Win at the grab machine

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 3 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Won DOUBLE Mystery Cups in One Grab at the Claw Machine! #shorts
Video: Won DOUBLE Mystery Cups in One Grab at the Claw Machine! #shorts


Grappling machines are a lot of fun to play - especially when you win a prize. Unfortunately, it is usually very difficult to win something; everyone knows that who has ever tried it. Fortunately, you can significantly increase your chances of winning by studying grab machines and focusing on the most suitable prizes.

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Method 1 of 3: Selecting the right machine

  1. Choose a machine where the prices are a bit spread out. If you choose a machine that is regularly played on, you will see that the prices are no longer so close to each other. If the prizes are too close to, below or next to each other, it is very difficult to grab them with the gripper arm.
    • In practice, this means that a half-full automatic gripper offers you the best chances of winning.
    • Pay special attention to vending machines that are packed and where all the stuffed animals look outside tightly next to each other, exactly as they are placed there. The prizes from such a machine are probably almost impossible to win.
  2. Choose a machine with a gripper arm with three jaws. A three-claw grab arm gives the best results at most prices, although the four-claw grab arms do well when picking up stuffed animals. The gripper arms with two claws are the most difficult to operate.
    • With a gripping arm with four claws you can grab a stuffed animal by the waist. Maneuver the grapple arm so that the four claws are pointing below and above the beast's arms, ensuring the middle part of the grapple arm floats close to the beast's neck or chest.
  3. First, see how someone else operates your chosen grab machine. See how the machine works and how difficult it seems to pick up a prize. Also count how much time the player has from the moment he or she put the money into the machine.
    • When the player picks up a prize with the gripper arm, you can see how loose or firm the grip is. When every prize falls right out of the grab, it may not be such a suitable machine to play as it makes the odds of winning very small.
    • Also note how easy or difficult it is to move the gripper arm. Is it going smoothly or is it going in fits and starts? This is useful information for deciding whether to play this machine.

    Tip: Some gripper arms have a deviation to the left or right as they move up and down. Pay close attention to this when studying a player who is trying to collect a prize.

  4. Determine what price you want before you put money in the machine. This way you don't waste time after you put your money in. You have the best chance of success if you choose a prize that is in or near the center of the prize pool.
    • Round prizes like soccer balls are harder to get hold of than things with angles or irregular shapes like a stuffed animal.

Method 2 of 3: Position the gripper arm

  1. Ask a friend to stand next to the machine to assist you. Ask him or her to look through the side glass to help decide when the grab arm is above your prize. In this way you get the gripping arm in the right position as quickly as possible.
    • When no one can help you, use the mirrored glass or a mirror inside the machine. This way you can observe what you are doing from both sides at the same time.
  2. Use the first ten seconds to get the grab arm above your prize. Start doing this right after you put in the money. Position the gripper arm as accurately as possible.
    • We assume that you only have 15 seconds before the arm goes down. When you have 30 seconds, you can spend the first 20 seconds getting into position.
    • To be as accurate as possible, you should also consider the side view.
  3. Use the last five seconds to make minute adjustments to the gripper arm position. Make tiny adjustments to get the grab arm even better above your price. Ask your assistant for directions next to the grab machine.
    • Be very careful when making your final small adjustments. You don't want your gripper arm to suddenly be completely out of position again.
  4. Lower the gripper arm when your gripper arm is in an optimal position. Make sure you press the button in time to lower the gripper arm. If you are late, the gripper arm moves back to the starting position and you have to start all over again.
    • Note: on some machines the gripper arm automatically lowers when the time is up.
  5. If you missed out on the prize, repeat these steps. There is a good chance that you will not win the first time. Before trying again, try to get the prizes in a better spot for a better chance of winning.
    • For example, you can use the grab arm to push another prize - which is on top of your prize - aside. This way you can better reach the prize you want to win.

Method 3 of 3: Avoid common mistakes

  1. Determine how much money you want to spend on a machine. Obviously, you will have to try several times to get your prize. So there is a risk that you will spend more money than you intended. Therefore, determine in advance a maximum amount that you want to spend and stop playing when that limit is reached.
    • Your budget should never exceed the value of the prize you want to win. If you want to win a stuffed animal for five euros, you can of course never throw more than five euros in the machine.

    Warning: There are gripping machines that have a variable setting for the gripping force of the arm. This means that the gripper arm is only at full strength at predetermined intervals. This is usually ten, which means that the gripper arm is at its strongest every tenth turn.

  2. Beware of machines with big, unbelievable prices. When there are really expensive prizes in the machine, the machine is probably somehow out of tune so that no one ever wins. Every euro you throw into such a machine is wasted money.
    • For example, stay away from cupboards full of the latest iPhones or Samsung Galaxy's, which are sometimes also wrapped in banknotes.
  3. Leave prices that are very low or close to the glass alone. Prices close to the glass are virtually impossible to grasp with the gripper arm. If a price is very low, there is a chance that the gripper arm cannot even reach it. Preferably look for a price that is close to the opening through which the prices fall.
    • All prizes must fall through the opening to get out of the machine. The closer to this opening, the more likely you are to actually get your hands on the prize.
    • When a prize is very low, it is more likely to fall out of the grab after you take it.