How to have a dream you want

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to DREAM what YOU WANT
Video: How to DREAM what YOU WANT


Dreams can have a powerful impact on our lives. They reflect our hopes and fears about the future and even help us reminisce about the past. Whether you want to learn how to master dreams (i.e. effectively control and become aware of dreams while sleeping) or simply learn how to have calmer dreams. There are several things you can do during the day and before bed so you can dream the dreams you want. If you want to know how to control your dreams, read the instructions below.


Part 1 of 4: Have more calming dreams

  1. Go to bed earlier. A dream study conducted in 2011 in the journal Biological Rhythm and Sleep has concluded that college students who stay up late are more likely to have unpleasant dreams than those who go to bed earlier. Try to go to bed at least an hour early each night and notice a positive effect on your dreams if you want to have calmer dreams.
    • One potential explanation for this finding is the stress hormone cortisol, which is produced early in the morning, a time when night owls are typically in REM (fast-moving eye sleep), dreaming, or deep sleep. .

  2. Control your diet. There are many things that can cause nightmares like eating at night, drinking alcohol, caffeine or smoking cigars. If you have long-term nightmares, consider reducing these substances or not eating them 2 to 3 hours before bed to allow enough time to digest food and induce a better night's sleep.
    • You should avoid caffeine at noon if you have serious problems falling asleep and having calmer dreams. You may find that you need more energy, but that will make it harder for you to sleep.
    • While you might think that having a glass of alcohol before bed will make you fall asleep, it will actually make it harder to get a good night's sleep. And if your sleep isn't deep and you want to really take control of your dreams, then alcohol makes it harder for you.

  3. Deal with stress. Negative dreams often reflect the stress and fear we experience in everyday life. Try not to be mindful of those things when you go to bed. Instead, take a moment to let go of your troubles and think about the positive things. The less you are preoccupied with a stressful life, the more relaxed your mind will be and the more you want to dream.
    • Regular exercise can help you reduce stress, have better dreams, and fall asleep easier. However, don't exercise close to bedtime as it can keep you awake.

  4. Have a habit of sleeping comfortably. It is very important to easily fall asleep and have a relaxing routine like drinking herbal tea or reading a book before bed so that you are less likely to experience fear or depression. Find whatever works best for your sleep and stick to the ones you already use. Try to get rid of any stress or sadness from your mind to make it easier to fall asleep.
    • Avoid watching violent, scary, or other stressful movies or TV shows or movies as these can cause nightmares.
    • Turn off all visual stimuli at least half an hour before bed if you want a better night's sleep. That is, not using your phone, computer or anything that makes it difficult for you to relax and have a better night's sleep.
  5. Leave roses in the bedroom. Scientists have conducted a dream study in which women were exposed to the scent of roses for at least 30 days and had more calming dreams than usual. This proves that the scent evokes positive emotions, which makes dreams more pleasant.
    • You can also use rose scented oils, lotions or candles. However, please turn off the candles before going to bed to prevent fires.

