Removing warts in dogs

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Natural Dog Wart Removal from Your Own Home | Dog Wart Treatment the Natural Way
Video: Natural Dog Wart Removal from Your Own Home | Dog Wart Treatment the Natural Way


The majority of warts in dogs are benign and do not always need to be removed. Unnecessary removal can stress your dog and even lead to the growth of new warts in the near future. If you decide to get rid of your dog's warts, you can try some holistic remedies for yourself before going to the vet and paying for professional procedures.

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Method 1 of 3: Evaluate the wart

  1. Evaluate whether it is a wart. Dog warts, or sebaceous gland cysts, are actually a kind of benign skin mass that forms on the dog with age, similar to the appearance of moles on human skin. Other masses can also form on dog skin, for example boils, mast cell tumors, histiocytomas, hair follicle tumors, collagenous nevus and fibroids.
    • If you are ever in doubt about the nature of the mass you are seeing, contact your vet. He or she can examine some cells from the mass under a microscope to give you an accurate diagnosis.
  2. Examine the appearance of the wart. True warts are caused by the papilloma virus and are usually found in puppies and older dogs with an unbalanced immune system. These warts look like cauliflowers and usually appear along the nose, lips and gums. The warts usually disappear after a few months as the immune system develops, but they can be contagious and cause your dog to have trouble swallowing or breathing.
    • Common benign warts are flesh-colored and small. They resemble small mushrooms.
    • If a benign wart grows or looks inflamed, it may need to be removed. You cannot always determine by sight whether it is a malicious mass or not. Cancer masses are often black, fast growing and inflamed. They usually form around the eyelids and lips and should be removed as soon as possible.
  3. Chart the growth of the wart. As long as the wart doesn't enlarge or change shape, you probably won't need to remove it. However, it is good to let the vet know about any warts your dog develops so that he or she can keep an eye on them as well.
    • Many warts go away on their own, and even if they don't, they are generally harmless.
  4. Determine if the wart is a problem. You can remove a wart purely for cosmetic reasons, but it is usually not recommended. However, if a benign wart keeps sticking to something, causing your dog to itch and scratch, or if the wart is causing your dog discomfort in some other way, you can choose to remove it.
    • Your vet can advise you on the need for wart removal. Warts that can irritate the dog by scratching or rubbing, or warts that rub against a collar, are best removed to prevent repeated infection and inflammation. Sometimes the itching of the wart is also a sign that it is malignant and should be removed.

