How to have a flat stomach through exercise

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
FLAT STOMACH in 1 Week (Intense Abs) | 7 minute Home Workout
Video: FLAT STOMACH in 1 Week (Intense Abs) | 7 minute Home Workout


In general, abdominal exercises can help you get stronger abdominal muscles, improve your physique and have a flat stomach. However, a flat abdomen is not just about strong muscles. It includes a diet tailored to help you maintain (or lose) your weight. If you start exercising with excess belly fat, you will need to combine a healthy calorie-reduction diet with abs exercises.


Method 1 of 4: Strengthen your central muscle system

  1. Identify the central muscle system. Your “central muscular system” includes the abdomen, lower back and hips. The central muscular system is separated from the chest muscles by the diaphragm, which helps you breathe. In addition to protecting many important internal organs in the abdominal cavity, the central muscular system is also responsible for helping your body move. They also affect your figure, balance, and stability. The core muscles are extremely important and should always be included in the exercise series.
    • The central muscle system is one of the most used muscle groups in the body, however, it is the most frequently overlooked muscle group.

  2. Understand the general requirements of abdominal exercises. Most abdominal exercises can be done without tools or weights, and you can do them at home. Between each exercise, you should focus on the deepest part of the abdominal muscles, called transverse abdominal muscles. This is the muscle that stretches when you cough, so you can pretend to cough to locate and focus on it.
    • Do the workout on the floor with the carpet.
    • Remember to take a deep breath during exercise - don't hold your breath.
    • At the beginning of the exercise, repeat each exercise five times. When you've worked for a while and are ready, repeat 10 to 15 times.
    • Stop exercising as soon as you feel pain or discomfort.

  3. Do a bridge exercise. Lie on your back, knees bent. Arms set to the sides and straight on the floor. Keep your body in the most natural position, tighten your abs, lift your hips and butt off the floor. You will lift your hips until it is aligned with your knees and shoulders, and then stay in this position for as long as possible.

  4. Do abdominal crunches. Lie on your back with your feet on the wall so that your knees and hips are at right angles to each other. Focus on transverse abdominal muscles and abdominal muscles. Lift head and shoulders off the ground, arms crossed in front of chest. Hold your posture, take three deep breaths, and relax.
  5. Do one-leg pushups. Lie on your back with knees bent. Keep your back in a comfortable position and tighten your abs. Raise your right foot off the ground until your knees are perpendicular to the floor. Press your hands on your right knee while using your abdominal muscles to push your right knee into your hand. Don't fold your arms. Hold your posture, take three deep breaths, and relax. Do this exercise with both legs for each set.
    • Instead of placing your right hand in the center of your knee, keep your hands on the sides. Press hands to push knees inward while using knees to push hands out.
    • Change this exercise a bit by pressing the left knee with your right hand. Press right hand into left knee from inside, and push left knee into right hand. Hold your posture, take three deep breaths, and relax.
  6. Raise up to a two-leg push. Try this exercise when you are comfortable with one leg push. Lie on your back and bend your knees. Keep your back in a comfortable position and tighten your abs. Raise both feet off the ground until knees are perpendicular to the floor. Press hands into knees and push knees into hands. Hold the posture, take three deep breaths and relax.
