How to have sexy thick lips

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Angelina Jolie lips Exercises | Get Fuller lips, Sexy Lips, Plump lips, Pinkish Lips
Video: Angelina Jolie lips Exercises | Get Fuller lips, Sexy Lips, Plump lips, Pinkish Lips


Sexy thick lips are really beautiful; If you have naturally thin lips, you will probably wonder how to have thicker lips. In this case, you can apply makeup to make your lips look thicker, use a lip filler, or even dab a little cinnamon powder so that your lips are slightly swollen for a short time. Exfoliating your lips also helps you to look more attractive.


Method 1 of 3: Apply technique to make lips plump

  1. Use lip balm products. At the cosmetics counters of supermarkets, you can find shelves that sell lip balm products. These lip glosses and lip balms often contain ingredients like cinnamon oil or capsaicin, which make chili peppers taste spicy. These ingredients cause mild irritation on the skin, temporarily causing lips to plump.
    • Lip fillers are usually glossy, making the lips look fuller.
    • Caffeine is also commonly found in lip filling products; Therefore, you should check the ingredient list if you are allergic to caffeine.

  2. Rub your lips with a little cinnamon powder. Cinnamon is a mild irritant that is very safe in making lips look thicker. Try sprinkling some cinnamon on an old (no longer in use) toothbrush and rub it on your lips.Just scrub gently until your lips look plump.
    • Make your own lip gloss by adding a pinch of cinnamon powder to a teaspoon of coconut oil. Put ingredients in an old lip balm bottle and use it when you need to refill your lips.
    • It is okay to feel a slight stinging sensation, but if your lips feel uncomfortable after using cinnamon, stop using it immediately and try another method.

  3. Apply some peppermint oil. Peppermint, similar to cinnamon, has a mild stimulant effect that causes slightly swollen lips. Applying a few drops of peppermint oil to your lips is a natural plump.
    • Make your own lip gloss by stirring 5 drops of peppermint oil with a teaspoon of coconut oil. Store lipstick with an old lip balm bottle.
    • If your lips are uncomfortable with the mint, try a different method.

  4. Apply chili to your lips. This method is not for the faint of heart, but it is very effective! Take a small piece of jalapeño or a mildly spicy pepper and apply it to your lips. After a while, your lips will start to swell, as if you had eaten hot spicy salsa or hot sauce.
    • Do not try this method with chili peppers or other very hot peppers as it will be extremely uncomfortable.
    • You can also dab some dry chili powder on your lips, such as cayenne for a plumping effect.

Method 2 of 3: Makeup

  1. Start by exfoliating your lips. Exfoliation increases circulation to help blood flow back to the lips and feels like lips are thicker. You will use a toothbrush to scrub dry, flaky skin to reveal the fresh skin underneath.
    • You can moisturize your lips at the same time by using coconut oil. You just need to put a little coconut oil on your toothbrush before rubbing your lips. Your lips will look shiny and fresh when this is done.
    • You can also make a moisturizing exfoliating product by stirring equal amounts of olive oil and brown sugar. Use fingertips to gently massage the product onto lips, then wipe lips with a clean wet cloth.
    • Or, try using a baking soda blend for intensive exfoliating. Stir in a teaspoon of baking soda with just enough water to make a thick paste, then put a little bit of it into your toothbrush and rub it on your lips.
  2. Use a lip liner to widen the contour of the lips. Choose a pencil that is the same color as your lips, but a few tones darker than your face tone. Carefully line the lip lines above and below your natural lip contour. This will create the right extension. Next, just use a lip liner to fill the space around your lips. This will make the lips look thicker than usual.
    • Don't try to make your lips look too thick so that other people won't know that you put on makeup to keep your lips plump.
    • To bring out your lips, use an eye-catching lipstick or lip gloss over the lead, covering both lips and the area you just added.
  3. Fill lips with darker color. You can also create a sensual thick lip effect by using a darker color underneath the lower lip and a slightly lighter color elsewhere. Pick a dark red color and dab on the outer part of the lower lip. Next, spread the lipstick on the top edge of the upper lip. Choose a slightly lighter red color to paint the rest of the upper and lower lips. Use your fingertips to spread the lipstick evenly.
    • Use some highlighting powder on top of the new V-shaped top of the lips to give the lips depth.
    • For a sharp lip contour, use a dark lip liner on the lower edge of the lower lip and a lighter color for the upper lip contour.
    • For perfect results, apply a layer of colorless lip gloss to your lips.
  4. Use lip gloss. If you don't have time to put on your lips or create volume, using lip gloss will give you thick, sexy lips in seconds. Pink, red or colorless lip gloss will make lips stand out more on your face. The contrast of the lipstick texture will make the lips look fuller than usual.
  5. Highlight the top of the V-shaped lips. It's the furrow area between the lower part of the nose and the top of the upper lip. The highlighting attracts attention and makes the lips look thicker and fuller. Dab a highlighter on the top of your lips, or simply use a transparent lip gloss to highlight your lips. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Try the long term approach

  1. Learn how to fill your lips. If the temporary method doesn't work, you can explore lip filling methods. Because of the popularity of thick and sexy lips, there are many different options you can look at. The most famous lip filling method is with Botox, but there are other options that use chemicals to help lips become plump.
    • With these methods, a filler is injected into the lips to create a plump stretch. The effect usually lasts a few months.
    • Be sure to spend a lot of time learning the method and choosing a well-rated, experienced professional.
  2. Try botox injections. Sometimes the method of injecting botox is confused with injecting fillers, but actually the two methods are different. Botox is injected into the middle of the upper lip, causing these muscles to relax and causing the upper lip to "fill" up.
    • The injection takes only 10 to 15 minutes and does not require recovery, although it will take time to get used to the sensation.
  3. Try a lip tattoo. If you are tired of regular lip lines, lip tattooing is probably the better choice. This method will tattoo around the area of ​​the lips to create a plump stretch or give the lips a more beautiful color.
    • If you have always thought about and wished for a long, plump lips, you should carefully study this method to find a specialist who can help you achieve the effect you want.
    • The tattoo removal will be very difficult; Therefore, you should not choose this method unless you are absolutely sure what you want.


  • Lips will look smaller when dry and flaky in winter. Be sure to exfoliate and moisturize your lips regularly for thick, sexy lips.


  • Do not use techniques to make lips plump that make you feel pain or discomfort.