goals.Even if you don't see results on the first day, even in the first week, your perseverance will eventually pay off with a slim, toned, and healthy body. The process won't be easy - it takes motivation and determination, but you will do it with the right method.


Part 1 of 3: Planning

  1. Set goals for yourself. Whether it's as simple as losing 2 kg or being able to run 1 kilometer in any given time, having a list of goals can help you stick to it in the long term.
    • Write down your goals and place them in plain view to remind yourself of the things to strive for every day. Be as specific as possible. Instead of just listing "lose weight" in general, write "lose x kg before December."
    • Make sure your goals are realistic and timed. You may need to set multiple goals until you reach a larger, longer term goal.
    • Track your progress toward your goals in a journal or write them down on paper and stick them on the refrigerator door. When you see how far you go, you'll stay motivated to work towards your long-term goals.

  2. Determine your daily calorie intake. Reducing your daily calorie intake can help you lose weight and reduce overall body fat.
    • The amount of calories to cut is about 500–750 per day. These calories will vary depending on how many calories you are currently consuming and how fast or slow your weight loss goal is.
    • It is unwise to cut back on too many calories or eat less than 1,200 calories per day. If you don't eat enough (especially if you exercise) you will be more likely to lose lean muscle mass instead of losing body fat.
    • You may need to try several different calorie levels to find the right balance for your body, lifestyle, and activity level. For example, if you find that you are not losing any weight, you may need to eat fewer calories every day. Conversely, if you feel tired, exhausted, or your athletic performance is compromised, you're probably not eating enough.

  3. Consult your doctor. Talk to your doctor or a licensed dietitian for advice on how to lose weight and build lean muscle mass. They can provide you with additional training plans, nutrition and warnings about potential health problems.
    • Consult your doctor promptly if you have heart disease, asthma, or any other condition you feel may interfere with your ability to lose weight.
    • Beware of "experts" trying to convince you to sell supplements, especially if these supplements come in powder form. Physicians and nutritionists often prefer a healthy diet and exercise a lot, as dietary supplements are largely unproven and less researched.

  4. Plan a week. When starting a new diet or exercise routine, it can be helpful to have a week plan or “to-do” list.
    • Take notes or keep a diary with your weekly plan. Every day, keep a record of the exercises you will be doing that day, your meals and snacks, and even your progress toward your destination.
    • A weekly exercise plan and diet can be a helpful part of your goal. It has proven effective in helping people who want to lose weight properly and organized throughout the week.
    • For example, one day in your plan might be: Morning exercise: 30 minutes of running and 20 minutes of yoga; Breakfast: Greek yogurt with fruit; Lunch: mixed spinach and grilled salmon; Snack: 2 boiled eggs; Dinner: Grilled chicken with quinoa seeds and boiled vegetables.

Part 2 of 3: Practice to become slim

  1. Focus on aerobic exercises. These exercises help increase heart rate and burn calories without building up too much muscle. Cardio exercises will give you a slimmer look as this is a unique exercise that helps burn calories and reduce body fat.
    • In general, most adults should do at least 30 minutes of cardio exercises per session. Do cardio and aerobic exercises 4-5 times a week to complete your weekly goal.
    • In addition to burning calories and giving you a slim, toned look, cardio exercises have many other benefits, including: helping to maintain a healthy weight, lowering blood pressure and blood sugar, and improving mood.
    • The key here is to use a variety of exercises to avoid boredom and work on different parts of the body, stimulating the body to be flexible in predicting what is going to happen.
  2. Try cycling. Cycling is a great way to get slim. You can cycle at home or go to the gym, or you can go for a real ride outdoors.
    • Cycling is a great aerobic exercise as it significantly increases your heart rate and tones the entire lower body (glutes, front thigh muscles, calves and hind thighs).
    • When cycling or taking an on-site cycling class, you'll burn about 500 calories in 60 minutes with intense exercise. This is a very effective method for burning larger calories.
    • Cycling is also a great exercise for busy people, as bicycles are also a means of transport. Ride your bike to work as a daily routine.
  3. Try swimming. Swimming is also a great way to lose weight and get slim. Whether it's swimming in the pool at home or going to the gym, swimming helps to tone the whole body.
    • There are many water activities you can choose from. Try swimming, water aerobics, or water resistance exercises.
    • Unlike other forms of aerobic exercise, swimming (especially long distance swimming) affects almost all muscle groups in the body. Each swim repetition will increase the strength and tone of the muscles.
    • Swimming is great exercise for people who are overweight, have knee or bone structure problems, because the movements distribute weight and reduce pressure on bones.
  4. Practice jogging. Running is a great aerobic exercise that can help you lose weight quickly and build lean muscle.
    • Jogging especially affects the lower body and abdominal muscles. However, to increase the toning benefits of a running exercise, you need to increase speed or intensity. The heavier the exercise, the more effective it is.
    • You can run alone or in groups, run around the neighborhood, on the run or at the gym. Make sure the track is safe when running alone.
    • Note that running is a sport that can have a strong impact on the knees and joints. If you've ever had a knee injury in the past, maybe running isn't your best option.
  5. Do light weight training. A few hours of weight training each week will definitely help you tone up, but it can also give you a "muscular" build. Strength training includes strength training and leaning exercises without increasing muscle mass. You should focus on tapering and toning exercises.
    • Usually, if you want to get slim, avoid heavy weights and repeat over and over again. Avoid strength training exercises, as it will increase muscle size, making you look bigger instead of slim.
  6. Try pilates. Pilate is a series of exercises with movements that can help increase balance, flexibility and help build long lean muscles.
    • Pilates sometimes require the use of exercise equipment such as weights or exercise balls. You can take a pilate class, learn with online tutorials or watch videos on the internet.
  7. You can also try yoga. Like pilates, yoga includes a series of poses that can help increase flexibility and strength and aid in building long, slim muscles.
    • You can take yoga classes at the gym, private yoga studios, or practice for free online.
    • It is a good idea to take several yoga classes with experienced coaches for the correct postures and movements. Then you can try out at home.