    • You can also place your right hand inside the left knee, and the left hand inside the right knee. Your arms will cross in front of your chest. Use your hands to push the knees away and the knees push back toward the hands.
    • Another option is to place the left hand on the outside of the left knee, and the right hand on the outside of the right knee. Use your hands to push your knees in and use your knees to push your hands away.
  7. Rotate the central muscles. This exercise is a “partial swing” and you can begin by lying on your back on the floor, knees bent. Keep your back in a comfortable position and tighten your abs. Keep your shoulders on the ground, slowly lower your knees to the right. You have to keep your knees low enough to feel the muscle tension but not to the point of discomfort. Hold for three deep breaths, then return to the starting position, then lower your knees to the left.
  8. Practice quadruped movements. In a way, this exercise looks like when you are practicing swimming with your hands and knees on the ground. Rest your hands and knees on the ground - so hands are straight with your shoulders. Keep the back - neck and head in a straight line. Raise your right arm up and move forward. Hold your hand for three deep breaths and then relax. Do the same with the left arm. Then, lift your right leg off the ground, trying to keep your leg straight with your back. Hold your legs like this for three deep breaths, then relax. Do the same with the left leg.
    • To make the exercise more enjoyable, do the same but lift your right arm and left leg up at the same time. Hold for three deep breaths, then relax. Repeat with the left, right hand and right foot.
  9. Practice variation plank movements. Lie on your stomach, slowly lift your body up until you are in your forearm position and rest your knees on the floor. Your elbows should be straight with your shoulders. The head, neck and back should be in line. In this position, flex your abdominal muscles and "push" the knees and elbows together (but don't move the elbow or knee). Hold for three breaths, then relax.
    • Another variation of this exercise to increase difficulty is: raise your right hand instead of "pushing" your knees and elbows together. Hold your right hand like that for three breaths and relax. Repeat with the left hand. You can also do the same with your hand instead of your hand.
    • If you want the real challenge, try lifting your right arm and left leg. Hold for three breaths, then relax. Do the same with your left arm and right leg.
  10. Practice one-sided plank. Don't be disappointed if you can't be successful in the first place; This exercise is not easy at all. Start by lying on your left side, slowly lifting your body up until you are leaning your left forearm on the floor. While in this position, your elbows should be straight with your shoulders. The shoulders, knees, and hips should be in line. You must not bend your knees. Hold this position for the next three breaths, then relax. Repeat with the right side.
    • For the extra challenge, lift your body until you just rest your left hand on the floor, instead of your left arm. Almost all of your body will be lifted off the ground except for your feet. With your right hand on the ceiling, palms facing forward. Hold for three deep breaths, then relax. Repeat with the right side.
  11. Practice the "Superman" movement. That's right, there's a movement called "Superman". Lie on your stomach and place a small pillow or towel under your hip. Arms outstretched forward, legs straight back - as if you were Superman! Lift your right hand off the floor and hold for three deep breaths, then relax. Repeat with the left hand. Then lift your right leg off the ground and hold for three deep breaths. Repeat with the left leg.
    • You can recite the Superman soundtrack in your head while doing this exercise.

