How to have white hair color

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
White Hair Color Tutorial Featuring @HAIRLIKEABOSS
Video: White Hair Color Tutorial Featuring @HAIRLIKEABOSS


If you want to show off your personality and charisma through your hair, you can think of white hair. Bleaching can make your hair dry, but you can avoid lasting damage with the right technique. Here's how to use bleach and toner products for stunning snow-white hair.


Part 1 of 7: Keeping hair healthy

  1. Check the quality of your hair before removing it. If you want to remove your hair color, you need to take care of your hair as healthy as possible. For the few weeks before removing your color, avoid factors that damage your hair, especially chemicals and heat.
    • If your hair is dry and damaged, take the time to restore it before removing it. Hair can be restored with a deep moisturizer and allowed to dry naturally, without styling products or tools.

  2. Do not use chemicals for hair. Bleach is most effective when healthy hair has never been dyed, curled, stretched, or chemically treated.
    • Professional stylists typically recommend waiting at least 2 weeks between chemical treatments; This time frame can be shorter or longer, depending on the health of the hair.
    • If your hair looks healthy to the touch after dyeing it, wait 2 weeks before bleaching.

  3. Apply coconut oil to your hair at least 3 hours before removing the color. Apply a little pure coconut oil between palms to warm the oil, then massage into hair and scalp. There is no need to wash off the oil before removing hair color.
    • If possible, leave the coconut oil on your hair overnight before bleaching it.
    • Some people even claim that coconut oil can help with the bleaching process. However, there has not been any real evidence to support this.
    • Coconut oil is made up of molecules small enough to penetrate the hair fibers, making it an effective choice to moisturize your hair. In addition to its moisturizing effects, coconut oil has many other benefits such as softening and shiny hair. Coconut oil also helps treat dandruff and stimulates hair growth.

  4. Use a mild, moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. Look for products that moisturize your hair without weighing it down or stripping your hair's natural oils. Products with "normal" hair formulas are the best option because they clean but not remove the oil from the hair.If you want to save money, you can find brand name products that are often used in salons at beauty stores and discount stores.
    • Look for products: low pH, containing an oily ingredient (Argan, avocado, olive), glycerin, glyceryl stearate, propylene glycol, sodium lactate, sodium PCA and alcohols starting with the letter "c" or "S".
    • Avoid: fragrant products with strong scents, alcohols for which the names "prop" are called, sulfates and any other products that are recommended to increase hair volume.
  5. Choose your hair styling products carefully. Pay attention to the type of hair styling products you use. For example, products that increase volume or volume will also dry hair out.
    • As with shampoos and conditioners, use only products that moisturize your hair.
  6. Avoid using heat on your hair. Do not use a dryer, straightener, or dye your hair. High heat damages and weakens hair follicles. Do not dry your hair with a towel after shampooing. Instead, use a towel to gently squeeze out the water from the hair.
    • If you have to dry your hair with a towel, buy a towel made of microfiber. These towels are designed to prevent hair damage caused by improper drying and also help reduce frizz.
    • If you have to style your hair, consider using other methods of heat-free straightening and curling. Type the phrase “heat-free styling” into the search engine for more methods.

