How to get a V cut

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get “V” Cut Abs (NO BULLSH*T!)
Video: How to Get “V” Cut Abs (NO BULLSH*T!)


  • Start with a straight back position. You can use a mattress for comfort. Place your palms down on either side.
  • Lift your feet off the ground so that they point straight up to the ceiling. Your body should now form an "L".
  • Focusing on using your lower abdominal muscles, gently lift your hips off the floor and keep your legs straight. Hold for a second, then lower your hips back to the floor. Use smooth, controlled movements - don't bounce or jerk.
  • Repeat. Practice until you start to feel "tired" or do it four times, 15 times each.
  • To increase the weight of the exercise, keep your arms off the floor. You can either keep your arms above the ground or raise them overhead.
  • Foot lift swing. This intense exercise requires you to hang from a bar. In addition to developing lower abdominal muscles, the exercise also strengthens hand grip. Do the following exercise:
    • Hang under a single beam or a sturdy crossbar. Use a medium-width handle. Your body should point straight to the ground with your hips slightly bent backwards.
    • Raise your legs and bend your knees until your thighs form a 90 degree (L) angle to your torso. Hold this position for 1 second then gently lower your legs back to the starting position.
      • Avoid twisting, jerking, or shaking your feet during this exercise. Incorrect posture can cause pain or even injury.
    • Practice until you feel hot or do 3-4 repetitions for 10-20 reps.
    • There are also several variations of this exercise. To make the exercise easier, you can use a specially designed upright bench with padding to rest your arms on it. If you want the exercise to be more difficult, keep your legs straight while lifting or carry extra weights between your feet.Be cautious, however, if you want to make this exercise more difficult because too much weight lifting in a hurry leads to risk of disc herniation.

  • Abdominal bends. This simple abdominal workout is a great addition to any abdominal workout. Do the following exercise:
    • Start on your back with your feet raised to form a "table top" - that is, lift your legs with your knees bent. In other words, your thigh should be at a 90 degree angle to the ground and your shin should be at a 90 degree angle to your thigh.
    • Extend and straighten arms with palms touching the floor. Here's how to keep your balance.
    • Keep your lower back still and use your abs to lift your hips off the floor. The right knee goes up to the chest.
    • Hold this position for 1 second, then gently lower your hips back to the floor.
    • Practice until you feel hot or do it several times, 12-20 reps each.
    • You can make the exercise more difficult by holding a small dumbbell between your feet. However, always exercise caution when performing abdominal exercises with weights to avoid injury.

  • Do V-shape abdominal flexion exercises This exercise requires balance in a position that requires lower abdominal strength to maintain and maintain that position. The longer you hold your belly on the V-shaped, the more tired you will feel. Do the following exercise:
    • Start with a straight back position.
    • Place your hands on the sides, gently and carefully lift your legs and torso up at a 45-degree angle to the floor. The body should form a "V" with the hips touching the floor. Keep your legs straight and maintain a strong, well-proportioned exercise posture.
    • Tighten your abs and use your arms to keep your balance. Some people find it easier to do this exercise if you stretch your arms parallel to the floor, arms pointing in the same direction as your legs. However, if you do this, don't use your arms to support your legs.
    • Hold your posture. Hold this position until you feel hot, usually about 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Repeat as needed.

  • Maintain a balanced exercise regimen for your core muscles. Although the V-shaped abs are highly dependent on body fat, genetics and firmness of the lower abdominal muscles, it is best to maintain a comprehensive training routine for the core. This not only gives the abs a "total" beauty instead of being unbalanced or uneven, but also improves overall strength and health. A strong central muscle is often a factor in stopping back pain and other common ailments. So before you make up your mind to create a V-shaped abs, you should make a workout plan the rest of the central muscle. Here are some exercises to consider:
    • Tilt your stomach. This simple exercise is a variation of the basic abdominal flexion where both the intercostal muscles and the central group are involved.
    • Lying and lifting the buttocks. This is a great exercise to strengthen your lower back without much exertion. A good choice for people with lower back pain.
    • Step forward. Don't forget that the hips and legs are also part of the core! The front step is weight-intensive exercise, which means that in addition to strengthening the thighs, buttocks, hips, and back, it also improves balance.
    • Yoga poses. Yoga is a very effective and relaxing way to strengthen your core muscles. It also has a ton of side benefits, including increased endurance and balance.
  • Part 2 of 2: Lose body fat