Method 2 of 4: Practice with tools

  1. Practice the plank with the medicine ball. Kneel on the floor, put your hand on the ball (the ball is also on the floor, in front of you). Raise your body by resting your arms on the ball, slowly extend your legs slightly and keep balance on your feet. Hold this pose - neck, head, and back together - for 10 seconds. Try to practice until you can hold this position for 30 seconds.
  2. Practice cross-section Russian crunches. Sit on the ground, stretch your legs in front of you, lift your feet off the ground and keep them a short distance from the ground. Hold the ball in your hand and rotate your shoulder to the right then gently touch the ball to the ground. Repeat this movement to the left. Repeat five times on each side, then relax.
  3. Perform sideways throw. Stand upright, feet hip-width apart. Place left foot in front of right foot 30 cm. While holding the ball with both hands and forearms slightly flexed, throw the ball from the right hip toward the wall. Catch the ball as it bounces, and repeat at least four more times. Repeat this entire exercise with the other side.
    • You can do this exercise with someone else who will catch the ball and throw it back to you instead of letting it hit the wall.
  4. Try throwing the ball to the floor. Stand up straight, legs together and knees slightly slack. Hold the ball with both hands, raise the ball high towards the back of your head, then throw the ball to the floor with all your strength. Imagine holding a watermelon or pumpkin and trying to smash it. Catch the ball as it bounces and repeat at least 4 more times.
    • To be respectful of your neighbors, don't do this exercise if you live in a high-rise apartment.
  5. Squat and put the ball. Hold the ball with both hands in front of you. Keep your back straight, gently slack your knees, and reach your arms out in front of you. Tighten the abdominal muscles, turn from the center to the left, still holding the ball forward. Hold that position for three deep breaths, then relax. Repeat above but to the right. Repeat each side four times.
    • You can alter this exercise slightly by keeping the ball higher and lower as you rotate.
  6. Perform a plank with the ball. Place the ball on the floor, prone on the ball so that your hands and feet are both touching the ground. The ball will be located under your abdomen. Use your hands to move forward, rolling the ball until it is below your thigh. Keep your arms straight with your shoulders when supporting your body. Hold for as long as possible, then repeat 4 more times.
    • Another interesting variation of this exercise is that you have to move your arms forward until the ball is in the lower legs instead of the thighs. In doing so, your shoulders will always be in front of your hand, and that is the only part that supports you.
  7. Practice bending your stomach against the ball. Lie on your stomach on the ball, hands and feet on the floor. Use your hands to move forward until the ball is under your lap. Your shoulders and hands should be straight. Move your legs so that your knees are resting on the ball instead of the thighs. Basically, you are kneeling on a ball while resting your hands on the floor. You will lean forward slightly. Tense your abs to pull your knees up toward your chest and hold for three deep breaths. Repeat 4 more times.
  8. Crunch your belly with the ball. Sit on a ball with your feet on the floor. The knee should be bent at right angles and the back should always be straight. Cross your arms across your chest and tighten your abdominal muscles. Lie back and hold that position for three deep breaths. Repeat at least 4 more times.
  9. Do a bridge with the ball. Lie on your back on the mat with your legs on the ball. Place your hand face down beside you. While tightening your abs, lift your hips up until your legs, body, and shoulders form a straight line. Hold for three breaths, then relax. Repeat four more times.
    • For added difficulty, lift one of your legs while lifting your hips and hold the position for three deep breaths.
    • If you want the exercise to be even more difficult, place your heels on the ball instead of your lower legs.
  10. Lift the ball thanks to the abdominal muscles. Lie on your back on the mat with your feet on the ball. Legs out hip and clamped on ball. While tightening your abs, lift the ball off the ground and hold for three breaths, then relax. Repeat four more times.
    • To increase the difficulty of this exercise, turn your leg to the right (or left) while holding the ball in the air, and hold the position for three deep breaths. Don't rotate your legs too much, just enough to feel the pull of your core muscles.
  11. Lift the ball with your feet. Lie on your right side on the carpet. Place the ball between your legs. Raise and rest against right forearm. While tightening your abs and holding the ball with your feet, lift your feet off the floor. Hold that position for three deep breaths and relax. Repeat four more times on the right, then to the left. advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Attend classes

  1. Sign up for a Pilates class. Pilates is a series of exercises that include enhancing your endurance, strength, and endurance. Pilates focuses mainly on the central muscular system. Although many tools for Pilates practice are available for sale, most postures in the exercise do not need them. All you really need is the floor and the carpet. Pilates classes are also varied, which can be found in the city's gyms, clubs and exercise programs.
    • YouTube is also a good resource for Pilates if you're planning to practice at home, as there are plenty of great coaches to teach Pilates in their instructional videos.
  2. Sign up for a Yoga class. Yoga are fun exercises designed to help you physically and mentally. While many of the poses in them can improve your endurance, balance and strength, they can also help reduce stress and blood pressure.
    • You can find yoga tutorials online on a variety of websites and videos, and there are even apps that you can download to your phone and tablet. However, if you have never practiced yoga, or have not practiced yoga in a while, you should join a class.
    • Yoga classes can be found at yoga studios, gyms, clubs, and more.
  3. Practice tai chi. Tai chi is a series of self-defense exercises combined into a flexible movement, developed in ancient China. It's pretty much like meditation, except that you have to move. Tai chi requires you to focus on breathing and movements in order to create different poses. It can help you reduce stress and anxiety, increase mobility, improve your energy, stamina, balance, endurance, alertness and muscles.
    • There are many places where tai chi can be taught such as gyms, entertainment programs, and senior centers.
  4. Hire your own trainer. If you really want a flat stomach and budget permits, you can hire a personal trainer.
    • In the United States, most personal trainers have been certified by numerous associations such as the American Sports Council (ACE), the American Center for Professional Fitness and Health (NASM), ISSA and many others.
    • Most personal coaches work in health centers and gyms, meaning you must be a member of the places where that coach is working.
    • Many cities offer personalized exercise options through city-level entertainment centers and programs.

