Make sure the guy you're in love with likes you and not someone else

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Calvin Harris - Outside (Official Video) ft. Ellie Goulding
Video: Calvin Harris - Outside (Official Video) ft. Ellie Goulding


You like a boy. Unfortunately, he likes someone else. But luckily, you have the chance to make him like you instead of that other girl. It is actually a plus if he already likes someone else. Because if you become friends with him and take the right steps, his attention for her will naturally wane and he will start to focus on you very quickly.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Befriend him

  1. Make sure he notices you. If you become friends with him, it's okay to come up with reasons to be together. The more time you spend with him, the better it is. Maybe he doesn't like you as much as you like him yet, give him time to get to know your character, and give yourself time to really get to know him.
  2. Find out what he likes about the other girl. This part is very important, and it is only possible if you are friends with him. In a conversation, casually mention the girl he is in love with, and then pay close attention to what he says. Don't settle for answers that only show that he finds her physically attractive. There must be more about her that he likes about her, otherwise he would like you too; find out what he likes about her personality.
  3. Talk about her positively. Don't say bad things about her. You might think that he doesn't like her anymore, but the only one who comes off badly in his eyes is yourself. If you talk negatively about her, he thinks you are negative. Plus, guys love it when a girl agrees with them. If you go against his opinion, you will ultimately only be doing yourself short.
  4. Show him how cool he is. While you don't want to be negative about the girl he's in love with now, you can divert his attention from that relationship by extolling him. Let him know that he is everything a girl could want and that he deserves only the very best. Tell him not to commit to someone too soon, and that he should get on with someone he is friends with because the relationship is stronger if you are already bonded.
  5. Make sure you are in good company. While you are still "friends," this is the perfect stage to show him your playful side. Guys love when a girl laughs at their jokes. They are also attracted to girls who are not always that serious.

Part 2 of 3: Focus his attention on you

  1. Apply what you know about him. Because you are friends with him, you know what he likes and dislikes - as far as girls are concerned and also in general. Apply this knowledge to your advantage. Show him that you have the same interests, hobbies and things you enjoy doing. Also show him that you have the characteristics that appeal to him.
  2. Stay close to him. Don't let the friendship you have developed become watered down. This shows that you appreciate him as a person.Once he realizes that you like him, it helps come across as "the perfect picture." Men like to be with women they are friends with and find attractive.
  3. Don't try to pretend to be different than you are. While you want to learn the traits he likes, it is not desirable to change your entire personality. Try to combine the traits he likes with your own. That way, the relationship also has a good chance of success in the long term.

Part 3 of 3: Flirt with him

  1. Do your best to look beautiful. When he first told you what attracted him to the girl he likes, he probably mentioned a specific look that really appealed to him. Try to copy it. For example, if he said he liked a certain part of her body, try to accentuate that part of your body with your outfit. Guys are definitely drawn to the looks of girls, so make sure he finds you attractive.
  2. Make sure there are enough interactions between you. Be flirtatious when you interact. Lean towards him a little more when you talk, laugh extensively at his jokes, and make physical contact with him. For example, you can touch his shoulder when you are laughing together, take his hand when you go somewhere, or run his hand through his hair and say how beautiful it is.
  3. Compliment him on his body. He will really enjoy getting compliments from you because he trusts that you, as a girlfriend, really mean it. And you also show him that you pay attention to how he looks. If you compliment him, he may feel the need to compliment you too, which will make him look at you.


  • Continue to flirt and be friends with him until he sees how nice you are.
  • If he continues to like her, you may need to wait a while. Let him experiment with her a bit. Stay friends with him, and he will eventually choose you.
  • Don't seem desperate. Because that is a huge letdown for most guys. Just be yourself, and if he really doesn't seem to like you, stop. Because then you risk destroying the friendship you share.
  • If he's trying to get the girl he likes and he's disappointed in it, be there for him. He will then notice how involved you are with him, and he will start to like you.
  • Don't be negative about his relationship with the other girl, because that relationship may end in nothing even if he likes her. Then if things go wrong with the other girl and you've been negative all the time, he might not be tempted to pick you out to start something with but someone else.
  • Always be a support for the boy you are in love with. Let him have or do the things he wants, even if you don't want to or you don't need it yourself. Compete with others so he can have a good time, even if that means battling your BFFs.
  • Don't tell him not to like that other girl, because then he probably won't like you anymore.
  • If you are very young and you are still too young to date, focus on building a friendship with him that is stronger than the bond he has with the other girl. Make sure you share memories together. Then once you're the right age to start dating, he's got you as an option. Maybe he still likes the other girl and maybe he dates her. Then don't be mean but support him. Because maybe he breaks up with her and then if you're around, he might feel something for you. Tease him a little now and then but don't be mean to him all the time.
  • If he doesn't seem very confident, don't show that you want to befriend him at all costs. Make yourself appear calm and cool.
  • Don't act jealous, because he will notice that you don't support him. If you really care about him, and he comes off like he's really happy with that other girl, let him be happy with her. Don't try to become someone else just because you think he likes you and he doesn't feel the same way about you.