Part 2 of 7: Prepare tools

  1. Go to a store selling beauty products. Hair dyes from popular brands (sold at drug stores) are generally of inferior quality than those used in salons. Beauty stores are full of professional quality products and tools.
    • Guardian is one of the most famous international beauty chain stores. You can find out if there is a store (or similar store) near you.
  2. Buy hair bleaching powder. Hair bleaching powder sold in bags or tubes. If you want to bleach your hair more than once, buying a tube can save you more in the long run.
  3. Buy hair coloring cream. The hair coloring cream reacts with the powder to bleach your hair color. Products with varying strengths, from 10 to 40; The higher the intensity, the faster it is likely to turn the hair blond, but also causing more damage to the hair.
    • Many hair stylists recommend products with 10 to 20 strengths. Blends take longer to lighten hair, but do much less damage than intense products.
    • If you have thin and easily damaged hair, you should use an intensity 10 dye. For dark, hard hair, a dye with intensity of 30 or 40 may be necessary.
    • A 20 strength dyeing aid is the safest choice for efficiency and lightness. If in doubt, you should choose this intensity.
  4. Buy toner. Toner is a product that turns hair color from blond to white. Toners come in a variety of shades, including blue, silver, and purple.
    • When buying toners, you should consider skin tone and hair color. If your hair is too yellow, choose a toner that contrasts the yellow on the palette, for example blue or purple.
    • Some toners need to be mixed with the dye before it is applied to the hair, while others do not. Both types are equally effective.
  5. Buy a red-yellow correction cream (optional). Reddish-blond color correction creams are often sold in small packs that you can add to your hair color remover to reduce the brass color. This product is not required for hair bleaching, but many say it is very effective.
    • Depending on your hair color, you can decide whether to use a reddish yellow correction cream or not. People with dark or red, orange or pink hair will find using reddish yellow correction cream especially helpful when wanting whiter hair.
    • Unless the hair to be bleached is an ash yellow color, you should safely choose to buy a red gold color correction cream, because the product is relatively cheap, only about 25 thousand a pack.
  6. Make sure you have enough bleach for your hair. If your hair is long, you need at least 2 packs of bleach, dye enhancers, reddish-yellow correction cream, may need more.
    • If you're not sure how much to use, it's better to buy a little more. Unused product package can be used when using hairline.
  7. Buy a shampoo and conditioner that will balance your hair color. Look for a product specifically designed for blond hair that has just been bleached. These shampoos and conditioners will be either dark purple or dark purple-blue.
    • Purple shampoos are recommended to remove unwanted brass and yellow tones from the hair.
    • Even if you are economical, you should at least buy a shampoo because it is more effective than conditioner at removing brass color from your hair.
  8. Buy hair dyeing tools. In addition to the ingredients for the bleaching mix, you will need a hair brush, a plastic mixing bowl, a plastic spoon, gloves, a plastic hairpin, a towel and a food wrap, or a transparent plastic hood. .
    • Do not use metal tools as metals can react with the bleach.
    • For towels, you can use an old towel; Just make sure it's a towel you don't regret getting dirty.