Method 2 of 3: Treat a wart holistically

  1. Map the progress of the chosen treatment. Start on the day before you start treatment. Take a picture of the wart (or birthmark) to have a reference point. Use a metric ruler to measure the wart in millimeters. Date the photo, circle day 1 of treatment on the calendar and write down the measurements.
    • As long as you are sure your dog has only one benign (non-cancerous) wart, you can use holistic treatments. Keep in mind that there is no scientific research to support the effectiveness of these methods. So, if the wart turns black, grows quickly and becomes inflamed, take your pet to a licensed veterinarian for medical treatment right away.
  2. Try Thuja. Thuja is a homeopathic treatment made from a specific type of tree. The treatment is considered safe for most dogs. It is available in liquid and pellet form and can be used orally.
    • You only need to give your dog 1 dose. If you don't see any improvement after the first 2 weeks, you can give a second dose.
    • Thuja can cause miscarriages, so do not use it on a pregnant animal.
  3. Use psorinoelium, this is a supplement that contains psorium and sulfur in addition to Thuja, which all have an antiviral effect.
  4. Boost your dog's immune system with vitamins. The wart can be a symptom of a weakened immune system. So it can disappear if you deal with the problems with the immune system.The Immunosupport supplement contains several ingredients that support the immune system, including arabinogalactan, lutein and shitake mushrooms.
  5. Give your dog L-Lysine. This is available in pill form. Give the dog 500 mg twice a day until the warts disappear.
  6. Apply vitamin E to the wart. Use a sterilized needle or knife to pierce a standard vitamin E capsule. Then apply the vitamin directly to the wart with clean fingers or a cotton swab. Repeat this process 3 or 4 times a day for 2 to 3 weeks until you see improvement.
  7. Rub castor oil on the wart. Standard castor oil, available at most drugstores, can soothe warts and greatly reduce irritation. This will help prevent the dog from scratching the wart. Use a clean finger or cotton swab to apply the oil directly to the wart. Apply this treatment once a day, once every 2 days or as needed to reduce irritation until the wart disappears.
  8. Try apple cider vinegar. This process is painless at first, but in the middle of the treatment it can cause mild tingling or prickling as the acid in the vinegar eliminates the mass. DO NOT use this method for warts around the eyes or genital area.
    • Pour a small amount of apple cider vinegar into a cup.
    • Apply petroleum ointment to the skin around the wart to protect unaffected skin.
    • Have the dog sit or lie down so that the wart is facing up. Use a dropper to apply 2 or 3 drops of apple cider vinegar on top of the wart and let it soak in. Wipe off any excess vinegar with a paper towel.
    • Engage the dog with a toy or by petting it to give the apple cider vinegar 10 minutes to soak in; then release your dog to do whatever he wants.
    • Apply apple cider vinegar to the wart 3 to 4 times a day. As treatment progresses, it can cause irritation as the top of the wart comes off. However, continue the treatment for another 3 or 4 days until the root has been reached. It will eventually dry up and fall off.
    • When the root of the mass dries up, there will be a red spot or blister on the skin. Gently clean this stain or blister with clean, warm water and a clean cloth. Then apply coconut oil to the area once a day until the stain heals. Coconut oil has anti-fungal properties and stimulates the healing and regeneration of healthy skin cells.

Method 3 of 3: Remove a wart medically

  1. Give your dog azithromycin. This is a type of antibiotic used to treat warts in dogs. It must be prescribed by a veterinarian. The treatment consists of an oral dose (calculated on the basis of the weight of the dog) once a day for up to 10 days.
  2. Consider subcutaneous interferon treatment for warts caused by viral infections. This is an anti-virus treatment that can be prescribed by your vet and is available for warts that are unresponsive to other treatments and for excessive wart growth. The vet will inject the treatment several times a week, or he / she may instruct you on how to inject your dog at home.
    • These treatments can last up to 8 weeks.
    • While you can avoid medical intervention and the associated risks, these treatments can have a number of side effects, including fever and loss of appetite.
  3. Ask the vet to perform electrocautery. During this process, also called electrosurgery, the vet uses a small tool that allows him to apply a small, concentrated amount of electricity to the wart. This electricity then burns away the affected tissue, removing the wart.
    • The procedure can usually be performed under local anesthesia, making it a good option if you are concerned about the risks of anesthesia.
  4. Discuss the option of cryosurgery with the vet. This treatment consists of freezing the wart with a specialized tool. Freezing destroys diseased tissue, causing the wart to shrink significantly and in many cases even disappear completely.
    • As with electrocautery, cryosurgery is performed under local anesthesia. Your dog does not have to be completely anesthetized.
  5. Choose excision. Excision, or cutting, is the most traditional form of treatment for warts. However, your dog may need to be anesthetized for this. With a traditional excision, the wart and infected tissue are simply cut away with a medical scalpel.
    • The vet may choose to wait with the excision until your dog needs to be anesthetized for another reason, as canine anesthesia is an extreme measure of wart removal.
  6. Try laser ablation. Choose this option if your dog has persistent warts that are unresponsive to other treatments. Your dog will need to be anesthetized for this, but the treatment works directly on the root of the warts and often proves to be the best method for persistent and recurring warts.


  • Vets can use warts caused by the papilloma virus to determine the current state of your dog's immune system. This can be especially helpful in older dogs, whose immune systems are more likely to become unbalanced. You can then consider leaving the benign masses alone as they will not cause any problems for your dog.


  • If your dog has warts caused by a virus, keep him away from other dogs. This is especially important if the warts form in the mouth. Make sure your dog has its own water bowl and does not share it with other dogs. Also keep your dog away from dog parks or other dog locations until the warts are gone.