How to know if a shy guy likes you or not

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
16 Signs A Shy Guy Likes You
Video: 16 Signs A Shy Guy Likes You


Shy guys are extremely reserved and often don't let others guess what they're thinking. In general, such guys often behave according to a very different set of rules, mainly because they don't know the rules or are too shy.


Part 1 of 3: Getting Started

  1. Don't ask the guy directly if he likes you. Shy boys will panic when confronted. Not only will he deny, but perhaps later avoid you because of embarrassment. You should always be very tactful when interacting with a shy guy.

  2. Don't ask his friends if he likes you. Secrets are always the top priority of shy guys. Even if he likes you, chances are he won't tell anyone and will not intend to.
    • It's always been downside to questioning his friends: You might get the wrong information.Because he is shy and often doesn't show his feelings, you might get the idea that he doesn't care about you, although the opposite is true.
    • Another downside of asking through friends is that it looks like you're "kicking the ball into the opponent's field". When he knows - or guessed - that you like you, he'll think you look forward to being invited, and he will feel pressured. This is probably going to be a nuisance for you, because there will be a lot of work to do to relieve him of stress.

  3. Compare his behavior with you and with others. Shy guys' behavior can be weird and seem irrational. Instead of just analyzing how he behaves around you, compare it to when he is among other people. Remember that a guy will behave freely among friends, but when he talks to you privately, he will have to think before he speaks, be cuter, and often find a way to make you smile. Find the behavior specially of him when he is with you - positive or negative. He proved sweeter? Calmer? More worried? More restless? If he treats you differently from everyone else, he certainly has a strong impression of you in some way.
    • Is he very quiet around you? His speech is probably difficult because he is nervous: He is in love with you and is so afraid of saying something weird or stupid that he tells himself that it's better not to say anything with friends around.

  4. Read his body language. Instead of looking for casual flirting (like approaching you, touching you, and rhetoric gestures like "look at me"), watch for signs that he doesn't seem self-conscious. of course in your presence. If he looks at the ground, crosses his arms across his chest, looks away, or acts more awkward than usual in your presence, he may be trying to hide his feelings for you.
    • Does he keep rubbing his hands together, stroking his clothes or stroking his hair while talking to you? These signs show that he is nervous. Your conversation confuses him enough to keep him still.
    • Does he sweat when he is with you? This is another sign of suspense. Sweating is a natural body's response; If only he could control it. But because he could not control it, sweat began to appear on his forehead and under his arms.
    • Does he blush or swallow his saliva when he's with you? It can be hard to recognize someone blushing, but some guys have a very clear expression: His face lit up and looked like he had run for miles. Swallowing is also a sign that he knows something to say but can't find the right words or can't find a word to say.
    • He is often by your side, but never approaches so close with you? Maybe he is happy to be with you, but doesn't want to show that out by getting really close to you. If he is always close but never close enough, he may be tempted by you.
  5. Try to catch his eyes on you. The shy guys are more restrained than other boys, often keep their love stories hidden, sometimes even avoiding the "dream people", in return they often sneak glances. Use broad vision to see if he looks at you when he thinks you don't know. If he glances at you more than once, then he definitely likes you. Be careful though: if you look back and he immediately turns away, he is very embarrassed. Smile at him if you want to give him a glimmer of hope.
    • Notice at the same time if he is always avoiding you? Even shy guys sometimes also look at the girls. If he keeps looking away from you, he may not want you to notice his secret. See if he looks at other girls to see if he's often like that or just for you.
  6. Notice how he talks to you. Everyone is a bit nervous when talking to someone they have a crush on. But especially shy guys, the feeling is even worse. Usually they will only respond to you with short, simple, or even blunt sentences, or he spoke very quickly and stammered because he was completely overwhelmed. This time too, notice if he talks to you more awkward talking to other people.
    • Does he often answer you with "yes" or "no" and say nothing more? It's not that he doesn't like to talk but that too is interested in conversation and doesn't want to say anything that might reveal her feelings.
    • Is he usually more confident in the midst of his friends? He will find some emotional support from his friends. He is still afraid to mess things up in front of you but will be more willing to talk.
  7. Notice if he gets to know your friends? This doesn't mean that he likes your friends, but he just makes an excuse to reach you and wants to hear about you by people who know you well. Especially if he's getting to know all your friends, just minus you out, maybe he is infatuation with you.
    • In this situation, make sure that he is not flirting with your friends. If he does, he probably really likes one of those girls, not you. However, it's also possible that a guy flirting is to show you that he can impress other girls.