Part 3 of 7: Bleaching Hair Color

  1. Conduct a preliminary test. Before removing your hair color, you need an allergy test and strand test. An allergy test will make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients in the hair color remover, while a hair test helps you determine how long it will take to stay in the mixture.
    • To test allergy, you need to prepare a small amount of hair color remover and apply a small dot behind the ear. For 30 minutes, wipe off any remaining mixture, then try not to touch or get wet for 48 hours. If the skin is okay after 48 hours, you can bleach your hair.
    • To test on strands of hair, prepare a small amount of the mixture and apply it to a strand of hair. Test every 5-10 minutes until desired hair color. Note how long it takes to achieve that color. This way, you will know how long it takes to completely bleach your hair.
    • One more thing to note when testing on the strands, is how damaged the hair will be after washing and applying conditioner to condition the hair. If your hair is damaged, you should use a lower intensity dye or a slower bleaching routine (eg bleaching over weeks instead of bleaching at once).
    • If you run just one test, you should have an allergy test done as a severe allergic reaction can be fatal.
  2. Prepare. Wear old clothes that you wouldn't mind if they get dirty. Wrap a towel around your shoulder and keep another stack of towels available, in case the color remover mix gets dirty. Wear gloves to protect hands.
    • Gloves are very important tools when bleaching hair to prevent chemical burns.
  3. Pour bleach powder into mixing bowl. Use a plastic spoon to scoop the amount of bleaching powder to use in a mixing bowl. There should be instructions on the package for you to follow.
    • If you don't have instructions, use about the same amount of bleach as the dye aid. You can scoop one teaspoon of flour, one teaspoon of dyeing cream and mix it together.
  4. Add dyeing aid to the bleaching powder. Add the appropriate amount of dyeing aid to the bowl and mix with a plastic spoon. Should be mixed into a mixture with a thick creamy texture.
    • Unless otherwise instructed on the packaging, the dyeing aid and the dough must be 1: 1 ratio, that is, a spoonful of powder with a spoonful of dye cream.
  5. Add red-yellow correction cream to the mixture. After you mix the bleaching powder with the dye aid, you can add a little reddish-yellow correction cream to the mixture according to the instructions on the packaging.
  6. Apply the mixture to dry and unwashed hair. Use a hair brush to apply the mixture to your hair, starting with the tips of your hair, leaving about 2.5 cm at the roots. The roots will lighten faster than the rest of the hair thanks to the warmth being near the scalp; therefore, you should leave the roots until the rest of the hair has been treated.
    • Unless your hair is fairly short, you should use a hair clip to divide your hair into sections when handling.
    • Apply the mixture from back to front.
    • Wait at least 24 hours before shampooing. The more oily your hair, the better, as the natural oils in your hair help reduce damage on your hair and oily skin caused by bleach.
  7. Check to see if the mixture is evenly applied to your hair. After you've applied the bleaching mixture to all of your hair, including the roots, check to make sure your hair is completely covered.
    • This can be checked by massaging the hair around the head and feeling any drier. When going to dry areas, apply a little more bleach and massage into the strands of hair.
    • Use the mirror to see the back of your head.
  8. Wrap your hair in plastic wrap. You can also use a clear plastic hood.
    • When the bleach does work, the scalp can start to itch and throb. This reaction is normal.
    • If the burning sensation becomes too uncomfortable, remove the plastic wrap and wash off the bleaching mixture. If your hair is still too black, you can try bleaching again with a lower intensity dye after 2 weeks if your hair is healthy enough.
    • Avoid using heat on your hair at this time as high heat can cause complete hair loss.
  9. Check your hair from time to time. After 15 minutes, check your hair to see how effective the bleach is. Use a spray to wet a small part of hair, then use a towel to wipe off the bleaching mixture so that the color of the hair can be clearly seen.
    • If your hair still looks dark, apply more bleach to the strands, wrap it in a wrap, and wait for 10 minutes.
    • Continue to check your hair every 10 minutes until your hair is completely blond.
  10. Do not leave bleach on hair for more than 50 minutes. Leaving for more than 50 minutes can cause hair to break and / or completely fall out. Bleach has the ability to dissolve the hair fibers, so you need to be very careful when using it.
  11. Wash off the bleach. Remove the plastic wrap, then drop your head in a stream of cool water until the bleach is completely washed off your hair. Wash your hair, apply conditioner, and rinse your hair as usual. Then, use a clean towel to gently squeeze out the water from the hair.
    • The hair must be blond. If your hair turns bright blond, you can continue reading instructions on balancing your hair color.
    • If your hair is orange or still black, you need to bleach it again before balancing the color. To keep hair as healthy as possible, you should wait 2 weeks before bleaching again. Note: you do not need to apply the bleaching mixture to the roots if the roots are whiter than the rest of the hair. Just apply the mixture to the part of the hair you want to lighten.
    • You can even lengthen the bleaching process over several weeks. If your hair is quite thick and hard, you may need to repeat the procedure up to 5 times.

Part 4 of 7: Hair Color Balance

  1. Prepare your hair color balance. After the bleaching process, you should be ready to balance your hair color. Like the bleaching process, you should wear old clothes and wear gloves. Have a stack of towels ready and make sure your hair is completely dry before starting.
    • Hair color can be balanced immediately after bleaching (just make sure the bleach is washed off). You should also balance your hair color every few weeks to keep it white.
  2. Mix the toner. If the toner is already pre-mixed to use, you can skip this step. If not, mix toner and dyeing aid into a clean plastic mixing bowl according to the instructions on the package.
    • The ratio is usually 1 part toner and 2 parts dye cream.
  3. Apply toner to damp hair. Use a hair brush to apply the toner to your hair, just as you would with bleach (top to root, back to front).
  4. Make sure the toner is evenly applied. Run your hand through your hair to make sure the toner is evenly applied and wet your hair.
    • Use a mirror on the back of your head to make sure the toner completely covers your hair.
  5. Wrap your hair in plastic wrap or a hood. Leave the toner on your hair for the time indicated on the package. Depending on the intensity of the toner and the color of the hair, it can take only 10 minutes for the hair to turn white.
  6. Check your hair every 10 minutes. Depending on the type of toner you use and the brightness of your hair, the toner can work faster or slower.
    • Check every 10 minutes to make sure your hair isn't turning blue: wipe off the toner from a thin strand of hair to see what color it looks like. If your hair is not in the desired color, reapply toner on the strand of hair and then wrap the food wrap / hood.
  7. Rinse off the toner. Leave your hair in a stream of cool water until all the toner is rinsed off. Wash your hair and conditioner as usual, then use a clean towel to squeeze the water out of your hair.
  8. Check your hair. Let your hair dry naturally, or if you can't wait, turn on the dryer on the coolest setting. After completing the bleaching and balancing process, the hair will be a sparkling white color.
    • If you have a section of hair that has not been bleached, wait a few days, then repeat the bleaching process and balance the hair color on that part.

