How to have an acne-free face

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Prevent Acne | 5 Quick Ways
Video: How To Prevent Acne | 5 Quick Ways


Everyone wants to have a face free of acne, but not everyone is ready to do everything necessary to keep facial skin free from dust, oil and other inflammatory factors. However, you can completely have flawless smooth skin. Read on for some helpful methods to avoid acne attacks.


Part 1 of 2: Principles of Avoiding Acne

  1. Don't squeeze pimples. This is rule number one! Acne contains a lot of harmful bacteria.If you squeeze the pimple, those bacteria will have a chance to spread to nearby pores and stay there "nesting". Don't give bacteria that chance.

  2. Another harm to squeezing pimples is the skin around the pimple, and the pimple itself will become inflamed. An infection will make your skin red and painful.
  3. Do not touch your face with your hands. Your hands (no matter how many times you wash them) always have oil and dirt. The hands are also a medium for the infection of bacteria. If you constantly rub dust, oil, and bacteria on your face, that has consequences, and you spread the bacteria to other areas of your face.

  4. Drink enough water. Many doctors recommend that you drink 9 to 12 cups of water a day (equivalent to 2.2 to 3 liters of water), depending on your gender. (Women should drink 9 glasses of water, and men should drink 12 glasses of water). The skin is also an organ of the body, and like the kidneys, it needs to receive an adequate amount of water to function properly.

  5. Eliminate sugary beverages such as soda, fruit juices, and smoothies from your daily diet. Although this has been controversial for decades, many recent studies have shown that eating and drinking has a significant effect on the appearance of acne, with sugar being the main cause. . Sugar causes a spike in insulin levels in the body, leading to an increase in the production of certain hormones that cause boils.
  6. Drink some milk. Currently, milk is also considered to be a cause of boils. Milk promotes the production of male hormones - testosterone and androgens. Together with insulin, they cause ugly bumps on the face.
  7. Unsweetened green tea is a useful beverage. Green tea contains a lot of antioxidants that help the body fight free radicals. Free radicals affect cells and are thought to be at the root of skin aging. Besides water, green tea is also a very healthy beverage.
  8. Healthy eating. Diet can also help you have beautiful skin if you know how to eat properly. You probably already know this rule as well: eat plenty of green vegetables and fruits, consume more healthy fats and foods that contain beneficial bacteria.
  9. People who eat more fruits, vegetables, and consume less milk sugar will have less acne.Eat 400 to 900 grams of vegetables and fruits a day, especially green vegetables.
  10. Eat foods that contain omega-3. There are many types of fats, including beneficial fats. The beneficial fats like omega-3 will help the body avoid inflammation and make cells healthier. Omega-3 is destroyed by oxygen, which means you must eat foods high in omega-3 raw. In case of need you can oven or grill the food, this is better than boiling or frying. Foods rich in omega-3 include:
    • Fish, especially salmon, sardines and herring.
    • Nuts, especially flax seeds.
    • Green vegetables, especially spinach and watercress.
  11. Consume foods with beneficial bacteria. Probiotics are friendly bacteria that are found in foods like the mushroom (kobucha). They are very beneficial for the digestive tract and reduce inflammation. Probiotics like lactobacillus can improve the pimple condition. You can find probiotic foods at some grocery stores or natural food stores.