Part 2 of 3: Finding the truth

  1. Ask him to help you with something. Shy guys don't go after the person they fall in love with take the initiativeBut usually will do things passive to show your interest. If he likes you, he will be willing to spend time on anything to help you - sometimes over and over. However, you never take advantage of your power. That is a very cruel job for a shy guy. Maybe the original reason that made him so shy was because he was treated badly. Besides, the abuse will make you seem like you need a boyfriend too much.
    • Be gentle and sweet with him to bring you a stack of books or backpacks to the classroom for you. If you need an excuse (if not, you just need to ask for it to be normal), you could say that you have back pain and you're afraid of getting worse.
    • Ask him to teach you difficult exercises. Don't ask him to help you with geometry if he doesn't excel in math - that will only make him more afraid. Find out what he is good at and ask him to teach you.
    • Ask him to buy something appealing that you see him bring to school over lunch. Maybe he brought some fruit candies you see that can be found in the cafeteria. You can ask him to buy some candies and exchange them for a cake or a snack. If he did not hesitate to accept the invitation, that was a good sign.
  2. Try complimenting and see how he reacts. You don't have to be too flattering - sentences like "Your transcript is great" or "Thank you for helping me with math!" is enough. You may find it difficult to give compliments, especially if you are a shy girl too, but it can be an effective way to reassure him that he's around you and let you know if he likes you or not. The most important part to note is:
    • Reaction when he likes you:
      • He stammered, silent or visibly shy, even more shy
      • He compliments you back, even if a little clumsy
    • Reaction when he doesn't like you:
      • He did not seem emotional or complimented him
      • He reacted with apparent discomfort and boredom
  3. Chat with him online. Many shy guys feel more confident talking in front of a screen than talking face to face. Try chatting with him on Facebook, Twitter or Skype and use the following tips to see if he flirts with you online.
    • If guy to send friend Facebook friend invitations are great. Don't send him friend requests if you just got to know him.Just wait and see if he does it. Guys can do things online that they can't do in real life. And he certainly wants to get to know you if he offers to make friends.
    • If he likes to talk online and is interested in sharing with you, he may be enjoying the opportunity to chat with you but still wants to take control of the situation. At this time, he felt more self-controlled without having to worry about stumbling like in real life.
    • Ask a few questions and see if he asks again. Shy guys are good at asking questions (they don't want to have to talk all the time). If he doesn't stop asking about your past, your goals, or simply asking about what happened during your day, take that as a good sign.
    • Don't just limit your online chats. It's okay to start a conversation online or via text, but in the end you still need to reach out to him and try to help him open up in real life. If not, he will only be comfortable talking online and will need more courage to move forward in the real world.

Part 3 of 3: Acceleration

  1. Begin interacting with him in an environment where he is comfortable. Shy guys often feel lost from the world around them - as if they follow a different rhythm from the rest of the world. That feeling makes basic things like talking to schoolmates difficult as well. But maybe those shy guys have a "safe space" they feel completely comfortable with. If you can find the place and be invited in, then that is the first step towards further friendship.
    • Where is that special place? This depends on each guy! For some it's a football field, another it might be a library. Discover what he likes to do best and find a way to step into his comfort zone.
  2. Feel free to befriend him at first. Shy guys will stay in the buddy zone for a long time impatiently and miserably considering the pros and cons when opening up a date with you. For them, the friends zone is a happy place. They have friends nearby and can chat with you, but they don't dare to venture out on dates with you. This is a low-risk area for them, and many shy guys like it.
    • Don't get discouraged, and don't trust someone who says you won't be able to date once you make friends. That is clearly not true. You are the master of your world.
  3. Pay attention to your body language. You have tried to read his body language to see if he likes you; and now it's time to check your body language to see if you're sending the right signal to him. The tactic here is to show him that you are open-minded, not aloof:
    • Show your openness by smiling, taking off your headphones, talking to people, smiling at strangers, and laughing out loud when happy. This meant to him that - "It's okay, I won't eat you!"
    • If you just sit in a corner and plug your head into your laptop, plug in your headphones and ignore everyone, he will panic at the thought of approaching you. Avoid body language at all costs!
  4. Be patient when he comes to you. The best scenario would be that your attempts to show affection will keep him from going out on a date. And you will know that he has a crush on you and is not disturbed during a date. If you step into his forte, build a friendship, take care of your body language and be patient, he will Date you if he likes you. It is only a matter of time.
  5. If all of the above fail, you should actively dating. You can send as many class messages as you want or think of as many interesting and exciting things. However, sometimes that guy is too shy or so innocent that the only way is to start dating him. But don't worry - this is not a tragedy, how many beautiful, intelligent and worthy women have ever done. If you really like him, whoever invites him out first isn't important, as long as the two of you enjoy the sun together for the rest of the day. advertisement


  • The line between a shy guy who doesn't want to talk to you and a guy who doesn't like you is slim. If he shows more negative signs (looks depressed when talking to you, avoids you, etc.) than positive signs (gazes, shyness, etc.) then he probably just feels bother or dislike you.