    1. Do cardio exercises. Cardio is a great way to burn calories (and burn fat, if combined with a healthy diet). Cardio has other health benefits too - incorporating cardio into an exercise routine can lower heart rate, improve blood circulation, increase daily energy levels and create a feeling of well-being. There are many cardio exercises that require very little use of specialized equipment or require a lot of financial investment, for example, millions of people around the world practice jogging, walking, swimming, and hiking every day. and cycling. Your body is like an oven, you just need to light a fire to see results.
      • Jogging is one of the easy ways to exercise but it takes a lot of effort and is effective. Balance jogging with jogging and walking to boost your metabolism. Rest for at least a day between running sessions heavyBut try to do light exercise on your days off, like walking for half an hour.
    2. Drink a lot of water. It has long been thought that drinking water can either aid or facilitate weight loss. Most important of all, however, is its essential role for most bodily functions. Since you've started cardio (hopefully), more water is lost through perspiration, so you must provide alternate fluids to keep your body awake, focused and healthy. Many diets recommend drinking at least 8 glasses of water (250ml / cup) per day.
    3. Consider training with resistance. Several studies show that cardio training, not resistance training (strength training), is the best choice for weight loss. However, some fitness enthusiasts have absolute confidence in the combination of cardio with resistance training, citing information that cardio can burn fat but build muscle through Resistance exercises can increase your overall metabolism, and thus will increase your baseline calories burned per day. If you are on a weight loss diet, it is unlikely that you will build a lot of muscle through resistance training. However, you will improve your physique, and according to some sources, this will significantly reduce the amount of muscle lost during weight loss, and instead will mainly burn fat.
      • If you really want to work out with resistance, go for a healthy, balanced weight lifting regimen, and choose exercises that utilize your own body mass. Do it slowly - never start exercising with very heavy weights right away, or you run the risk of injury.
    4. Increase overall motor intensity. The most effective way to lose fat is not hard diet or time-consuming exercise, which is especially difficult when you can't find free time in your schedule. Simply look for opportunities to increase your daily physical activity level. Virtually any job to stay active during the day has a metabolic boosting effect, so these activities also help you lose weight. Try to find ways to increase your movement in all activities:
      • Move from home to work. Instead of riding a motorbike, consider walking, jogging, or cycling. Look for public transport options that require walking to the stops.
      • Working. If the job requires sitting all day, look for a chance to get out of that chair. Consider buying a standing desk or walking table, or if possible, place your computer on a box or two to create a standing desk for the "poor man". Changing your desk work routine is also a good idea to prevent back pain.
      • Relax at home. Instead of lying on the couch watching TV, keep moving on the treadmill or doing simple exercises on the floor (like jumping and jumping).
    5. Determination and patience. You cannot get this body beauty after a day or so. advertisement


    • Healthy eating. The importance of eating and drinking cannot be overstated, but it is more important than any exercise you do. If you want results you have to eat the right foods.
    • Minimize sugary drinks like soda. These drinks spoil every diet from the very beginning. You are allowed to "reward" yourself, but you must work for the reward. Reward only 1 time per week or 3 times per two weeks. However, this doesn't mean you can pamper yourself all day, just a meal or a bottle of soft drink. Don't enjoy it with fast food, as fast food takes several days to make up.
    • Maximize protein intake. Protein is the building block of the body, containing amino acids that are essential for the development of all systems in the body, including muscles. You should eat a minimum of 2 grams of protein per kilogram of weight. Protein Shakes are an excellent source of lean protein.
    • Once you have achieved the basic firmness and the V-groove starts to appear blurred, you should look for the advanced exercise mode.
    • Do a comprehensive workout of your abs because you need to have good abdominal muscles. A lot of lower abdominal exercises also depend on the upper abdominal muscles and the intercostal muscles, so you should do these as well.
    • Increase your fat intake overall because fat helps protein to build muscle. Try to consume saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats. Limit trans fats as they are harmful to the body.
    • If you love to eat sweet but don't want to eat sugar, then eat foods without sugar. Things like vegetarian drinks are considered sugar free. A good sweetener is sweet grass, which is 200 times sweeter than sugar (you don't need to use it much).


    • Do not do heavy lifting alone, some exercises can be traumatic, so there is a need for a "follower" to exercise.
    • Don't starve yourself. Make healthy eating a part of your life, not a temporary phase. So you should consume enough calories for daily activities, but not more than necessary. Eat more in the morning to boost energy, but not much at night.