Part 2 of 4: Prepare for a lucid day's dream

  1. Get enough sleep. Dreams occur in REM (fast-moving eye sleep), which is part of the cycle of sleep. If you don't get enough sleep or wake up several times during the night, this cycle will be interrupted. You should sleep 7-9 hours a day and go to bed at a set time for your body and mind to function as desired.
  2. Focus on your dream. Many people believe that remembering what they have dreamed is the first step in achieving lucid dreaming state. Before you go to bed, remind yourself that you will wake up with a dream flashback. This will help the dream go into the subconscious. Here are some ways to help you remember your dreams better:
    • Ask me what I dreamed of right after waking up. Don't get out of bed right away, it will be difficult to remember what you dreamed of. Instead, stay in bed and focus on the details of the dream. One of the reasons people "forget" their dreams is because they wake up and immediately start thinking about other things. Establish a routine about this every morning.
    • Dream recording. Do this as soon as you wake up, and keep your pen and notebook right next to you to quickly jot down your dreams before you forget them. This is also a way to help you remember your dreams over time.
  3. Reality check while you dream and throughout the day. Reality check is the re-examination of what you can do both in your dream and when you wake up to help you distinguish the real and virtual worlds. Successfully making a real relationship while sleeping can help you have a dream awake as the dream itself becomes awareness. Try the following ways to check for reality:
    • Try to fly. Obviously this only works in dreams.
    • Look at your reflection in the mirror. If your images are distorted, blurred, or out of focus, then you are probably dreaming.
    • Try looking at the clock. It will be difficult to see because the image will be blurred in the dream.
    • Turn on and off the light switch. Light switches cannot be used in dreams. So if you can use your thought to turn the lights on and off, then maybe you're dreaming.
    • Look at the hands. Check to see if your hands are normal from close up. If you are dreaming, you may have more or less fingers than usual.
    • Try an electronic device. Computers and phones are not working correctly in dreams.
    • Look in the mirror. See if you look different.
    • See if you can "breathe" while holding your nose and mouth. If you can, then you are dreaming.
    • Try placing an object like a pencil through your hand (palm). If you are dreaming, the pencil will either pass through your hand confusingly or hang around. If it's not a dream, you will have a graphite on your hand.
  4. Look for dream signs. Once in the habit of recording what you have dreamed of, start to find signs that you are really dreaming. It could be a recurring image like an island you've never been to before in reality, or a recurring event like the loss of your teeth or the inability to walk around in shock.Find the signs and record them. Knowing these signs can help you become more aware of your dreams because you can recognize them more easily.
    • Once you recognize the dream signs, you can tell yourself that you are in fact dreaming.
  5. Play game. One psychologist argues that games get people used to living in an alternate reality and seeing themselves from the outside of the body, skills that manifest in the world of dreams. Her research concludes that people who play video games are more likely to experience lucid dreaming and to control them better.
    • Don't play violent games before bed, as they can cause nightmares. If you want to try this, make sure to stop playing video games at least an hour before going to bed.
  6. Eat foods rich in melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone commonly found in plants, animals, and microorganisms. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant and is also known to promote REM sleep and make dreams more vivid. Melatonin is also believed to help us fall asleep. If you want to dream more vividly, sleep more deeply, and thereby control your dreams better, you should eat the following melatonin-rich foods:
    • Cherry
    • Oat
    • Almond
    • Sunflower seed
    • Linseed
    • Radish
    • Rice
    • Tomato
    • Banana
    • White mustard
    • Black mustard
  7. Ask yourself as you dream throughout the day. During the day, whether you're sitting in class or reading a letter, make it a habit to ask yourself, "Am I dreaming?" If you do this regularly, you will often ask yourself questions when you are truly dreaming. And if you do that, you can find yourself dreaming and take control of your dream, choose whatever you want to happen in your dream.
    • Wondering if you're dreaming can increase alertness, which makes it easier for you to have lucid dreams.

Part 3 of 4: Prepare for a lucid dream before bed

  1. Meditate before bed. Being able to dream awake requires you to be fully self-aware and not distracted by your thoughts about life. As you lie down in bed and try to fall asleep, take all of your sad thoughts out of your mind and focus all of this on the fact that you are asleep and entering a dream.
    • Melatonin will also help you get rid of negative thoughts that keep you from sleeping well.
  2. Imagine your waking dream. Before you go to bed, think about what you are going to dream about. Paint the scene with vivid images and be sure to include details like sights, sounds and smells. Put yourself in that scene and try moving around.
    • Pay attention to the feeling of breathing and movement in the dream. Even though you haven't dreamed yet, tell yourself "I'm dreaming". Continue this visualization until you sleep.
    • Choose the ideal sleeping position for optimal results.
  3. Leave your dream sign by your bed. Put a photo, a logo or even a piece of white paper by your bed before you go to sleep. Take something that represents what you want to dream about and let it go out before bed so it can turn into the dream you want. If you want to dream of someone, keep a picture of that person nearby. If you are an artist struggling to find your subject, leave a blank canvas by your bedside.
    • Doing it this way can help you dream about the things you want because it will plant the bottom lines in your mind before you fall asleep.
  4. Prepare to control your dreams before going to bed. When you lie in bed and get ready for sleep, tell yourself something as simple as, "When I dream tonight, I want to see myself dreaming." Repeat this for a short while and you will see what happens. It will help you form your thoughts about needing to realize that you are dreaming.
  5. Sleep in complete darkness. Sleep in the dark or almost completely dark if you want to take control of your dreams. Sleeping in complete darkness maintains a high level of melatonin and promotes beautiful dreams as well as easily recalling dreams. Ideally, there is no difference between the darkness when you look and when you close your eyes. Avoid any dim lights, windows with a lot of light, or other elements that keep you from being in the darkest possible environment.
  6. Try the MILD technique. Stephen LaBerge from Stanford University, the founder of the Institute of Insight created a technique known as MILD (the technique of emotional memory), which is considered one of the most effective techniques. in mastering lucid dreams. Here's what you need to do:
    • Tell yourself that you will remember what you dream when you sleep.
    • Concentrate on awareness while dreaming and remember that it is a dream.
    • Imagine what you want to do in your dream, even fly or dance.
    • Repeat the last two steps when you find yourself dreaming and go back to sleep until you are really asleep.
    • Continue using this technique until you are able to make yourself have lucid dreams.
  7. Let the nightmare go away. Although it can be difficult to control your dreams and make your nightmares go away, one thing you can do is change the way your nightmare ends. If you've always dreamed of having a scary man in your house, imagine you avoid him or he'll leave you alone. No matter how frightening a dream may be, try to imagine how you can overcome your fear as a winner and let the nightmare disappear.
    • If you think about it hard enough, write it down and even say it aloud and then you will be able to re-establish the way the mind approaches the dream.