  12. Use the right vitamin in the right dosage. This is an undisputed principle. When you take the right vitamins, your skin will be healthy, fresh, and free from pimples. Vitamin A is especially effective in improving the skin. Do not take vitamin A while pregnant.
  13. Use primrose oil. Evening primrose oil contains omega-6 fatty acids with anti-inflammatory effects. If your body lacks this substance, a pimple may appear. Take 1000 to 1500 mg twice daily.
  14. Zinc supplement (as zinc citrate). Zinc assists in protein synthesis, wound healing and tissue regeneration. Take 30 mg a day.
  15. Take vitamin E. Vitamin E plays an important role in the skin. For people with acne, the amount of vitamin E in their body is very low. Take 400 IU (international units) a day.
  16. Do not wash your face more than twice a day. When you wash your face too much, your facial skin becomes dry and produces more oil, which means more acne.
  17. Moisturize the skin after cleansing. When you wash your face, your facial skin loses the moisture it needs to fight the acne-causing bacteria. Moisturize just enough for your face, even if you have natural oily skin.
  18. Use an acne-free moisturizer. These are products that do not clog pores. Do not let moisturizer seal the pores right after you wash them off.
  19. If your skin is oily, use a gel moisturizer. These moisturizers do not give your skin the same greasy shine as creamy moisturizers.
  20. Use a toning solution (toner - in Vietnam collectively known as rose water) for oily skin. This solution helps tighten pores, while removing dirt on the skin. Be careful when using an alcohol-based toner, as it removes the oily layer on the skin, leading to more oily production of the skin and more acne growth. Look for a toner that is low in alcohol, but still effective.
  21. Get rid of the stresses in your life. Doctors are still not sure, but they both think there is a connection between stress and skin diseases, especially the boil. Accordingly, sebum-producing cells - believed to be responsible for acne, become out of control when your body is under stress.
  22. Find creative ways to relieve stress. Many people get rid of stressful situations by going for a walk. Others pour their stress into the paintings. Whatever you can do to relieve stress, do it as soon as you can and on a regular basis.
  23. Try meditation techniques. There are many ways to meditate. Find the way that suits you best. Many people choose yoga for retreat.
  24. Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep will cause stress and breakouts. As mentioned above, stress has a very negative effect on the skin and causes acne breakouts. At the same time, you should change the pillowcase regularly. You can wrap your pillow in a towel to absorb the oil. The next night, you can turn the towel over.
  25. Young people and the elderly need more sleep than adults. Teenagers need 10 to 11 hours of sleep a night.
  26. Exercise. Except for bone or muscle damage, exercise is considered a panacea. Exercise will promote blood circulation, so your skin will also be healthier and more youthful. There are a few things you need to remember when exercising:
  27. Always wear sunscreen when exercising outdoors. If you are not careful, you can get a sunburn before it can accelerate the circulation of blood in the body. Use a sunscreen that doesn't irritate your skin.
  28. Cleanse after practicing. When you sweat, your pores become clogged with dirt. Take a good shower, especially wash your face after exercising. advertisement