Method 4 of 4: Maintain a healthy diet

  1. Eat the right portions of each of the recommended food groups every day. To plan a diet, you should know that foods are divided into four groups: vegetables and fruits, grains, milk and dairy products, and finally meat. Gender and age will determine how much of each food group you should eat each day. You can refer to the daily serving guidelines, by gender and age group here.
    • Your abs are largely influenced by your diet. Remember that a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains and healthy fats is the most important thing for a good belly.
    • A “serving” usually varies widely, depending on the food group and the type of food.
    • An example of a serving of a fruit or vegetable would be: 1/2 cup of juice, 1 cup of unprocessed vegetables, or 1 piece of fruit.
    • Examples of a serving of cereal are: 1 slice of bread, one 1/2 bagel / corn bread / flat bread, 1/2 cup of rice or raw pasta, or 30 grams of raw cereal.
    • Examples of one serving of dairy products are: 1 cup of milk, 3/4 cup yogurt, 50 grams of cheese.
    • Examples of one serving of protein are: 3/4 cup cooked beans, two eggs, two tablespoons of peanut butter, or 1/2 cup cooked fish-chicken or lean meat.
  2. Decide how many calories you need to get each day. Healthy eating involves eating the recommended serving sizes, no matter how many calories you plan to eat. Choosing which foods from food groups to meet your daily needs will vary depending on whether you are trying to maintain weight, gain weight or lose weight. Remember that if your abs are wrapped in a layer of fat, you won't be able to see them no matter how much you exercise. You need to reduce that amount of fat.
    • If you want to keep weight, you need to take in and consume the same amount of calories.
    • If you want to gain weight, the calories you take in must be more than the calories you burn on a daily basis.
    • If you want to lose weight, the calories you take in should be less than the calories you burn each day.
    • To destroy half a pound of fat, you need to eat 3,500 fewer calories than you burn. The healthiest way to do this is to do it for a minimum of a week. That means you will eat 500 fewer calories than the calories you burn each day.
    • Use a journal to record what you eat, so you can see how many calories you are consuming each day.
  3. Plan your meals in advance. Ideally, you plan your meals in advance so that you can ensure that you meet the recommended daily serving sizes for all food groups. Planning ahead also helps you to know exactly what to buy in the store, avoiding going one-on-one and then buying unhealthy items. If you're planning to lose weight, your planning may include calculating the calories for each meal and each day.
    • If you can plan ahead, you can also prepare foods or prepare them first. You can save quite a bit of time during the week doing so.
  4. Pay attention to eating the right vegetables and fruits. To help you decide which fruits and vegetables to eat every day, plan that there is always a dark green vegetable in your daily meals (cauliflower, spinach, Romaine lettuce ... .) and an orange root vegetable (carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, etc.) When buying processed fruits and vegetables, purchase those that do not contain or contain low amounts of sugar, salt or fat. It is better to steam, boil or fry the vegetables than fry. Stay away from juices.
  5. Make sure at least half of the grains you eat are whole grains. When buying cereal products, whether at a store or restaurant, choose a wholegrain or a golden brown color. Many products like rice, pasta, cereals and breads are sold in whole grain form. When choosing whole grains, always choose low-fat, low-sugar and low-salt varieties.
    • Do the same when making your own. Choose whole wheat flour or other whole wheat flours. Use recipes that use less salt, sugar, and grease.
  6. Use low-fat dairy products. Most milk and dairy products are sold in "regular" and "low-fat" forms. Drink skim milk or only 1% fat, at least two cups per day. You should also buy milk with vitamin D supplements. Use low-fat cream cheese, sour cream, and cottage cheese. Look for low-fat and sugar-free yogurt.
  7. Buy lean meat and other protein sources. Protein is not just about meat. When you eat meat, buy lean meat, or remove fat from meat before cooking. Bake, grill or simmer the meat instead of frying. Choose processed low-fat meats, just like those you buy for a sandwich. Eat at least two servings of fish per week. You can enrich your protein source by using beans or tofu. advertisement


  • Use meal tracking at the US Department of Agriculture website for personalized nutrition and exercise planning. You can also use it to keep track of what you ate and the exercises you performed on a daily basis.


  • If you have an illness, talk to your doctor before starting exercise.