Part 3 of 3: Apply the right nutrition to have a slim body

  1. Measure the serving size. When trying to lose weight to become slimmer, it is important that you follow the right diet. Measuring portion sizes can help you ensure you're eating the right amount and not in excess.
    • Consider purchasing a food scale or a measuring cup set to track portion sizes for each meal and snack.
    • You don't need to measure each meal for the long term, but sticking to the measured servings for the first few weeks will help.
  2. Eat foods high in protein. Foods high in protein will provide energy and help lean lean muscles. You should include protein in every meal to reach your daily goal.
    • When you're on a diet and trying to build lean muscle mass, it's important to consume enough protein every day. In general, you will meet your daily needs if you eat enough protein with each meal. You should eat about 85-113 g of protein (about a checkbook) with each meal and snack.
    • Try to find lean and healthy sources of protein. Foods such as poultry, eggs, pork, eggs, seafood, lean beef, legumes and low-fat dairy are low in bad fats and high in protein.
  3. Eat complex carbohydrates. In addition to protein, your body needs enough carbohydrates to support basic daily functions.
    • Aerobic exercise is based on the amount of carbohydrates you eat. If you eat incorrectly or cut out too many calories, your performance may suffer due to lack of food and carbohydrates.
    • Choose nutritious carbohydrate sources throughout the day. This will help in providing adequate sources of nutrients from carbohydrates.
    • Complex carbohydrates have a higher fiber content. In general, complex carbohydrates are more nutritious than refined or processed carbohydrates, resulting in a decrease in the amount of nutrients in the food.
    • Choose foods like: 100% whole grains like quinoa, whole oats, brown rice or 100% whole wheat bread; starchy fruits, legumes and vegetables such as potatoes, carrots or beans.
  4. Eat 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Protein and complex carbohydrates aid your workout for a slimmer, firmer body, but fruits and vegetables help complete a nutritionally balanced meal.
    • Fruits and vegetables contain high amounts of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Although these foods do not provide much energy for exercise, they do provide essential nutrients for life.
    • Eat one or two servings of fruits and vegetables at each meal and snack. One serving of fruit consists of one piece or ½ cup of chopped fruit. A serving of veggies consists of one or two cups of green leafy vegetables.
  5. Have a snack before and after your workout if needed. Depending on the length, intensity and length of your workout, you may need a snack before or after your workout. Snacks will help you get ready for exercise or help your body recover properly.
    • The body needs most carbohydrates before training. Just as a car can't run without gas, you can't exercise without the right fuel. Carbohydrates are the best and most effective fuel for exercise.
    • Best pre-workout snacks include: a piece of fruit, a bowl of oats and dried fruit, a smoothie with yogurt and fruit, or a bowl of high-fiber, high-fiber cereal. low road.
    • After exercising, you need to compensate for the amount of fuel consumed during the exercise. The best combination is protein and carbohydrates. This will help the body restore and repair the muscles, and provide an efficient source of energy reserves.
    • Best post-workout snacks include: chocolate milk, protein bar (protein), apple or banana with peanut butter, small whole-wheat bagel with almond butter or a cup of Greek yogurt with flowers fruit.
  6. Drink a lot of water. In general, it is very important to drink enough water throughout the day. When increasing the volume of exercise, it is more and more essential to hydrate the body throughout the day.
    • At a minimum, you should also drink 8 glasses of water a day. Some studies show that you may need to drink 10-13 glasses of water a day.
    • Drinking plenty of water actually helps to fight water retention in the body. The more water you drink, the less your body needs to store it.
    • Stay hydrated with clear and sugar-free fluids such as: water, flavored marinades, decaffeinated coffee, tea.
  7. Avoid processed foods that are high in sugar and fat. Many processed foods are high in fat, sugar, and sodium and are high in overall calories. Regular consumption of such foods can lead to weight gain and increased fat mass.
    • Avoid foods like: sugary drinks, sweets, cakes, dry foods, frozen foods, processed meats, crackers and chips.
    • Focus on eating foods that are less processed and nutritious. They are generally low in calories but have much higher nutritional content such as vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber.


  • Always consult with your doctor before starting any weight loss or exercise program to be safe and healthy.
  • If you have never exercised before, start slowly and gradually increase the intensity or frequency of it.
  • If you experience pain, difficulty breathing, or other signs of discomfort during exercise, stop exercising immediately and seek medical attention.
  • When your goal is to get slim, it may take several weeks to see results. You will have to lose weight, lose body fat and tone muscles.
  • Continue with the right nutrition and exercise program to maintain lasting results. If you go back to your old eating habits, you may lose your neat and slim shape.