Part 5 of 7: White hair care

  1. Be gentle with hair. White hair is fragile and damaged, even in the best condition. Therefore, you need to take care of your hair, do not wash it if it is dry and do not brush, stretch or curl too much.
    • It is better to let hair dry naturally. If you have to use a dryer, turn on the coolest setting.
    • Avoid using heat or altering your hair's natural texture as much as possible, as this can cause your hair to break, resulting in hair as short as a few centimeters.
    • If you need to straighten your hair, you can use a blow dryer and a round brush and still get straight hair. Use this as an alternative to stretching machines.
    • Hair should be combed with a wide tooth comb.
  2. Extend the time between shampoos. Many experts recommend washing your hair only once a week after bleaching your hair. The process of washing your hair removes the natural oils from your hair, while bleaching hair needs a lot of oil.
    • If you exercise / sweat regularly or use a lot of hair products, you can increase to two washings per week. You can also use dry shampoo instead.
    • When drying your hair, pat it gently and wring it out with a towel. Don't rush the towel over your head, as doing so may further damage your hair.
  3. Know which products to use for your hair. Use products designed specifically for bleached and damaged hair, at least a purple color balancing shampoo and a deeply moisturizing conditioner. Avoid products that increase hair volume, as these will dry out your hair.
    • A good conditioner will help your hair look softer and less frizzy. Some people claim that virgin coconut oil can help reduce frizz and condition hair.
  4. Moisturize your hair deeply at least once a week. Make your own or buy a good deep moisturizer from a salon or beauty store. Avoid buying low-end brands (sold in drugstores) as they only cover your hair, making it sticky and worse.
  5. Reapply the toner regularly. You need to apply toner regularly, even once every 1-2 weeks, to keep your hair color white. Using a hair color balancing shampoo reduces the frequency of toner on your hair. advertisement

Part 6 of 7: Hairline Bleaching

  1. Try not to let the hairline grow too long. Try to apply bleach again when the hairline is up to 2.5 cm long. This will keep your hair even more colored.
    • If you let the roots grow longer, it will be difficult to re-apply the bleach without touching the rest of the hair.
    • The hair is about 1.3 cm long per month, so you will need to refine your hair roots every two months.
  2. Prepare the bleach mixture. This procedure is similar to bleaching your hair for the first time. Mix the hair lightening powder with the dye aid in a 1: 1 ratio. Then add a red yellow correction cream to the mixture according to the instructions on the package.
  3. Apply the mixture to dry, unwashed hair roots. Use a hair brush to apply the bleach mixture to the roots. You can pull it down a bit and touch the bleached hair, but try not to put too much pressure on the bleached hair.
    • Be careful not to apply too much bleach to your hair.
    • If your hair is fairly thick or long, use a hairpin to divide it into sections. This is also helpful on short hair to ensure that the mixture is applied over the entire roots.
    • Use the sharp end of the hair brush to brush all over your hair, spreading the mixture over the roots. Then, flip your hair up with the other end of the brush, then apply the mixture again to the bottom of your hair before moving on to the next section.
  4. Check your hair regularly. After about 15 minutes, check to make sure your hair isn't too bright. Then check every 10 minutes until the desired hair color is achieved.
  5. Wash off the bleaching mixture from your hair. Rinse off the hair mixture completely with cool water and then use shampoo and conditioner as usual. Use a clean towel to gently squeeze out the water from the hair.
  6. Apply toner to hair. Similar to the initial application of toner, you need to prepare a toner and apply it to the roots of your hair with a brush.
    • If the rest of your hair also requires toner, you should apply toner to the blond hair first, then apply it to the rest of your hair.
    • Be sure to check every 10 minutes to make sure your hair isn't too blue, silver, or purple.
  7. Rinse off the toner from hair. Rinse your hair out with cool water and use shampoo and conditioner as usual. Then, gently squeeze out any water from your hair and it's better to let it dry naturally. advertisement