Part 4 of 4: Controlling your dreams

  1. Start controlling your dreams in simple ways when you find yourself dreaming. Once you have completed a reality check and realized that you are dreaming, try to stay calm and not too excited about the fact that you are dreaming. If you don't stay calm and excited, you will wake up more easily. Instead, stay calm, immerse yourself in the world of dreams, and begin to take control of the simple things before creating more complex things.
    • You can begin to cautiously try to change the landscape or simply move around in your dream. You can start touching things and trying to make small objects appear or disappear.
  2. Take more control over your dreams. When you have comfortable mastery of lucid dreams and want more control of your dreams, you can begin a higher level of trying to control your dreams. You can make yourself soar, gather people, change the landscape completely, try to return to your childhood or even travel through time. Once you get used to mastering your dreams, you will be able to dream the dreams you want more often.
    • Remember to record your dream after waking up. Mark the places where you find yourself in control of your dream and write down the do's and don'ts. If there is something you can never do about controlling your dreams such as making yourself fly, tell yourself what was holding you back.
  3. Periodically remind yourself of what you dreamed. When you dream and find that you are dreaming, you can tell yourself that you often dream. If not, you may forget what you are dreaming of and have no control over what is going on. If you keep reminding yourself of what you are dreaming about, you will find that you can change and control the situation.
  4. Makes me fly. One thing you can try while controlling your dreams is flying. You can't fly at first, but you can work slowly to make it possible. You can tell yourself, "Now, I'm going to fly," to make you think you're ready to fly. You can jump around, jump up and down, and lean before you can fully fly. As you do this more comfortably, you will be able to start lifting yourself off the ground before you can fly.
    • While you're flying, don't be suspicious of what's going on. You won't be able to really fly without a lot of doubts. If you find yourself flying low, try to jump hard and try again.
  5. Control objects. You can also control something or something you want to hold in your hand.If you want to do this, you'll have to think about how to make it possible. Maybe you want a delicious cake. First you should imagine that you are in the kitchen or a restaurant to bring the cake out. If you think only about the cake it may not appear, but if you create a scene it is easy to imagine the cake and then it will be in your hand.
  6. Change the scene. You can also change the scenery in your dream if you do your best. When you know you are dreaming, try to imagine opening the door to the space of your dream or you can slowly add pieces of scene to your fantasy until you get the scenery you want. . If you're trying to remember your childhood home, start by gathering your favorite trees in the backyard, then the back porch, and so on until you create the world you want.
    • That can help you get the visualizations or replicas of the landscape you're looking for in bed before bed. Make sure it's one of the last things you see so your mind is ready for the adventure.
  7. Travel through time. Some people can travel through the time of their dreams. You can imagine entering your own time machine or opening the door to a new world. If this doesn't work, try another. You can even tell yourself, "Now I'm going to travel through time" and focus on making that happen without being too forced. It helps you sleep while thinking about the time in your life you want to return. advertisement


  • Not only sleep, but focus entirely on what you want to dream about in order to forget that you are sleeping and falling asleep naturally without even trying.
  • If you're in a relaxed state, you'll understand your body is trying to sleep when you start to feel restless. So try to ignore this sign, and keep your eyes closed and your thoughts. Practicing doing things will help you reach a state of between sleep and awake and then have a lucid dream.
  • Some people naturally dream lucidly and can reach this state with little or no practice. But it may be harder for others to achieve such results, so take some time for yourself.
  • Often if you think about terrible things, your dream will not be pleasant. Try to dream a peaceful dream.
  • When you're awake and if you feel like you are starting to lose control, try rubbing your hands together or walking around.
  • Do a daily reality check and do it all day so you can train your subconscious to do it while dreaming.
  • Perform lucid dreaming techniques on a regular basis. It may take years to master the art of waking dreams, so give yourself time.
  • Try meditating before bed so you can stay calm, which makes it easier to wake up.
  • Try to always think about this before going to bed!
  • It is easier to wake up when you think too much about your dreams. Relax and stay calm.