Part 2 of 2: Acne Treatment

  1. Use products containing benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide is used to kill acne-causing bacteria. The concentration of this substance in each product may vary. However, products with a 2.5% benzoyl peroxide concentration are just as effective as 5-10%, and are less irritating to the skin. Benzoyl peroxide helps to exfoliate the skin and leave it with a brighter and brighter look.
  2. Use products containing salicylic acid. Like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid kills bacteria that cause acne. It can also cause dead skin cells to peel off more quickly and stimulate premature skin growth. Apply a little salicylic acid to the affected area before going to bed, after you've washed your face.
  3. Use toothpaste. Toothpaste contains silica, which is the same desiccant that you often find in foods that need to be kept dry like dried beef or confectionery. In general, toothpaste can dry out the pimple and reduce its size.
  4. Use natural toothpaste to treat facial acne. Some toothpastes contain sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), which is potentially irritating to the skin. Read the ingredients of the toothpaste carefully before applying it to your face.
  5. Use tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is an anti-bacterial essential oil that kills even the bacteria that have already nested in your pores. For the essential oil in a dropper, use a cotton swab, soak a little of the essential oil and dab it on the pimple. Do not use too much essential oils.
  6. Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory properties, so it can reduce the size and redness of the pimple.
  7. Crush an aspirin antibiotic. Crush an aspirin antibiotic and add enough water to make a paste. Use a cotton swab, gently dab the medicine on the pimple, cover and let dry. Aspirin is also an anti-inflammatory, meaning it will fight inflammation in the skin and make acne blemishes less visible. Leave aspirin on your skin overnight.
  8. Use an astringent for oily skin. An astringent contains astringent agents. Some pharmaceutical astringents contain antibacterial properties to fight acne as well as reduce the size of blemishes. There are several types of solutions that you can use:
  9. Buy products for sale in stores. These products come in a wide variety of types and sizes. Look for one that contains benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Ask for a skin-gentle solution.
  10. Natural astringents also work very well. These include:
  11. Lemonade. The citric acid in lemon juice kills bacteria that cause acne and astringent. Many people have had success with this method. Cut a slice of lemon and gently rub it over the affected area.
  12. Banana peel. Banana peels are very effective in treating insect and mosquito bites. Banana peels may also reduce the size of some pimples. Gently rub the banana peel over the affected area.
  13. Hazel. This is an astringent herb with many other uses as well. Look for witch hazel that does not contain alcohol. Apply a little of this solution to the affected area and let it dry.
  14. Green tea. Green tea is an astringent that contains many antioxidants. It will help fight the signs of aging by fighting free radicals. Dip a green tea bag in hot water, then remove the tea bag and quickly apply to areas of acne skin.
  15. Use ice if necessary. Rubbing an ice cube on the pimple will make the area numb. When you have numbness, stop and wait until your face is warm again.
  16. As mentioned above, the stone will tighten the pores by causing the blood vessels under the skin to contract. If your pimple is painful, the ice will ease the pain.
  17. If you have a lot of blemishes in your face, treat each area one at a time. Once one area of ​​skin is numb, move to another area.
  18. Repeat this process all over your face.
  19. Use eye drops on acne-prone areas. Eye drops, even those that work to reduce redness, can also reduce redness. Put a few drops of eye drops on a cotton swab and dab on the blemishes.
  20. Cold temperatures can reduce swelling, so leave a cotton swab soaked in the eye drops in the refrigerator for about an hour before applying it to your face. A cold cotton swab will soothe blemishes.
  21. Use natural antihistamines. Antihistamines will control swelling on the skin. This substance is usually presented in pill form, but there are also some types in the form of tea or topical. They will reduce redness. Herbs that contain antihistamines include:
  22. Nettle. It sounds a bit strange, because when you touch the stinging nettle, you can get an itchy rash. However, doctors believe that using nettle in the form of lyophilized preparations can reduce the amount of histamine that the body produces.
  23. Horseradish is also an effective natural antihistamine. The Europeans used this plant to treat dermatological diseases many years ago. The leaves can be ground into a paste, or the essence of this herb can be prepared into an oral medicine form.
  24. Thyme is also a natural antihistamine. Steam a few sprigs of thyme and gently apply it to the skin of the acne. Thyme will tell your body that it doesn't have to fight off the unknown agents that are causing the boils.
  25. If after all these treatments you still get acne, see a dermatologist. There are antibiotics or oral medications that are great to heal acne-prone skin very quickly. advertisement


  • Even if your acne is gone, continue with the above steps for at least 30 days, or more. Acne can still come back to visit you even after you've passed puberty. If so, please reapply the above methods.
  • Exfoliate once every 4 days to remove dead skin cells.
  • Everyone goes through a period of acne breakout, and each person will have a different approach. If there's one method that doesn't work for you, that's okay. Try another way and be optimistic!
  • To remove dirt and oil from your skin, leave soap or cleanser for about two minutes for them to work. You don't have to rub it all the time, but that will work.
  • To avoid feeling excess limbs at the time, you can play music or do something else (eg brush your teeth or lie down and relax like a spa).
  • Wash your face thoroughly. The most effective way to wash your face at the end of the acne treatment is: let warm water cover the sink and dip your face down there, and gently rub it to wash the cleanser off. You will have to immerse your entire face in the water.
  • If you use a lot of cleanser, you will have to wash your face again. Wash your face again with cold water to tighten pores. Many people like to use toner at this step.
  • If you do not rinse your cleanser, it will cause more dirt and sebum to accumulate.
  • During the first two weeks, you may experience more pimples as your pores expand and create pimples. Be courageous and always be optimistic. Eventually you will destroy them and your skin will improve.
  • When you apply ice to the acne area, you can rub it all over your face to prevent future breakouts.
  • Don't overdo it with cleansers, they can irritate your skin and cause breakouts. Remember that facial products always seem to work well at first, but there are also additives that prevent acne from completely disappearing. As a result, you will have to continue to purchase that product.
  • When you touch the pimple on your face, always remember to wash your hands afterwards.


  • Don't squeeze pimples! You may experience more breakouts.