Part 7 of 7: Dealing with risks

  1. Don't be alarmed when you run out of bleach before applying it all over. Even if there is not enough bleach to be applied to all of the hair, there is nothing to fear.
    • If you run out of bleach mixture but still have all of the ingredients you need, you can quickly mix the ingredients together and continue applying the bleach to your hair. Mixing should not exceed a few minutes.
    • If you need to buy more ingredients, complete the bleaching process of the bleached hair (leave bleach on your hair until it turns blond or for up to 50 minutes). Then, as soon as you can, go buy more ingredients and apply it on the part of your hair that hasn't been bleached.
  2. Removes bleach stains on clothes. It's best to wear old clothes and wrap them with towels to protect them. If for some reason bleach gets on items that bother you, you can try removing the stain using the following method:
    • Place a clear wine, such as Gin or Vodka into a cotton ball.
    • Rub the cotton ball over and around the stain; This will bring some of the original color of the garment to the bleach adhesive.
    • Continue rubbing until the color of the clothes hides the area where the bleach was found.
    • Wash off with cold water.
    • If this doesn't work, consider bleaching the entire garment and then dyeing it with fabric dye of your choice.
  3. Patience. If you bleach your hair and after 50 minutes the hair color is still almost blond, don't worry. This is normal for dark hair colors and / or hair that is difficult to dye. You may need to bleach a few times to achieve the desired color.
    • If you need to bleach your hair a few times to get a golden shade, make sure you have bleach at least 2 weeks apart.
    • After each bleaching session, you need to pay special attention to the health of your hair. If your hair begins to damage, wait a bit longer before trying again. Hair must be healthy before adding bleach, or there is a risk of hair loss.
  4. Eliminate darker hair clips. After a few miles of hairline, you can see strands of hair with different blond tones.
    • You can treat these darker strands by applying a small amount of bleach and then leaving it on for a few minutes until the hair color is almost the same color as the rest.
    • These strands are usually less visible when you apply toner to your hair.


  • White hair removal is not for people who are not ready to spend time taking care of their hair. White hair needs careful care and care to always be beautiful. You should carefully consider whether you are ready to put a lot of effort into your hair before you start bleaching.
  • If you are not ready to take the time and effort to maintain your iridescence, or are concerned about the health of your hair, visit a salon for professional bleaching.
  • Seeing a professional hair stylist the first time you bleach your hair can help. With your own attention, you can learn the stylist's tips and tricks, so you only have to take care of the roots.
  • If you want a different color, you should wait at least 2 weeks before dyeing your hair with permanent hair dye.
  • If you decide to dye your hair a different color after bleaching, you should use a recoloring product to compensate for the loss of pigmentation from your white hair before applying the dye.
  • If you are not sure which platinum tone works best for your skin tone, you should visit a wig store to try different wig colors. Note that some stores may charge a fee, and most will require customers to try on wigs with the help of a salesperson. You can call the wig store in advance to make sure they have this service and are ready to take your time.
  • If you have to use a heat styling tool, first make sure to use a high quality product that protects your hair from heat. Products that protect hair from heat can be in the form of sprays, creams, and foam and are often available at beauty stores or salons.


  • If you do not use gloves, the bleach will irritate the exposed skin, making the skin an ugly white color and becoming extremely dry, itchy.
  • Swimming in chlorinated water can cause hair to turn bluish. If you have to swim, apply conditioner to your hair and then put on a hood before you go into the water.
  • Do not bleach your hair immediately after washing it. Shampooing takes away the protective oil on your scalp, so your hair and scalp will be damaged more often than if you waited at least 24 hours.
  • If you bleach damaged or weakened hair, you run the risk of more serious damage or breakage. Do not style your hair with a heat product or wash your hair excessively before bleaching your hair.
  • Be patient with your hair. Trying to bleach your hair too quickly can cause hair breakage, loss or chemical burns.

What you need

  • Bleaching powder
  • Dyeing aids
  • Red yellow correction cream
  • The shampoo balances the hair color
  • Brush your hair
  • Mixing bowl
  • Gloves
  • Towel
  • Food wrap